
Sunday, July 17, 2022

Out For The Count

I embody the term accident-prone. ⁣
And it isn't always my own fault. ⁣
Sometimes accidents are just that - accidents.  ⁣
Last evening The Hubster and I were enjoying the bench swing that hangs between the two huge chestnut trees in the side yard at Quiltville Inn while waiting for the fire pit to get going. ⁣
The swing hung from a huge lodge pole. There was a crack and a crash and we were on the ground.  ⁣
My left leg had been bent at the knee positioning my foot under the swing as we came down. ⁣
The falling pole hit the bridge of my nose. ⁣
Both the left ankle and nasal bone are fractured and the little town of Jefferson NC doesn't have an orthopedics guy so they sent me home with a plaster splint and meds. ⁣
I'll contact the ortho guy in Galax tomorrow and hope he can get me in. ⁣
I'd say this looks worse than it feels but that would be a lie. ⁣
When it hurts too much to even think of quilting, you know I'm hurtin' for certain. ⁣
I may be taking a few days off blogging. Crutches and stairs are proving difficult. ⁣
Friend Martha is going to help get the retreat ready for the next group. The hubster is my hero and will take time off work to do all the needed laundry. ⁣
The next group has been here twice before and knows where stuff is. ⁣
It takes a village.  ⁣
And I'm the village klutz. 🤪⁣
#quiltville #bonniekhunter #oops #klutz #why #ohwhy #ouch #bonniehunter #quilter 


Debra said...

Oh Dear Bonnie! U poor thing... I'm saying prayers for you and your husband..take it easy please. My thoughts are with you 💗

Juana said...

So sorry! It could have been a lot worse and I am thankful that you survived this accident! I am sending you healing gris gris from central Mississippi!

Debra said...

If you absolutely have to do something, work on your hand projects.. your hexies or whatever.

Ruth C said...

Get better soon, Bonnie! I don't think it counts as being a klutz if it something else fails/falls and not you!

Marlene said...

That looks sore Bonnie. It must've been scarey when it happened. Sending best wishes for your recovery.

"Bee" said...

Oh Noooooooo Bonnie!!!! So sorry you got these injuries:(:( Hoping you can get into the Dr.'s office tomorrow!!! How wonderful that Martha and hubby are stepping up to get everything ready for the next quilting group!!!
Take care and please let us know how you are doing!!! Will whisper a prayer for you!!!

Marsha B said...

Oh no! Sending prayers for a swift recovery and some good pain meds while you heal! Glad the hubster is OK and can help out while you are healing. Don't worry about the blog, you just rest and feel better!

Rtrittel said...

Oh, Bless your heart, Bonnie! You have had more than your fair share of accidents this year! I hope you get seen to by the dr. soon. Rest up, sweetie!

gayle said...

Oh no! Ow ow ow!
You need a steady supply of tea, ice, and iced tea.
Rest and heal.

Kathy said...

how is your hubby? He fell too. We are all thinking of you and hope you heal fast.

Linda C said...

Oh, Bonnie, I am so very sorry for your accident...they can happen to anyone. FYI You might feel it, but you are not the "Village Klutz"!

Craig said...

So, so, SO, sorry!! At my age (70), I'm always on the look out for an accident to happen. Last year I was riding my bike, going way too fast, and fell. I crushed the muscle and ligaments in right thigh and tore meniscus in right knee. Torn meniscus and broken bones can be fixed but crushed muscle and ligaments take a looong time to heal. One and a half years later I'm so much better but still get pain in thigh if I move the wrong way. BE CAREFUL!! Patty McDonald

gladiquilts said...

This wasn’t your fault; you were simply unlucky. Sending you healing thoughts and wishes for a speedy recovery!

belarmina said...

Bonnie te deseo una pronta recuperación, envio grandes abrazos desde este lado del Océano

Lisa in Port Hope said...

Once you feel up to it I'd rather know that you were sewing,not blogging. Get better soon

Rebecca in AK said...

Hi Bonnie, you might not think so now, but you are really quite fortunate. We had a lady in our community that had a similar accident, only the swing frame was made of logs. It came down on her and left her paralyzed from the neck down. Just rest and heal. Maybe a good time to catch up on some reading?

Jennie Turvey said...

Feel better soon.

trudys_person said...

Oh no! I'm so sorry Bonnie! Take good care of yourself and best wishes for a speedy recovery!

Mary said...

OH MY GOODNESS, it's amazing that is all that happened, and you were both not more seriously injured (or gasp, a guest....). Praying for you to heal, and hoping that the coming days let you rest.

JenS said...

O'wow! This is horrible. Hope you are able to get all fixed up in a jiffy!

Sharon Sorrels said...

I fell on Father's Day, smashed my whole face on concrete, and spent 5 hours in the emergency room. I had 4 face stitches, chipped front teeth, a small fracture above my wrist, and bloody cuts everywhere. I am almost well and I feel your pain. I couldn't use my hand so I missed sewing and cooking. I have a wonderful husband nurse and it seems you do also. Just take it easy. Your fabric will wait for you.

Suzanne Shearon said...

Oh, crumb!!!!! I'm so sorry you're hurting and stopped in your tracks by this accident. Lean on all the people who can help and let go of unnecessary mental and physical burdens. You must rest and heal. We all understand. Show us how you can excel at self-care. It's time for that now. I will pray for an ortho appointment tomorrow, a plan moving forward, and relief from pain. Know that you're in my thoughts and prayers, Bonnie!

Janet O. said...

Oh, this looks and sounds very painful, Bonnie! So sorry you are going through this, but grateful it wasn't even worse! Really hope you are able to rest--and it is good to hear of your support system stepping up and covering for you!

Ruth McIlwain said...

Hi Bonnie, I am in Germany with my family ri now visiting and just read about your accident.
I am so sorry this happened to you and hope the pain will not so bad anymore. I'll be thinking of you and hope that the healing process will be fast.

Carla said...

Oh my! I sure hope the ortho takes you in right away and helps you get some pain relief. Did the swing get thrown into the fire? JK I do hope you feel better soon.

vicki said...

Bonnie just take care of yourself!! When it rains it pours!! Big hugs!

Kim A said...

So sorry to hear about your accident, hope you have a speedy recovery and it doesn't get in the way of life too much. Take care, we'll all be cheering you on!

Valerie House said...

I hope you can get into the orthopedic doctor quickly, and get pain relief for both areas so you are comfortable. I am so sorry for your accident! Take care and so thankful for your friend and hubby to help you!

Mary Bolton said...

Wishing you the speedy recovery!

Judy said...

So sorry for the accident, hope you can see the doctor soon.

Astrid Reflux said...

OUCH! I'm so sorry - it must feel like you've just recovered from the last one and like the universe is out to get you! Hope it heals up quickly and completely.

Michael said...

So sorry you're hurt! Wishing you a speedy recovery so you can get back to doing what you love!

otherussin said...

Bonnie, you are not a klutz! You had a total collapse of your swing. Praying all goes well for you including getting your nose and ankle seen by the ortho Dr. Take care get well. Your blogs which I look forward to can wait till you feel up to working on them. .y suggestion for us readers go look at Bonnie's older blogs and catch up on older news.

Linda Mischloney said...

Now Bonnie you can't wear the crown of village klutz when you get hurt while sitting down! I hope you heal quickly and whatever you do, don't sneeze! 🤕.

Cathy said...

Poor Bonnie. I am so sorry. Take it easy and give your body time to heal. Hugs.

Unknown said...

Oh, dear! Here's hoping the orthopedic doc can see you ASAP. Wishing you a speedy recovery!

Loris said...

I'm so sorry, Bonnie. My heart goes out to you. I'm grateful for those able to step in and help you. Praying you heal well and quickly. I'm recovering from a messed up ankle and a knee replacement. God hold you close.

SueR said...

Good grief. I just got whacked across the bridge of the nose in the same place two days ago. Lovely bruise there now. Not like you though, such a freak accident. Hope the pain eases very soon! Take care!

MRose said...

Bonnie, several years ago, I broke my ankle (both tibia and fibula) when I tripped over a piece of air that got in my way. Of course I was out of town - had it put in a boot until I could get home to my own doctors for the surgery. I have MUCH empathy for you. If there is a somewhat brighter side to this, at least it's your left ankle and it's possible for you to drive and operate your sewing machine with your right foot. I wish you good luck with your doctors!

Lynn said...

Sending get well wishes for a quick recovery.

Nancy said...

I'm so sorry this happened to you. I am thinking of you and hope for a quick recovery.

Carol Weber said...

Oh, my deepest sympathies! I've had both your injuries, but not simultaneously, so while I know the huge pain of each, I'm horrified at the thought of both at once. Heal. Take time. We can all be patient for when you're ready to return.

Judy T. said...

OMG! I'm so sorry, Bonnie. Heal quickly. Sending positive vibes.

Debcal1946 said...

I certainly feel for you! I've had my share of falls and always seem to land on my knees. Here's hoping for a fast recovery and no lasting damage.

Debcal1946 said...

I've had my share of falls and always seem to land on my knees. Here's to a fast recovery with no lingering damage.

BarbaraS said...

Oh, sweetie! So sorry! Hang in there, unlike the durned swing!

Pat at Bell Creek Quilts said...

Oh no! Hope you heal fast!

QuilterSD said...

Prayers for a quick and full recovery.

Susan said...

So sorry you got hurt. The swing collapse had to be a shock to the system even if you hadn't been injured. I hope the doctors can fix you up and relieve some of the pain.

Joan E said...

Oh, so sorry, Bonnie, that you were hurt, wishing you all things good, thankful you were not alone when it happened, and your husband and Martha can help you through the pain.

Nell k said...

Sending prayers for quick healing and comfort. Id say it is reading and Netflix time for a bit.

AnnieBikes said...

So very sorry to hear about your mishap. Take care and heal fast!!

KitKat said...

Prayers and blessings for a speedy recovery, Bonnie!

KW said...

OH NO! I feel for you! I went through a period like you are having and I told my mother that I thought I was becoming accident-prone. She calmly said, "No, dear, you have abused the privilege much to long, you need to face the fact that you are clumsy!" Gee, thanks mom! (She was a droll old bird and I miss her!)

Loretta McGinn said...

Oh gosh, Bonnie! You just can't get a break....oops, no pun intended. I'm just so sorry this happened to you. Who would have ever thought it. I hope you heal quickly and with much pain. Rest easy. You are loved.

JMOT said...

So sorry to hear this and wishing you swift and complete healing, Bonnie! Your feet and lower legs do seem awfully vulnerable, although this one doesn't seem to have much of anything to do with something you did. Glad your "village" is taking care of you.

Unknown said...

Bonnie, I am so sorry. I totally understand pain, broken bones and the need for you to get some rest and recover. Deep breath. Please take care and let others share the workload. You are precious to us!

Gail Piper said...

SO, so sorry!!! Here's hoping for a speedy and complete recovery!!! Thankful that your hubby and friend are coming to your aid...

Linda said...

Oh my goodness!! I can only imagine how much that hurts! I'm sorry to hear about your accident. That could have happened to anybody. I hope you get lots of pampering and you heal soon!

Carmen M. said...

Oh Wow Bonnie, So sorry this happened to you, I hope you feel better soon!

Karen said...

Oh gosh! I hope you have a speedy recovery,so sorry to hear about your accident.best wishes xoxo

Lesley Gilbert said...

Hope you have plenty of pain meds. You didn't mention any pain for hubby so guessing he is ok. Can't believe this just happened, right after you were back walking again. You have a good hubby and friends to help you get through this ((hugs))

M Elliott said...

So glad you weren't hurt worse even though I know you are hurting alot. Just rest and get better at your own pace. Your quilting can wait. I'll do enough for both of us.

Karen Marlene Fulbright said...

Sending love and prayers for speedy healing! Klutz or not we are all prone at times for misfortune. I slipped on a tiny (dessert saucer size) patch of ice and broke both bones immediately above the ankle. One straight across and one on the 45 degree slant. Thankful for good ortho doc. Hope you heal quickly. K.

Auntsister said...

YOU ARE NOT A KLUTZ!!! Nothing you were doing created this accident, so please don't add an insult to your injury. Dear Bonnie, so many people love you and are praying for you. Please rest and recover, and don't worry, we'll be here when you're able to come back.

Beth B said...

OUCH! Take the time you need to heal. I am sure your followers will be waiting and wishing for your recovery. I know I will.

Angie said...

I'm so sorry this happened to you Bonnie. So scary. I'm glad your hubby wasn't hurt too. Porch, tree swings can be dangerous for sure. We have had a few incidents with some of ours. Once a friends child tipped the porch swing backwards and fell on his head, the chain broke on the tree swing, but no one was hurt, and our old cedar lawn swing frame has some cracks in the wood that make it creak. Reading about your accident makes me more aware to check it out now. Get well soon.

RoxySherburne said...

Dear Bonnie, So sorry to hear about your accident. Wishing you a speedy recovery so you can get back to feeling better and quilting again. My thoughts and prayers are with you. Roxy in Hudson, WI

Ginny A said...

Oh, no! Please don't worry about us here on the blog! We all are sending warm wishes and prayers for your speedy recovery! Bless the Hubster and Martha for helping out! Take care of you, Dear Bonnie!

nancy c said...

So sorry this happened to you! Rest and heal. Wishing you a speedy recovery!

WiltedQuilter said...

Bonnie, I'm so sorry this happened to you. Ouch, ouch, ouch. Sending lots of caring thoughts your way. Take some time for yourself to rest and heal. Take time off from the blog if it will help. We will be fine without you for as long as it takes.

Kris in WI said...

Adding my prayers for you and your care team to those above.

Diane said...

Oh Bonnie! You probably need a neck x-ray also. Being hit like that can cause more damage than you can see. Praying for you and lifting you up to God for healing. You are so lucky to have people to step in to help you.

Cats said...

well isn't that a fine kettle of fish... hope in the days to come you'll be up to reading all the wonderful feel goods being sent your way... and they add to your healing... they say (who ARE they?) that tequila has anti-inflammatory and healing properties...if you are not ambulatory and promise you won't get tipsy and fall over, i suggest a nice Margarita as pain killer and relaxing cocktail as part of your therapy... also suggest lots of fun stuff on your Netflix and other suppliers of entertainment... we have all read about the healing properties of laughter and hopefully that, too, can help you heal... you have been inundated with get wells and heal quicklies... just keep breathing, in and out, and you know we're all watching for your progress and care deeply about your recovery... and well-being... love and best from Cats in Carlsbad CA

ceblakeney said...

Jeezapeez if it's not one thing it's another. And holy crapamoly. You are not a klutz, Bonnie. You are a human, and accidents happen when you are a human, and they suck. So shelter in place and heal. You have a good team around you, both two and four legged.

Sue M said...

Praying for a speedy recovery

Sharon said...

So sorry you are hurting! This is not a klutz thing, this was a UFO (unexpected falling object). I hope you got to the doctor today, and are properly cast and medicated. Keep the pain under control, you will heal faster. Will be praying for you and your caretakers.

NJGardenLady said...

Shit just happens. Take care are heal.

charityquilter said...

Oh my! I know it's bad but I'm so glad it wasn't worse! I hope you and the hubster will one day BURN the swing in revenge. LOL That's what we did when our deck collapsed with me on it causing me to land on the concrete slab below and breaking a rib - right side, back. It felt SO good to watch it burn.

Sharon said...

So sorry Bonnie. I hope the pain is short lived, and you heal fast.

Mary said...

Sit on your bum

Mary said...

Sit on your bum and go up and downstairs using your good leg/foot and arms.

shoshu said...

so sorry Bonnie, sending your prayers for a speedy and not too boring recovery

Karen said...

A friend of mind broke her foot ( she missed the bottom step fell in her house) and had a huge cast. She was not very good with the crutches, no one really showed her how to use them right, and she was scared. Have someone show you how to use the crutches correctly. If you have a desk chair on wheels, that is a good way to move around on one floor, using your good foot to scoot you along. It is a good thing you husband didn't suffer similar injuries. Get Well soon. Elevate and ice, too.

DebSlaugh said...

Prayers for your recovery. Grateful for your wonderful husband and good friend Mona who can help get things ready for the next group. Rest and take it as easy as you can. You will be missed during your recovery time. I so enjoy your blog. Taking a break is necessary for you to recovery. We'll be here when you are back.

Amy said...

Love & light for a quick healing to you. You give so much, it is no surprise that others are around when you suddenly need a bit of help. We reap what we sow. You are amazing, I'm sure that even when you are not at your machine you are dreaming up all sorts of wonderful quilty goodness!

Unknown said...

Bonnie, Did you break your glasses too? Hope not. I bet Ivy and the dogs will give you lots of cuddles and snuggles. Heal quickly and fully. Polly

Jenn said...

OUCH! This one's not on you though - it's the swing's fault. As a fellow klutz, I feel you. I walk into doorframes, miss steps and roll my ankles on the regular. I'm so glad it wasn't any worse. When you feel up to it, let us know how it went with the orthopedic surgeon. Your hubby sounds like a gem, and I'm glad he's there to take care of you - and the laundry. Focus on rest and healing, and know that prayers, and thoughts, and vibes, and juju and gris gris is being sent your way from all over!

Ames in VA said...

Hoping the fractures are simple and you heal well. So sorry you had this fall.

Jean said...

So sorry this happened. Hopefully the orthopedic guy got you in and you are a lot more comfortable. And repeat after me.... I am not a klutz! We all go through this type of thing. Didn't hubby fall with you? I doubt if you are calling him a klutz... its an accident... it was no ones fault, it just happened... that's why we call them accidents. Take care.

Leah said...

Bonnie, I'm so sorry that you got hurt!! Sending hopes that the docs get you patched up and on the road to a good recovery.

Nancy W said...

Hope you are getting the care you need and sending wishes for a speedy recovery.

otherussin said...

Missing your blog but you take time to get back in good shape. I'm keeping you in my prayer.

Monica said...

Well, you can't say you're a klutz when it's just the tree that broke! Best wishes for a speedy recovery. Take whatever time and help you need!

Judy said...

Bonnie check out this item on amazon....it might save your hips when you wear a boot. EVENup Shoe Balancer/Leveler It fits on your good foot shoe.

lynn said...

I've recently been in similar shoes. Broken noses heal, black eyes return to normal, the multiple broken bones usually knit together, (with a little help from our Orthopod friends at times) Ok, what's the upside? We are given the opportunity to learn how to receive help from others. There may be a chance to read the book that has been waiting a while, our meditation practice won't get put on hold, and we get the chance to appreciate once again our good fortune in life. Sending you hugs,

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