
Friday, May 06, 2022

Cinco de Mayo - OUT!

How is this for happy colors?

When the opportunity comes to spend Cinco de Mayo out with a friend, including antique malls and Mexican fare for lunch - I'm all in!

This plan formed a bit over a week ago when Martha and I were plotting where to head next on a girl's day out.

And we had a ball!

We headed first toward Rural Retreat and made a quick stop at The Dutch Pantry, an Amish store/deli for some much needed bulk items and a snack and gabbed all the way to our first destination in Wytheville.

1950s -1960s fabrics.

Someone's grannie was busy!

I get the biggest kick out of odd combinations of fabrics!

I'm glad we found this one -

Because after hitting 3 antique malls in one day, we realized just how much quilts are in short supply - and where quilts have been plentiful through my 22 years of living  in the south, I am wondering what has happened to what we used to find.

I love the bold solid sashing and cornerstone colors -

Grannie had great color sense!

And the hats -

MUST try on hats!

A couple of well loved tied wool crazy quilts.  Made for warmth, I bet these did their job splendidly!

Evidently the Smith family kept the Flour, Sugar, Coffee canisters and got rid of Raisins and Beans.  LOL!

And then, the machines - there were machines!

Lovely Sphynx decals - just missing a slide plate.

1950s Universal electric model -

Refitted into an old treadle cabinet.

Oooh!  A tiny 1950s Bell!

Singer chain stitcher!

Japanese made Kingston Deluxe

Oh the beauty of tiger oak!

What a gorgeous cabinet housing a Red Eye 66.

I know it's an early one - the screw for the foot is at the back side of the attachment bar.

Commissioned on June 14, 1914.

108 years young!

A couple of rusted out and frozen up door stops -

And I instantly thought the Red Eye in the gorgeous cabinet above could use that slide plate from this one - just saying!

Evidently door stops make good lamps?

And this is where we saw the "Weirdest Thing of the Day" - and we couldn't stop shaking our heads and laughing.

Got an old pressure cooker you have no use for? Stick an industrial light bulb on it and call it art! (And then ask yourself where you are going to put it?)

Unused water pump?

Put it on the porch, maybe?

Yes.  Yes, that is what you think it is..

Yes, that is an industrial light on top of a church banquet hall coffee pot. I'm not sure what the thing next to it is - 

Has any one seen the meat grinder or the colander? 

I can't seem to find them!

(I know this photo is blurry - I cropped it and blew it up from the whole shelf photo above.)

I'm glad someone has found humor in making lamps out of otherwise unwanted things.

I just don't know where to put them!

In other "oh, I've got to have that" news -

This didn't make the list either.  LOL!

Are they.....salad bowls? With feet?  The handles look like tails, and I wouldn't be surprised if they just walked right off the table.

But I LOVE these!

Only, I am on bowl restriction so none of these came home either.

This did come home!

I fell in love with the amber glass jar and knew exactly what I would put in it when I reached home - Cinnamon Bears! 

It was an awesome day out.  I was really in search of any other buffet/sideboard that would be better than the one I found in Jefferson earlier this week.

I didn't see anything that I liked more - so we are off this morning to hopefully see it is still there and pick it up.

We are also dropping by CVS to get our 2nd boosters.  It's been 6 months since our 1st boosters and this is one thing I am not getting behind on.  We've got a rainy weekend to stay in and feel punky if need be.

There is hand quilting at hand, and time to rest through it all.

How does your own Friday seem to be shaping up?

Did you enter our Mother's Day Week drawing yet?  Those Quiltmaker issues and IronEZ sets are still up for grabs!

Head on over to the Gift-Away post and get your entry in.  We'll be drawing for our 3 winners (USA Addresses only please) on Monday 5/9/2022.

Quiltville Quote of the Day -

It's the old "I think I can, I think I can, I KNOW I can!"
And if you are telling yourself you CAN'T -- you need to knock those thoughts out of your head and find a way.
It might be a different route, at a different pace, but you CAN get there!

Have a wonderful Friday, everyone -



Connie said...

Those lamps remind me of the TV show Flea Market Flip where they had to take weird things and turn them into "useable" items. I think they called this category Steam Punk or something like that. These may be the rejects! LOL! Isn't the pretty blue machine at the same place as the sideboard?? Hmmm . . . maybe it will come home with you too!

Linda in NJ said...

Bonnie: Where are the best antique malls in your area, Wytheville? My daughter and I would love to do a weekend hitting them up!

robynfam said...

Heading out about 2pm to Wakeman Ohio and Bellweather Farm It's our yearly ECW meeting and retreat at camp. Never been there that it was not raining and mud. Loved the lamps! Art is anything anyone can dream up! Have a great weekend!

JeanGB said...

A while ago someone at a retreat was pinning a quilt using a board. I thought you said you would put the video somewhere as a reference or did I just make that up?
Anyway, I can't find it. Can you help? Thanks

Mary said...

I'm spending the day Shop Hopping. I NEED some girlfiend time. May for me is going good. Love that you can find a few things to make you smile in the Antique store. Git my Red Eye and would love a Phoenix.

quiltpiecer said...

I only had a slight head ache from my second booster. not even a knot on my arm. what unique items at that antique store. I love going in them but rarely buy anything. I did pick up an original Barbie at the last one i went too in Md. I now have 4 of them with the original Barbie bob hair. We even have original clothes. My girls had a 3 story barbie house that mu spouse made and furniture, etc. It was well played with my the grand daughters and is now put away for the great grands. Betsy K

JuliAnn Craver said...

I think you are referring to the hand basting video. If so the link is on March 9 on the blog. It is Sharon Schamber hand basting YouTube.

Vintage Quilter said...

I love love those bowls too! Wish I was there to pick one up! Thanks for all the pictures.

Betty S said...

Oh my! I got the biggest chuckle out of those funky lamps. Thanks for sharing with us Bonnie. Have a great weekend and Happy Mothers Day.

Anne said...

Hi Bonnie. While you are out getting the sideboard don't forget the beautiful blue sewing machine for your Mother's Day gift.

QuiltinLibraryLady said...

I guess lamps can be made out of anything can't they? I think the one next to the huge coffee maker may have started life out as a crank cherry pitter. My grandma had one and it looked kind of like that. I wonder where grannie's cherry pitter ever went. It wasn't anywhere to be found when I cleaned out my mom's house after she passed.

Tammie said...

I need that red eye! It was commissioned on my birth date…not in 1914…but June 14…😂😂😂. I wish I could find cabinets like that in Texas that people didn’t want an arm and a leg for.

Diane said...

Would you be willing to share the Antique place where all the machines were.

B. J. In Virginia said...

LOVE the meat grinder lamp with the colander shade!

DLREB said...

The tied wool crazy quilts look just like some my husband got from his family-- he doesn't remember if it was his grandmother or further back, I'm wondering if you know about when those would have been made?? Thanks for any information you can provide about that type of quilt & when they were popular??

Ruth said...

When allergy season hits, try taking a shower at bedtime to wash all the pollens off your hair and body. Then be sure you have a clean pillowcase too. A room air purifier would help clean the air while you sleep, too. Hopefully these ideas will help you deal with the dreaded pollen season.

Judy said...

I have the same exact that you showed at the top of the page. It hasn't been used in I have no idea how long, probably 50 years . I found it in my grandmother's basement and she said if I could get my uncle to bring it up and fit it in my little hatch back it was mine. We did it and he was not all that happy to carry it up a flight of steps.

Anonymous said...

Don't judge: I still use the colander that belonged to my mom, which I'm guessing is close to 80 years old! Mom took good care of her possessions and I'm trying to do the same. It's aluminum, no dents, still looks good.

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