
Saturday, February 05, 2022

From Quilting to Binding!

These are things that make me smile.

Seeing supposedly insignificant, outdated, or possibly lesser loved scraps join with their more modern and contemporary counterparts and become part of a whole new creation where NONE are deemed unimportant..

In my scrap quilts, it takes a village!

Of all of the different parts of quilting from cutting to sewing and beyond, I get a lot of enjoyment out of simply choosing which fabric is going to play next to that one, coming up with combinations that might be a bit surprising at first, but just work in the end!

Things that somehow work -

Like that green/aqua big print, with a brown check recycled shirt, and a center square of 1990s something pulled from the squares box.  It just works.  It's an odd combo maybe, but it works!

Next to it is a blue print with travel and airplanes on it.  It's paired with a simple girly pink calico and a navy batik center square from the squares box.

I LOVE my scrap squares in all sizes, because the opportunity to try a multitude of things as centers, as corners, as cornerstones is right at my fingertips.

who doesn't like a little Cat in the Hat?

And before I knew it, the quilt was unfurling off the rails -

I used a rosy lavender thread, and quilted with an edge-to-edge design called Frisky Feathers by Hermione Agee of Lorien Quilting.

I love how the quilting shows on the back!

Three of the back fabrics used.

Orange with purple batik for the binding win!

Again with the binding I tried everything - and I was leaning toward a darker purple to pull that color out of the raspberry tie dye as binding - but I didn't have anything in the stash that made me happy.

That doesn't happen often!  but I can admit to purple being the LOWEST quantity in my stash, followed closely by aqua.  I think it's because I use those colors quite a bit and they just don't stay long on my shelves.  I had some pieces, but I wasn't looking for a scrappy binding for this one.

This will work.  And I think it will look great from the back side of the quilt too, picking up the rusty orange in that green stripe.

I have a weekend of feet up and binding evenings planned!

And to answer many questions - YES!  This pattern will be available in March, along side the Brown/Turquoise...uh....did I ever give that one a name?  Oh geeze -.time to put my thinking cap on!

*Edit* Thanks to the commenter that reminded me that I had named the Brown/Aqua quilt Bear Branch! I swear, I don't know where my mind is half the time.

Our February release is Cabin Corners - coming right up in mid-February - stay tuned!

This also happened yesterday.  Finally!

Virginia drivers license and new plates obtained. I'm limited to daytime driving only due to my MacTel2, but I'm okay with that.
I was so worried over completely losing my ability to drive. I'm not ready for someone else "Driving Miss Bonnie" to begin quite yet.

My toughest months will be November/December when dark falls early, but really - when it's cold and the roads are winding and steep, and the deer are always a hazard, I don't like driving at night anyway.

I can deal with this!

Nighttime RZR riding!

We have had more than 2'' of rain fall Wednesday through Thursday.  2'' of rain on top of what remained of 7'' of snow.  It has turned my mountain into the land of mud.

Where we were worried about ice getting up and down the drive has now turned into a mud bog with deep ruts - because the rain happened all at once - continually over 48 hours.

It's going to take a few days to dry out - so last night we hopped into the RZR to head over to our neighbor friends 1/2 mile down the road and spent an enjoyable evening chatting in front of their wood fireplace, all tucked up and cozy inside.

It was the perfect end to a driver's license stress day.

I didn't even start the hand sewing on the binding like I thought I would - but it was LATE (like nearly 11pm!) when we got home.  For someone who is usually in bed by 9:30 or so - that was a PARTY.  For 4 people.

Today's plan?  Attack the scraps to cut more Fish School blocks.  I'm on track with where I want to be.  This challenge runs July to July so I've got a few more months to finish what I am planning to do.  And I think you are really going to like it.  It's got me all a-flutter!

I'm still working with the gifted scraps, and working them in with my own neutrals from the Scrap User's System, and pulling squares from the pre-cut scrap squares box.

And I guess that takes me right back to where this post started.

"Of all of the different parts of quilting from cutting to sewing and beyond, I get a lot of enjoyment out of simply choosing which fabric is going to play next to that one, coming up with combinations that might be a bit surprising at first, but just work in the end!"

What plans do you have for your own weekend ahead?

As I type this it is flurrying snow (oh great, on top of driveway mud!) and I'm not going anywhere.  It's a stay home and cut and sew snow day.

Did you stop by yesterday's post and enter to win my March/April '22 Quiltmaker Gift-Away?

I hope so!  That drawing happens this coming Wednesday, so be sure to enter.

What else happens Wednesday?  Our first Quiltville Inn Retreat of 2022!!  I'm so excited to be welcoming this year's guests.  I've missed the hubbub and chatter.  Just a few more sleeps!

Quiltville Quote of the Day -

Friends are the family we choose for ourselves!
Got a friend you haven't talked to in awhile? Give them a call!

Have a lovely weekend, everyone!



dorothy said...

Love the quilting design on this quilt! I am sure Ivy and Zoe enjoy your binding time@

Jacqueline said...

My best friend called yesterday and we had a nice long chat! I’m still working on my churn dash blocks. Went crazy with mine and doing a mashup of your churn dash and Kim Diehl’s fabric and sashing idea. I’m loving it! You did give your brown/turquoise quilt a name, “Bear creek”. Lol I’m still working on the borders of that one. Still working on fish school blocks and need to finish up the border on “winter blues” and finish up Rhododendron Trail! And there is one more I need to finish up but can’t remember what that one is! But oh what FUN I’m having! Thank you so much Bonnie!

stitchinpenny said...

I am with you in concern about loss of driving. I have dizziness issues that have gone through very bad to not so bad times. I worked through the very worst times and drove with the full knowledge and agreement of my doctors (3 of them). The worst time for me was when my husband retired and decided he had to drive me everywhere. It lead to a huge feeling of helplessness and really played with my confidence but I could still do lots of things and got over it and that gave me a lot of strength to explore the world differently. The biggest problem was my fear of the new. You are much stronger than I am so you will travel the path ahead of you no matter where it leads with grace. No fear just different in your future.

Leah said...

RE: picking and choosing fabric pairings, I feel the same way. That's one of my favorite parts of scrap quilting, too. The combos don't have to make sense to anyone else, they just have to please me in some way. Sometimes I'm pleased by how well they go together, and sometimes I'm pleased by a really good clash! ;) Whenever you share close-up photos of your scrappiest quilts, I love to zoom in and really study what pleased you to pair together.

The Churn Dash is a lovely finish. I like the super vibrant borders contrasted with the quiet back. The daughter who sent you her mom's scraps must be so thrilled with how you've given them a place to shine!

Cats said...

sorry about that mud... at least your "kidlets" are grown and gone, so there's not so much to deal with and we love looking forward to spring! I love reading your enthusiastic greetings to the trees and leaves, and noticing the loss of the sunrise! We don't exactly have 4 seasons in California, but we don't have to deal with the snow, mud, and steep driveway... One big jolt, last week, was quite an adrenaline rush, but then nada, so we settled back to stitching! am being challenged by the second part of assembling Grassy Creek (somehow i got out of sync and she appeared a couple weeks ago in a bin FULL of parts & parts! Really quite fun and so colorful and i'm itching to resume RhodoTrail... i love all the neutral in that one...fabric and parts in a Banker's Box. Once again, thanks for your wonderful creative brain/mind and for sharing all YOUR thoughts with us...11 p.m. is a party for me too... even if it's only staying up late with Blue Bloods!!! Have a happy weekend, and i'll miss you tomorrow, i'll be so happy to find you on Monday!!! Like many others who've posted here, it's coffee & biscuit (or waffle) and Bonnie to greet the day.. xo Cats in Carlsbad CA

BrenWall61@gmail.com said...

Last night at 10p.m. I finished a quilt for a charity that our church sews for. Using my fabrics for this gets some out of the house. The quilts are 60" x 102" approximate for XL Twin Beds. A sense of accomplishment. Our guild does children to lap quilt size so I may tackle finishing a couple of those today, or getting closer to finishing. Have a blessed weekend.

Elaine said...

Bonnie you are beyond amazing - I look at the fabrics in your quilts and sometimes think - I'd have ditched that, hate that, yuk, I wouldn't put those together, horrible colour,pleased that didn't make it into the country, glad I didn't buy that one! Then I see your finished quilt - which I'm waiting for every time because I know you'll have got it right and pulled the whole horrible lot together so that it looks amazing! I don't know how you do it BUT every time I see your scrappy quilts I'm so impressed by your skill. Guess I'll just have to keep on trying. Love your blog Bonnie, thanks for spreading the happiness, love to family including the furry ones. Elaine in Portsmouth England

Carol Weber said...

Somehow, instead of January being the month where I can count on time to sew many hours each week, and stay home and be cozy, I was BUSY. It was a good month, and I wouldn't change a thing, but I'm sure sad I never had any time to just sew and be tucked in as you're doing this weekend. Enjoy!

Mary said...

So awesome that you can take those gifted scraps and turn them into something so fun and wonderful while we are watching abd doing our 2022 Mystery. Have a great stay home day. I get to stay home this morning, the afternoon is booked. Gotta dig deep in the Quilt Zone to un-bury my Machine. I have a big Quilt to stitch for the parents of my Sister-by-Love. Throwing an old ufo on to test a graffic pattern I have not used before.

Ruth McIlwain said...

Ph, Bonnie, I am so happy to hear that you'll release the two patterns soon. We too got lots of rain and part of my backyard is still under water. Had a time cleaning up my dog's dirty paws every time she came back in the house. Well I better get started putting on the geese so the RT will be done. Next I want to finish the Bitcoin. Have a great weekend.

Tammie said...

Several things about this post touched my heart…
First…I’m not a fan of Churn Dash blocks…never have been. But, I LOVE the look of this quilt with the offset rows!!!😍😍. You may have finally made a convert!
Second…choosing fabrics that YOU like together..I’m making a king size Split 9 patch for our bedroom, and I cam across a post from another quilter yesterday that was talking about this pattern. She mentioned that if you used neutrals with patterns in them, you would lose the crispness of the split pattern. I started second guessing my choices and got really down. So, after reading the post, I took a close look at your Split 9 patch (which is where I fell in love with this pattern). You have everything but the kitchen sink in yours (and I’m thinking if I looked close enough, I might even find one of those..😂😂). I am now going back to my quilt with my original love and eagerness and making the decision not to let other people’s opinions affect how I design my own quilt!
Thank you Bonnie for traveling your own path and making it okay for us to do the same!💝💝

Joan E said...

I couldn't help but wonder what was THE FIRST thing you did when you opened the packages of gifted fabric. Did you immediately separate the larger pieces or did you start cutting them immediately? (I need to START, and yes, I have your book.) I don't like driving at night, didn't realize it until I felt fear, need to get my eyes/head examined. AND as a retired mail carrier, I encourage everyone to write a letter, or send a homemade postcard, your friends will be surprised and the PO will love you for it. Have a SUPER weekend.

Ruth's girl said...

I recently made a quilt with little house blocks that measured 6" finished and I had such fun picking through my scraps to find the perfect fabric for the doors for the houses and the roof tops that coordinated, so we are on the same page with that being so fun! I really like the quilting patterns you used for the churn dash quilt. So glad you were able to get your driver's license, and who wants to drive at night anyway? :) Only for a few months are the days short. And, sixty is young.... just saying!

Jan in OIB said...

My favorite quilt patterns of yours have been Carolina Chain (on my 2nd quilt of that), Moth in the Window, Box Kite, Easy Breezy... I just get such a kick and satisfaction with putting together fabrics for each little block, each block is a new creation that makes me happy!!

Teresa said...

Welcome to the "no driving at night" club! You really don't miss much and of course there's always Lyft, Uber or good old fashioned taxi service. I assume you have those there in your area. Anyway! As always love your blogposts...keep up the great work! So inspiring to me!!

Sharon said...

Glad you got the green light (pun intended) to drive. I have MD too, not the fancy kind you have, just plain and it is a scary diagnosis. I only drive at night to my daughter's house or to my church, both only 2 1/2 miles away. It is hard to feel dependent on others, but I just do things earlier in the day. I'll be okay as long as I can read and quilt. Have not been getting the blog, so binged on the last couple of weeks. I got several good laughs, and loved all the finishes. I think I forgot to renew Quiltmaker. Yikes! Have to fix that.

Donna Endresen said...

Hi Bonnie: I loved your saying about a stay at home snow day Sew Day. That was our weather both Tues. and Thurs. Then Wed and FRI were snow blowing days. Today , Saturday, was my run around and complete errands day. First to stop at the sewing nook and pick up a block and my wool pressing bar I forgot after class on Monday. Next stop the sewing and vacum place to get help rethreading my serger, so I can complete my serging QAYG quilt. I have the last row and binding to complete on that one. Pressing open blocks from Monday's Curvaceous Cabins blocks will happen tomorrow, also. Then it will be time to get back to sewing the rows of my All Stars Quilt together, so I can put the borders on it. So, I have more than enough to keep me going this month. Oh yeah, I need to finish putting the Easy set Tension on my Long Arm machine, so I can start playing with that, then get back to Rhododendron Trail. Yes, I have enough to keep me busy!

So, I don't care what the weather brings, I have enough sewing, and fabric to keep me going!

Kasilof, AK
Where it was a beautiful Sunny winter day, and it got up to 36 degrees, too!

Kathie said...

If you haven't thought of a name for the Churn Dash quilt, you could give this a try: Churn Dash Magic. It is truly a magical work of art. Can't wait for the pattern. Kathie from Colorado.

Janet of MN said...

Bonnie, Your churndash is another dynamite quilt. You always take it to the next level which encourages the rest of us to do the same. Thank you, thank you.

Cindy said...

I could spend days looking at all the fabrics in the Churn Dash quilt!!!!!!!

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