
Monday, August 30, 2021

Late Summer Twilight -

My photography skills aren't that great in the nearly dark past dusk.

Yes, there are settings for cell phones for night time photography and low light situations - but - do I have time for that?  Nope!  

Instead - I go merrily on my way snapping crappy photos hoping to share with you just a bit of the joy that goes around here.

Life isn't found in the perfection of photos - but rather in the living that goes on out from behind the camera view.

Where we let our inner child out to play on the tree swing!

Now THIS, my friends is living in the moment!

And yes - we got brave enough -

To toast up those beautiful printed marshmallows that the Naughty Room Quilters left for us!

Toasting to the tune of 

"Burn baby burn, disco inferno!"

(So we all survived the 70s - what can I say?! LOL!)

It's been wonderful, Stitch Mob girls!!

What else did we fit in before we gathered around the fire pit as darkness fell?  Check out our day:

Some of us left the comfort of Quiltville Inn about 8:30 am to go up to the Appalachian Trail.

Can you see the layer of fog and low-hanging clouds?  I love where the mountain peaks peek through them!

The delicate pink beauty of a thistle -

Fields of Gold -

Autumn is right around the corner!

Trail photos to send home to friends and family.

Taking in the views -

But where are the ponies?

Big rocks and a bit of rest!

We Just Did It!

And the only equine sightings?

Three riders on horse back. No ponies.

 The must still be up higher and over the other side of the mountain where there is more shade to be found than in the open pastures up here.  

There wasn't a cloud in sight.  It was hot and humid.  I certainly don't blame them.  Hopefully we will see them wander back this way soon.

We were back by 11am - and then we had another mission at hand!

Jessica had finished her Blue Ridge Beauty from Adventures with Leaders & Enders and we wanted to get it quilted up before the "over the porch rail" photo session.  Could we do it?

While I don't let everyone simply "use my machine" while on retreat - this is a special occassion.  Jessica has been a long arm quilter for many years, and is currently a manager in the machine quilting department at Missouri Star Quilt Company.

This girls knows her stuff and has taught ME a thing or two - so yes, for her birthday week, she got to use my machine so she could display this finished beauty over the porch rail!

Finished quilt unfurled and being unpinned from the leader!


There are so many photos of gorgeous quilts - I'm saving that post for tomorrow so be sure to come back and check them out!

On my way home -

The ladies were still around the fire pit talking and laughing and connecting as I waved goodbye and goodnight.

I'm not sure how late they stayed up, but I had been going since 6am, and it was 9pm and I was done for.

Today all the quilting stations will be packed up, cars loaded, and everyone will be on their way home by noon-ish.  Another retreat in the books.

In the not-so-good news department, the new commercial oven that was installed just before Easter QUIT on Friday night.  of course on a weekend.

We purchased a 5 year extended warranty on it - and I'm glad for that.  But there is never a convenient time to not have a functional oven when retreats are back to back.

Calls will be put through to repair folks TODAY and my fingers are crossed that we get a quick solution.

The next group arrives Wednesday and they have already had an email from me to plan meals around the oven not working.  They can still use the stove top.  We have crock pots, an instant pot, a counter top Oster Roaster, a griddle and a grill.  I think we will be fine.

But still....you know?  Argh.

And just to catch you up:

The printable PDF pattern for Rocky Road to Grayson is available in the digital pattern section of the Quiltville Store.  The introductory price is already marked 25% off - no coupon code required!

The introductory price is good through TOMORROW 8/31/21, and will revert back to full on Tuesday, 9/1/2021.

Would you like to win the August '21 Quilty Box?

We will draw for our winner on Thursday, 9/2/2021! 

Get your entry in ON THAT POST.

Quiltville Quote of the Day -

Look for something positive in each day. 

Even if some days you have to look a little bit harder. 

Have a wonderful week, everyone! 



tlwquilts4u said...

I love your blogs. The highlight of my morning coffee time! Loved this one with all the quilty happenings! I'd love to come for one of your retreats. It's on my bucket list for sure!

Ruth's girl said...

Thank you for all the postings of retreat happenings! Love seeing what is going on.

Pieces of Time said...

I met Jessica many years ago at a quilt weekend in Kansas. Good to see her again! I just finished two quilts with old log cabin blocks much like the ones you have shown. I have to say the blocks were ugly but the quilts are beautiful! Amazing!!!

Mary said...

Brave enough to roast those marshmallows 😋 yum. The Blue Ridge Beauty quilt maker is lucky . Can't wait to see the over the Porch pics. Twilight pics are cooler without filters. Happy Monday!

Sherrie said...

Oh Bonnie that photo at Dusk was great, could feel the evening fade in that pic. You are too hard on yourself We love all that you do for us, especially this blog with all the photos, Thank you

Becky H said...

"Life isn't found in the perfection of photos - but rather in the living that goes on out from behind the camera view." Amed! Well said!!

Natalie in Maine said...

The blue ridge beauty quilt is gorgeous, and how lucky to get it quilted there. Looks like the quilters there have really enjoyed themselves and got to relax too. Such a beautiful place you have made for people to enjoy. I wish I wasn't so far away.

April said...

Your blog and pictures are lovely just the way they are. Don't change. And holy moly!! a Missouri Star Quilt company manager!! now that's a celebrity for sure!!

Kerry said...

As I scrolled up to read the next section, the photo with the path lighting to the house made me do a double take - it looked like an illuminated robot with legs! LOL! Happy to see I was very much mistaken. Thank you all for such fun pics and what a lovely quilty finish, just the binding to be done. Cheers for the trail pics too - the mist in the distance makes me smile. Beautiful.

Linda K. said...

Thanks! Good to wake up to happy happenings.

Stitcher/aka Paula Hedges said...

Kerry, I had to scroll back and it definitely does look like a robot! How fun!

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