
Friday, July 22, 2022

Where Bee Balm Blooms!

Would you look at that deep rich red!

This morning I was going through photos taken before the Big Swing Crash of 2022 and found these from Saturday morning's walk along Round House Road.

It had been a few weeks - because of the stubbing of my RIGHT toes in a previous Mabel pushing past me down the stairs incident that left me unable to get anything but a flip flop past those toes.

Yes, I sense a theme, don't you?

At any rate, I'd received reports from quilters who did go walking in the past few weeks that there was indeed progress of some sort regarding the Round House.

This is not the round house!

But it is right next door and looks somewhat mid century modern! LOL!

So is this going to be the reconstruction office?  A dwelling while someone lives here and rehabs the old round house (roof seen on the far right) until winter arrives?

Who knows.  In Round House Realm, everything turns slowly - season after season.

I hope after this coming winter it is not too late to save it at all and they end up turning the land into some sort of trailer park for vintage trailers.

My biggest shock of al is that leaves are starting to turn.

I love the colors, don't get me wrong - I am just not ready for all of this green to go orange quite yet.

Crutches by rocker - a still life.

With the early evening temps hovering around 73 and quite pleasant, I gained some assistance in planting myself outside on the porch just  to be OUT.

The only outing this week was to the doctor on Monday - so I'm feeling that nag of cabin fever creeping in.

It wouldn't be so bad if I could get to the sewing machine - but not this week.  Maybe a week from now.  So I am trying to be patient.

We've only had a couple of humming birds discover our feeder this year.  I'm attributing that to the fact that Miss Barbara across from the end of our drive has about 14 feeders on her porch.  We are up the mountain through the trees and they just see no reason to come up this far.

The couple we do have have been busy though, and I enjoyed some reading on my Kindle Paperwhite while listening to them humming away.

Ivy, stretching on the rail and loving being out too.

Ivy has been with us 2 years now this week.  She is such a character.  In fact, it was while Chris's Christmas in July group was here for the first time that Ivy made herself known in a very loud and demanding way - climbing up screens and demanding to be let inside.

She brings us smiles every day.


Big effort of the day -

I refilled the salt and pepper grinders while sitting at the table.


Hey - it's something, right?

Meanwhile, over at Quiltville Inn -

The quilters are quilting!

At last count, Betsy had only a few more blocks to do - I'm so happy to have photos coming by text to my phone to help me feel included!

Hi ladies!

By the look of all the totes, I don't think anyone will run out of projects any time soon!

Pretty colors!

This is looking great!

The unknown quilter - how fun!

This has a very southwestern look!

This photo needs a caption! LOL!

I absolutely love how graphic the quilt in progress on the design walls looks - wow!

The plan today -

Several of the gals are going up to the park in search of ponies along the Appalachian Trail.

When they are back, Dave will take me over to the QPO so they can pop by for a visit.  I'll have the dogs with me so they can soak up all of the loves and pets along with Lola.

Dave will head to town for groceries and other needful things including a hand held shower spray thing so I can take a real shower.

Chris has brought me a walker and a shower chair which should help greatly.

The best news of all is that I was able to sleep through the night with out the hydrocodone.  Hooray.

I hate how loopy that stuff makes me feel.

Some more hand quilting happened - in short bursts.  It's uncomfortable to stay in one position for long so I tend to go from recliner to bathroom to bed to kitchen table and back in any order.

At this point I'm just glad not to be bedridden!

One day at a time, right?

Did you see this happened Last Friday?

It's my newest PDF pattern release - Kismet!
What happens when you combine traditional triangle units with improv inspired string blocks? Kismet, that’s what!⁣

I had enough units left over to make a wall hanging size!

(Little Kismet is sure cute!)
Quilt Sizes: Full: 78’’X 78’’ Wall: 42’’X 42’’⁣
I'm so in love with this quilt, I can't wait to share it with you - so we are kicking everything off with 25% off introductory pricing and no coupon needed, good through 7/31/22.

Two lucky winners will each receive the PDF pattern for Kismet AND Nearly Lemoyne (Also on sale at 25% off) from me along with a Kaleidoscope fabric roll from CottonToQuilts.com!
Whoowhooo! We will draw for those winners next Wednesday 7/27/22 - so hurry and get those entries in on the Gift-Away Post.

Quiltville Quote of the Day -

People will always remember how we made them feel!
Most of all I think that people just want to feel seen and acknowledged as valid.
Happiness is contagious, spread it around!
Vintage Rocky Road to Kansas quilt found in Kansas! This is the traditional string quilt design that lit my fire for string piecing. I love it in all of its forms.

Happy Friday, folks!



esperanza quilts said...

Glad you are out and about, if even a little. Bonnie - is our Scrap Class starting today? I can't get access, wondering if it will be rescheduled due to your circumstances? I can't get a reply from Quilting Daily.

JeanGB said...

At least it's not your sewing machine foot, correct?

Leah said...

Don't you love the hummingbirds' song? It sounds almost computerized to me, but it always makes me smile. We've had low attendance at our feeder this year, too.

It's good to hear that you're getting by and making some progress. Lots of positive thoughts coming your way!

Cats said...

oh, i hear you being determinedly cheerful and positive. My shower chair is out in the storage shed, inaccessible to me, sigh. Glad you're able to manage w/o the pain killer, your tummy and gut will be happier, remember, if you can tolerate yogurt, that willhelp normalize your digestive processes, poor digestive system, between the pain meds and antibiotics, and poor Bonnie! with all the ouchies!!! What a trooper you're being... hugs and happy healing from Carlsbad CA

Cheryl said...

Good to hear that you are able to get around a little. Getting outside does wonders! And a visit to the QPO, seeing Lola, and visiting with the quilters will surely be a boost for you! Really like today's quote - and it is true that we do remember how others made us feel whether good or not so good!

QuilterSD said...

Thanks for being such an inspiration and reminder to adapt to whatever the situation is that we find our selves in!! Best wishes for rapid healing

Joni said...

That trailer reminds me of Lucille Ball's movie "The Long, Long Trailer". What a treasure! I remember well last summer when I knackered my knee, having to slow down and sit under a tree was magical. I became great friends with the blue birds and house wrens.

Feeling gratitude and not expressing it is like wrapping a present and not giving it.William Arthur Ward

Glenda said...

The class I think you are referring to Bonnie filmed some time ago and it gets offered for view every so often.

Carolyn said...

You are amazing! Your continued joy in being able to do what is permissable at this time is so beautiful to see.
Is there possibly a pattern name available for the last graphic quilt on today's blog?

Linda Campbell said...

Bonnie, I'm beginning to think you need to wear combat boots 24/7.

Nell k said...

Not to allow you to heal alone , I managed to take a tumble while out walking yesterday eve. Fractured left radial head...elbow and many wounds o my face. Scratched my glasses. Surgery still to be determined.

Nan said...

I had the same thought as Joni regarding the early 1950s trailer: Lucy and Desi and the Long, Long Trailer. If you haven't seen that movie, track down a copy. It's wonderful.

Shelina said...

I recently had surgery, so I understand the frustration of going about from one position to another and feeling like no progress is being made. I hope that like me, you are feeling better and back to being able to do things normally.

Hudson Quebec said...

It seems to be stacked equilateral (log cabin) triangles, pieced in vertical rows, but it would still be nice to have a pattern name!

Wendy said...

So glad you are feeling better. All the best Wendy D.

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