
Monday, November 08, 2021

Sew Many Great Cooks!

No one is going hungry at Quiltville Inn!

What a fantastic array of wonderful meals the ladies of the November Quiltvillians have prepared.  It just doesn't stop!  

I tell you, it's hard to want to come home and fix dinner at the end of the day - because they've fed me so well.

Saturday's lunch fare?  We were spoiled rotten with ricotta stuffed shells, and Italian sausage sautéed with peppers and onions.  Oh my word - the aroma wafting from the kitchen was fabulous!

The downside?  I need to get back to hiking. Quick.  LOL!

After lunch I had some help with the big switcheroo -  The treadle machine on this back wall was moved to a side wall.

The china cabinet was emptied, and then moved to where the treadle machine used to be.

All because of THIS delivery:

Son Jeff came to help move in my 1900 pine cupboard!

I worried about that original wavy glass all the way from Wallburg, NC.

I purchased this cabinet for $2 at an auction held in a one-room schoolhouse in the middle of nowhere Idaho in 1992.⁣
I paid $100 to have the 12 coats of old paint stripped from it in 1992!⁣

I love the bead board backing and the Grecian key design along the top molding.⁣
It has moved with us from Southwestern Idaho to Southeastern Idaho to Texas to South Carolina to North Carolina and finally here to Virginia where it will never be moved again!⁣

It is beat up and primitive and I love it to death.

And yes, we had to shim up the left side to get things level as the dining room floor is a bit slanty after 135+ years.

I gave it a good oiling over the weekend.  I need to do the same for the shelves, and the weather should be nice enough today that I can do it out on the porch.  

And then I can put my favorite pink depression glass in here, along with favorite other things.

What's so funny is - this cupboard took up nearly one whole wall in the dining room of the Wallburg house.

Here it doesn't look big at all!

Riding in style!

This super fun retro recliner was then driven around to where the guys could offload it into the QPO studio.  I didn't have a comfy chair there where I could do any hand stitching.  I only had office type chairs.

Lola is making plans to claim it as her own!

The November Quiltvillians gave 12 thumbs up!

And Ivy promptly approved of the binding I finished last night.

I've got to get more photos of this one - it's slated for a January release.  I'm calling it Cherry Crunch, and it was a fun finish!  Be watching for this one in the future.

Today some of the November Quiltvillians and I are heading up to Grayson Highlands as we are rumored to be hitting the 60's this afternoon.

I may bring the quilt with me to get some photos near the park - It's a beautiful sunny morning with nary a cloud.  I don't know how many of these kinds of days we'll have left.

That said - I DO love quilt photos in the snow, too - so maybe we'll wait for a storm.

How about your own weekend?  I hope you were able to spend some time with those you love, doing fun things and making plans for quilty projects ahead.

Have you pulled your Rhododendron Trail fabrics?  Are you still thinking of colors?

If you need to go back to the introductory post,  just click the Rhododendron Trail tab at the top of the blog.

If you are in need of a Simple Folded Corners ruler, I am awaiting a shipment of the large ones, but I have the Simple folded corners mini in stock.  Either will work for the mystery.

I also have plenty of Essential Triangle Tools available, and the 3-in-1 Color Tool is especially handy for choosing color themes and auditioning fabrics if you want to go further than just the paint chips alone. 
I have placed the printable PDF pattern for Pine Tree Point at 25% off - only $9.00 in the digital pattern section of the Quiltville Store. Sale price good through 11/24/21 when it will return to full price at $12.00. No coupon code required.

I made the runner in blue, too!  Good for having out all winter long!

Quiltville Quote of the Day -

Vintage Mariner's Compass quilt found in Texas..

Sometimes as life changes, and we grow older we have to change our methods in order to keep doing what we love doing the most.
Don't give up!

Make it a great Monday, everyone!



Debra said...

Thank you for the Pine Tree pattern.
After I add borders to My Blue Heaven and quilt it I'll start the pattern for pine tree. Love your Cherry Crunch. There's just something about 2 color quilts that I love.

Charlotte M. said...

Another wonderful post full of lovely things. I wanted to thank you for the mention of Victoria and Abdul on Netflix. My sister and I watched it on Friday night and we loved it. I have since been googling it to read more about the story. It is fascinating. I highly recommend it to any history lover.

Mary said...

Nice weather forecasted here as well. It was a rainy weekend so I got some sew time. Cooking time also, cause the Hubster likes to eat. Nice to have help moving stuff around. Lola looks totally content in your comfy recliner. Gotta find me one, so I can stitch watching Hallmark Christmas movies. Have a fun hike with the Quiltvillians!

Chris said...

If you stain the shim it would not be noticeable.

Maryissewfast said...

Beautiful cabinet and great history! I started pulling fabrics for Rhododendron Trail on Saturday and am excited to get started! I try to use stash fabrics for mystery quilts ( not usually a problem 😁) Have a great week!

Vickie Lewis said...

Now I have the song stuck in my head, "Whatever Lola wants...Lola gets...". Sweet kitties and pup, love your scrappie style.

Fran Sancroft said...

Bonnie: As soon as you said PINK in the R.T. I was excited!... This girl loves Pink! And Turquoise.. Yummy! THANKYOU! For all you do... I Look forward to your blog posts daily. Fran in Pickering Ontario, Canada!

Dalina said...

I watched it too over the weekend and as very fascinated by the story. And want to find out more about Queen Victoria.

K Hlavaty said...

Love hearing about your decisions to move and rearrange furniture! Super that your handsome son came to help!

K Hlavaty said...

Great idea!

Jan Hebert said...

I just love that pine hutch! Beautiful. And for $2! Even after paying to have it stripped it was a great buy. It looks wonderful in it's new home. Don't you just love seeing everyone so happy and enjoying each other's company? So fun. Nice that Jeff was able to help. Jan in MA

I love stitching said...


It looks great in its forever hone. Jeff looks so comfy well Lola did too. :)
Have a great day Bonnie.


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