
Friday, November 19, 2021

Dirt Roads and Bonniacs!

This is the season where the not-so-faint of heart throw on their coats and go for a walk before the rain starts.

And we barely made it to the state/county line and back without getting wet!

But we did it.

A handful  of us loaded up, drove 1/2 mile to park on Round House Road for a bit of a leg stretch and fresh air. on what will likely be the warmest day of the Bonniac's stay at Quiltville Inn.

I hadn't been up this road in months - since before the great ankle turn of September 2021 and I was eager to see how the change of seasons appeared along one of my favorite Mouth of Wilson jaunts.

The water in Wilson creek as it enters the New River (hence the MOUTH of Wilson creek, right?) was nearly crystal clear and only interrupted by a few ripples of moving water, and the splash of an occasional rain drop.

Amazing what we can see when trees don't have leaves.

Down a long lonely road.

I love the colors in this photo!

This little humble cottage is fun to see in each and every season.  But you have to admit, it looks especially forlorn in mid-November.

We were coached on bird calls, and what type of bird was making them!

The old Halsey place behind rusty colored leaves.

Probably my most favorite of all!

Yes, those storm clouds were brewing and we got a bit sprinkled and splattered on our way back, but the temps were in the 50s and it didn't feel that cold.

The sky didn't really open up until after we were safely back at Quiltville Inn and ready to dive into our Indigo a Go-go workshop from String Frenzy.

Session #1 - 3:30pm - 5:30 pm

String blocks!

Sewing and chatting up a storm!

(and yes, there is much swapping of neutral strings going on, too.)

I took this photo before heading home at 5:30 - do you see how dark it is outside those windows?

I don't know about you, but I am already counting down to the Winter Solstice. It can't come soon enough.

After dinner.  Pitch dark.  It feels like midnight.  It must be midnight.  Is it midnight?  No.  Only 7:30.  LOL.

It's going to be a LONG winter.

I got some more stitches into the eternal hexie quilt.

I rounded a corner, and am moving up the last side.

There is one medium sized side section and one large fill-in corner to finish along with the borders in those areas and I'll be done.  or at least done up to finishing the edge.

Maybe I need 3 more years.  We'll see.

And while I was stitching away - this perfect photo came by text:

Bonniacs hand stitching in the Hen Den!

So much happiness in this photo - can you feel it?

Today is about to be a bit disjointed.  I'll meet up with the ladies for some more workshop instruction at 9am - but then I'm going to have to leave them for a hair cut appointment that needs to happen.

While I'm gone to the hair cut, they'll go enjoy a ride up to Wytheville for some quilt shop therapy and grocery store hitting, and meet me back to continue on our workshop.

Today we'll tackle the snow ball corners on those string blocks and have fun all the way to dinner time.

Sounds like the perfect Friday, quilters style, don't you think?

What do you have planned for your day?

Quiltville Quote of the Day -

Choose kindness.

Every. Single. Time.

Have a fantastic Friday, everyone!

We are ONE WEEK away from Rhododendron Trail, Part One! 




Sharon K. Jack said...

I am up and mostly packed for a weekend for sewing and visiting at a friends house and lunch with another friend tomorrow and a quilt shop stop great weekend.

Quilter Kathy said...

I really love that photo of the quilters hand stitching their bindings! How wonderful it would be to enjoy the stitching and the conversation with them!

Mary said...

I have options. There's a Guild Sew-in happening today and tomorrow. I was up trying to watch the eclipse but Clouds got in my way...catch that earworm, Bonnie! Glad you didn't get caught in the rain.

Sue said...

I have HUGE plans for today ... trimming my Frolic that I picked up from my longarmer yesterday afternoon ... maybe start on binding. Why didn't I start trimming yesterday? Was putting the final borders on Crumb Jumble. Whew! Ready for Clue One on the 26th!

Leslie S. said...

December 23rd is my happy day. The days are once again getting longer!

Judy in Michigan said...

Love this post. In the hen den picture, please tell us about that quilt or picture or rug that is hanging above the left-ist quilter. It is stunning!

Paula from Kansas said...

I love seeing your pictures Bonnie! My birthday is on the winter solstice and the dark doesn’t bother me. It is a reminder that we need to rest like the earth does at this time of year! Also keep in mind that it’s temporary; that’s what I do!

Grandma Kathy Quilts said...

Catching up on my reading today. Lost myself with that beautiful barn picture! Great color palette. Along with the kindness of the door wreath. And the picture of the turquoise triangles on the cookie sheet. Awww. Warms my heart.

Tamara said...

I hear you about the early darkness. We are down to 6 1/2 hrs of daylight and still loosing til the solstice. :(

Unknown said...

Today, December 4, is the earliest sunset of year, so you can take cheer in getting a bit more afternoon daylight each day after today. (For anyone who sleeps through dawn, the days are getting longer!)

If you want to know why it's not on the solstice, there is a good explanation here: https://www.timeanddate.com/astronomy/equation-of-time.html

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