
Monday, April 19, 2021

The Washing of "The Jane"

This was the view from my chair over the weekend.

The chair became my comfort spot while I rested through the after effects of Moderna #2.

Friday afternoon upon returning home I got this crazy notion to NEST - see Saturday's post of spice cabinet clean out! 

This also lead me to finally jumping in and washing the Jane Stickle quilt that had been hanging in the basement studio at the Wallburg house for the past 13 years.

13 years?!  Yes.  And before that it hung in the living room of our house in Irmo, SC for another 4.

I had not washed it since finishing it to remove the chalk markings for my hand quilting designs, and to block it.

It was time.

I learned so much as a quilter through the making of this quilt.

So many different techniques employed.  So many favorite fabrics - and even some techniques tried and abandoned as "not my favorite" but it got the job done.

At first I was bound and determined to make my quilt as close to Jane's original as I could.  But a few blocks in I stalled out - because it wasn't speaking to ME.

I knew that Jane had used her own scrap bag to make her blocks - she wasn't losing herself in correlation -  her quilt was an expression of her own imagination. 

From that point on, I chose fabrics from my own scraps - not caring if they were "real Civil War reproductions" or not.

I used fabrics that had memory of being used in other things.  And I changed the width of the sashing, challenging myself to change the size of the border triangles to fit the new dimensions.

As I said - I learned a lot.

And some fabrics jus WILL FADE over time.

This purple block has seen the most fading over time.  It was once a vibrant red violet.  Now it is just a dirty faded lavender.   

And that's okay.  Don't we see that often in the vintage quilts we love so much?

I washed the quilt in the machine with warm water on "Bulky" and the washer still didn't want to stay balanced.  It took a few "spin" cycles to finally get it wrung out enough.

My soap?  A tide pod.  My quilts are washed the same way I wash my clothes.

I didn't put it in the dryer though - it hung here over the rail to air dry.

My quilt drying vantage point.

And it's safe to say that "Watching a quilt dry" was about all I could accomplish on Saturday.

"Mama, are you okay?"  "Yes, Zoey - just don't make me turn my head as my brain feels like Jello."

"Can someone turn up the fireplace? The chills are chattering my teeth."

"Why are my ears on fire?"

"Yes.  Yes, I do need a hoodie over my head, my socks and slippers also tucked under this quilt."

"So, you think my needing sunglasses to watch TV makes me look like a pink hooded Unabomber? Too bad. The screen is just TOO BRIGHT."

"Ivy, thank you for warming my feet!"

Saturday was rough. It was to be expected.  But it was not as bad as I had feared, and I slept through most of it.

My thanks to hubster and son for catering to my needs and fixing me the best comfort dinner of all times - Grilled cheese and tomato soup.

**Side note**  The Hubster, in true man fashion only felt a bit "off" and a nap on Saturday seemed to cure him of all side effects. Go figure.

Yesterday (Sunday) had me moving around just fine (Okay, by NOON!) and I am glad to be out the other side of the side effects from Covid inoculations. 

We do what we have to do to keep those around us who can't have vaccinations themselves safe.

Catching Rainbows off the porch at Quiltville Inn!

This kept me smiling!  The notes that came letting me know you are already digging in and making blocks for your own version of Catching Rainbows.  I love seeing the fabrics, the progress - and the stories of who you are making your quilt for.

We've all been through so much over the past year - we need a little bit of rainbow promise in our lives!

The printable PDF pattern for Catching Rainbows is now available at the introductory price of $9.00 in the digital patterns section of the Quiltville Store.  That's a 25% savings over the regular price of $12.00.

This price drop is good until May 1, 2021 when the price reverts back to full.

The great thing about PDF patterns is that they do not sell out!  There is no shortage of merchandise, they are instantly available everywhere around the world no matter where you call home.

You can view the files on your desktop, laptop, tablet or phone!  You don't even need to worry about printer ink and paper if you choose not to.

If this is your first time downloading digital patterns from my store to a computer click HERE.

If you intend to download to an iPhone/iPad click HERE.

Quilt size: 86’’ x 95.5’’

Entries are still coming in for our Catching Rainbows PDF pattern and fabric bundle gift-away!  Did you get your entry in yet? Head on over to last Friday's Post and enter!

Mix and match fabrics from all three different rolls for the ultimate rainbow eplosion in your own Catching Rainbows quilt!

Riley's Rainbow was named for Irene's sweet Yorkie Riley who made his way across the rainbow bridge recently. The Riley Roll has some different vibrant greens that the other two rolls do not have -

I love how all 3 rolls play together to create a wonderful mix.

Of course, you don't have to wait to see if you are a winner - head on over to Cotton To Quilts and see all of the scrappy goodness Irene has pulled together for you.

We have a brand new week ahead, and the sun is pushing away the remaining rain clouds overhead - It was the pounding spring rain at 5am that woke me this morning  

There was a wonderful layer of fog between the ridges in the distance - it's all gone now and the sun is shining brightly.

Other than a chiropractor visit this afternoon - my day will be MOSTLY free to sew!

How about you?

Quiltville Quote of the Day -

Sometimes remaining silent is truly the best (and only!) response! 

Have a giggly Monday, everyone!



Mary Ellen said...

I had the same reaction when making the Jane Stickle quilt. I had some Civil War reproduction fabrics that I bought just for the quilt, but not enough to complete it. After about a dozen blocks I stopped because I really didn't like the colors. I took it out a few years later when a friend challenged me to finish it as she was making hers. I didn't keep pace with her though and it's still not done but I am using the colors that I like now. The Civil War reproduction blocks will be sprinkled in among the more modern ones. As you wrote, the quilt is ours to make as we please.

Melva said...

Thank you for noting that not everyone can have the vax. I am glad your reaction was relatively short lived.

Mary Ellen said...

Hi, I'm not the same Mary Ellen as above. When I had the Jane Sickle book I was still working. I made a couple blocks and said - this is not for me! I love Catching Rainbows and I also ordered another quilt. It's so nice to get the patterns quickly. I'm lucky my husband and I didn't have any reaction to the Covid vaccine. Thankfully, they didn't last long on the people I know who got them, and they are definitely better than getting Covid. I had a good friend in the hospital for about three weeks and most of that time in the ICU. Then a few days in respiratory rehabilitation. Thankfully, she's back to normal now - but it was a long road. Stay well and thanks for all your wonderful patterns!

Sharon K. Jack said...

I started the quilt many years ago and it is still not finished and I really don't want to make any more blocks. So I have given myself permission to make the quilt what ever size it will be with the blocks that I have and finish it. It is on my UFO list for this year.

Rae McKee said...

Glad you're feeling better. I had a rough couple of days after my 2nd shot too but kept repeating "better than covid-19". I sure hope everyone who can will!

Sara said...

Your Dear Jane quilt is wonderful. I love that you changed it up to use your own scraps and make it more personal.

kitphantom said...

All the variations on the Jane Stickle quilt are fun. I knew making an entire "Jane" was not on my list, so I too have adapted it. I used the previous version of the EQ Dear Jane software to enlarge 81 of the blocks to 6", and picked fabrics from my 30+ years of "stash". It was to be hand-pieced, but my hands are too cranky (they do EPP just fine, go figure). Dear Jane will be pieced on my vintage (1960) hand crank Singer 99, while camping. I'm sure it may get worked on at home too, machine to be determined.

Megan G said...

There's anecdotal evidence that women are getting bigger immune reactions from the vaccines than men are. It happened in our house too. My husband got no reaction except a sore arm. I ended up with an overall, low grade ache that started about 24 hours after my second shot and then was gone by the next morning. So glad to be done though. We went out for breakfast for the first time in over a year yesterday. Best. Breakfast. Ever. :)

Cats said...

I had much the same reaction to Moderna #2, but lacked the warmth of furry critters to comfort me... glad you're better as we soldier on, praying for the return to whatever our normal used to be...with joy and gratitude, Cats in Carlsbad CA

JuliAnn Craver said...

Hi Bonnie, I got my 1st shot last Tuesday and had the same reactions. lol I slept 13 hours Wednesday not knowing if it was sunny or rainy out side. Guess we'll see how I feel May 5 that's the day after my 2nd shot. Like you I'll be happy it is all over and enjoy sewing again. Civil war prints aren't my thing either, give me bright vibrant colors and I'm happy. That is why I got your "Catching Rainbows Pattern" I love the colors and eagerly wait to get started. Hugs from Clemmons, NC.

Waukenabogirl said...

I put my quilts in the dryer on “air dry” for 30 minutes or so to get them a little less wet. I put a beach towel over my bannister under the quilt to help with the drying and when I flip the quilt over I change the towel.

Charlotte said...

Thank goodness I don’t get ‘credit’ for what I don’t say! Haha! The sun is shining in central Texas after several days of cold rainy weather. Bless her heart, a granddaughter got married this weekend and her outdoor wedding in mid-April was cold and rainy and miserable in ways because of the weather. But it was wonderful to be with family, to see our grandkids and great-grandkids and get to meet our newest great-grandson!

Debcal1946 said...

OMG I love your quote today! It reminded me of what I was told repeatedly as a child: If you can't say something nice don't say anything at all.

grammajudyb said...

I’m glad you are on the mend! So many different reactions to Moderna, Pfizer, and J&J! We had little or none to either Moderna. Of course, I ache most of the time due to arthritis, so who knows! 🙃 Daughter and granddaughter had reactions like you to Pfizer #2. The boys, nothing! Weird!

Lisa said...

So glad you are feeling better. Fur babies definitely help :) As soon as I finish "Garlic Knots", "Catching Rainbows" next on the list. So beautiful ! I wondered if the block itself had a name. Thanks for all the joy you bring.

JulieC said...

3/4s of the women in my family got a fever after their 2nd vaccination. None of the men reported more than a sore arm. One expert I saw on the news postulated it was because everyone gets the same dose & that dose is calibrated for a man, so it's a bit large for the ladies. Still better than my friends who caught the virus.

Unknown said...

Your quote for the day gave me such a gohgle!

BlessOSU said...

I had a bit of muscle ache in my back after my 2nd Moderna. Just a very slight headache after the first. Just proves everyone is different in how they react to things. I had family members who had the same reaction as Bonnie, with a 101 temp. My husband had Pfizer, and he had only a sore arm. Much relief in the month since!
Happy Trails everyone!

Char said...

Good morning! I had a temp and was wiped out yesterday after my second Phiszer vac but fine today! Love the Jane quilt. I still am working on my version. Seeing your makes me anxious to go find the box and start it up again. Absolutely agree with the quote today. It is my favorite saying. :) Thank you and have a great day/week.

QuiltinLibraryLady said...

Good quote today! I'm trying to live by the motto, "Not my circus, not my monkeys". Doing my best not to put my two cents worth in when I know someone's decision about something could end badly. They aren't going to listen anyway and are the ones who have to live with the consequences, good or bad. It's not always easy!

ConnieB/CA said...

I got my second dose on Thursday, just a sore arm at the inoculation site for about two days, then fine. Perhaps because my body mass is more like a man's? Love the catching rainbows, but still so many of your quilt patterns are on my "to-do" list, it can wait for a bit. Glad you are feeling better. I wash my quilts the same way, although I do tumble dry low. No space to hang them. My Jane is currently on the bed :)

Judy said...

Most of my friends, my daughter and myself got the Pfizer with no reaction. Sounds like we really lucked out, my son in law and grandson get their first Moderma today so we shall see if they have a reaction, not telling them anything about this

Beth D. said...

What a beautiful view you have of the Blue Ridge Mountains!! You are blessed.

spacer said...

I have heard that generally speaking women have stronger reactions to the vaccines than men. I just slept for a day or two. Hubby slept for two weeks but he naps a lot any way. Love the look of the rainbow.

Donna Endresen said...

Hi Bonnie:
I am glad you are feeling better today. It seems more people having the Moderna vaccine are having more side affects on the second dose than the Pfizer Vaccine. I had Pfizer and all I had were chills the Morning and evening the day after my shot. Then the next day, just chills in the evening. I volunteer at the clinics for all three vaccines, and we see more side affects after the second vaccine, and a broader variety, and more severe for the Moderna vaccine. I am just Thankful for all the people getting the vaccine, and Grateful that the government is providing it this go around free of charge.

We are finally getting above 40 degrees, and the last two days above 50. It also hasn't froze the last two nights, And the sun shines some most days.

Kasilof, AK
Where it is daylight until 10pm now.

Tracey Honig said...

Absolutely love the quote today and your view. My 2nd shot reactions? Upset tummy, weak, and low grade fever. I tried to sleep off and on throughout the day. Also a sore arm throughout the weekend. My boyfriend? Just a sore arm, a little sluggish, and a slight fever. ANd he sleptall night Friday night. So glad we are able to help and take care of those who can't. Glad to hear that you are on the better side of things. I would rather have a few hours of discomfort than a lifetime of not having someone. We had the first day of masks being optional today at school. It was weird, and I kept waiting on someone to ask me where my mask was!! It was nice to see everyone's face for the first time...
Have a greeat evening!

Diane' said...

I love all your quilts! My first shot I was sick for three days fever, chills, bad headache, could not leave the bathroom. The second shot it all lasted for four days. But I have to tell you the shot reaction was still alot better then the covid that had me sick the whole month of December. I managed to stay out of the hospital but not by much and I am still having breathing issues and low engery from that. I was glad to put up with shot side effects for a couple of days.

khowardquilts said...

My husband and I had our second shots on Friday. I was a little cold Friday night for a while, then Saturday had headache, body aches, weak and eventually was hot; I slept off and on all day. My stomach didn't feel good either. My mother-in-law and Sister -in-law questioned if it wasn't just one of my bad migraines, but I don't think it was. They had no reactions, but a slightly sore arm. My Broth-in-law was very tired. My older daughter had body aches, headache, and chills along with a sore arm. My husband was a little achy and it may have bothered his stomach some, but it was mainly his arms; he had vaccine in one and PT for the other with a bad shoulder on Friday. He didn't know if the vaccine made it worse or if it just was that way. Pt has been making it feel bad the next day.

suzanne, dutchess county NY said...

HA I had red hot ears last night about 7 hours after I got the vaccine. Felt like I was either going to fall down or throw up when I went in the bathroom during the night. SO far this morning all is calm with just a lingering of headache and the sore arm. We have an hour drive to my daughters today. Hope I don't get the chills or feel worse. Glad your on the other side of it now

Teri said...

I got my second shot on Thur. Got bad chills on Thur. night and again of Friday. Also achy on Friday but an Aleve took care of that. But so glad I covered. Husbands 2nd shot not until end of month.
I just got the Dear Jane pattern at an estate sale a couple weeks ago. Too funny that you showed yours. I'm thinking batiks would look great. Not sure about hand sewing with them though.
Also are getting SNOW today. WHAT???? I'm in Missouri. Spring was great yesterday. I cut my lilacs and brought them in so I could enjoy them longer.

Laura Neidich said...

Your Dear Jane is wonderful! I am currently dragging my way through the triangle blocks, one side done....and your dark sashing is wonderful! It gives me new enthusiasm to finish this quilt! Thanks Bonnie for always inspiring us!

Yvonne said...

Moderna #2 hit me the same way, while Hubby went out and mowed the lawn. Men! Sheesh!!! Glad you're feeling better. It's such a relief to be vaccinated!

Odysset Girl said...

I wasn't going to order Catching Rainbows as I have a couple of unfinished BH mysteries to finish, several of your books and a couple of downloads already but the picture of the quilt over the rail at the Quiltville Inn took my breath away. I had to have it! Maybe I'm weak or just love beautiful things. Call me happy to start another new quilt.

Dee B said...

Been working on My Dear Jane for years, with months between blocks. It is a challenge, 17 border blocks left to go and then putting it all. together. The appliqué blocks are what has held me back, they are improving. I did use civil war prints, My goal is to finish it this year. Love the quilts you design and did do the Mackinaw Island one back a few years.

crazyquilter said...

I’m gonna steal your motto—hilarious and maybe it will get through my thick head!!

Carol Nye said...

I am sorry you had that reaction to the Moderna vaccine. I breezed through it, with no problems. I have heard that those who have reactions "really needed the vaccine".
I have been working on a Circle Blue-Jean quilt, for the past year or so. It started with a pile of old blue jeans, which I deconstructed, then cut into circles. After I sewed 4 rows of 21 together, I inserted charm squares of bandanna prints, turned the flaps down, zig-zagged them. There will be 21 rows across! I may finish it in time for next winter!! It will look like a Cathedral Window, when done. It will go on my king-sized bed.

whoFilets said...

"We do what we have to do to keep those around us who can't have vaccinations themselves safe." Yes! this is so true Bonnie and shows how great and unselfish you are.
The Catching Rainbows pattern is so fun and bright. Lots of cheerful rainbows here showing people's support of the NHS (though I'm hoping they also VOTE in support of the NHS) and it's nice to see a rainbow peeking out of windows as I walk about.

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