
Monday, September 06, 2021

All On A Long Holiday Weekend!

Happy Labor Day Monday, everyone!

It has been quite the weekend here, and I'm about to play a bit of catch up.  

It's quite often that I don't know where to start a post, or which direction the narration will go, so I let the photos tell the story and just go from there.

There may be some jumping around in this one as it has been quite the - well, you'll see!

This little white farmhouse has appeared in photos and posts over the past couple of months - 

This time just 3 of us (plus Zoey) got out for a Saturday morning walk.  Melody and Jennifer are part of this weekend's September Quiltvillians retreat group, and it was a beautiful morning to show them our new walking route down Bear Branch Road.

The things I am noticing most about September so far?  Beautiful temps, lower humidity of course.  But the light just feels different some how.  More golden.  And look at that cloud pattern in the sky.  Just beautiful!

I keep hoping that one day as I walk this road I'll see this gate open and perhaps a car or two and I'll get to meet the folks who are working so hard on restoring this beautiful place.

I love hearing the sound of the little streams along the road -

This on burbling under a fallen tree -

Mama always told me to beware of smiling with gum in my mouth - oh well!  Beautiful September grins, girls!

And before we could stop Zoey -

Down the embankment she went and was ALL IN.

There is nothing like a wet dog in the van on our return drive. But she was SO HAPPY. 

We returned to Kathy making quesadillas in the kitchen for Saturday's brunch.  YUMMY!

There is much sewing going on of course!

Melody's cute little paddlewheel blocks!

Sharon's borders on her Tulip Time going on!

Jennifer, laying out her Kira blocks by Gudrun Erla of GE Quilt Designs 

And a top completion!  Wonderful!

Saturday night's fire pit fun!

It was a wonderful evening to spend with friends old and new.  I love the conversations and discussions and the whole just "letting our hair down" that happens at retreat.  

You can feel it.  Day by day as retreat goes on, folks get more relaxed, less stressed.  It's just wonderful beyond words.

Not only is there a lot of quilting productivity happening - but all of the other hats we wear day to day are set aside until we are just who we are.  With each other.

The next morning (Which was yesterday SUNDAY) is when I woke up with an issue.  (Trigger warning - photos)

Big red blotch on my leg.

Hot as hades, hard to the touch, and itching like a mother bear.

A spider bite perhaps?  I don't remember being bitten at all by anything at any time.  It had to have happened in my sleep - or it was some creepy thing that numbs you as it bites because I truly felt nothing.

I arrived at the inn at my usual time - just past 9am.  Nurse Kathy said - let's draw a line around it with a sharpie and see if it is growing still.

So we did.

Hey - it looks somewhat like Guam!

It's a bit blurry.  And it is ON FIRE.  And within an hour - you can see that it is creeping beyond the Guam line.

The closest Urgent Care to the inn is closed on Sundays. (How is this helpful?!) So I went a bit further to Galax.

Where the first place I stopped at had a sign to call the number - by this time it's about 11:30am.  The recording said "Our offices will be closed from 10am and not open until Tuesday."  10am??!  Who closes at 10am??

So I call the next one (I'm smarter this time) that is about 5 miles down the road and explain the situation.  

The receptionist said "We are fully packed because the other one is closed. There is a wait of 1 1/2 hours...." I could tell she was trying to have me NOT come.  I said - I believe I have cellulitis, it needs to be seen NOW.  So I came. Regardless the wait.

They were swamped.  Nurses were running to cars that held folks requiring Covid tests.  The waiting room was pretty full.  But in I went.

The worst part?  NO CELL SERVICE!  But I did have my ear buds and an audio book and music so that helped.

They closed at 2pm on Sundays.  I was the last patient seen.  I could tell the staff was frazzled.  I apologized profusely.

The PA who saw me said - this is serious.  You really did the right thing by coming.  It would be much worse if you waited.  This is what we are here for.  By this time the redness had gone way beyond the sharpie margins.

So she phoned me in a prescription to the local CVS and I was out of there and on my way.

Antibiotics in hand, and instructions to take Benadryl once home - I headed back toward the inn.

I forgot the other part.  The retreat ladies had been baby sitting Zoey this whole time because The Hubster had no idea that I had gone to the Urgent Care.  He was the other side of Damascus at an archery thing.

Zoey was in good hands and mostly slept the whole 4+ hours that this took.  Thank you ladies!

From there it was home.  Benadryl kicked in and I was zonked for a long nap.  It was also early to bed.

This morning? A little better.  Another dose of Antibiotics in me and a bit of breakfast.  We'll see.

Why is it these things always happen over a weekend?  And a long holiday one at that?

Today this is my plan.  More border blocks for my Cabin Corners quilt. I need 26 pairs total. I'm about half way there.

It's not such a bad way to spend a Labor Day Monday, after all!

How are you spending yours?

Entries are still coming in on our September/October 21 Quiltmaker Gift-Away.  Did you enter yet ON THAT POST?

Quiltville Quote of the Day -

Mai Tais in Paradise quilt from my book Addicted to Scraps - available at deep discount in the Quiltville Store!

Don't live your life impressing others,
Live your life impressing yourself with what you can do!



Patty P said...

I am impressed that you compared the red shape to Guam....most people have never heard of it! I was stationed there twice, one of my daughters was born there.

Cats said...

apparently some bug found you to be a tasty treat whilst hiking or sitting innocently at the fire pit... dang... maybe some repellant in future? although i dislike chemicals, i dislike need for antibiotics and benydril too... sigh what's a girl to do living in the wild country??? Glad you're showing improvement... I am improving on Appalachian Autumn, started last year, stopped for mystery? a gift? squirrel crossing the road? Anyway! she's almost finished, only the last border and happy quilting... Ah lovely report about the apples, happy picking and useful-ness. Yep... September brought cooler nights (almost as if a switch were turned) and humidity has dropped... although the abundant plumeria love it, I'm done sitting in a puddle of my own persp... abundant and cheerful days and nights, thank you all for your contribution to my life... life is so good!!! Cats in Carlsbad CA

3 kats and a kwiltr said...

For some reason, when I read your title this morning, I heard the opening line of "Hotel California". "On a dark, desert highway..."
Hope the cellulitis continues to improve and you are able to enjoy the ladies.
Anna in IL

Anita Barra said...

The cellulitis looks serious, for sure. I’m glad you sought medical attention.
The scenic photos are beautiful. It’s such a nice time of the year.

Ruth's girl said...

So glad to hear your persisted in getting medical care! Sometimes it is hard to know what to do. Heal quickly. I am sure Zoey charmed everyone. Thank you for keeping this blog going. It blesses me and it is much needed since we still need to be careful where we go and how we go because of Covid.

Joye with an e said...

You were so wise to get medical attention to your cellulitis. I had an unknown swelling on my chin in July and waited until my lymph glands were sore before I went to the doctor, who put me on 10 days of antibiotics. It healed but I have an odd-shaped hole/scar on my chin. I should have gone for medical care sooner!

Linda Swanekamp said...

If you have a sympathetic doctor, it would be good to have a script on hand if you know you get this. My urologist gave me a script that I filled that is on hand for UTIs. I don't get them often, but they hit me wicked, usually on a weekend.

robynfam said...

Sorry for the bite. I know how they itch! Hopefully today I can get my Bento box quilt bound. It is a gift for friends.

Patricia said...

sorry you managed to get cellulitis, but ... now i know what it looks like. teaching even when you aren't at your best. lol thanks for all you do for us. i love the pictures of your countryside. and of course, all the eye candy you share. talk about squirrels. patti in florida

Mary said...

Glad you got that red spot treated. Have a happier Labor Day, today. September brings many memories for me. I need to get a couple more Birthday cards in the mail that won't arrive on time because of the holiday. And pic up my Frolic Quilt at the Fairgrounds and read the comments from the Judges.

AmyDquilter said...

Once you have cellulitis, you are more prone to getting it again. You were smart to get it looked at! Feel better soon!

DenverEmerson said...

Hubby got stung by a hornet (or wasp. Don't know the difference) Same story as yours. Good thing you got to the Urgent care. It can be serious. Hope you are feeling better every day :-))

Duchess B said...

Seems like things like that bite or whatever it is or a bad tooth, always happen when there's no service to be had nearby and at the beginning of a weekend, especially a long one. This is how I react to mosquitoes. Glad you were able to eventually get some help though. Still and all, long weekends are good for us though and as you say, you can feel the layers of stress peeling back as the days go by. Absolutely wonderful that you're able to provide an environment where that can happen.

MissPat said...

Cellulitis is nothing to fool around with. My husband had it about 10 years ago right after Christmas. He spent a week in the hospital on intravenous antibiotics. You were wise to not give up on the urgent care.

Quilting_Chris said...

Cellulitis is serious business. Kudo's for standing up and advocating for yourself while they tried to turn you away or at the least discourage you from being seen. I understand they were busy, but some things need to be taken care of sooner rather than later. Healing thoughts to you

Patricia said...

I had cellulitis a few years ago behind my knee. It didn't itch but was pretty painful. The oral antibiotics didn't touch it. I had to get Rocephin injections but they did the trick. It is serious business. HOpe you are showing improvement. Hugs....

ChrisDeeCaregeiver @gmail.com said...

Hi Bonnie it's been a long time since I checked out your blog. Your quilting retreat looks like a dream come true. Although I'm sure it's a lot of work. that cellulitis looks pretty serious good thing you got it checked out. I hope it goes away quickly. One last note that tulip quilt that Sharon is making is an absolute showstopper. Hugs and blessings ChrisDee

Mary Ellen said...

Hope you are feeling and getting better, Bonnie. Naturally a lot of bad things happen on holiday weekends. My brother-in-law had a heart attack on the Friday before a Monday July 4th holiday. He had to wait until Tuesday for bypass surgery! Lots of hugs and thanks for this blog cause I read it every morning and love it!!

Jody said...

Glad you got on that! Cellulitis is no fun, I lost most of August to cellulitis caused by a wasp sting. 10 days of strong oral antibiotics, one day later back where I had been 11 days earlier, only now it covered more of my arm. Enter 7 days of IV antibiotics. Body is still recovering from that.

You might want to talk to your GP about having an antibiotic on hand so you can deal with the infection immediately. I have had that for the past few years and stopped 2 different rounds dead in its tracks. But the wasp bite was too much and I may have waited a few hours too long.

Hope it heals up quickly!

Sharon said...

Glad you are feeling better, seems as though you have had a hard summer. I love your Cabin Corners blocks.

Natalie in Maine said...

Oh no Bonnie. Why is it things happen right at the start of a long weekend. So glad you were seen and treated right away. A friend of my mom's ignored hers for a long time and ended up in the hospital for a long time and can't walk well now. Thanks goodness you had a nurse there who advised you to go in right away.

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