
Monday, August 23, 2021

Naughty Room Quilters Through The Weekend!

Happy Monday, Quiltvillians!

I'm here so happy to report that NO RAIN washed out our fire pit for Saturday night!

We had a wonderful time winding down a very busy Saturday by sitting around the fire and roasting marshmallows - 

And I am shaking my head and laughing that NOT ONE OF US would dare roast the beautiful marshmallows with the imprint of Quiltville Inn on them.

We just could not stand to see those beautiful images go up in flames.

I guess we will have to eat them raw.

Or decoupage them.  Or something.

As evening fell and the fire got going -

Saturday was a flurry of activity with an 11am workshop start time so that those of us who wanted to go walking down Bear Branch road could do so, and come back and shower before the machines were fired up in earnest.

But before we went:

This is how we deal with Covid hair!

Everyone deserves a bit of pampering now and then, and if it can't happen during a retreat week with friends - then when can it?

The cattle were curious this day.

And so were the hiking quilters!

The weeds are really getting tall!

Not sure who is more intrigued - 

Zoey or the cow?

(That white faced one is on the mooooove to come closer too!)

2 miles down - time to get back for workshop!

Saturday was our chevron day.

And there the are, coming together!

I am loving everyone's color choices.

Some have decided to make alternate blocks in between their tars!

Hey - if it means making half the chevron units, why not?? LOL!

The autumn colored ones - yummy!

Sunday's Appalachian Trail hike!

Checking out all of the different plants.

Great job, ladies!

Things can be kind of steep and rocky in places.

Lean your butt and take a breather!


(yes, the sun was warm and the neck was sweaty!)

And I am sad to report that NO PONIES were to be seen anywhere - but there was plenty of FRESH evidence (if you know what I mean) that they had been there recently.

In the hottest time of the year they tend to go further up, and over to the shady side of the mountain.  I'm hoping they will be back again soon.

We thought these clouds might just gather and bring us some afternoon rain - but they didn't!  This group really lucked out weather-wise.

After lunch Zoey and I headed back to the cabin where I took care of some cabin-upkeep of my own.  It was a day for washing bedding, cleaning bathrooms, and an all-around put things in order kind of afternoon. (Sometimes that has to happen around here too!)

But yes - I did get some quiet sewing time in, too!

I've blown through nearly all of the 25-patch block kits that I had made and it is time to think about a layout and what I want to do with them.

My last several quilting projects - the bed sizes ones anyway - have been a scrappy kitchen sink variety of everything - with a consistent placement of neutral/color to define the block pattern, with not much of a specific set color scheme.

Such is the case with my latest binding-in-progress, Boxy Bow Ties.

Almost half-way bound.

There are a few other multi-colored scrappy projects still in progress.  Cabin Corners is another one of those "throw it all in" kinds of projects, but it does at least have a specific placement where red falls to emphasize the design. 

However, I'm feeling the need to throw some things out there that are more color-planned. So be watching for a couple of things with set color themes to appear in September - right around the corner!

What about Rocky Road to Grayson?  Where does that fall?

Probably as a happy mix of EVERYTHING.  While the main block elements are scrappy as all get-out - the block centers form a pattern.  There is a plan there with 2 matching dark triangles and 2 matching light triangles that help tie the design together.

This quilt was so much fun to make!

The consistent placement of the red star points in the sashings also make this quilt look a bit more color-planned.  All of the yellow backgrounds add an air of scrappiness but they still read as ONE color.

And while the neutral strips in the sashings are random - the blue sashings come from one constant fabric.  Also another way to give a quilt a sense of a planned outcome.

It just works!  

I used the Creative Grids 45 degree ruler to trim my string pieced units.

I printed my block quarter templates on Carol Doak’s Foundation Paper.

Are you excited to dive in??

The printable PDF pattern for Rocky Road to Grayson is available in the digital pattern section of the Quiltville Store.  The introductory price is already marked 25% off - no coupon code required!

The introductory price is good through 8/31/21, and will revert back to full on 9/1/2021.

To sweeten this deal, let's have a Gift-Away!

I will be drawing for one lucky winner to receive a PDF pattern for Rocky Road to Grayson for them AND A FRIEND!


Our winner (And their friend!) will EACH receive a This n' That Fabric Roll from Cotton to Quilts!

And yes, there are other colors available (neutrals too!) so go give them a look-see.  I love the variety they provide.

Fabric prize must be shipped to a USA address. If you are drawn and live outside of the USA, we can ship the fabric prize to a friend inside the USA who can then forward it on to you.

To be entered to win, visit the original post HERE! I will draw for our winner (and their friend) on THIS COMING Friday, 8/27/202.  That's only a few days away, folks!

How was your own weekend?  Did you get out to do some stuff?  Did you sew on anything? Are you busy canning from your garden?

I love this time of year - the end of summer.  There is still so much to be enjoyed before fall and winter arrive, and I want to make the most of it.

Quiltville Quote of the Day -

Vintage cutter quilt from my collection.

Listen to what your heart is telling you.
If there is something not okay in your life, make a change!

Have a terrific Monday, everyone!



Anita Barra said...

That is a beautiful quilt! It makes me think of a Court Jester dancing around.
Zoey enjoys the visiting quilters as much as you do, Bonnie.

Lilac Joan said...

Make a change! Today I will not accept staying home. I am off to take a drive in the beautiful foot hills of the Ozarks. If anyone complains I will tell I got the idea from You!

Unknown said...

What a beautuful fun group of women. Thanks for sharing all of your pictures. I am from Kansas, and things here are flat, dry, and very hot. So,it was wonderful seeing all of your outdoor pictures.

April said...

love your blog! I love to see what your retreat guests are up to and going along on the hikes virtually is so much fun. I have some very lovely and funny memories of that same hike to see the ponies. Amazing and wonderful place for a quilt retreat. -April @ Little Mama Hen

Duchess B said...

Your guests always seem to have such a good time and it's not pedal to the metal all the time. This would be a wonderful vacation. Daughter and I took our sewing machines to a super long, 5 day weekend, whole family, get together. Rented a large house on a beach, shared chores, and just let the days flow. A couple of sight seeing trips were planned and BIL and I spent a day ocean fishing for salmon. Boyfriends were there and little kids. Won't ever forget that one.

PalmerGal said...

Southcentral Alaska is stuck in rain. Second week of the wet stuff. I’m sure it’s because I'm moving stuff from my old house to the new house. Gads, so much stuff, so many stairs. House goes on the market on Thursday.

Marty said...

What a fun day! And sunny too. Did beyond else notice in the antique quilt (Bonnie?), that the upper left block has some yellow/white half sq triangles are not the “right” way? There’s one in the upper right block too. So, would you’ve fixed it after the fact? Or, like me, just call it my “signature”?

JeanGB said...

Was looking thru my rulers to see if I had a 45 degree one, which I don't. But, I have 6 60 degree rulers. What does one need with 6 60 degree rulers and where did they all come from?! I fear they multiplied like rabbits and hangers when the light was off. Anyway, thank you again for the wonderful week I spent at Quiltville. The quilting time and and friends I made I hope to be able to repeat.

JaneOC said...

Bonnie, I took this class from you in Gulf Shore, AL a number of year ago. Loved it! Is there a place to post a photo? Thanks, Jane

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