
Saturday, August 07, 2021

July '21 Quilty Box Gift-Away!

Lookie Lookie Lookie!

The July 2021 Quilty Box is HERE!

And I have been drooling over Victoria Findlay Wolfe's new fabric line, Astrid, since she first started sharing snippets and peeks through social media.

It's GORGEOUS! And not just fat-quarters in this box - but my FAVORITE - LONG 1/3 yards!  12'' x 40'' perfect for those of us who love to cut strips and want them long.

Look at these beautiful rich colors!

Also available in Fat-Quarters and Half-Yards on Victoria's site HERE.

I LOVE slanted star designs!

And Victoria's Tilted Tiles Quilt is found in the Bundles of Inspiration Magazine that comes in every Quilty Box

It's radiant in her new Astrid fabric collection.

Of course this box also comes with other needful things!

Templates for cutting your own Tiled Tiles quilt, Fat-Quarter Mini Bolts for keeping those favorite FQs tidy.

And this little curious thing which I can't wait to give a go (Especially since I had to unpick about 100 seams last night on a project I've been dragging my tail on.)  

It's an E-Z Grip Seam Ripper featuring a textured ergonomic thumb grip.  We'll see how this goes!

And an always-needed spool of Aurifil thread.

The bundles of Inspiration Magazine also includes so many wonderful things about Victoria that I didn't know. (And we've known each other forever!)

My favorite line? "The rules are overrated. Just make a quilt, learn, and make mistakes."

(Hence the seam ripper in this month's Quilty Box!)

"Do NOT be afraid of making mistakes - it means you are learning something."

Isn't it so great to have permission to just go with it, mistakes and all?  Not like you NEEDED permission - but still, it's so freeing all the same!

Let's put this box in the hands of someone who wants it!

We'll draw for our winner on Monday, August 16th!

Good luck everyone!

That is our THIRD Gift-Away happening here!

I am giving away FIVE patterns for Gail Mayhue's  Busy As A Boss tote INCLUDING the buckle closures!  

I'll be drawing one winner per day starting August 13th, so get your entry in ON THAT POST.


Our Quilters Take a Moment virtual event is coming up on September 17-18, 2021!

That's SO CLOSE, you guys!

And I am so excited that the folks at Quilt Alliance have given me TWO tickets to give away to you - my readers!

What is Quilters Take a Moment? 

Quilters Take a Moment is a virtual fundraising event for the nonprofit Quilt Alliance, featuring captivating speakers, deep-dive interviews, joyful conversations, a quilt exhibition and moments of community for quilt lovers everywhere. 

Join us live on September 17 and 18 online, or watch the recorded content any time, anywhere!

This is the coolest online event of the year!

And because it is a virtual event - you can participate from anywhere in the world, from the comfort of your own home, wearing whatever you want to wear.  It's so easy to tune in!

For more information visit the Quilters Take a Moment Website HERE.

And don't forget to check out the artists, speakers & presenters HERE.

It's going to be a fabulous weekend!

I've got my ticket, and I'd love to give YOU one too! Drawing to happen 8/13/21.

Enter to win ON THAT POST.
There is so much good stuff up for grabs, and I am so grateful to the folks who supply all these wonderful things allowing me to offer them up to you.

This post is getting fairly long - and I haven't even dug into what was going on at Quiltville Inn with the August Quiltvillians yet!!  Check this out!

This was Meg's brunch spread yesterday!

Her tomato pie was so cheesy good I had to go for seconds!

By the time I left last evening, Becca was in the kitchen making her famous salsa chicken - everything was smelling SO good, and it hadn't even gone in the oven yet!

There is never a shortage of food - and it's all really GOOD food.  Quilters sure can pull out their best recipes when cooking for their friends.

While quilting was going on inside - The Hubster was outside building in our fire pit!

We have wanted to do this for some time - just to add a bit of stability and make things a bit more finished looking.  

I can't wait to have our fire pit Sunday night!

It looks fantastic!

Grassy Creek quilts at Grassy Creek Road!

It has become a pilgrimage for those who have finished their Grassy Creek tops & quilts to take them down to the road sign for a photo op.  I LOVE IT!

The cute little Stateline Store across the street has new owners and they are working so hard to spruce things up.  New paint, landscaping - and this cool old wagon just perfect for quilt photography.

I'm sure they thought the ladies were nuts when they went in to ask if they could take quilt photos over the wagon. 

But then quilt sightings at this intersection are happening quite often.

I can just imagine the local passers by going "Oh, it's those quilt ladies again."  LOL!

There is more - but it will wait for another day.  There are so many projects being worked on, the design walls are full of inspiration, and we've had walks on long dirt roads and made new discoveries.

But it's time to get out into it instead of sitting here writing about it -which reminds me -

The new antenna for the cabin to boost our cell reception came yesterday - and as of last evening I've now got 5 bars of 4G on my phone so I am back to enjoying quiet mornings typing away in the basement studio at the cabin.

This week the Hubster really earned his crown.  He dealt with bat deterring, keeping them from roosting in the eaves of the cabin by hanging bags of moth balls where they like to roost to keep them away.  So far it's working.  (Yes we have bat boxes, but they prefer the eaves.)

He built the new fire pit surround.  He installed the new antenna and got us our 4G back -

I am so grateful!

 Quiltville Quote of the Day -

And there has been loads of this over the week as well!

Never ever ever lose your sense of humor!
It will carry you through many a difficult situation, and bring the sweetest memories!
Dancing 9 Patch quilt made and shared by Kerri from Montana. Pattern found under the Free Patterns tab at the top of the blog.

Have a terrific weekend, everyone - however you spend it.

I'll catch you back here on Monday!



Barbara said...

That tomato pie looks soooo good!

Judy said...

Love the fire pit surround and I need to ask hubbie about a boaster antenna. Limited and slow Internet here too--too many trees!!
Have a great weekend!!

Eileen said...

Bonnie, I love you blog. I read it every day. I want to thank you for Grassy Creek, my very first mystery and let you know that I got third place at our county fair. I can’t figure out how to post a pic here but I did post one in Quiltville Open Studio FB group.

Omiequilt17 said...

That's my question also. What kind of buster antenna did you install?
Happy quilting. Looks like there is always plenty going on.

Siggy Bee said...

I am hanging cheesecloth bags of moth balls in my vehicles' engine compartments to keep the squirrels out. I am hoping it will work because they are murder on the wiring! Good to know about bat deterring also.

Sierra Girl said...

There is so much to love about this post. The Astrid line is gorgeous - hope I win :) and Becca's tomato pie and salsa chicken have me wanting to get busy in the kitchen. All I need are her recipes - will she share? The Grassy Creek pics are perfect - hoping to get mine quilted before the next mystery. I need to make the dancing 9-patch quilt too! Also, you are blessed to have such a talented/caring husband. Thanks for sharing, Bonnie!

Jean said...

When I used to work at a fabric shop... people would ask questions about sewing something or other and then say...."What if I make a mistake?" I would look them squarely in the eye and say, "Well, the sewing police will show up at your door and take you away to jail!" LoL... nice to have permission to make mistakes... cause I make them all the time... but, sometimes we just have to give ourselves permission to use that mistake to better the project! Thank you Bonnie for doing what you do. Take care... give our love to your hubby too. Love from Utah

cityquilter grace said...

gorgeous VFW fabrics! such bright colors and intriguing patterns...i do believe bonnie you are the jennie doan of mouth-of-wilson....the whole town will explode i am certain!

Carol M said...

Love the quilt pictures under the street sign and on the old wagon. I am waiting for my Grassy Creek to come back from MSQC from getting quilted. Some of us are so blessed to have hubs that like to do projects. Enjoy the day, stay cool and be safe.

Quilter Kathy said...

That would be on every quilters bucket list to bring their Grassy Creek quilt to Grassy Creek for a photo op! So beautiful!

Unknown said...

I am making masks to take on a cruise to Alaska on Monday! can't wait to see family we haven't seen since this thing started. Janet

ShirlR said...

I loved the picture of the ladies with their Grassy Creek quilts under under the Grassy Creek sign and the one of the quilts on the old wagon, great ideas for the pictures, and such eye candy! Oh that table of delicious pies looks so inviting! The fire pit sure looks nice too, thanks to your industrious and talented husband! Thank you for your wonderful blog; it makes my day every morning it's published.

Janarama said...

Bonnie, we need a Quiltville Cookbook with all of the delicious looking recipes your quilters serve!

"Bee" said...

I love the idea of having A Quiltville Cookbook of all the delicious looking recipes your quilters serve too!!!!

Lorraine said...

My friend always said, "if you can't see it from a galloping horse it's good enough".

Judyk said...

The Quiltville Cookbook idea is a great one. If you are too busy, I’d be glad to compile the recipes for you. Of course, that would depend on the willingness of the cooks to share. I love seeing the quilts, the food, the fun. A retreat is on my bucket list. As for the bat problem, my sister-in-law swears by tinsel. Where the bats roost she has strung tinsel, they don’t like it.

seleyrn said...

I thoght of this when you mentioned picking out seamms. I have found the quickest way to "un stitch" a seam is with my roatry cutter. I have numeroius seam rippers and yet this is the fastest way I know. Just hold the two pieces of fabric taut. and use the blade to ut the theads. I don't use much predsure in the roatry blade so the fabric does not get cut, just the threads. This is much faster than using the standard seam ripper. I was making "tube style" pillow cases yesterday. and accidentally caught 4 layers of fabric in my seam instead of the three I was supposed to sew. So had to "un sew" the entire seam. I used this method and knocked it out pretty quickly.

Lynette W said...

Bonnie, you will love that seam ripper. I’ll echo, love the cookbook idea…… or another tab on the blog - QI recipes…….😃

Karen L. said...

That's what I use for picking out seams ... as long as I can pull the two pieces of fabric apart enough to see the threads. I have the tiny rotary cutter that I use for this technique and it works quite well. Can't do it on every negative sewing problem but it does work on most.

Unknown said...

I was thinking the same!! :)

Carol M said...

Great Idea....

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