
Tuesday, November 09, 2021

Quilters On Rhododendron Trail!

What is with near-mid-November with temps in the 60s?  Buckets of sunshine!

Four brave quilters and I took a little pilgrimage up to Grayson Highlands yesterday afternoon to see what we could see.

And from this photo, you can see what we saw!

It was my first time back on any kind of hike - putting the healing rolled ankle to the test, I had on tall socks, a compression sleeve and my lace up tall hiking boots to support my ankles.

I did fine - along with everyone else!

And Zoey loved it too!

The last time I made it up here it was hot hot hot in August or September and the ponies had all gone "over the mountain" to where the sun didn't shine and the shade was plentiful.

I don't blame them - but there were 3 hikes where no ponies were seen at all, and I crossed my fingers that we'd at least see a couple yesterday.

We saw perhaps 8 or 9 - which was wonderful!

It wasn't long before extra layers came off.

Sweaters and denim shirts around our waists.

Oh, that sunshine felt grand.

And there they were -

Wooly coats a- growin'!

grazing away and paying us no mind.

Shooting into the sunshine -

Peaceful as peaceful can be.

This photo -

The color of the sky -

The browns and neutrals -

I'm thinking of my Triplet quilt project using the browns, neutrals and turquoise - I think it's a good combo, don't you?

This baby was getting a snack from mama - not quite weaned yet.

So precious!

And my shadow - in the way of everything.

This makes up for all of the times we didn't see any -

The sun was starting to move beyond the mountain creating large shadows.

Taking a breather.  Such a great rock!

Neither the pony nor Zoey really cared about any of this.

Pictures can't do this justice.

I listened to my hiking companions again and again exclaim "oh, WOW!"  And I felt it too.  I always do when I am up here. So much beauty.  And Silence.

And Peace!

And back to quilting!

I love how this Bitcoin is coming along!

As I left for home -

The front porch was fully occupied while the evening temps were still nice.  I'm so glad that this is being enjoyed as I know it won't be long now before we have to wait for spring to have another day like this.

Today the November Quiltvillians are on their way home.  It's supposed to be even a bit warmer today, but rain moves in by Thursday.

Lori's Stitchin' Sisters are arriving Wednesday afternoon so today and tomorrow will be "flip the house!" to get everything ready.  And here we go again!

My big "make one thing better" for yesterday was to oil down these very dry pine shelves that go into the cupboard we brought in on Sunday.  The morning sun on the back porch was just lovely and I enjoyed doing this job out there.  

As I said - there are not many "nice" porch days left - so I've got to make the most of them.

This evening we'll get everything put back together with new shelf bracket things so everything is a bit more sturdy.  We'll have the dining room put back together for Wednesday's arrivals.

How did your Monday go?
I have placed the printable PDF pattern for Pine Tree Point at 25% off - only $9.00 in the digital pattern section of the Quiltville Store. Sale price good through 11/24/21 when it will return to full price at $12.00. No coupon code required.

I made the runner in blue, too!  Good for having out all winter long!

Quiltville Quote of the Day -

Our true friends will remain. 

And the communities we have built with these friendships will remain. 

The dust will settle.

We are still who we are and we still love who we love and we still love doing what we love to do. ⁣

It will quilt out! 

Have a great Tuesday, folks!



Sharon in Seattle said...

Bonnie I can't thank you enough. Truly. Wow!!!

Debra said...

What a beautiful hike and the ponies!! Glad you were able to hike too.
Dr.s appt. here so no sewing..

Charlotte M. said...

I can't wait to see the old pine cabinet with your pretty objects in it.

quilter746 said...

Husband Jesse offered to wash windows today-70 degrees here in west central Illinois. he did the outside and I did the inside. We’re both waking a bit stiffly today, but those windows sure look nice!

BrenWall61@gmail.com said...

Stitching on a binding later tonight after a day volunteering at a foster care facility. This afternoon I do hope to get my Grassy Creek ready for the LAQ plus a couple of Christmas pieces that I want to get done also. So glad you were able to see the horses and to do a walk.

Cheryl said...

Oh - ponies, fantastic mountain views, and Zoey! Thanks for sharing a wonderful post. So glad that you were able to enjoy a hike, the beautiful weather, and ponies to top it off!

Cats said...

so very glad you were able to accompany your quilters to find and visit the ponies... maybe one last time? Maybe you'll be surprised again by the late fall weather... but, nevertheless, glad to hear you could resume one of your favorites, hiking. Lovely photos, thanks for sharing, i think the "big rock" resembles a huge hunk of tree that became petrified rock over time... i see things in clouds too! giggles... Cats in Carlsbad CA

Mary Ellen said...

I've been thinking about making one thing better per day. It's a little hard with the kitchen construction about to start any day now. But I did, finally, tackle my hall coat closet that had a lot of other stuff tossed in there. When I finished I had an empty shelf and you could easily see the coats and hangers for guests to put their coats on. Feels great !!
Enough about me. So very happy you could get in the walk. I know photos can't possibly show the real beauty seen with our eyes - but they're still wonderful !!

VIRGINIA said...

This was the best retreat I have ever been to. Fabulous ladies & beautiful, comfortable Inn.

JMOT said...

So glad to hear you are able to hike again! That there was no hiking was my only (minimal) disappointment being there in September. I hoped to see the ponies, but at least glad this group got to.

Joan E said...

So happy for you that you got to hike. Both of these are priceless: Don't let the opinions of others steal your peace, AND It will quilt out...perfect for today and any day. Thank you, again!

Mary said...

Making one thing better for us this week, cause it takes more than one day Replacing Rubber edging, baseboards, in our bathrooms with primed boards. Hubby will make the Mitered cuts and nail them in. My part was mopping the floors, after we removed the old baseboards lol. I can stitch while he does it.

Mary Ellen said...

what kind of oil do u use on the wood?

Sharon said...

The views from the walk were wonderful and ponies too! So glad you got to go for this one. I could almost feel the sun and the soft breezes, I used to live in the country, miss it still.
Can't wait to see the cabinet filled with your special glass. Depression glass is lovely.

Samplings from Spring Creek said...

Locate your warm clothing because a cold front is headed in your direction. Enjoying the last of the fall days for a hike was good thinking. Am trying to follow your lead and make one thing better. It is a journey but one thing a day will add up quickly

Shiloh Nanny said...

Thank you for taking us along on your hike. Seeing the wild ponies is on my bucket list.

Betty S said...

All I can say to your pictures is Wow just Wow!

Sherrie said...

I was thinking the same , looks like petrified tree trunk. Miss vacationing at Sequoia Nat forest as a kid. ; )

The Joyful Quilter said...

LOVE that photo with the layers of mountains in the distance. Gorgeous, Bonnie!!

Sandy said...

Such beautiful pictures! I'm glad to hear your ankle held up well for you today. I'm sure it felt good to get out on such a beautiful day and enjoy the fresh air and sunshine.

Ellen T. said...

We are moving rooms around too; one thing at a time.

Linda K. said...

Send him my way! LOL! I'm in Lacon, where are you at in West Central Illinois?

BlessOSU said...

Love that Dresden plate! I made Dresden Plate wreaths way back when I didn't know a think about quilting. I had sewn garments for years, and wanted to make the wreaths for gifts. I think it was before my 36 year old daughter was born, but she now has the one I made her Grandma! Great memories.
Love seeing the ponies, and so glad you felt good enough to give it a go, Bonnie.

Connie said...

No, the photo cannot do justice to the view of the mountains but it sure does bring back memories of seeing it myself! It is so majestic.

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