
Saturday, August 28, 2021

Quilts & Quilters All Around! (Free Shipping Sale!!)

It's  Stitch Mob invasion!  Of the BEST KIND!

And little do they know how I had to quickly toss stuff in bins and pitch things out of sight because - my studio is ALWAYS some sort of Creative Mess in Progress.  It's just the way it is.

Creativity is MESSY!  Are you with me?

This little visit happened yesterday after lunch, and it was so much fun.  And each of them made a pinky-swear when it came to showing the what is up and coming as far as pattern releases go!  Woopwoop!!

It was a full day of quilt love - both in the making, and in the sharing.  We went with the flow, wherever the conversations lead!

You gotta be careful with Karen - she'll take over YOUR design wall space when you aren't looking! LOL!

She will soon be sashing these Tulip Time block quarters together.

I snuck this photo of Lynnette's workspace -

Can you guess what she is working on just by these units?

It's Good Fortune and she is making great headway!

And yes - we DID get in 2 1/2 miles down Bear Branch road!

(No bears were seen)

Guess where these beautiful triangles are going to end up?

In a gorgeous purple version of Rivanna!

And the impromptu show and share started as Karen unfolded her Blue Ridge Beauty quilt from Adventures with Leaders & Enders.  She will be quilting it up soon - SO pretty!

And then she brought out her Bitcoin to many cheers!


And the show & share didn't stop there -

Chiquita brought her first ever quilt -

Hand quilted and everything!

This was her "You've come a long way baby!" moment.

This top is waiting to be quilted - 

She showed us several backing fabric options -

It's her underground railroad quilt.

Sampler quilts provide so many options for learning different techniques.  It's beautiful!

My favorite block?  The positive/negative shoo fly blocks third down on the left.

And this is the kind of joyous laugher that is filling this house!

Chiquita did our Easy Breezy Leader & Ender challenge last year and this is her beautiful result.  I love the red setting squares!

Have you finished yours?

Our favorite kind of backings!

She made a bigger version of the block that she can write on for a label - and it is all quilted in place.  WONDERFUL!

This top was made in Gyleen Fitzgerald's polygon workshop.

Next up - quilting it!

Super scrappy improve quilt - all the colorful fabrics!

This one was done as a block exchange and the center of each block is signed by the maker.

And another fantastic backing to many cheers!

A beautiful 1950s hexagon quilt to share - just because.

The fabrics in this one are fantastic - a real scrap bag quilt top using that green and the other solids in each diamond section to tie it together. The hand stitching on this one is so nice - can you imagine cutting out all of these pieces by tracing a cardboard template one a a time?

More design wall loveliness -

Karen's "wrap around" Tulip Time blocks next to Jessica's Blue Ridge Beauty in progress, and Chiquita's super soft baby girl quilt that is going to a neighbor when she gets it done.

Am I getting any sewing in with all of this togetherness?

Some.  Little.  But people are more important!

Still working on my border blocks for the Cabin Corners quilt in progress.

(I spy Canada!)

Lola wants to know why I keep burying her in neutral strings!

And at the end of the day - I came home to this.

40 years ago today I married this guy.

Yes, we were mere babies. I was 19 and he was 21. ⁣
It has been such a wild unimaginable ride.⁣
Raising our two sons has been the highlight of our lives. ⁣
Finding ourselves nearing the realm of "Senior Citizens" is just so bizarre. ⁣
Not sure how we got here - but there is so much to look forward to with every passing day.⁣
Oh, and thanks for the flowers, honey!

As a reminder - time is running out!

The printable PDF pattern for Rocky Road to Grayson is available in the digital pattern section of the Quiltville Store.  The introductory price is already marked 25% off - no coupon code required!

The introductory price is good through 8/31/21, and will revert back to full on 9/1/2021.

This quilt was so much fun to make!

I used the Creative Grids 45 degree ruler to trim my string pieced units.

I printed my block quarter templates on Carol Doak’s Foundation Paper.

Are you excited to dive in??

And since it is a very special anniversary weekend for us -

Let's have a free shipping event!

All orders of $40.00 and over from the Quiltville Store will receive FREE SHIPPING using code FREE40 at purchase.

The FREE40 free shipping code is only good through Sunday, so this is a quick grab it now opportunity!

You know I don't post on Sundays - so this is the ONLY time I'm mentioning this sale.  By the time I post Monday, it will be over!

If you've been wanting books or rulers - this is the time.  

Thank you for celebrating with me!

Quiltville Quote of the Day -

How many of us are astounded that 40 years can pass so quickly?

Have a wonderful weekend, everyone!



Linda said...

Congratulations. 💐💐 We celebrate our Golden Wedding anniversary on 18th September. Where do all the years go?

T Holzer said...

Beautiful show and tell...all the time and love put into those quilts!

Sara said...

Happy anniversary!!!

katie said...

I have my 50th HS reunion on Sept 11, not sure how that happened either. Time flies when you are not watching. My anniversary was the 25th of this month. The hubby's favorite phrase is "The days are long but the years are short." Happy Anniversary!

Love Of Quilts said...


Frans said...

Happy anniversary Bonnie & Dave. The flowers are gorgeous, all the colors of a scrappy quilt!
I cannot believe we are approaching social security age, it is so bizarre.

K.L. said...

Congratulations, Bonnie and Dave! We would love to hear sometime how you two met. :)

Odysset Girl said...

Happy 40th Anniversary. When you have the right guy the time passes too swiftly. Stay young and strong and enjoy the life you're living. Thanks for all your work keeping your retreaters (spell check says that isn't a word--little it knows) happy and keep on designing. Love your work.

Valerie House said...

Happy 40th Anniversary!

Unknown said...

Happy Anniversary!

Debcal1946 said...

A very happy 40th anniversary, Bonnie! I usually encourage people to do something special on their birthday/anniversary but you do something special every day. Do something EXTRA special.

BrenWall61@gmail.com said...

Happy Anniversary! Have a wonderful day. The top picture is so wonderful with all those smiling faces. This is another great group of ladies who know how to retreat. May I add talented ladies.

Mary said...

Congrats on 40 years. It's an achievement worth noting. Love the show and share. Lucky gals to visit the QPO. Have a great weekend.

Mary D said...

So happy for you that you have 40 amazing years together so far. May you be blessed with many more. 💘

Sydney said...

Happiest of anniversaries to both of you!
Chiquitas' quilts are absolutely gorgeous! Love the red one!!

Sharon in Seattle said...

Oh fantastic! 40 years! Congratulations and blessings for many years more! Got me wondering where I was 40 years ago today. 😊

Mary O said...

Happy Anniversary! Wishing you the best!

AnnieBikes said...

Happy Anniversary. 40 years is a wonderful milestone! Congratulations.

Fran Sancroft said...

WOW!! Time sure does fly!... CONGRATULATIONS Bonnie and Dave!.. Thankyou for all the inspiration and keep up the great work!.. Love from "We the North" in Canada!!

Cindy S from VA said...

Happy anniversary!!

Kay said...

Congratulations on your 40th anniversary - what a wonderful milestone of love to celebrate.

Kathy O in GA/AZ said...

Happy 40th Bonnie! Who knew we shared anniversaries - today is my 45th! Have a fantastic weekend!

CindyD said...

Happy Anniversary! Our 40th will be in December. My 50th high school reunion was last month but I didn't go - to travel to Ohio from eastern Washington was too far with the virus worsening.

Phyllis said...

Happy Anniversary! Like others have said where did the years go. Beautiful flowers! May you have many more wonderful years!! Love Lola and all those captions.

Liz B. said...


ALICIA said...

Feliz Aniversario

Donna Endresen said...

Congratulations Bonnie and Dave!
40 years! WOW!

It would be 50 years for me on Sept.11th, if I was still married. WOW, time surely does fly. Beiung 50 seemed impossible back then, let alone 70!

Have a Great Weekend, Bonnie!

Karen M said...

Happy Anniversary!! Blessings for many more years together!!

Karen M said...

Happy Anniversary!! Blessings for many more years together!!

Leslie Schmidt said...

Happy Anniversary, Bonnie and Dave! Today is our 50th anniversary. I, too, wonder how that much time has passed. I am continually astounded by the parallels in our live. Our birthdays are next to each other, I also have a son named Jeff, I lost a daughter, too, and I live in Minnesota. My older daughter's birthday is Feb. 8. Isn't that your mother's birthday? In any case, we have these connections that make it fun. Best wishes for many, many more good years.

Ellie said...

Happy 40th Anniversary Bonnie & the Hubster. Wishing you a really great weekend & many more years to celebrate together.

Char said...

Happy anniversary! So happy for you two.

Betty S said...

Congratulations On 40 years. We just made 59 years in May. Yes we were just babies too, 18 and 21. Sadly I lost him in June.

TheEclecticAbuela said...

Congratulations! My daughter turned 40 this year; I'm not sure how that happened!

nancy c said...

Happy 40th Anniversary!!! I am the same age as you an have been with my husband since we were 17, so I totally agree, time does fly!

Vireya said...

Happy anniversary!

Jocelyn said...

I love your wedding photo. We have been married 48 years this past July. We were young too. So glad to have such a great guy to spend the rest of my life with. Congrats and wishing you many more!

Mary Ellen said...

Happy anniversary! 40 is a good number. I do think it's going to stick (ha, ha)

otherussin said...

Happy 40th Anniversary. Congratulations for making the journey together. I enjoy celebrating with folk who have long term marriages. Mine didn't work out that way I lost my husband to heart failure when we had been married almost 12 years. So I enjoy celebrating with you long time married folk

rtncrft said...

Congratulations! Happy 40th Anniversary! We just celebrated our 40th last month! 💕 Thanks for sharing all you do! So fun to follow all the Quiltville news! I live in WI and it is my dream to one day have a retreat at the Quiltville Inn!

Jane Dallmeyer said...

My husband and I were also 19 and 21 when we married!! We are 10 years ahead of you!!
Congratulations to you guys!!! And many more…

Kristy said...

Happy Anniversary! Wow! you two really were babies! But so happy and so sweet of your honey to send you flowers! You know you are having way too much fun these days! :-) So glad you are sharing all of your fun with us! I just saw an amazing Grassy Creek done in blue and pink! It was so pretty! Plus a whole bunch of other scrappy blocks from a friend I only see when I go to Montana for vacation. It was so special to have my own quilt show. You get to have a quilt show every day it seems! I am looking forward to getting home and sewing my navy strings together from my Grassy Creek border. I started a couple on my trip and I love them! Yay! Have a lovely Sunday. K- lkw2x6-apq@yahoo.com

Mom said...

Real friends DO remind you that 1971 was 50 years ago when that friend is your hubby of 50 years. We celebrated last weekend. Congratulations to all!

JeannieK said...

What a great post! And with the extra treat of finding out it is your anniversary with the photos from your wedding and when you were younger! It sure started my morning right. Wishing you both many many more years of happiness, love, laughter, and adventure!

Linda K. said...

Happy Anniversary Bonnie and Dave! We celebrated our 46th in July (we were both 19 when we married). 50 years high school next year for me.
Those girls have certainly been busy. There are some beautiful quilts and tops in your post today!

Unknown said...

My father called me when I turned 50 and asked "How does it feel to be half a century old?" Time goes so quickly.

Linda Mischloney said...

Happy Anniversary. Mike and I celebrated number 50 in May, how did that happen?! Thank you for sharing your wonderful day.

Gail Piper said...

Congratulations on 40 years!!! Here's to many more!

Jan Hebert said...

Happy Anniversary! Adorable wedding picture, I had no idea Dave is so tall! What gorgeous quilts! Very talented ladies. I wish I belonged to a quilt group, they are having so much fun. Jan in MA

Sailgirl said...

Congratulations on 40 years. Still more beginners. 57 for us and still learning. Enjoy your celebration.

Unknown said...

Love, love, love seeing the pictures of people's work. The quilts are wonderful. And congratulations on your 40th. We just celebrated our 59th by taking a trip to visit the last of the 50 states. We are visiting our youngest daughter right now and then home. My sewing room is calling:) Nancy A: SewingGranda@gmail.com

Anonymous said...

Bonnie, Sam & I were married on 4/30/1981 - 40 years ago. Congratulations! I miss our August retreat already! Looking forward to next year!

Juana said...

Happy Anniversary!!

Natalie in Maine said...

Wow, these quilts are gorgeous ladies, i think I am in love with at least three of them.

Unknown said...

Happy 40! Mine is next year. YEAH US.

zolaquilts said...

Lightbulb moment seeing Chiquita's Easy Breezy quilt (I've been dreading sewing sashings) I can use grunge and other solids to finish mine - which was the other challenge - what color to use as it's so scrappy. Whew. Thanks Chiquita!

LadyBugBetty said...

In 2021, hubby and I will celebrate our 57th Anniversary on Dec 19! It’s been a wild ride at times, other times slow and easy! He will be 85 2 days after, I am 67!

LadyBugBetty said...

I forgot. Happy Anniversary!

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