
Thursday, May 12, 2022

Do What You Can, With What You Have, Where You Are.

When ever I feel there is too much on my plate, I remember the fabulous example of my friend Jill - who as a CPA working through the hellfire of tax season will STILL find a way to do things that center her soul and set her day off on a positive note -

By sewing simple and super cute children's quilts from charm squares of novelties and brights.  She's turned out hundreds - all in 20 to 30 minutes of early morning time before heading off for her busy workday.

I may not have time to make loads of donation quilts for kids in need - but I certainly can help out by pressing and cutting fabric into 5'' squares and get them into the hands of those who CAN do the assembly part.

It takes a village - you never know where what you can provide can fill a need.  Many hands and all that, right?

This is what I was doing while dealing with the news coming from Washington DC as I watched our human rights slide closer to the chopping block.

This is something I can do while I feel hopeless.

I was able to fit 6 pounds of 5'' squares into one padded priority mail envelope.  It should reach its destination in a couple of days.  

There is a hope and a prayer and a wish for love and happiness in every square - for each of the children who will receive these quilts.  

The world is getting scarier with each passing day.  These children are our future. What can we do to assure their well being as they grow?

If you are unable to make donation quilts for any organization that needs quilts - perhaps you CAN help with fabric supplies or even pressing and cutting so that someone can simply sew.

The Muddy Creek Misfits are in the house!

And the porch is ready!

There will be lunch out here today!

And overnight - the Rhodies started blooming!

Only a few have popped so far -

But more are coming!

I spent much of yesterday at my desk getting Maymont ready for pattern release day this coming Monday 5/16/22.

Lola thought she would help by keeping the quilt from walking away.  Good job, Lola!

Photo ops happened yesterday too!

I tried a few different locations - each came with their own challenges of either too much wind, too much shade, or just didn't look right.

So here I am sharing one of the reject photos with you.  LOL! Blotchy shade AND gusty wind!

But you get the idea - and I can't wait to have this ready - remember when I was making this back last fall? I was able to use up so many short strips from my Scrap User's System in the making of Maymont.


Today my plan is to dive deep into the 2023 Addicted to Scraps column blocks that are due to Quiltmaker soon.  It feels weird to be working on things that won't happen until next year, and also working with different color fabric options for fall or even Christmas - but if we don't do it now it just doesn't happen.

I'm also looking forward to porch time with the retreat gals -

But first up (as soon as I hit post) we've got to go retrieve the Hubster's pickup truck from Collision Express.  It's READY!  Let's hope there won't be any more attack deer on the roads in the next long while.

How is your own Thursday shaping up?

Quiltville Quote of the Day -

(How I love a simple 9-patch!)

Today I'm grateful for friends and family who have stood by me, often uplifting me when my own strength failed me.
My life is far happier with you in it!
I'm also thinking of family and friends who have passed beyond this life. I am indeed stronger because of your examples.
You are greatly missed!

Okay - on with Thursday - make it a good one!



Lori said...

Nothing "reject" about that photo, it's beautiful!

Becky said...

So much this. I am using I spy squares as my leader-enders right now and making tops for the children's hospital, and putting the extras of other prints into kennel quilts for shelters or bags for beads of courage. I'm trying to find a home for fabric I won't use, and getting things into the hands of people who can use things I have that I am not using. It helps me stay sane when I can't change the big stuff. This year I have committed to buying a piece of fabric (3/4 yd non-directional, 1.25 yards if directional) every fabric store trip to make a pillowcase to donate.

It does take a village. Your post reminded me of the John Wesley quote that I try to live by:

“Do all the good you can,
By all the means you can,
In all the ways you can,
In all the places you can,
At all the times you can,
To all the people you can,
As long as ever you can.”

KW said...

Love the picture of Maymont! I can't wait! What size strips are we diving into for this one?

Sue Lee said...

Lola looks like such a sweetie. I just want to reach thru the screen and love her up!

Mary said...

You are such a giver! Your cutting squares gives me an idea for the Boxes of donation fabrics in my Garage. I just got a bigger Go Cutter. I can cut squares and put them in baggies for our Silent Auction in July. Thanks for sharing. My totes are overflowing with Quiltville Addicted to Scraps blocks for the Jubilee Mystery. Cannot wait to see where they land.. Happy Thursday.

claudia said...

I look at that photo as organic. You can't get any more real than that! Love it!

Farm Quilter said...

A quilt in the wild!! Beautiful, with the play of sunlight and shadow, as well as the breeze to show the backing!!

Jocelyn said...

Beautiful post. Can you suggest a place that will accept 5" squares for donation quilts?

Quilter Kathy said...

Another gorgeous sparkly scrap quilt! And a great quote of the day to remember!
I hope the new quilters at retreat will enjoy the pretty porch!

Neller said...

Lovely rhododendrons! I grew up in Portland, or, where rhododendrons abound, but now I'm in southern Arizona, where I am enjoying flowering cacti and lantana, No rhodies down here!

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