
Saturday, September 11, 2021

Whoops! She Did It Again!

Yesterday we got an early head start on the porch floor project at Quiltville Inn.

Yes, those are my skinny ankles in socks AND shoes no less -  It was chilly yesterday morning, the seasons are turning and with the job at hand I was not about to slosh around in sandals on the wet grass getting to and from.

I never really thought of the porch floor as looking dirty before - but once that new coat of paint was down - wow. What a difference.

The step area here -

We put up gutters in the spring as one of our big jobs for the house.  There were no gutters around the porch before which meant when it rained - it came off the roof in sheets everywhere, and caused a lot of splash back when it hit the ground.  

You can see here the "not yet re-painted" part by the pillar - the rain and the damp has caused that wood damage, and we need to protect it further.  Gutters have definitely helped and the new paint will also protect it.

It was a beautiful day - and we moved the dining tables and chairs and other big items from the unpainted back part to the newly painted part to make room for more painting.

And being told that I wasn't needed immediately, I went to go take care of some business at the QPO for a bit - only -

I did a stupid thing.
I'm not even sure how it happened.

My sock and shoe clad feet went around the porch to the front steps to avoid the wet grass.
Maybe it is a combination of new bifocals and newly painted stairs, and the fact that athletic shoes sometimes stop abruptly on a solid surface while the body keeps moving forward with momentum.⁣
I went flying down the front steps at Quiltville Inn and miraculously managed to launch myself onto the grass instead of landing on the herringbone brick sidewalk.⁣
Grasping for the bush did not break my fall. ⁣
And yes, I looked around to be sure no one witnessed this spectacular move. ⁣

My ankle is huge and I seem to have pulled a muscle in my calf at the same time.

The worst part - with the internet still out I couldn't reach the hubster by cell once I had hobbled and hopped to the QPO from the grass where I landed.

I thought I could manage it all - that if I just elevated it and rested it that I would be better by the time he came around.

And then the internet MIRACULOUSLY came on - while I was seated unable to really walk to do anything about getting orders out, etc.

I sent this message to the hubs who came running with an ice pack - bless him.

He asked what I wanted to do and I said "Please take me home for lunch. We'll just leave the van here. It's my gas pedal foot, I'm not going to be able to drive."

Lola watching all this go down.

I could hear her tsk-tsking from where I sat!

This was my evening.

And yes, if you see a mess in the background, the basket holds all of Zoey's toys - and as soon as you pick them up she will dump them all out again.  It is like having a 3 year old in the house.

I have been accident prone in the past.  I have used this ankle brace before.

I am doing ALL the things.


Naproxen as an anti-inflammatory. 

And hand quilting.

If there is no improvement through the weekend I will go to the ER for x-rays on Monday. I'm not doing the weekend Covid circus at this time. Not after last weekend with the cellulitis. So we shall see.

In the mean time - I caught up on Click Bait on Netflix - a limited series. GOOD!  I'll be hitting up the Binge Worthy tab at the top of the blog to see what else has been suggested that I haven't seen yet.

Did you know we have a Binge Worthy tab?  Please add your favorites!

I also finished Virgin River, season 3 this past week -

Ivy, watching birds.

Someone recently asked why we never see Ivy and Zoey photos together anymore and if she was still okay.  Yes - she is just very independent and neither of them are satisfied with the new love seat recliners situation so they aren't up on me where I can get snuggle photos.

But with me being laid up and hand quilting this weekend - we will see if they finally give in and get up close and personal.

I have marked my Appalachian Autumn PDF pattern at25% off through September!

No coupon code required!

The sale price will remain through September 30th, and revert to full on October 1st, 2021.  Don't miss out!

It's time to start in on the fall projects - to pull out those oranges, golds and browns and dig in to some comfort sewing with the upcoming change of seasons!

And I'll do my best to get those two new patterns ready as soon as I can get back to the QPO and finish the writing.  For the next 2 days I am simply feet up in my recliner with ice.

Quiltville Quote of the Day -

I  believe this with every fiber of my being, and it is simple as starting right now. Bum ankle or not.

Have a wonderful weekend, everyone!



barbtaz said...

So sorry to hear about your fall. It happens so fast! (Ask me how I know).

Robby said...

You know, new furniture is not to be trusted. As Zoey and Ivy can tell you, you have to keep an eye on it for a while. :-) Hope you're doing better soon.

Elaine Adair said...

Oh dear, I am so sorry to hear of this accident. Stay calm (you sound calm) and carry on. It could be worse - take care.

Kitty said...

No advice here, just an I’m so sorry. I’ve been there, done that. Seems sometimes something or someone tells us enough already sit down rest. Hope you will be on the mend in a day or so…

Elle said...

I'm with you on your plan. As an Orthopedic RN I am of the opinion that everything needs 72 hours to determine if medical treatment is necessary unless there is immediate searing pain that is not lessened by ice/elevate/NSAIDS.

Have a great hand stitching weekend!

Deb B. said...

I am so sorry you fell again. The bifocals really are a problem on stairs and I often take them off when I am going down stairs. I think the reader part of the bifocals distort my depth perception. Best wishes for a speedy recovery.

Leah said...

Oh no! Between the tailbone injury, the cellulitis, and now this, you're having a heckuva summer! Best wishes for a quick recovery.

I didn't get to read yesterday's post until today, and I was already thinking how nice the grey paint looked. Then you showed the contrast to the old paint, and WOW! Huge difference. Looks really sharp.

mangozz said...

I've fallen a few times myself. It is embarrassing and painful. Hopefully you didn't do any serious damage. Take care of yourself.

BrenWall61@gmail.com said...

So sorry to hear about your fall. Your positive attitude is such a good example. I hope that a restful weekend will help with the healing and no need for clinics. It is a blessing that you don't have to entertain guest for a couple of weeks so you can get healed.

Ruth's girl said...

So sorry to hear about your fall! Take care of yourself. Yes, yes, yes bifocals can throw us off. Way back when I had them for the first time the optician told me repeatedly to tuck my chin down when I went down stairs so that I would be looking through the distance portion of the lens. Aren't we glad that we always have a hand stitching project available!

Michele said...

Hoping you heal enough to avoid the ER.

Leslie Legros said...

So sorry Bonnie! I’ve been there… I got around kneeling on a wheeled office chair… life saver!
Recommend Outer Banks. 2 seasons. Virgin River, now 4 seasons. On Prime, I really liked McCloud’s Daughters and Blue Heelers. Lots of seasons. Good Luck!

Deb E said...

I think that's one of the worst things of getting older (and I'm several years ahead of you!) -- the number of opportunities to fall increase & the falls usually occur in stupid ways (in my experience, especially since I'm naturally a klutz!). Look at this time as a reminder to be careful and an opportunity to snuggle fur babies and hand sew -- and I'm VERY glad you didn't seriously hurt yourself! Take care! Deb E

Anonymous said...

Bonnie, I hope you recuperate quickly! Take care of yourself. Looking forward to next August already. Joan P.

Cheryl said...

Bonnie- OUCH! Hope your ankle & leg get better without needing further treatment.
I totally understand the dog toy situation. I pick up dog toys each evening & return them to the toy basket. One of the first things that Gracie does each morning it take out most of the toys and drag around her blanket and bed. Requires attention to where I walk around the house, but she is SO cute that I gladly tolerate her antics! Love the pets!!

Pokeyscorner said...

So sorry to hear of your fall. I did that once upon a time as well. Broken ankle, but it was great to see my Mom's face when she told me she could lend me her walker.Here's to a speedy recovery. Pamper yourself when you an.

coversquilter said...

I saw your picture of foot up and the hoop in hand. "I am ready for any challenges that may be foolish enough to face me" I saw printed on a board somewhere and it immediately came to mind! Nothing stops a quilter! Foot up, Needle on!

Kristy said...

I was hoping that is was Zoey that had done something not you! So sorry to hear about your fall. I hope you can get some stitching done and mostly rest. Your hubby is truly a keeper! Have you ever watched Lark Rise to Candleford? It is only a 4 season series. Rest up. K- lkw2x6-apq@yahoo.com

Nacyy said...

I’ve had bifocals for years and just this summer realized how much better I see to walk when I take them off. They definitely affect depth perception.

Nikki said...

Hope everthing heals quickly. Tumbles are tough.

scrappy101 said...

Sorry about your fall. Wishing you a speedy recovery, with no lasting damage. Positive vibes)))))

Helen T. said...

Sending healing hugs!

Mary said...

Have a Quiet, restful weekend. Glad your Hubster is there to help you. The porch looks awesome. Hate walking downstairs with my bi-focals.

Kara Benavides said...

It sounds horrid, but I am glad to hear that you have fallen - again. Misery loves company. Last year I fell so many times . . . A couple weeks ago, I got up from a pew after service and tipped right over (dizzy). How embarressing! and yes, I have a bag full of knee, ankle and wrist splints. hahaha You know you need the bread - well, that is what my kids say.

Quilter Lois said...

Take good care of yourself, you are very important to me/us!

Lisa in Port Hope said...

At the moment I get by with 3 pairs of glasses, one for everyday, one for computer, and one for sewing. Bifocals (progressives) basically were a compromise and nothing worked (the worst part was missing door handles due to tricky depth perception). It really makes me wonder how people dealt with getting older before some of our modern medical conveniences.

Sharon in Seattle said...

Oh Bonnie! I'm so sorry! But I know you will let go of all the things you were planning to do that seemed so important at the time and do what is in front of you to do. I just hope you're not in too much pain. Blessings and big love!!

Joyce C said...

Hmmm… a little God wink for the internet to come on..πŸ’— prayers for a swift recovery!

Mary O said...

I hope it's just a minor injury! You've had enough this year!

Jane Dallmeyer said...

Love your positive attitude but sorry for your fall.. you are truly needed to your readers !!
Speedy recovery!!

Bonnie said...

A few years ago I wondered why a person would stop at curb the slowy step up or down. Well I know now! Stairs, uneven surfaces are regarded as traps! When not felling well getting up and down from a chair can be a fall on your face trap. It's good to be alive, old and all!

Phyllis said...

Oh Bonnie another whoopsie, ice and rest. Just what you need after that calamity. So glad you landed on the grass vs cement! My wishes for a speedy recovery!

Cheryl's Teapots2Quilting said...

So sorry. Try rotating heat and ice, in 20 minute intervals. That is what the doctor had me do when I did major damage to my ankle years ago. Hope it heals quickly. There are much better (and pain free) ways to get out of painting ;) (only teasing).

priscilla said...

Oh Bonnie....Feel better!! At least you're home safe and sound, doing what you love to do!!

Donna Endresen said...

Bonnie- I am so sorry about your accident. I am also glad you have your brace, and you know the meaning of the acronym "Rice". Enjoy the down time, the love of your critters, and hand sewing.

I almost did the same thing yesterday. I went to a garage sale a couple miles from home, because my neighbor texted me that they have fabric. I came away w/ only a small shoe box size container of fabric, a neck roll foundation and a twin sized batting. Most of the fabrics were knits and fleece, some lacy fabrics. I also bought a used Honda self propelled lawn mower for small jobs, borders, etc. Then, as I was going back in to pay for the lawn mower, I caught my shoe on a metal ridge going into the garage. This propelled me forward, and I hit a chair, but no people. I didn't go completely down either, which is good. Embarrassed, Yes, Injured, No!

Take care and heal fast!

Kasilof, AK
Where it is sunny, but was a cool 35 degrees this morning.

Patchworksmiley said...

In case you are searching for it, it is actually McLeod's Daughters, both McLeod's Daughters & Blue Heelers are Aussie series.

Samantha M said...

Well Bonnie, you certainly don't do things by halves! Hope your ankle isn't too serious and settles quickly....and maybe take more water with it next time..... (as my uncle used to say lol) :-)

52KID said...

So sorry to hear that you are a klutz just like me. I could picture you doing a flying leap down the stairs. My latest trick was to fall backwards over a very strange towbar and break my arm - luckily it was the left one, but still. It didn't keep my from doing stuff too badly, just struggled to get dressed - lucky I live with my daughter and she was very helpful. Hope you haven't done any major damage.

Becky said...

So sorry to hear of 2 falls over the weekend. I've been there and that brings me to something I tell myself frequently "women of a certain age should slow down and look for the dangers in their pathway (bumps in the road too)". It is up to the individual to determine when she reaches that "certain age". I hope you both feel better on Monday.

Mary Ellen said...

Oh, Bonnie. I think this temporary rest will be good. And it's a wonderful thing to get all those odd jobs finished before it gets too cold. Hope the kitties come to you while you're actually sitting down!

Charlotte said...

Hope you are seeing improvement by today.

Got to go to a quilt show yesterday and meet a Quilty friend I hadn’t seen in several months. So much fun! Today I’m packing up to go to retreat with my friends from my home quilting group. Loving the cooler temperatures in the morning in central Texas.

M Elliott said...

For a series, Velvet is good. 4 seasons on Netflix.

Kim said...

OH NO! I do hope the swelling has gone down and you have NO PAIN. Happy stitching while you allow your body to heal.

Unknown said...

After several falls caused by depth perception problems after receiving bifocals/trifocals/cataract surgeries, I now ALWAYS hold onto the handrails when going up and down stairs!

karenf said...

We just finished Clickbait. Yes, very good. Sorry about your ankle.

Jody said...

I am so sorry to hear about your ankle! Sending healing energy and love your way!

June said...

My daughter and I call Ivy watching the birds, cat TV! Hope you ankle gets better without making another trip to the ER.

Sandy said...

As my dad would say…don’t do that, it hurts ☺️ Wishing you fast healing!

Kara Benavides said...

Should read "You know you need the break. Not brake or a brake, or even kneading bread. Oh mercy. I have been painting and think the fumes are getting to me.

Barbara Y. said...

I'm so sorry to hear about your latest misadventure! It's Sunday night and I just read about it. I hope this evening things are getting better. On a positive note, I must say that Ivy has certainly grown into a very lovely cat. Of course she was a very cute kitten.

Shirley said...


Susan K said...

I heartily agree with the above!

RoxySherburne said...

So sorry to hear about your fall! Take care of yourself and use lots of ice to keep the swelling down and heal your injury. These things always happen when you least expect them to. Last year, I fell on our puppy's 24" high kennel and hurt my right shin. Hope your ankle heals fast!

ceblakeney said...

Oh jeebus. Life is for sure a contact sport. Spinning the prayer wheel for quick healing and a swift return to regular order. And double noting on my own calendar that appointment in October for an eye exam (long put off due to our public health crisis) which will almost certainly include a new glasses prescription.

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