
Monday, November 15, 2021

Sew Many Pines!

Would you just take a look at this!

Lori's Quiltville Q's have been busy over the past year - there are EIGHT Pine Tree Point quilts over the porch rail at Quiltville Inn!

And it was quite fitting.

We watched trailer after trailer after trailer hauling Christmas Trees past the inn, while across the street this was going on:

The only way to get a good photo is when things are stationary! LOL!

This building is the old Ford dealership from the 1920s.  It's been many things over the past 100 years, from a feed and seed to a tractor place, a gas station - and now it is owned by the Christmas tree farm behind and they do their shop maintenance in here as well as having a crew that makes wreaths, swags and garlands out of pine boughs.

It's a festive flurry of activity as semi trucks pull in and crates of wreaths and more are loaded up by fork lift into the truck to be hauled all across the USA.

The Pine Tree Point quilts couldn't have been shared at a better time - and I am extremely grateful to say that one of them was presented as a gift to me.

Thank you, ladies!

And just a side blurb: I have placed the printable PDF pattern for Pine Tree Point at 25% off - only $9.00 in the digital pattern section of the Quiltville Store. Sale price good through 11/24/21 when it will return to full price at $12.00. No coupon code required.

It was cold & windy - but the sun was shining!

Blue Ridge Beauty and Sister’s Nine Patch from Adventures with Leaders & Enders, along with a gorgeous Grassy Creek!

And when I say windy - I am not kidding.  The wind came across the back porch so strongly that it pushed the BBQ off the porch and on its back on the grass.  Holy Blow-y, Batman!

It really was a great weekend to stay inside and sew.  Another Pine Tree Point is under way here.  Cute cute cute!

And to keep Making Spirits Bright:

Another Christmas cutie is on the design wall.

Tops reached completion (or nearly!) by yesterday!

Serpentine Web from String Frenzy is coming together!

Wonky Wishes is getting sashings!

Sand Castles from String Frenzy also added more blocks yesterday.

Allietare is almost a top!

We all cheered when Sarah's orange featherweight came out to play during the Tennessee Vols game!

Unfortunately they lost to Georgia 41 to 17, but it's all about school spirit, and they had it going on here.

It's checkout day for these ladies who will be heading back to Tennessee this morning.

I made by goodbyes yesterday before coming home for dinner - I'll miss their send off this morning.

It's labs and a physical for me today, and since I hate skipping breakfast and going in hungry, I took the first appointment I could get at 8:30.  Retreaters will be long gone by the time I get back, but I look forward to seeing them again next year.

Oh, as to the BBQ - it's a bit dented, but it will survive!  

It's just a great reminder that once winter arrives, it blows through that back porch like a freight train and all porch décor needs to be put away for the winter by Halloween.

We are in full countdown mode to Part 1!

Are you getting ready?

Part 1 of our Rhododendron Trail mystery goes live on November 26th.

The introductory post was released on October 30th, and you can find it linked under the Rhododendron Trail tab at the top of the blog.

Please remember this is a mystery, and that I do not offer alternate color suggestions or optional sizes for mystery quilts.  

It's a MYSTERY and if you are ever unsure of anything, you can wait a few weeks to see how things progress, make your choices and jump right back in.

I am unable to look at personal fabric pulls to tell you if your choices will work.  The build up of this mystery has gone global, and my inbox is exploding with things I honestly can't to answer without revealing too much.

This is also why I do not give Accuquilt die shapes and sizes for this mystery.  It gives away too much.

If you re-read the introductory post you will find I've already stated that you can make it bigger by adding more blocks or borders.  You can make it smaller by starting with half of the units.  

You'll need to re-evaluate once you decide on your own layout, and you might have to go back and make a few extra units to finish what you decide to do, or you may have a few units left over - 

But this is a MYSTERY.  Your option is always to WAIT and see, and jump back in once you have decided what you want to do.

Thank you so much for understanding and working with me through this.

Quiltville Quote of the Day -

Give love and forget that you gave it.
Don't keep score!

Have a wonderful Monday - 



Sherry said...

I giggled about your grill - our grill has a piece of big log chain attached to it, fixed to our deck rail. Some people think we must have a theft problem. Nope. We have a wind problem. Ours didn't blow off the deck, but rather the wind would blow over (the noise of that was pretty scary in the middle of the night) or roll it into our gazebo. And the log chain is a pretty funny conversation starter.

Neller said...

Your mystery and leader/ender quilts are a gift to us all! Thanks so much! I always wonder how you know how much fabric is needed after starting from strips and scraps. It's part of the mystery that makes it fun for me.

Quilting Addict said...

wow just wow!!!!!!

Susie Q said...

the photo of pines from the porch is great!!!!

Nancy McC said...

The Pine Tree Point over the rail picture is stunning! Great shot to get us all into the holiday spirit. Thanks, Bonnie, for all you do.

Elle said...

The fact that you have to explain the rules of the mystery again and again tells me people do NOT understand. I'm sorry they flood you with questions and expectations.

Shaking my head ;-(

Have a great week Bonnie!

Cats said...

Apparently there are plenty of 'newbies' every year... cause EVERY year you remonstrate with/to us about "IT'S A MYSTERY" Personally,?. I love my AccuQuilt and wish you would give us # for strips, but gee whiz and golly! I just have to wait and see what unfolds don't I!!! and I do and I do not whine about it (except to myownself when i have to clear off the table and find the right strip die!!!!LOL LOL... Thanks, Bonnie, the child-like pre Christmas anticipation has been replaced by the Mystery and all it's fun and exciting reveals! Thanks... Cats in Carlsbad CA

Cheryl said...

Thank you, Bonnie, for your generousity in creating and sharing the mystery quilt! Always enjoy seeing the quilts over the rail and on the design walls-- so many lovely creations!

Gisele said...

Oh, WOW! What a delight this morning getting to see the eight Pine Tree Point quilts over the porch rail at Quiltville Inn! All so lovely. Thanks!

Charlotte M. said...

That Sand Castles quilt really speaks to me. I don't know what it is, maybe the color choices. I looked up the book and saw your version and I honestly don't know how this quilter saw this in that picture, but it is gorgeous. I don't suppose the individual pattern is available anywhere, is it?

Debra said...

You've had a busy time of it.
The pine tree point quilts are gorgeous..
Thank you for another mystery out of your busy life Bonnie.
Don't know how you do all you do.
Blessings from western Ma.

Unknown said...

Having a blast pulling scraps for the mystery !!! Thanks for all you do!!

Mary said...

Love the surprize Pine Tree Point Quilts over the porch rail. What fun for the gifting of one to you!! Yep, I know you get deluged with questions, I shake my head at all the whining. Glad to sew along as I am able and wait for each clue. Good that the BBQ didn't break something else as it fell. Wowser!!

Connie said...

I think the consistent use of the gray and the colors in the four-patches make this one stand out. I especially like the dark burgundy between the neutral strings and the four-patch units. Very striking!!

Cindy said...

The picture of the Pine Trees over the railing is priceless!!!!! And what a lovely surprise that you received one!!!!! Yes, I am in awe of the folks who keep asking you the same things over and over re: your mystery quilts. It IS a mystery quilt after all. You are the BEST!

Sharon said...

It is interesting how color choice change a quilt. The pattern can look completely different in another color.

Dawn Central Valley, California said...

Bonnie, patience is a virtue, thank you for all of your patience!! Your daily messages provide us so much to think about in our daily lives and interactions with each other. The sharing of Quiltville Adventures with each delightful group of retreaters is like a new chapter in a wonderful book. The tinsel on the tree is your Annual Mystery! Thank you for your dedication to quilting, crossing every T and dotting every I in your pattern and instructions. May we all read and reread the Introduction and prepare for a fabulous Mystery.....one step at a time. Blessings.

Ursula said...

Pulling fabric like I've never pulled before. Thank you for giving us this gift of yours.

Ursula said...

Thank you for passing on your gift to others. I had a great time pulling fabrics and can't wait for this beauty to appear.

Debcal1946 said...

Love that bright orange machine. It's a real WOW! I also like the Serpentine Web quilt.

Ruth McIlwain said...

Bonnie I am really looking forward to my first mystery with you. I may have to wait 2 weeks to get started because my brother is coming from Germany to celebrate Thanksgiving with me and my family.

Terri in BC said...

Looking forward to another mystery. I'm just finishing On Ringo Lake, and haven't done one since then, so this past weekend I went through my strip bins and sorted them into their colour groups so I can do both your Mystery Quilt and the one in Quiltmaker magazine! Thanks for all you do!

Jenny said...

The pattern is in the String Frenzy book Connie

Donna Endresen said...

Hi Bonnie: I love the Pine Tree quilts and trailers of Christmas Trees! Just fabulous! I find it astonishing that every year you have to repeat and repeat that this is a mystery and that people just have to figure it out for themselves, or wait. Do they not know the meaning of the word MYSTERY?? Some years I collect the clues and wait till the reveal before I truly decide some of my colors, or if I will make half size or full size.

I Love Rhododendrons, but do not like pink. Therefore, I will use lavenders; the color of my lone rhododendron at this point. I will also use a green in place of the aqua, as in the leaves of a rhododendron. We will see what it looks like. I may change it again after the reveal. But, what's not to like about a mystery names Rhododendron Trail??

Thank You SO MUCH, Bonnie, for giving us this yearly Fall Mystery quilt to keep us busy!
OH, because I live just up the road from the Cook Inlet, we get a LOT of wind. I am forever chasing stuff across the yard. AND some things can not be chained to the railings, but others can, such as the BBQ. Luckily the table and chair set is too big and heavy to blow around!

Kasilof, AK
Where it is Winter, w/ snow on the ground, and it is very cold. It was -1 this morning, and didn't get above 12. Yesterday it was 0 and got up to 15. But it has been sunny in the afternoon!

Shelnjohanne said...

I took your advice, ordered Pine Tree quilt pattern and am busily making trees while the mystery beginning creeps along! Thanks for the suggestion.

Anita Jackson @ Domestic Felicity said...

😊YouTube helped me a lot along the way to learning! I just wanted nice pretty things to wrap up in

seleyrn said...

somewhere you asked the question how did we get started quilting. I seem to be on the last end to get the blog it often comes two days after it is written. Haven't figured out why that happens. But anyway. I remember wanting to make a quilt for my daughter's bedroom many years ago. it hink my youngest daughter was around 18 at that time. She is now 48. I bought a book on strip quilting and that is how I made my very first quilt. I wonder where that quilt is. Now I am making small triangle blocks using your stiop method. and enjoying making the smaller more detailed blocks that my first quilt. I too remember Simply quilts and used to watch it every morning. Now I am watching Qilting Arts on PBS, but dob't find as much useful hints on that show because it isn't about piecing and that is my true love. YOu turned me on to scrappy quilts and I cannot remember the last quilt I made that I boutht yardage for. I finished the August Harvest and it is waiting to be quilted. But there are other projects ahead of it. Quilting is my hideaway. When I am bored or happr or sometimes sad, I can always walk into my sewing space sit down and do something productive. I have more quilts than I can use and my kids all have quilts as well. I have started a bin that is getting full for my granddaughters to go through after I am gone. I hope they appreciate the time and energy that went into all these projects. but does anyone who doesn't actually do this understand that.

Janet J said...

I'm a little behind in my blog reading, but since nobody else mentioned it, I will. I see NINE Pine Tree Point Quilts over the porch rail. The one on the far left looks like a wall hanging size or in- progress quilt. Haven't yet decided on doing the mystery as I have so many others in progress, but I enjoy the mystery season even if I don't construct one. Thanks for all your creativity you share with us.

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