
Saturday, October 02, 2021

A Friday Away -

It's the weekend!  Hooray!

This was the scene yesterday morning from the Hen Den at Quiltville Inn where the Shippenstitchers were relaxing, enjoying some morning coffee and chatter before hitting the machines for another day of quilting on retreat.

You know it's a good morning when half the folks are still in slippers!

It's October, y'all!

The gas fireplace was putting off a lovely warmth!

I was sad to leave them to their own devices yesterday - but there is much to be done at the Wallburg house and that is where I was headed.

The Hubster left a couple of hours before me, so I could get the morning Quiltville Store mail out.

By the time I arrived in Wallburg, I could smell fresh paint as soon as I opened the door and shouted "Hello!" to the noises coming from upstairs.

The job of prepping and painting the two upstairs bedrooms is under way.

I boxed up quite a bit of stuff to be donated, moving those boxes into that staging area for loading up the trailer.

I emptied kitchen cabinets.  I peeled and tossed old shelf liner.  I filled up trash bags with stuff to toss.

And yes - there was MORE of this!

More quilts!  Oh Mylanta!

And there sits Zoey, as if to accuse me of "I thought we had dealt with all of this already?!"

It only took up PART of the van space this time.

There are a few quilts left at the house for "staging" - one quilt ladder.  One quilt on the master bed, and one hanging on the all behind the headboard.

And I'm now dealing with this at the cabin.

Seriously.  Ridiculous.

But then there is also so much joy.  

This arrived at its destination yesterday.  Click to Play:

Holy Toldedo from Scraps & Shirttails II.

I received a lovely message saying it had arrived, and that my great nice Atley just LOVES IT!

Such a sweet punkin!

This makes my heart so happy!

I am wishing her many snuggles for book reading and blanket forts and everything else that comes with it.

Two more boxes were dropped at FedEx yesterday on my way to Wallburg - and there will be more quilt documentation continuation to come!

It was late by the time I arrived home.

Wait - I take that back.

It was not LATE LATE.  It was DARK LATE.  Which is a thing that happens in the fall.  Because it was only barely 7:30pm but it was DARK DARK.

I do not like this dark thing!  And I know it's only going to get worse.

It did however make my hand stitching spot a comfy place to be as I watched a move while stitching just a bit.  I think I did more watching than stitching - but that's okay.  It's the intent, right?

The Hubster stayed in Wallburg because son Jeff is going to come help him move some heavy things coming back to Virginia today.

My second IKEA island cutting table is coming up to replace the folding table that my accuquilt studio sits on at the cabin studio.

My big corner desk and two side cabinets are coming up to replace a table at the QPO.

A recliner is going back to Jeff's - it's just going to take two people to get it out of the basement and around to h is truck.

My plan is to unload the other autumn decor stuff I brought home - more porch/house decorating for fall will happen.  Some of this stuff I haven't seen in years - it had been in the attic forgotten.

And there is more time with the Shippenstitchers to enjoy now that my big day to Wallburg is over.

This morning I am feeling one step closer (or more) to having that house dealt with.

The stuff is not as overwhelming as it once was.

We are eating that elephant - one bite at a time.

(There are still all of those bins of shirts in the basement under the stairs closet - but I'll deal with that another time!)

What's ahead for your Saturday?

All the way through the end of October, the Punkin Patch Runner  is half-price at only $5.00. No coupon required!⁣

Quiltville Quote of the Day -

BE YOURSELF! Most of all!
And remember you don’t have to explain yourself to those who don’t understand your journey.
It’s not theirs. It’s okay if they don’t get you!
Have a beautiful weekend, everyone!



Lesley Gilbert said...

Love watching your quilt documentation video's and the stories that go with them :)

Phyllis in Pacific Northwest said...

It sounds like your on the home stretch now with your moving task. Today is day two of my little sewing group Cape Horn Quilters first annual quilt show. For a small group of rural country gals, I’d say we have put on a great show. We had some yesterday who came all the way from Portland Oregon.

JulieC said...

I think Zoey was enjoying time on the other couch.

Marci H. said...

Your piles of quilts are treasures. I’m sure others would agree it would be so awesome to be able to purchase one of your quilts you are releasing! You’re a quilting rockstar!❤️ And also an inspiration along with being a teacher!!

I love the sweet, older photo of you & your dad; you look way younger than 40!

The cozy Hen Den (?) is SO inviting I wanted to jump in with my OWN slippers and coffee!

All the Fall “goings on” are filling up the calendar, but it’s such a wonderful time of year (except for the early dark!) Time is flying by SO fast though!! I’m going to have to let go of painting the living room & replacing 20 year old carpet until next year; I MUST get my Christmas projects completed!!

Happy weekend!!

Marci H

Leah said...

Really enjoying the quilt farewells. You're sending many happy future memories to loved ones. Atley is adorable!

Holy Toledo is so beautiful in recycled shirts. I have a shirt obsession - mostly thanks to you! ;) I just love how vintage and soft shirt quilts look and feel.

I hear you on the bins of shirts to cut up. The only way I stay sort of current on that is by making cutting shirts one of my evening TV projects. I keep a small bin ready in the living room so it's quick and easy to knock a few out when there's time.

Kara Benavides said...

Poor Zoey looks like she is worried there might not be room in the vehicle for her! haha I have a philosophy - which I am always forgetting - that I developed after going back to college again. I told those youngsters that were so bent on getting THis done so they could "live their life." I told them, "You are living your life right now. Don't throw these years away on hopes of something you may never get to." Anyway, I am going on almost 7 months of most of my stuff in storage. No longer remember all that is packed. No point in fretting. It is life - for me anyway. Open those boxes one at a time. Oh - and feel free to pass on some of those shirts under the stairs to me. :)

Sherrill said...

Which island table model do you have from Ikea? Always looking for a recommendation. Thanks! And ALL those quilts--so beautiful!

Bonnie K. Hunter said...

Purchased more than 8 years ago - and long discontinued. Sorry, I don't remember model numbers or names - especially in Swedish. :)

Lilac Joan said...

Always enjoy your morning quilt show. I have a quilting question: on the quilt with the message. Can you tell what type of batting is used? I love how the hand stitches show up.

Susabella said...

I love seeing all your quilts!
Perhaps another shirt fabric quilt? I still have lots of that stuff in my “cutting system” boxes. I would love to use those up!

sue s said...

Julie that was my thought too!

PMG said...

That little Atley looks like a mini Bonnie!!!! Sharing quilts with family brings so much joy. Glad you decided on that route.

Mary said...

Sigh of relief to get your treasures moved, I'm sure. Today is time for resting and hand stitching. Label and Binding ready. Deep breaths! I am not a fan of the early sunsetting of Fall.

PalmerGal said...

I love seeing all your quilts. While I have made no where anything close to what you have, I love giving them away to family and friends.

Margaret said...

I am enjoying seeing the documentation of all the quilts all clean and fresh blowing in the wind. I love that you are sharing your quilts with those that you love and that love you!

Quilter Lois said...

I spied your "Virginia Bound" quilt in the pile...You taught this class in Virginia in 2010, and I'm finally finishing this UFO! I decided to make it a bit smaller (I don't need another queen-size quilt) and string piece the center section separately before adding the side strings...It's a great quilt and your directions are wonderful! What I love most about these scrap quilts are the bits of loved fabrics and memories that are stitched in. Thank you for all you do!

BrenWall61@gmail.com said...

Came home today from Monroe, LA to find my Sept/Oct Quiltmaker. What is so funny is last week I got the Nov/Dec one. Now I have 2 to enjoy and get inspiration from. Since it was a 3 hour drive, inspiration is all I can handle the rest of today. LOL

stitchinkitchen said...

I"m interested in the one on the top of the pile.

Diane said...

My son is moving out of our home he has been renting the past 2 years. When we moved, we left behind alot of things in the basement, attic, garage, etc.! This Saturday I took your advice and took one small bite of the elephant and we emptied the garden shed. This week, I plan to empty the attic each night after work. My anxious heart is starting to ease. Thank you for the inspiration!

Elle said...

Stopped in on Sunday simply to say, I'm happy for you that you take 1 day off each week to restore your soul and enjoy life with zero "must do" tasks.

Wishing you a beautiful day :-)

Destiny said...

Your quilts are beautiful and so inspiring. I am so glad you are sharing some of your quilts with your family members. They are so lucky to receive a Bonnie Hunger original.

Kim said...

Moving is so HARD, I think we have made our last move and I couldn't be happier about it. The good thing is you can do this as you have time and energy since you do not have a deadline or a moving truck showing up at any moment. You are making great progress and just love the picture of your great niece under one of your gifts of love! Happy Sewing Bonnie

Unknown said...

Little Atley favors you and your mom! Adorable.

Linda C said...

Love the niece picture. It is sweet. I gave super scrape quilt almost lap size to 18 mos old baby (He is 6 now) He dragged that quilt to his bed. I will not forget that happy look and dance as he took it to his bed. He also has four older sisters, so five quilts went that day. (Foster children getting some time with grandma, neighbor of my mom.)

Mary P said...

Thank you Bonnie... Someone has been criticizing my actions without really knowing my life. Your statement was a moral booster. Your life, blog and quilting life is always a boost to my spirit. - Mary

Allison in Plano said...

I thought the same thing!

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