
Monday, May 02, 2022

May/June '22 Quiltmaker Gift-Away!

It's Quiltmaker Gift-Away Time!

Who is ready for the May/June 2022 issue?

I'm so happy it's MAY - it certainly has taken its own sweet time in coming.  I love seeing photos and videos of long-awaited graduations, of proms, weddings, and more.

This is the stuff that happy memories are made of, and oftentimes they include quilt giving, which makes it even better!

I love magazine arrival day!  It becomes an automatic "Set everything aside" event and I plop myself into the comfy chair in my studio (usually with Lola on my lap) and slowly turn page after page to see just what is inside to inspire me this month.

This is a sneak peek of the index page - and there are so many awesome quilts full of inspiration in here!

The theme is quilts by and for men - (Father's Day is around the corner and another great holiday opportunity for quilt gifting!) and my friend Scott Murkin is the centerfold guy this issue, interviewed by another friend Debby Brown!

I have watched Scott make these quilts and share his process while doing so through his Facebook and Instagram posts - ALWAYS fun to watch.  There is never a time when something is not underneath his needle, and he shares his construction process for each step of the way, taking his art in directions that are new to me and exciting.

But perhaps the OTHER exciting thing to happen in this issue is the 3rd installment of Ruby Jubilee!

It's as if the blocks from my 10 years of writing the Addicted to Scraps column for Quiltmaker are getting new life, new purpose.  I love revisiting these favorites, oftentimes in a different size than the originals - more opportunities to hit the Scrap User's System!

My baskets in purples!

Peppermint Schnapps blocks in lavender/purple

Spin those center seams where you can, baby!

(This brings all the happy feels, doesn't it?)

Outside In!

I love how simply rotating shaded hourglass units make this block sparkle. Who says simple patchwork can't have its own pizzazz?? 

There are still those flying geese to make - a whole flock of them - but I'll get to them this week.

And don't forget the Addicted to Scraps block for this issue - it's called Windmill and contains 2 of my favorite things: Quarter-square triangles and Half-square triangles together!  

This block has so many possibilities and I just know you are going to have fun playing with it.

And not only will I be giving 3 issues away to 3 lucky winners - 

But as this is Mother's Day Week - we'll sweeten the deal with some IronEZ sets!

The ironing board adjustable clip can fit a multitude of thicknesses – this will even clamp to a table top, tray or big board.

It fits and corrals a multitude of favorite bottle sizes – and the free bottle that comes with it has even a finer mist than the traditional trigger spray.

Fill them with your favorite spray be it Best Press, Flatter, spray starch or sizing, or the homemade vodka version – whatever your favorite concoction is.

One winner will win the IronEZ with standard bottle, a second will win the IronEZ with fine mist bottle, and our third winner will receive a 2 pack of fine mist bottles!

No more knocking that spray bottle off of their ironing board ever again.

I am just this sold on the product, and the kind folks at IronEZ are offering a 15% discount to my readers using code BH15OFF.

Quiltmaker Magazine AND an IronEZ product? Who's ready to win?

(Due to shipping, this gift-away is available to USA residents only please.) 

We'll draw for our 3 winners on Monday, 5/9/22. Good luck, everyone!

Greening up!

Our long range view is almost blotted out by the newly emerging leaves of the woods that cover our mountainside.

It's such a wonderful sight to behold - if only the eyes would stop being so sticky!  

Some rain happened yesterday - a bit more rain to wash the pollen down and all will be hunky dory this side of the mountain.

I hope everyone had a grand weekend - it feels so good to be able to be out and doing things without having to grab a jacket first.

Today I'm on a jaunt to Roanoke to visit a friend I haven't seen in eons, and I'm eager to hit the road.

Quiltville Quote of the Day -

When you look back on your life, will you remember the happy times, or the sad times? Make more happy memories!
Vintage Apple Core quilt found in Michigan.

Happy Monday, folks!



Mary said...

It rained all day Saturday, so I stitched! My Pure Stash is getting all the playtime. Have to find more background fabric to tie it all together. Not going scrappy on that. I love the Green but the flowering and blossoming gets me better. Blueberries and Strawberries are coming soon! Azaleas and Snowballs and Rhododendron. Oh my! Happy Monday doing what makes you happy..

Kris in WI said...

When I read the caption under the 4th picture, "My baskets in purples," my mind read it as "MAY baskets in purples!" Either way, basket blocks are a favorite and a good match with the purple hyacinths and crocus heralding spring in cloudy, rainy southern WI. (Shh -- Don't say it out loud, but I did hear a rumor of SUN on Sunday!)

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