
Thursday, August 04, 2022

Everything is Better With Chocolate!

Those in the know will understand this photo and the gratitude it brings.

There are very few things I crave in this world - and Sharon understood the assignment.  LOL!

Not only does she know of my adoration for dark chocolate with chili (oh, it's a delicious grown-up slow burn!) but the card with the puppy butt is bound to make ANYONE smile.

It was just what I needed to kick me into gear, armed with everything I need to spend some time at the machine and continue my progress on "something simple."

More strips area going down - odd combos and all!

Sometimes I can only get a few pairs cut from any combination, sometimes I can get more.  But the sheer volume of strips that don't seem to play as nicely with others are going to find their place in chorus together.  

Just wait and see!

This is where I am so far!

It was started last month, inspired by a quilt that was the background for one of my Quiltville Quotes.

You know how it is when a quilt idea niggles and naggles at you and you just have to finally cave to try JUST ONE BLOCK?

At a time when other deadlines were looming - here I was matching up strip sets and grabbing my Essential Triangle Tool to "just cut a few and see how it goes...."

And I fell down the scrappy rabbit hole.

What can I say.

Since I have been given the green light to get more mobile with this walking boot I have found that I can sew for about 1 1/2 hours before I need to go horizontal with the foot elevated

When I shared my progress on Facebook, this was the comment that came from Mary.  And my reply.

This is how you know that it's all going to be okay.

I may be bruised and broken but I am in no way defeated and I will find a way to keep on quilting on!

Last evening when the Hubster was done with work, we drove over to the inn to welcome the August Quiltvillians - I could visit a while as he finished up some yard trimming he wanted to get done before the next round of rain.

There were many cars there - but the house was EMPTY except for Tonni and Rebecca.

It appears that I had dropped by during a group exodus to Corner Market where they were enjoying dinner after a long travel day.

I did get a private viewing of Tonni's delicious Maymont top, all ready for trimming and quilting!  It's GLORIOUS!

The printable PDF pattern for Maymont is found in both the digital pattern section of the Quiltville Store, and in the Quiltville Etsy Pattern Shop.

Just check out these fun prints!

And in true quilter's fashion, she said she somehow ended up with more scrap strips than she started with.

We are both okay with that - it allows us to make more scrap quilts.

I'm headed over this morning to really welcome everyone around brunch time and say hello.  I just know they are going to have a treat of a week ahead.

In other funny news:

What the heck is this?

Last night was "top a frozen pizza and call it dinner" night since we were back from the inn a bit late.

The Hubster set the oven on pre-heat and proceeded to top the pizza.  

I wondered what was smelling so delicious -

It turns out that he had put the remainder of the cake IN the oven to keep it away from the dogs while we were gone, and he had just proceeded to cook it a second time.

Cake, icing, knife and all.  LOL!

You know what? reheated cake with melted icing is not half-bad after a long day.

I'm still laughing.  And other things that bring a giggle:

I know the flooding situation in Eastern Kentucky is really bad.  My heart goes out to those folks.

At the same time a bit of levity can be healthy medicine.

"Kentucky Noah's Ark sues insurance company over damage caused by heavy rains."

Now THAT's funny.  LOL!

Are you getting tired of seeing this yet?

There are 12 of these motifs that go around the center medallion in this quilt - and last night I finished hand quilting the 11th.  ONE MORE TO GO.

There is still loads to do - but after this section and the diamond section next to it is complete I get to move on to the borders that surround the whole thing, and then the neutral fill in corners.

Not bad really since I started the hand quilting in May. 

Will I finish it by New Year's?  Who knows.

All I know is that I pick it up during evening TV time and that it will get done when it is done.

And yes - I confess - I am thinking of what is going into my hoop once this one is done.

I love that things on the "back burner" give us options and things to look forward to.

If you caught Yesterday's Post you will have seen where I have set up a new "blog notifications by email" service.

Google/Blogger no longer provide this service and Bloglovin' has gone to the bots and is mostly non-functional.

If you would like to receive my blog update notifications in your email inbox (this is different from my newsletter) simply send a blank email to Blog+subscribe@Quiltville.groups.io⁣

A blank email means you just put the address in the to: field and hit send. Do not type any text in the body of the email. If you have an automatic signature in your email, delete it from the body of the email before hitting send.
By adding 5 minutes to my daily routine I can ensure that the email notification will arrive in your inbox in nearly real-time. A win/win for us both!
Groups.io is what I also use for my Quiltville Newsletter which includes new pattern releases, sales, specials, gift-aways and announcements.. If you haven't signed up yet, you can subscribe by sending a blank email to Newsletter+subscribe@Quiltville.groups.io⁣

If you are on a real computer reading this, you'll see places in the right hand side bar of the blog to simply input your email address and click subscribe.

You can unsubscribe at any time!⁣

This morning I am tickled to find that there are over 1,600 of you who would like blog notifications sent to your inboxes.

I will continue to post new blog updates to Instagram and Facebook, but I know there are a multitude of readers who do not DO those platforms or want to go to an RSS reader to find me.

So email updates it is. Thank you so much!

Quiltville Quote of the Day -

Working through the scary things brings more confidence. 

And actions always speak louder than words 

Is it really Thursday already? Have a great one!



Quilter Kathy said...

Maymont is gorgeous! Oh those scrappy rabbit holes are so much fun!
I will never get tired of seeing your hand quilting :)
So glad you are well enough to enjoy some sewing time!

Kara Benavides said...

It was so wonderful to find your blog in my email this morning. I had forgotten how encouraging (if she can do it, I can do it), funny and calming they are. And I missed them!

Patty P said...

In my house that cake would have been called "twice baked cake"....I did the same thing a couple of times when the kids were young....

Debra said...

I will never get tired of seeing your Hexies hand quilting...
It's supposedly going to be 98* today. So I put a dinner in the crock pot.
Have a great day ❤️

KW said...

Glad you are really on the mend. I guess I am one of the 1600! I received your email this morning but my evil email sent it to spam! So everybody needs to check their spam folder and tell your email "not spam"!

tlclauricella said...

I was so excited to see the blog notification in my email this morning! Brought me right to you. And no, never tire of seeing that quilt in the hoop!

NancyFS said...

I keep it simple your page is bookmarked and I go to it every morning as I relax with breakfast & coffee. I'm so grateful for your insights and I look forward to the daily quote. I've yet to make a scrap quilt but I love looking at all that are created and I have cut my odd bits of fabric following your advice for sizes of strips and squares.

Debbie said...

Love that this came straight to my inbox.

Marcia said...

Love the twice baked cake. One of my dogs is a counter surfer so I try to remember to put things in the microwave. So far he's taken a bite out of 2 different pumpkin pies my granddaughter made for Thanksgiving, eaten a whole roasted chicken carcass, ate a chocolate brownie from our local pizza place (thank goodness he isn't allergic to chocolate), grabbed my sandwich when I went to the ladies room, and the list goes on and on. Most recently he grabbed an unopened box of Jr Mints and ate most of them! Our fur babies can get into lots of trouble but we love them anyway!

Bonnie K. Hunter said...

I'm so happy! It took less than 3 minutes for it to hit my own inbox after I hit "send" so I am hoping it landed in all 1600 inboxes that quickly. I don't know why I didn't do this sooner. :)

Debbie Myatt Arnold said...

Heads up Bonnie H., I received your e-mail today, I always enjoy reading and seeing what you are working on and how your day is coming alone. I'm very glad that you are able to get around and getting better each passing day that goes by, Be Blessed and Happy Quilting

C said...

Thanks so much for the extra step to receive your emails. I love your new triangle and hexie quilt, very inspiring! So glad you are getting better!

Alice Cooksey said...

What fun to actually receive your email on the day that it was sent! Hallelujah!

BC said...

I'm so glad you got your blog figured out! I have missed you every morning! Your words always brighten my day!

Shelina (formerly known as Shasta) said...

I'm glad you covered the cake in foil and not in plastic. I've had twice baked cake too.

Samantha M said...

Hurray! I'm back to reading your blog thanks to your email, Bonnie :-)

Cherry said...

Your end of post quote is what I tell myself when I start a mystery quilt!

Leah said...

I love seeing the progress on your hexie quilt. I do some English paper piecing and other hand work, but I haven't tried to tackle hand quilting, so seeing the lovely texture on someone else's work is always interesting. The light blue micro stripe was an inspired design choice in that quilt.

Very interested to see where you're going with the HST project. The sneak peeks look amazing!

Ginny A said...

I just binge read a week's worth of postings after realizing that I hadn't received anything from you in quite a while. I have now signed up to receive email updates again. I am glad to hear that you are progressing, gaining, and surviving the "Swingset Crash of 2022". You are such an inspiration for me in so many ways! You could never be too positive to me!

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