
Saturday, March 12, 2022

Steppin' Out With My New Friends!

Wild double-bloom daffies on the hillside.

And that sky!

If you could see what is outside right now, and what is coming overnight through tomorrow - you'd know exactly why we took this nearly-60-degree chance to soak up a bit of sunshine and vitamin D before it all hit.

Last week the daffs weren't up.  Yesterday - there they were!  A welcome sign to Gail's Quilt Buddies who are at Quiltville Inn on retreat this week.

It was cool in the shade -

But by the time we'd huffed up the hill after walking down by the river, those coats were mostly tied around waists.

March in the Blue Ridge.  You've just gotta love it - because it doesn't do any good to hate it!

I love sharing my favorite little waterfall spot!

I have no idea what that weird reflection is toward the top of the photo - but it's the only one I took.

We hiked up past the old Halsey place -

There were cattle in the pen to greet us.

I love to hear the ooohs, and ahhhs, and speculations on what this place could have been in its hey day.

We'll never know.  And folks around here understand that it is the LAND that holds the value, not the old dwellings.

It's not like anyone is going to subdivide around here.

Instead, we'll enjoy it for what it is -

A glimpse into days-gone-by and a wonderful place to get a good long leg stretch in after hours of sitting and sewing.

All the way to the NC state line and back!

I'm so glad we did this!

I don't think anyone will want to be walking through the weekend!

I woke to a skiff of snow this morning. It's a stay in and quilt till you wilt kind of weekend ahead.

I'm okay with that!  There is good food coming out of the kitchen, great conversation, laughter, time for naps if you want - fires in the fireplaces and warm beverages all around.

It's that HARD FREEZE coming tonight that I know is going to take the Daffies out. *SIGH*  I'm going to try to cut some today and bring them in to enjoy, because they certainly aren't going to survive this winter freeze.

I'm glad that the apple trees haven't budded out yet.

Now those chestnuts?  They can freeze all they want because I'd be happy if they weren't as plentiful as they were last fall.

But I hate to see the daffies go when they are just getting started.

Things are coming together for our Hearts 0f Hope Sew-Along!

(Extra bonus points if you spot Lola's paw!)

There is a whole lot of trimming up to do, and then I can get that last border on.  I love how ideas that are only in our heads become reality when we put them to fabric - often looking much better in person than in dreams.

On the Quilter's For Ukraine GoFundMe that feeds directly into Together Rising for their efforts in Ukraine - Check this out!

Click to add your donation.

You have helped raise over $37,000.00 benefiting Together Rising's boots on the ground efforts to help the Ukrainian people.

THANK YOU!  And Keep it Up!

Every little bit is helping.  ALL of this will be going directly to Together Rising in their continued efforts to provide real support - boots on the ground support - for the people of Ukraine.

Gudrun is hosting a HOPE Sew-along using her HOPE pattern.  Many of you will already have this pattern from a previous fundraising sew-along she hosted, but for those who don't have it - ALL proceeds for both printed and digital patterns and the Hope for Ukraine fabric bundles are going to be donated to Together Rising through our joint GoFundMe, Quilters For Ukraine.

The Hope for Ukraine Mini Mystery Stash Builder Bundles are 6 half yards of blue and yellow fabric. This is 3 yards of high quality quilt shop fabric for $30. The Stash Builder Bundles are currently listed as a preorder while new fabric stock arrives and is cut and bundled. 

We are doing this jointly, because we are stronger and can make a bigger impact when we work TOGETHER.

Of course you don't have to purchase anything to have your donation count.  Just donate whatever you are able from your heart.

Seeing yellow and blue wherever I go -

As soon as those last borders are on Hearts of Hope, it becomes a pattern writing weekend.

I had a huge talk with myself over the last few days while trying to crank out too much stuff.

Who imposes these deadlines?  ME!  Who can change the deadlines? ME!

I'm working toward having new patterns ready this coming week, but if we push it a week due to also needing to work on Hearts of Hope, I think you'll understand.

If patterns aren't ready to go live Monday or Tuesday, we'll just post them when ready.

Maybe you need to cut yourself some slack this weekend as well?

Quiltville Quote of the Day -

Sometimes one of the possibilities we haven't exhausted is just moving the goal post forward a bit.

A bit of realistic goal setting goes a long way.  And goals can ALWAYS be reevaluated.

Where there is a will, there is a way!
This is Carolyn's Celtic Solstice quilt-
Celtic Solstice is available as a digital pattern in the Quiltville Store.

Have a wonderful weekend, everyone!



Quilter Kathy said...

Absolutely cut yourself slack... lots of it!
I'm self employed also and my motto is to be the best boss I ever had! And whenever my boss/self makes me work too hard, I complain to her and she apologizes and lightens my load!

Cats said...

and so, i've made a "banner/flag" from Jenny's star and it's hanging out front. Today I'm doing a riff on the #I found a quilted heart...oroject; going to make a few and see how it goes for friends to hang on door knobs or in windows if they want... do 'em in Ukraine Blue & yellow... and the new projects are "encouraging" me to sort, fold & fondle my creative mess!! Grassy Creek is ready to go to the Long Arm Quilter and Emerald City has binding and label -- she's d-o-n-e... thank you Bonnie for all your encouragement, RhodoTrail is next up and I love seeing what your retreaters have accomplished... what a pretty quilt!!! (aren't they all?)... thank you. Cats in Carlsbad CA

Marti said...

That "apparition" on the photo is probably a water spot from the waterfall. Or.....???? Yes! Save some of those Daffies or the will not see Monday! Adding my prayers and support for Ukraine.

Dianne said...

I don't know how hardy your wild daffodils are, but ours bounce back when it's snowed on them and been below freezing. My crocuses are blooming but the daffodils are only about 3 inches tall and won't bloom until early April. Carolyn's quilt is beautiful.

Karen M said...

Do cut yourself some slack Bonnie. I ask myself, if I put something off to ease my load, will the world end, or will anyone be harmed? As long as the answer is no, I will make the adjustment to my schedule. We all appreciate everything you do to help us and encourage us. Take good care of yourself. We also appreciate what you are doing to help the people of Ukraine. I add my prayers and support.

Sewquilty said...

Join me in boycotting all Russian made goods and services. I am also boycotting all companies that continue to do business in or with Russia.
I'll wait to see what fabric I get from GR to determine what pattern to use. SMM is a contender.

TrulyBlessed said...

Ignore Veruka's little voice in your head screaming "I want it NOW". Take your time to enjoy the peace of quilting. Glad you had a talk with yourself. You give so much of yourself to us. You and Gudrun are making a difference in Ukraine and in our lives.

Mary said...

So glad it got better for your hike. Love that you cut some Daffodils to put inside. No pressure on a new Pattern from me. I have more to sew than I have time for. Such sad news from Ukraine 😪

Maggie said...

It is called a lense flare when you take a picture into the light/sunlight. This according to the shutterbug. Personally I think it looks like a giant Easter egg. Love the daffodils and Lola’s paws in the photo. Yes the crazy winter needs to leave, we are so ready for spring up here in Canada!

Nannieannie said...

I found Lola's paw. The oval flare, looks like a vintage photo of a young couple, he has a hat on. Just sayin' !

Jean said...

I remember reading somewhere that in I believe it was the 1930's it was said that there was nothing new to invent! That all there was to be invented already had made it into the world. LOL.... that's what I thought of when I read your thought. And aren't we glad people didn't give up... just think what quilting/sewing items we would not have if they had! Have a great week. Enjoy the flowers... and interestingly enough... we get snow on top of the bloomed daff's all the time! Though, I don't recall if that's true about hard freezes... here's hoping it's not too hard and you can enjoy them longer. Hugs and warmth coming your way!

Karen Marlene Fulbright said...

I even 'biggie' sized... thought my cataracts were acting up... As I zoomed in they faded away... what a strange trick of the light? Oh My! Thanks for posting, I wasn't brave enough :P

Quilted Drummer said...

I wish I had read this post sooner. If you had watered the daffys, they can't get any colder than 32. That's how cranberries are saved here in Oregon when a freeze is to come. FYI

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