
Thursday, November 25, 2021

Stuff the Attic, Not the Turkey!

Happy Thanksgiving, Quiltvillians!

I'm sharing this morning's sunrise with you - isn't it beautiful?

Today I am reflecting on the wise words of Tecumseh:

“When you arise in the morning give thanks for the food and for the joy of living. If you see no reason for giving thanks, the fault lies only in yourself.”

There are no stuffed turkeys cooking in my oven this year!

It seems less and less important to cook huge meals for small amounts of people (This year there are just three of us.) and more important to spend the time enjoying each other instead of slaving away in the kitchen making too much food.

So this year - we have plans to join other locals at our community hub - Corner Market Cafe - and leave the cooking to someone else, while we STUFF the attic with more insulation!

Someone said on Facebook yesterday  "You should do that by tractor" and I'm replying "Honey, you have no idea the ground slant, and other obstacles we have to deal with close to the house!

The tractor is not at the retreat - it's 7 miles away on the mountain.

We do not have a fork lift attachment that will reach up this high - the house is effectively 4 stories tall in parts -first the brick foundation, then the ground floor, then the second floor, then the attic and upper turret space.  

Show me a tractor that could reach this high, on this narrow slip of flat ground before the sharp slope down and we'll talk.  But for now - this is how we got this job to where we rested yesterday.

And it was done in less time than it would have taken to load the tractor on to the trailer, drive it 7 miles, unload it and try to attempt the impossible.

Up they go!

I stayed below, lassoing the bales with the rope, lifting them as far as I could as the rope took over and got them the rest of the way on to the roof, heaved up by the Hubster.

The bales weigh in at about 30 to 35 lbs each.

When all were up on the roof, I came upstairs where they were handed to me through one of the turret windows and were carried and stacked in the upstairs landing.

Ready for today's round of "stuff the attic!"

Son Jeff is already on his way.  The menfolk will take over from here using a rented machine to blow the insulation into the attic.

Yes, there are masks, gloves, long sleeves, and protective eyewear at hand.  Safety first!

And yes, we are doing this ON Thanksgiving because it is a multiple person job, and Jeff's help is needed.  This has to happen on a day when he is off work.  That's today.

And we will celebrate by joining friends and neighbors to celebrate our Thanksgiving with a feast at Corner Market.

Hopefully after that there will be naps!  And maybe some movie and feet up time.

That's exactly where I was last evening as I de-papered my latest round of neutral string blocks destined for a fun project ahead. 

While father & son are blowing in the insulation, I'll be at my big desk getting everything ready for Rhododendron Trail, Part One.

It's almost time.

I can't wait.

Here we go!

And while you are at it - don't forget to enter the November '21 Quilty Box Gift-Away!  

It's full of fantastic goodies you are going to want to get your hands on.  Enter to win On That Post. Drawing to happen Saturday 11/27/21.

Quiltville Quote of the Day -

Quilt found in North Carolina.

Happy Thanksgiving to all of my USA friends and family!
I am thankful and grateful for your friendship and encouragement.
Today I raise my glass to toast you - thank you for adding so much to my life!

I'll see you tomorrow morning for Part One!



Judy said...

Happy Thanksgiving-hope the insulation goes smoothly and you enjoy gathering at the Corner Market. Thank you for the Essential Triangle Tool. By learning to use it I also learned to use other tools I have had and not understood how to use them. Thank you for all you do.

nancy c said...

Happy Thanksgiving! Those string blocks are adorable. The minions made me smile!!

Dk said...

Happy Thanksgiving!🦃 i agree the most important thing is to enjoy time with your family and friends the food is secondary. I hope you all do get some rest time today after all that hard work.

BrenWall61@gmail.com said...

Glad y'all able to work together and get these jobs done. That is something to be thankful for for sure. I bet it was a great work out for you and Hubster. I love the Minions on the string pieced blocks. Well off to the kitchen today. I have a family of 8 to feed and they all have their favorites. Happy and Blessed Thanksgiving!!

Beth G said...

Oh my goodness. Sounds like you will have more than earned your Thanksgiving feast. Stay safe and enjoy your family time and the day’a accomplishments. Thank you for all you do. Looking forward to the next Mystery.

Charlotte M. said...

Happy Thanksgiving Bonnie.

Amber said...

Happy Thanksgiving. Only 2 of us for dinner but I am grateful we have each other. Hope you have a wonderful Thanksgiving with your family.

Leah said...

Today's title cracked me up - hilarious! Hope the project goes well today!

Judy S said...

Happy Thanksgiving.

sue s said...

Wow! Good luck with the insulation!
Blessings to you all.
We are having a small gathering here with friends in our "bubble". Time to put the turkey in!!

Tracey in CT said...

Happy Thanksgiving, Bonnie!

Our Homeplace said...

Happy Thanksgiving, Bonnie! I appreciate you!

Elle said...

Blessed to have Jeff's help with this knarly task today. Why is it other poeple think they know more about the job at hand and how to accomplish it? arghhhh.....

Happy Thanksgiving to you and the family.

JuliAnn Craver said...

Happy Thanksgiving! I hope all the work gets done quickly and you all have a wonderful day. I love the quilt in the background of your daily quote. Depending how you look at it, it could be a wine glass, water glass (like my mom's), glass milk bottle and salad dressing bottle for home make dressing.

Cats said...

Happy thanksgiving to you and yours, poor me, woe, i'll be out of town tomorrow morning and unable to access Mystery #1 until the afternoon. (giggles & grins on this one after waiting waiting waiting) Loved the minions, I keep hoping for about a dozen to come help organize my stash AND let's let the good doctor know y ou've been exercising and burning calories like mad!!! Good for all y 'all ... all the best from Cats in Carlsbad CA

Quilter Kathy said...

Happy Thanksgiving!
So excited for tomorrow (quilter's Christmas!)

Ames in VA said...

We just had our attic insulated better, and it has made a big difference in normalizing upstairs temperature. I like how you all maneuvered those bales. Well done and glad Jeff could help out. Happy Thanksgiving. Grateful for all your content.

dorothy said...

Many years we have gone out, love not having the mess, but miss the leftovers!! Have a great Thanksgiving!

Susan said...

Happy Thanksgiving! I learned a long time age, as a single parent, marching to my own drum on holidays is sometimes much better and easier than trying to live up to what others feel is expected of us to celebrate the day. Enjoy your time with your hubby, son and four legged family! Hope your day is memorable and productive too!

Tracey Honig said...

That definitely sounds like a job for "many hands, makes light work!" While the tools of today might be most helpful, sometimes going about it the way y'all are is the most efficient way. Today we are enjoying the cool front blowing in, and cooking a meal which my parents will come and enjoy with us later. Blessings to you and your family, Bonnie! Happy Thanksgiving to one and all!

Mary said...

Happy Thanksgiving!! Hubster was up painting the Moldongs on our new window. OUR 45th year celebrating together. I baked pies and Cranberries most of yesterday. Making dressing and green bean cassarole soon. Can't wait to sit ans stitch tomorrow morning. Thankful for a New Mystery!!

Susie H said...

Way to work Thanksgiving to fit your happy zone and still get necessaries done! I salute you! Looking forward to tomorrow's post as well. Happy Thanksgiving to you & yours.

Aunt Marti said...

Hope the attic work goes smoothly and you can rest this afternoon!

Cheryl said...

Bonnie - thank you for all that you do in sharing your expertise with others. I so enjoy your posts about the Inn and the quilters at the retreats, the scenery pictures, pictures & stories of your fur babies, and of course seeing all of your quilting creations! We will be gathering at my sister's house for the first Thanksgiving without our Mom. The most important part of a holiday is that connection with our loved ones - whether in person or via technology! Wishing you many blessings!

Margacat said...

Happy Thanksgiving! I was going to avoid the Black Friday craziness tomorrow, but will now have to buy a new printer. And of course, any new printer won't use the same ink cartridges that I have backups of. Again.

Connie said...

I thought you were pretty smart hauling those bales up by rope - much easier than carrying each one up the stairs inside!! Have a nice Thanksgiving! Thankful for YOU and all you do for the quilting community!! ❤🦃❤

cityquilter grace said...

don't you just love those who offer their unsolicited opinion...hmmm?

Gail, Enumclaw, WA said...

Happy thanksgiving. Enjoy the family gathering.

Fran Sancroft said...

Hope you had a marvelous US THANKSGIVING!.. We are thank-full for you Bonnie and all you do for us!... Looking forward to the Mystery this weekend! Thanks again!
Fran In Pickering Ontario Canada!

Sewquilty said...

Cooking today, turkey with all the fixings! Just 2 of us today but have to cook enough for step son and fiancé tomorrow. Then for my grown son on Saturday! Hope the leftovers hold out, If not, then I'll be making another turkey dinner for Saturday! So much for my diet! Thankful and grateful!

Donna Endresen said...

Happy Thanksgiving Bonnie and Family!
We have new snow, still snowing, under winter weather advisory, SO, I am staying home. No Turkey for me today, Now. But I took some ribs out yesterday, I will make a scaled down green bean casserole, and I took our a piece of peach pie out of the freezer. That will be my Thanksgiving Dinner. I will sew a little bit on my current quilt, and I have one rotary blade yet to change in Preparation for tomorrow's first clue to drop!

I am Thankful for you, Bonnie and all you do for us, the quilting community. I am Thankful for your fall mystery each year. I am Thankful for friends and neighbors that help in time of need, and those that invite us to dinner.

Take care, enjoy the rest of your day, sit back and enjoy some movie time w/ family!

Kasilof, AK
where it is snowing, we are under winter weather advisory. Best stay put.

Kristy said...

Happy Thanksgiving! Hope all goes well insulation stuffing! And I am glad you chose family and friends over the kitchen. I am tired and I know it is good food but I wish someone else were cooking! Loved those Minions too. Can't wait for tomorrow. Is it Friday yet? I hope I can sleep! :-) K- lkw2x6-apq@yahoo.com

Deborah said...

Happy Thanksgiving and God bless you all.

RebeccaH said...

Happy Thanksgiving to one of my favorite quilters. We did a turkey breast and some sides. so it was easy peasy for me. Glad you have options. I look forward to another year with you and wish you well always.

FancyNancyQuilts said...

Happy Thanksgiving!

ReaderLeader said...

Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours! We often go out for Thanksgiving since our household is just my son and me, but I felt like having turkey so that we'd have the leftovers. He did the turkey and stuffing, while I did the sides.
Our winter weather advisory kicks in shortly. Tomorrow's entertainment will be tracking down a plumber because a waste water pipe in the basement is dripping. Oh well, who needs to do Black Friday in lake effect snow when we can shop online?
I was looking for the first clue when it hit me, Thanksgiving is Thursday, Clue #1 is Friday.

Ursula said...

Happy Thanksgiving to you and your loved ones. Was able to get three of your books here in Switzerland. Looking forward to Rhododendron Trail.

Kerry said...

Happy Thanksgiving everyone. Happy attic stuffing Bonnie! LOL!

Mary Ellen said...

sounds like a perfect way to spend Thanksgiving. Hope you enjoyed it!

Kim said...

Love that minion fabric, it is in several of my quilts made from your designs :0) thank you Bonnie for all your amazing energy, brilliant designs and generosity. I give thanks for you in my life :0). Happy Sewing and creating!

QuiltGranma said...

good to get that insulation in when no guests expected underfoot! I'm currently watching OLD Quiltcams from 2013, and thinking "I wish she would some how fit in at least 4 quiltcams a month".

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