
Wednesday, April 21, 2021

Shine a Little Light -

Quiltville Inn view from Wilson Creek!

Quiltville Inn is once again full with the sounds of machines, laughter, chatter, yummy smells coming from the kitchen (hooray new gas range!) and all is "nearly" right in our world.

This wonderful group of ladies arrived after much long travel - driving from Arkansas, Texas and Kentucky.

Some had not seen each other for years.

MANY who can be are vaccinated. (I don't have total head count, but I'm curious - I know it is more than half.)

All have quarantined for 2 weeks before coming to keep those who have not been vaccinated safe.

My new favorite spot in the side yard -

Thanks to The Hubster and son Jason for hanging the swing!

I am just THRILLED to have these ladies here - and completely POSITIVE about my desire to once again start sharing the creativity that is happening within these walls.

As I knew would happen - there are haters hating behind their screens.

One in particular just will not leave me or my blog or her attempts to incite comment wars alone.

Donna Fairchild from New York - aka SEWHAPPY - I am calling you out. 

And yes, there is an email address there, and I will not be blocking it out.  It all started with this email, and escalated.

No answer I could give made her happy enough. Ensuring her that I was operating within state and county guidelines was not enough.

She reported me to the Virginia department of health. Twice.

The "from the West Coast" was a misdirect - as I have had NO retreats scheduled from the west coast - at all - never. Donna up to her tricks again.

The wording here is nearly word for word the previous accusations she sent via email.

My conversation with the VDH went as follows determining we were FINE:

Item 6 as of last October - This restriction does not apply to persons while inside their residence or the personal residence of another.

Now why. WHY? Would someone from New York care so much what is going on in my life in Virginia? Why target me?  I don't know - but if anyone KNOWS Donna Fairchild from New York - perhaps you can shine a little light.  

For MONTHS - all of Donna's SEWHAPPY comments have gone to spam - I don't even see them, but this morning on a whim I checked the comments spam folder -

My goodness Donna - you are on a roll!

Donna, your comments are not welcome on my blog.  If you (or anyone else) has such a problem with me - WHY do you keep reading? There are plenty of better ways to spend your time. And mine. Find someone else to stalk.

Go make things better in your own area - Go walk the aisles of Walmart and make sure everyone is masked correctly.

You do you - but do it AWAY from me.

There are others that love to smear, call names, try to shame me through comments but they will not be posted either. You know who you are.  I don't know why you do it, but you must get something out of it.  Your comment attempts will continue to go directly to spam.

If I were to respond to every smear it would become a full time job, it would drain me of all my emotional and creative energy, and I would never create anything meaningful. 

Responses also reward those who lie/smear with the attention they crave.

Today I am shining a light - and I am taking a stand.

Sometimes this scenario makes me feel briefly discouraged and powerless, but I’m not powerless. There are at least four things I CAN do in response to constant smears:

1) I can refuse to further give the misinformation oxygen or visibility on my platforms. (Facebook, Instagram, blog)

2) I can block the smearing critics on social media, which I try to do regularly. 

3) I can continue producing quality quilty content that helps my followers.

4) I can keep designing and sewing things that make ME happy. Which is the best use of my time and energy over all.

Also from the spam folder.

NO. Just NO.

Again, you do you - let me do me.

Wildflowers springing up on the hillside.

Waving from the porch.  Hi ladies!

Beautiful yellow dogwood blossoms.

Today we are planning a little "see the area" tour with the ladies.

The power company informed us yesterday morning that they are turning off the power from 10am to 2pm.  We will be driving to the top of Mount Jefferson to get some long range views and photos.

We will wander the antique mall in search of treasures. (And fun vintage hats!)

We will grab a bite to eat out - and be back to sew by the time the power is back on.

And through it all we will mask up, wash up, and abide by state and county protocols as we continue to live our daily lives.

It seams really stupid to throw in a promotion here - but entries are still coming in for our Catching Rainbows PDF pattern and fabric bundle gift-away!  Did you get your entry in yet? Head on over to last Friday's Post and enter!

And my thanks to everyone for their support in purchasing my Catching Rainbows PDF pattern.  I couldn't keep doing this without you.

The printable PDF pattern for Catching Rainbows is now available at the introductory price of $9.00 in the digital patterns section of the Quiltville Store.  That's a 25% savings over the regular price of $12.00.

This price drop is good until May 1, 2021 when the price reverts back to full.

Now that all of this is off MY chest - what's up for YOUR Wednesday ahead?

Quiltville Quote of the Day -

Vintage quilt found in Alabama.

This describes my day yesterday to a T -

And I think we can even top that today!



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Mary Ellen said...

I am assuming you can block this a** wipe, since I don't recall seeing any of her comments on Instagram, Facebook, or this blog. At least not until today. We all know you are generous and caring to a fault and would never expose anyone to Covid on purpose. Today I will be making yet another baby quilt to donate to an organization in our area. It's the perfect day to do it since it is very cold out. We had snow yesterday which probably set some kind of record this late in the year. Then last night and tonight again a hard freeze.

Vicki B said...

You go Bonnie. Time to start living our lives again. God will take care of us as He sees fit.

Suiluv said...

Omgoodness why? I have no words! PLEASE do you and enjoy every minute!

Barbara said...

Hope your retreaters have a wonderful time - I'm sure they will! Sad that some people think they should direct how you run your life. That swing looks like a great place to relax!

Karen - Quilts...etc. said...

it really is sad when someone persist like that - she must not have much of a life and wants to make someone else as miserable as she is. As long as safety measures are in place and the people retreating have taken precautions then I do not see what she is complaining about. I wouldn't retreat right now unless I knew all were vaccinated but that is me - it doesn't matter to others. have fun with your group and I wish you all the success in the world.

Marianne said...

Proud of you for standing against the ridiculous railing and harassment!! Have a fabulous quilty week at the Inn!

Unknown said...

OMG!!!!! Please, please do not change anything you do or share. We love you.

Cindy B said...

I just wish everyone could be kind and thankful. Thanks Bonnie for your blog and wonderful outlook on life - I love how you find the beauty in the small things. Just know although I dont post comments often - there are a lot of quilters out here that appreciate you.

Jackie said...

Some gatherings scare me, but a gathering of 12 quilters who consciously quarantined before coming to meet together is not on my top scary list. I attended retreat last October in Tennessee. We just were very careful while there. Hell, the trip to get there was more dangerous than the retreat.

Lynette W said...

Yea Bonnie! I for one am VERY HAPPY that QI is buzzing again. 🎉🎉🎉. I’m not sure what it is about some people from New York...... 🤯🤯. Maybe that’s where we should build a wall....... It is time we live our lives. Bonnie, please know there are many more of us out here that love and support you. I may not always agree with you (or anyone else for that matter) but you have the right to your opinion. You are kind and generous. 💕💕 Have a wonderful sewy day!

Robin said...

If there isn't anything nice I can say about Donna Fairchild I won't say anything at all. I've been very covid cautious and would not hesitate attending a retreat given the precautions you are taking. Have fun and enjoy the humming of sewing machines at the Quiltville Inn!!!

Jackie Hays said...

Hugs to you!!! It seems like we have way to many of those people who spew hate.

Omiequilt17 said...

This breaks my heart. I don't understand but I know it exist. People are still staying in hotels. So what's the big deal? Keep blocking such unwanted remarks. Good Luck & God Bless.

Linda in NJ said...

It is amazing how mean and nasty people can be! If you can't say something nice then say nothing at all! And if she/they can do nothing but criticize you, then why are they even reading your blog or posts! get a life! My heart breaks for you having to put up with such idiots! Unfortunately, you can't fix stupid! You hang tough Bonnie!

Aileen said...

Happy Sewing. We love you. Oh and the swing! Fabulous !!!

Amber said...

Good for you. I love your quilts and I appreciate all you do.

cherri said...

Bonnie sorry you have to deal with such miserable humans. Thank you for staying positive and providing such inspiration in quilting and life for your fans. Glad to hear you have retreaters can't wait to visit you at Quiltville Inn. Look forward to your blog and seeing Zoey and kitties. Hugs!

Cindy, The Purple Quilter said...

I literally laughed out loud when I read her comment challenging you to design a quilt differently! She evidently does not know you at all!
It is a shame that her life is so miserable that she has to try and bring others down.
Loyal fan since 2009! You go girl. Continue to rise above and shine!

Jackie said...

Wow! Just wow! The nerve of some people. I'm sorry you have to dead with people like this, Bonnie. Thank you for all you do. We love you!

JulieC said...

My, what beautiful dogwood blossoms!

Laurel said...

It always amazes me in how much effort people put into being unkind. If she truly reads your blog, she would have read ALL the precautions you have done in the Inn as well as what is required of guests before they even arrive.

Wishing you and your guests a wonderful time!

Sylvia Forster said...

Have a great retreat. Wish I was there. Sounds like a blast.

Sue said...

Looks like "sew happy" isn't very happy at all. Looking forward to hearing all about your retreat activities.

Cannbe said...

Just sending hugs!

CountryGal said...

I think Sew Happy (she obviously isn't!) should go bug the Texas Rangers MLB team who had a full house for their home opener and very few masks to be seen!! Just ignore her Bonnie! I am so envious of you and all the ladies that will be there! Have a blast!

Nan said...

There are always going to be haters. All anyone can do for them is feel sorry their lives are so miserable they feel compelled to waste it being nasty for no reason.

As for your patterns, I love the complexity. The patterns are a challenge. It is nice to see designs that require some thinking and skill to complete. Seems like too often when I pick up a quilting magazine all the patterns shown will claim they're doable in a day. Some of us don't want done in a day projects. We want to make quilts that make us stretch, improve our skills, and let us know we've truly accomplished something when the project is done.

Jan said...

OMG is Donna for real? I think she has far too much time on her hands for sure. I am sitting here after reading this in complete shock and disbelief. Mind your own business Donna good grief. Find a hobby or a job or something to put all this horrible negative energy into something positive and useful in life. Have fun Bonnie and retreaters.

Sara said...

Good for you - in calling out the social media troll. She deserves whatever shame she brings upon herself. And good for you in (responsibly) hosting these retreats and bringing joy to those attending.

Susan Becker said...

Way to go Bonnie! Wish I was there having fun with your guests! Enjoy!

Susan Becker said...

Way to go Bonnie! Wish I was there having fun with your guests! Enjoy!

RB Shumaker said...

Today I will be sorting "stuff" that I no longer need. Yah, me! I just retured from a week of beach time and am looking forward to the MAY QUILTVILLE RETREAT. I love my time there and I know from experience that precautions over and above what the Virginia Department of Health requires will keep myself and my new friends safe and healthy. See you soon at Quiltville, which is better than home!

Unknown said...

I read this blog daily. I LOVE the positive words & quotes, the encouragement, the quilting tips, your designs, and the pictures of antique quilts & the quilts others have stitched. I look forward to hearing about those that enjoy their days at the Quiltville Inn. It has been a fun journey watching you refurbish this gem of a house. Last, but not least, I LOVE seeing what Zoey, Ivy and Lola are up to. Thank you! There is so much info that you include in this blog which I look forward to reading every morning! Hugs to you!!!

stitchinpenny said...

Bonnie please know many of us support you. You are following guidelines provided and so the retreaters know what is expected of them. Some probably drop out. Life is a little crazy but people who attack you without knowing the facts are ridculous. Without being there they are showing a prejudice that is unfounded and she seems jealous of the success you have enjoyed. I bet she doesn't consider your long work days and artistic ability as factors in that success.

Michele said...

So nice to see things getting back to normal. Hope everyone has a great time!

RB Shumaker said...

Today I will be sorting "stuff" that I no longer need. Yah, me! I just retured from a week of beach time and am looking forward to the MAY QUILTVILLE RETREAT. I love my time there and I know from experience that precautions over and above what the Virginia Department of Health requires will keep myself and my new friends safe and healthy. See you soon at Quiltville, which is better than home!

Linda C said...

Well, Ms Donna, Bless your little heart for caring (fearing) so much...one day you will have to break the glass bubble you have been living in and when you do you will find a new world out there that has left you behind!

Bonnie, keep on quilting, smiling and loving!

Lindab quilts said...

Wow! I work in property management where the complainers are constant! It is unbelievable that someone would go to that extent where it doesn't even affect her.
We are much more 'open' here in FL, restaurants are open, etc; but there are always protocols to keep people as safe as possible. So glad our quilt shops are open! You keep doing what your are doing!

Paula said...

Wow, Bonnie. Thanks for sharing the not-so-fun side of being in the public eye. I don't understand people who criticize and attack others. I pray for them. I really do.
I wish you abundant success and endless happiness, and I'm happy to hear that Quiltville Inn has a group of retreaters once again. You are an inspiration to so many people; keep being you. Let those haters go on their way. They are not your people.

Ameswf said...

Just went to a weekend retreat with 14 other ladies, had long walks and lots of sewing, lots of space. Bliss. After 9 months away it was great to do this again. To thine own self be true.

Lisa Burgess said...

Lord have mercy , I wish I had that kind of time LOL .. Have a great time with your quilty ladies on your tour of the "town", I will be socially distanced sewing at a friends house <3

Karen's Sewing Room said...

Proud of you Bonnie for standing up and calling her out. More people need to step up and say "this is wrong". It is too easy for haters to smear someone on social media.

Gisele said...

Since the chance of me ever getting to Quiltville Inn is most likely somewhere between slim and none, I was nearly giddy reading yesterday's post that you had a group arriving and would be sharing the fun with us! I so enjoy seeing and reading about the fun going on. Please continue to be just Bonnie and know there are many who thank you for that!

Nannieannie said...

So sorry that 'Sew Happy' has attacked you. Please now bury her in the dead files, & move on with your "wonderful life" that you so graciously share with the rest of us, and bring us happiness we would otherwise miss out on. We are grateful all that you give & share.

PJ said...

I'm so jealous I can't be one of the 12 quilters at this retreat! What an incredible place you've created for quilters to be sew-cial...and that swing between the trees is calling my name! I could sit and do all my ripping and hand sewing out there! I'm older than you, Bonnie, but maybe you could adopt me???

Dorothy said...

Bless you Bonnie. I’m all for looking at life positively Negative people are so draining. I’m one who has followed the guidelines and am thrilled things are opening up again. Enjoy your retreat era and have a wonderful beautiful time. Thank you for all you do and share with all of us ♥️♥️

NancyB said...

Good for you to publicly call out this person! And for her to suggest that you use fewer fabrics in each of your blocks is a telling statement that she does not know or admire your work at all. I LOOK FORWARD to reading about the quilting activities at Quiltville Inn and I’d book a stay there in a heartbeat.

Anne said...

WOW! Just, WOW! Donna, or whoever she really is, seems to need some serious mental health support. I am so very sorry she has decided to use Bonnie Hunter as her personal punching bag.

stretchmarks said...

Good job on the light shining! Never saw a yellow dogwood and would hop in that swing with a big smile! Enjoy you each and every day! Marilyn Marks

Pam said...

Please please please don't let this person drag you down - we love you and all you do FOR US!! Keep going - I'm not getting your latest quilt pattern until it goes off sale - then I will buy it. Thank you for all you do - Hang in there - one apple can spoil an entire bushel - but only if you don't cull it out! Love your pictures of you area and the Inn!!

quiltpiecer said...

I am just so sorry that you are experiencing this from this lady and others. Stay away from the spam folder and look forward to seeing you in July. Betsy

Beth Beard said...

Thank you Bonnie for all you do! I’m so glad to see that you will not let these folks bring you down! Donna obviously has too much time on her hands if she can worry about what everyone else is doing, perhaps if she put more energy into her quilting she would be a happier person! For the rest of us, we truly appreciate all you do and I hope one day to be able to visit the lovely Quiltville Inn!

Cats said...

well said! I agree and love the daily bits of news & encouragement as well. SewHappy is sick. She has latched onto this idea and won't let go... Pray for her getting some professional help and in the meantime, we should all put her on "ignore" and live, love & laugh.. Cats in Carlsbad, CA

vkh6210 said...

There is a sign posted south of our town. I don't know who is responsible nor do I care. I am just glad it is there as it makes me stop and rethink--"am I doing this?" each time I see it. It reads ""Love one another, God will sort it all out in the end."" This is really all we can do. There are always haters because the devil is losing and he has to get meaner so he uses people to break down others. Stand tall and firm Bonnie, you are a strong warrior. Thank you for all you do.

Mary said...

I love reading your blog and seeing what you're working on. I'm sorry Donna has nothing better to do than complain, seems she should be able to find a better use of her time.

Deb E said...

Another sign of the times -- there are too many of "those" who think its their right to attack another over what THEY think & would impose THEIR will on you. She doesn't have to read your blog if she doesn't agree, but obviously gets some weird satisfaction out of her attacks. Good for you, Bonnie, for doing what YOU think is right (and it IS!) & blocking her. I'm glad you called her out on it, and she can have a little taste of her own medicine and see how she likes it.

Beth Beard said...

Thank you Bonnie for all you do! I’m so glad to see that you will not let these folks bring you down! Donna obviously has too much time on her hands if she can worry about what everyone else is doing, perhaps if she put more energy into her quilting she would be a happier person! For the rest of us, we truly appreciate all you do and I hope one day to be able to visit the lovely Quiltville Inn!

Beth Beard said...

Thank you Bonnie for all you do! I’m so glad to see that you will not let these folks bring you down! Donna obviously has too much time on her hands if she can worry about what everyone else is doing, perhaps if she put more energy into her quilting she would be a happier person! For the rest of us, we truly appreciate all you do and I hope one day to be able to visit the lovely Quiltville Inn!

BrenWall61@gmail.com said...

Sew Sew glad that you do YOU because it inspires ME. Really the lady needs to change her "call name". It doesn't seem that she is "HAPPY" in anyway. Maybe we should pray for her? The mountain is declaring Spring and it is beautiful. I know your retreaters will have such a wonderful and safe time. My blue eyes turned a little green this morning for them. LOL

Judy said...

Please "Bonnie" on--sad about the naysayers. Have a great day!!

sunrise creations said...

Wow, just Wow. Sew Happy must be Sew UnHappy. What a ridiculous waste of people’s time. You are the BEST Bonnie Hunter, you continue to do YOU and inspire us all every.single.day. I Love YOU! ❤️

sunrise creations said...

Wow, just Wow. Sew Happy must be Sew UnHappy. What a ridiculous waste of people’s time. You are the BEST Bonnie Hunter, you continue to do YOU and inspire us all every.single.day. I Love YOU! ❤️

sunrise creations said...

Wow just Wow, it’s appears that SewHappy is really SewUnHappy. What a ridiculous waste of people’s time. You continue to do YOU Bonnie Hunter, you inspire us all every.single.day. I Love YOU just the way you are. ❤️

Elaine Adair said...

From western Nebraska ... I am soooo happy to hear news of friends and quilters coming to enjoy your Inn - this news has lifted my heart after your years of hard work to provide education and pleasure to benefit quilters.

LizW said...

What the actual?

Sorry Sew Happy, you clearly ain't happy.

I think the unwarranted critique of Snail's Trail irks me most: show's a decided lack of creativity and a great amount of fear.

Bonnie your approach to all of this has been decidedly levelheaded, careful, and considerate of your person, family, business, and your fellow quilters. Keep it up.

Quiltville said...

I am always amazed that some folks feel entitled to criticize and chastise others. I’m glad you have taken a stand, and I would guess that 99% of your fans and followers feel the same way. I hope you will continue to inspire others with your gift of teaching. Visiting Quiltville Inn would be a dream come true. Keep doing your “thing” and forget about the naysayers.

sue.ryckman@gmail.com said...

Good grief! I hope you call out any of these Donna’s! Life is too damn short! On the up side, I cannot wait to see & read Retreat updates & sharing! I’m so envious! Have a fantastic time! And I have no doubt you are working hard behind the scenes to keep your friends safe! ❤️

sue.ryckman@gmail.com said...

Good grief! I hope you call out any of these Donna’s! Life is too damn short! On the up side, I cannot wait to see & read Retreat updates & sharing! I’m so envious! Have a fantastic time! And I have no doubt you are working hard behind the scenes to keep your friends safe! ❤️

Karen S said...

Be strong. TY for sharing. If she could help people in need close to her, she may have some satisfaction in life. Consequences are real, but personal choice is liberty.

sunrise creations said...

Wow just Wow, it’s appears that SewHappy is really SewUnHappy. What a ridiculous waste of people’s time. You continue to do YOU Bonnie Hunter, you inspire us all every.single.day. I Love YOU just the way you are. ❤️

Melanie said...

Haters are going to hate! Who would choose to live with all that angst? We all enjoy what you do!

sunrise creations said...

Wow just Wow, it’s appears that SewHappy is really SewUnHappy. What a ridiculous waste of people’s time. You continue to do YOU Bonnie Hunter, you inspire us all every.single.day. I Love YOU just the way you are. ❤️

Barbara P. said...

It is so sad that "Sew Happy" is SO UNHAPPY that she has to bother someone else with her negative comments. Some of us were taught if we can't say something nice, don't say anything at all.

Betty the quilter said...

so happy you have a full house. Enjoy every minute of those ladies being there, laughing, sewing, eating & just having the best time ever. Haters..............enough said.

Charlotte M. said...

Give this no air and it will burn out. She is not worth your time. She is obviously a bored, unhappy woman. And totally not sew happy! What a joke. You are doing just fine. You have lots of support here.

Leah said...

When you first posted the header/banner photo of Catching Rainbows, I was curious about where you'd taken the photo. The big horizontal beam suspended in those fantastic old trees really caught my eye. I wondered if it was a spot you'd found on your walks around your rural neighborhood.

How cool to find that your new quilt photo op spot is also a swing on QV Inn's grounds! Double win! I'll bet many cups of coffee/tea will be enjoyed on that swing by retreaters in days to come.

EricaB said...

Well, all I can say is some people just have deep depths of unhappiness and it can spill out onto other people in the form of judgements. The best way to deal with it is exactly what you are doing ~ live your best life. You bless all of us with your creativity and generosity every day. I for one am very grateful to have the world of scrapiness in quilting through your unending talent. Thank you for standing strong and just being yourself!

Connie said...

You go girl!!!! You have a lot of people that support what you do and this wonderful quilting lifestyle...thanks! And that snarky person can go to...well.....never mind:)

Judy T. said...

She certainly doesn't SOUND like someone named SEW HAPPY!!! I think folks like this have very sad lives and not much to keep them busy. I think it's a jealousy thing. It's taken me many years to let it roll off my back, but finally, as an older adult, I have no problems with letting go. Enjoy your retreaters, and I hope one day I can make it down there with a group!!!

jrsay said...

Bonnie you just "SEW ROCK" for energies and inspirations of those retreat ladies!

Jody said...

I am so sad there are so many haters out there.
Thank you for shining the light on one of them, it is only by exposing them that we become aware of the stresses that negativity places on all of us.

YOU keep on doing YOU!

Sandy said...

Bonnie, you were one of the first on-line quilt leaders I followed and I deeply admire all that you do and are! Thanks for sharing all your wonderful quilting times and also thanks for sharing that you, too deal with problem people.. I admire you because you handle those people so much better than I would. Enough of that. Just enjoy each new gathering of quilters and thanks for sharing wheat you can with those of us who visit there via your posts!
Sincerely, a faithful fan!

Mary O said...

Thank you for blocking those comments and calling out the offenders. You are my inspiration and I love all your ideas! I just wish I still had your energy!

GeneGinny said...

"Sew Happy" is obviously NOT a happy person. Don't let her--or anyone else--tell you what to do. The rest of us really appreciate you being you. And that dogwood is absolutely gorgeous!

Bernice said...

Some folks are so unhappy in their lives that it spews over and out.... Donna is a sad lil person. Send her packing. No need to worry with her at all.

Missmillie said...

You are dealing with it in the best possible way. Ignore her. A fire with no oxygen will Peter out. God Bless and quilt on.

Sandra Mc said...

Sadly, I learned many years ago that there are people in this world who only seem to derive contentment (dare I say happiness) by complaining about someone or something other than themselves. Best to just shake that dust (them) off your feet and move on. I enjoy your blog. I would love to visit the Quiltville Inn one day! Kudos to you for going on with your business and your life!!!

Elle said...

All I can do is laugh......at the fact that Donna lives in New York. She was going to fly to California to then fly to Virginia for a Quilt Retreat! 🤣🤣🤣

I recall last year that retreaters were self-quarantining for 14d prior to driving/gathering. There is no safer Covid behavior than this not to mention how amazingly respectful!

I'm not a scrappy style quilter to your extent but I would never tell you to "do it my way". I love your quilts-they so very much express YOU!

Happy Wednesday Bonnie. Hugs from ID!

Sharon in Seattle said...

Yay Bonnie! You have fun, girlfriend! Goodonya for calling out naysayers and reclaiming your life. Big love and support!!!

mumbird3 said...

Wish I was there retreating!!! Donna F obviously has issues!

otherussin said...

Bonnie, I would almost bet that a good 90% of the haters are green with envy. Why read someone you don't like. Anyway if i don't agree with you in what you say i read it learn something and just enjoy the blog.

Jen said...

Snails trails should be how you like them. Yours is perfect. Mine will have every fabric I own in it.

Jen said...

Snails trails should be how you like them. Yours is perfect. Mine will have every fabric I own in it.

Marci said...

My only problem with your retreats is jealousy, that I'm not there. Hope y'all have a wonderful time.

MaryBeth said...

I just don't get it why some people need to be the way they are. Sounds like sour grapes if she indeed did have a retreat scheduled with you (which it doesn't sound like she did). I had to cancel a retreat last fall and didn't know if I would get my money back or not and really didn't care!! My life is worth so much more than $450 (I did eventually get most of money back). Oh well. You keep doing you!! Ignore the haters. And thanks for all you do. You inspire me every day!

pam said...

I use the term a**wipe a lot and even more lately!

Angei said...

I so agree with you. I love Zoey, ivy and Lola. I love to see Bonnie’s creativity and how she takes scraps and create beautiful quilts.

pam said...

You go girl!!! I have often thought that persons getting attacked should share names of the attacker. They are hiding behind their keyboards thinking it is ok. It is not ok. I hope some of her "friends" see this and agree wholeheartedly with the rest of us. It is disheartening to this this person most likely raised another generation with her same disposition

jean said...

She is just trying to fire you up! Throw her back in the trash can and keep her there! Amen to what #26 said re complexity. It is the reason I keep doing the mysteries and buying the books. I estimate I've done 2/3 or more of the mysteries and other BH besides. My guild in Edmond, OK last night said they were going to try and get you as a speaker. I sure hope that happens. Keep on doing what you do. It's working for all of us.

Angei said...

Someone (Donna @ Sew Happy) doesn’t have a life. She has attacked a person for living her life and creativity. I’ve read Bonnie’s blog for a long time and see that she cares for her retreaters and their help and safety. Maybe this person is just plain jealous of Bonnie. Bonnie keep doing what you do. Don’t let that sour apple bother you.

Marti said...

Good lord!! She must have a miserable life! Wonder if she has been writing the airlines and complaining about all the people they are packing into those little tubes! I would give an eyetooth to be at one of your retreats but my physical limitations don't make it possible, so I will continue to root for you from the West Coast!! Yes.... the WEST COAST!! So Cal High Desert.

Margacat said...

It seems like "Donna" forgot a couple of letters in her screen name -- Sew UNhappy.

gardenwitch said...

You put my thoughts just the way I would say them. I agree 100%. I look forward to getting up in the morning and seeing what Bonnie and her gang are up to. The beautiful quilts are just the bonus.

Myrtle said...

Donna the Sew(un)Happy quilter - I pray that you may find your heart and mind unburdened by your relentless attacks on Bonnie. Green is a most unattractive color on you. I suggest you put your strong opinions on the "right" kind of background fabrics for blocks into just that - please start making all those right kind of blocks into quilts that you donate for a good cause. Surely that will warm your heart and improve your outlook. We mostly make up our own minds how happy we want to be. Life is hard, this is true; why make it harder on yourself? I pray you can find peace within yourself someday. Hopefully, soon. Blessings to all. With gratitude from Myrtle, who would happily travel from the west coast to have the privilege to be at Quiltville Inn.

priscilla said...

There are SO many people out there that are not wearing masks. How beyond rude of this woman to offer so much aggravation to you. I think she needs to get a life. Obviously, she's got nothing else to do with her time & bad energy. Keep doing your thing, Bonnie, knowing you're following the law. Good luck & enjoy your retreat!!

SandyB said...

Hang in there, Bonnie. Throughout the past Covid year, you have communicated your concern for others, friends & family. We can only do the best we can & I think you have handled things admirably. Your retreaters have followed protocol before coming, procedures at the Inn are well within guidelines for your area & everyone appears to have a healthy respect for this virus. I would rather share time with your maximum of 12 than the 50+ in a church service. Your retreats are not a super-spreader event. Keep up the good work. Hopefully one day I can visit Quiltville Inn myself.

Carla Fiedler said...

Hi, Bonnie and friends, I do not comment often but have to show my support for your decision to block comments such as those you shared today. My goodness! So many choices we make each day can bring angst or joy to others; let's choose joy! Keep "doing you," Bonnie! This week I am working on four small quilts that my daughter's 4th grade art classes participated in designing. The students colored on 6.5-in. squares of PFD Kona white. The crayon is set with heat. Each of the four classes decided on a theme and colored their squares accordingly. My job is to make the quilt tops using their squares. Sashing, cornerstones and borders bring each quilt to about 37 x 51 inches. They will be hung in the school for the students' enjoyment. It is so delightful to see the 4th graders' creativity! Love it!

KeanieQuilter said...

I stand with you, Bonnie. You have provided me with quilty joy for years.

Jan said...

Well Bonnie SewHappy doesn't sound too happy (with herself) so she found someone to irritate Love to be at your retreat but probably will never have the opportunity so I'll continue to read about it. Enjoy you blog every day.

Valerie Zagami said...

I truly agree, sad, unhappy people should have their own club. So sorry you have had to deal with this but know how many of your friends and fans are happy for you and know you will have a great time with your group.. If I were a meaner person I might sew a voodoo doll, but not worth the time or effort!

Linda Mischloney said...

Oh boy, who let the trolls out? I say to "Donna", mind your own business. I hope your group has a great time, wish I was there.

JoEllen said...

How sad and insignificant her life must be to take the time to try to tear someone as lovely as you down! Don’t let this “bad apple” spoil the whole bunch girl!

Terri said...

We had our quilt retreat last year during covid and will again this year. We all watched protocols and lived our lives. Life is too short. We have suffered some depression in our household due to all these lockdowns. But we will get through it as we get out again. Hang in there Bonnie.

Suzanne Shearon said...

Holy Crap!!! I'm so proud of you, Bonnie, for calling out the negative and truly inappropriate comments from the wimps behind their screens!! I know it has to be very, very difficult, but try your best to ignore them. It bothers me that they are bothering YOU. Ignore them and create on, my cyber friend. I read your blog as often as I can and find great positivity, energy, inspiration, and joy from your posts. Keep it up! All of us who support you are still here...and will continue to be here. I LOVE those who are boldly and humanly genuine. Thanks for being that for me. :)

jackie said...

Some people... Sorry you have to have such people trying to rule your life. It is as much up to the retreaters as it is you to keep safe. Our small group is planning a retreat in June. We are all vaccinated and have been careful. It's not our hosts job to keep us safe, it is ours. Sew Happy needs to get a life.

claudia said...

Some people need to dis others to make themselves feel better about themselves.
I think it is much more risky to go grocery shopping than to attend a twelve person retreat with others who have taken the time to assure they are not infected. Bonnie, you make my world a happier place each day! Let those who tend to try and bring people down be cured of their own private problems!
You rock miss Bonnie, in so many ways!!!!

tlclauricella said...


Pat Lee said...

I feel that you are a friend. I have never met you, but I watched your videos and I read about you, and what is happening in your life, every day. Please do not change. I like you just the way you are. Thank-you for all your quilt designs.

Bonnie said...

If Trash can Donna had been reading your blog she would have seen all you do to keep every one safe. The cleaning, rules on retreats.
This person needs to find a volunteer job to contribute to the world and quit being a B.....!

vbpriss54@gmail.com said...

We live in a changed world, where for some the social media platforms are a way to be hateful behind the screen door!
I prefer to forge ahead as you do and continue to make a difference in this world. We are Thankful for you and your creative genius.
Don’t ever stop.
#awesomeness #creative bravery

Connie said...

Since Donna seems to like giving unsolicited advice, here's some for her and any others who may agree with her: If you don't like the fabric Bonnie uses, choose your own. If you don't like the fact that she's hosting retreats, don't attend or read her blog about them. You must understand that no one is forced to attend her retreats. These women considered the risks, adhered to the rules of self-quarantine and the many procedures of cleaning and sanitizing while there - and still made the choice to go. IT IS THEIR CHOICE - just like you have the choice NOT to attend. As we say in the south, Bless your heart!

Bonnie - I love the swing and can't wait to try it out! My Winter Garden (my scrappy version of Winter Blues) is coming along nicely. I'm putting rows together. I often get comments on my variety of neutrals and I give you the credit for stretching my definition of neutrals. They add such interest to my quilts. A friend said she loves looking for all the surprises hidden in them. I'm looking forward to a walk to see the ponies!! Hugs and pets to all. See ya soon!

Diane said...

I am so happy for you...A REAL RETREAT! Wish I was there. As for Sew Happy, she is NOT happy at all. Block her and al her degrading comments. She is not worth your time. YOU HAVE HELPED ME KEEP MY SANITY THIS PAST YEAR. YOUR BLOGS ARE SO UPLIFTING TO THOUSANDS OF US THAT WATCH THEM. We love you Bonnie. Please keep your chin up and smile!

Linda M said...

It's sad that this person doesn't have anything better to do than to pick on you. I love your content, sharing quilts, life and retreats. Keep up the good work! Loving the "Catching Rainbows". Planning to purchase the pattern, once I find out if I am the winner! Sending hugs, Bonnie!

a nice Karen said...

I'm beginning to wonder if these are really people or are they bots or fake algorithms that troll through the internet - I was following a "what's a full English breakfast" conversation and I couldn't believe some of the mean nasty comments! So stay strong Bonnie and all the wonderful people on here - we're happy to be here!

Diane in Oregon said...

Sew Happy seems to be Sew UN Happy, and is taking it out on you. Scrape off your shoe & move on - life is too short.

Judy said...

I don't usually comment but I want to thank you for all that you do for us. I'm just now finishing Unity and I love it! I so appreciate your free patterns. I enjoy hearing about your classes and retreats. I hope I get to attend one someday.

Tammie said...

I don’t understand people...but I haven’t since Covid began. They’ve opened restaurants in our area, people aren’t wearing masks...I saw several in Walmart today without...even though it says you must wear one. All we can do is protect ourselves. If YOU don’t want to be in close quarters with others, stay home. It’s not our business what others do. Let each person’s conscience guide them. Don’t push your conscience off on someone else.

crafterafloat said...

hi Bonnie, In Scotland, we are opening shops, restaurants and hotels from Monday 26th. As I own and run a hotel, I am very aware of rules, protocols etc.(I also have the on line petty complainers, but they never have the guts to talk to you direct.) Reopening is a bit scary, but we cannot survive without businesses running. I think that with so many of us vaccinated, and being careful, life will get back to us. Looks like some countries will take longer to get there though.
Please don't change anything you do. I read your blog daily, pour over your books,(try a few patterns) and my friend and I both dream about a visit to Quiltville Inn some day.

CindyB said...

Poor old biddy Donna. My state has no mask mandate, no restriction mandate. Everything in my town is open. Please come here and see how fast no one gives a hoot what you think should be done your way. Idiots are real.

Unknown said...

Sometimes people are not happy unless they are not happy! I am glad you have the ability to block this troll and the ability to keep on you being you!

mumbird3 said...

Poor ole sew unhappy! People like that obviously hav deeper issues and want to share their unhappiness!!! Bravo Bonnie for not being bullied!!!!

Holly in Indiana said...

Sewunhappy aka Donna Fairchild did manage to comment on your blog yesterday. She is a stalker and should be considered sick as sick can get. When she physically threatens you, she will lose her 1st amendment right. Be careful.

Bonnie K. Hunter said...

Please change your screen name. Quiltville® is a registered trademark. I don't know who you are, I don't think you mean any harm - but please stop using my business name as your own. Thank you.

Sue said...

Dear Bonnie-you are dealing with a mentally ill person. Its that simple. And, she must be a miserable person inside. Ignore them-thats what my grandmother always said when dealing with mean spirited people. Just keep being wonderful you. I love your blogs and patterns. And, the antics of Zoey, Ivy, and Lola always put a smile on my face. Pets are wonderful.

Unknown said...

I always wonder if these negative Nellies would be so brave to say the things they say if they weren't hiding behind a screen. It appears MS. Sew Happy isn't so happy after all. Just think of the kindness she could spread if she put all that negative energy to good use. What really cracks me up is that Ms Sew Happy is giving you color placement advise.....that's a hoot!!! We all have a choice of how to spend our time......use it wisely and spread some sparkle.

ShirlR said...

I agree with Sara. I am happy for both you and those lucky women who are attending your retreats. Your blog is one of the two wonderfully-special emails I receive each day that I look forward to, it's like getting a letter from a good friend even though we have never met, and I just love-love-love Zoey and that beautiful innocent and loving look in her eyes, and seeing Ivy interact with her is just precious. I have never seen yellow dogwood blossoms, they are just lovely and such a treat to the eyes! So thank you for your blog, it adds so much to my life; and as for Sew Happy, she indeed does bring shame onto herself!

Joanne said...

Thank you for all you do Bonnie. As others have said ... You Do You. I am sorry about your hater. Glad you let us know what goes on behind the scenes, though. I hope it was freeing and cleansing for you to call her out like that. Just wash it off your back and down the drain!

Kathy Brigham said...

Got my shots, wearing my mask, and looking forward to a safe summer of travel and fun! We all deserve some right now! Kathy B.

Agneta quilts said...

Some people let others bloom and grow and then there are Donna's around ...

BlessOSU said...

I can't remember exactly how I found you, or when I started following your blog, but it has been several years. I love your stories, and your adventures! It was like I was traveling right along with you!! Such Fun!
I finally got a chance two years ago to attend a class with you in Denton, TX. (I brought you some Oklahoma scraps!) It was then that I discovered that tiny little pieces, and total scrappy, are not really my forte`! LOL But, I so enjoyed my time in your class with my friends.
I love your blog! Fortunately for me, I did not have any major changes in the last year. I did work from home for six weeks, but my routine was basically the same. I may never complete a quilt from your patterns, but I will continue to purchase them to support you as a blogger, quilter, and friend!! I love that I can get them digitally - Saving patterns for my retirement in a couple of years! Maybe then I will have time to leisurely read the directions and get busy with the tiny squares, or figure out how to make a few adjustments for larger pieces! LOL
Thank you for sharing with us!

morgaine said...

What's on my chest??? Wanna give you a big *bighug* for having to deal with such foolish, envy people! You're doing right! You're so concerned about hygiene and doing stuff right an protect others as yourself, thanks for all you do! It is poor joy to stroll through your blogposts on a daily base, enjoying the Sunday off and looking forward to Monday again. You and your quilting kept me above water for weeks now! Thank you, Bonnie,

Judy said...

I wonder how un-happy this person must be and how she really spends her time, she probably does not even know what the word happiness means. She must not have any family or friends as she has way to much time on her hands and pent up anger at anyone who wants to be happy. Your spam filter is probably going to be working overtime. I am so happy to see you are finally going to live you life the way you want to live it and not the way this unhappy person wants you to live it. Thank you for all you do, you are really gratefully appreciated.

Mary LaPointe said...

p.s. I completely understand if you choose not to publish my comment.
I've seen some real "tools" in all my work years. She ranks up there!

Grandma K said...

Well, the comment from"Sew Happy" March 30th concerning the use of background fabric in the snail trail blocks had me spewing my coffee laughing. There are many of us that love you Bonnie and feel your goodness radiating through our monitors. Can't imagine changing a thing. You add much joy to my life. Hugs.

From the mind of Terri said...

Way to go Bonnie, call out the haters and don't give into their crap. Glad things are getting back to normal!

dlamore32 said...

So sad that people can't just walk away or screen away in this case. No one is forcing them to read your blog or go to your retreats. Just wish people could leave things that they don't have to be involved in alone. Glad that your retreats are going on and I am happy to hear what is going on there.

PortiaSue said...

If someone feels that your situation is not safe the she shouldn't attend. End of story. If you are meeting your local health department regulations then your are good! By the way, I grew up in western North Carolina and Wilson Creek was nearby. I'm assuming it's the same Wilson Creek!

PortiaSue said...

Oops! My husband just informed me that your Wilson Creek is a different creek from the one near where I grew up! Still in the same general area though! Hope I can visit Quiltville Inn one day.

Gayle from MI said...


Tracey Honig said...

My main response to this is I HATE Keyboard trolls. People who are like this usually are unhappy with their life so they are finding things wrong with everyone else's. My only response is Karma finds a way to repay that. ANYWAY... so happy to hear that you have a house full of laughter again. I hope everyone has a great time. :)

Jane Dallmeyer said...

Thanks for all you do in the quilt world!!
Love your daily blog!!!

Diane said...

It's hard to understand where some people are coming from. I certainly don't get SewHappy's insistence on telling you that her way is better. Ugh! I'm so excited that you are able to get back to teaching at Quiltville Inn. Hope everyone has a great time at the retreat! I'm happy you are doing you (because who could possibly do it better?) and sad that someone thinks they know how to do you better than you do. Take care, Bonnie! Hope to see you in Phoenix again when you feel comfortable enough to teach out here. Sending love and good vibes your way.

Lisa M said...

Hi Bonnie. SewHappy sounds a little jealous. I saw where she made suggestions for a quilt. Also, I noticed she said the sewing machines were not socially distancing. I took this very literally & busted out laughing. If I was her, I'd watch what I say so I didn't get sued.

Charlotte in Wyoming said...

Agree whole heartedly. DON'T even think about looking at your spam. Giving her any power in your life only destroys you, it doesn't hurt her in the least. Your to good a person with the biggest heart to allow that. Continue to enjoy your quilting, designing and enjoyment of the beauty all around you, because we love and enjoy all that you give freely to us.

Squirrel1973 said...

I recall someone going by SewHappy on Craftsy, in a class I was taking and interacting on, back when that was part of the platform, whom also was a bit critical and negative. One has to wonder if it’s one in the same. That person took a lot of heat for her not so happy attitude. Above all, I think it’s just sad that someone could be so miserable in their own skin that they just ooze ugliness and vindictiveness. But such people exist, the best we can do is protect ourselves against them and cut them out. No one has the right to be allowed to continually bring nastiness down on others. Good for you, but even without all the affirmations from you tribe, you made the right choice.

Unknown said...

"Sew Happy" aka Donna Fairchild !! She needs to change her name to "NOT HAPPY AT ALL" and get on with her own sad miserable life, in her own town and mind her own business, and allow Happy Sewers to get on with it.

jshipp said...

Maybe we should all send not sew happy Donna an email asking her to just leave you alone. A nice email though, remembering Michelle Obama’s mantra to go high when they go low. Maybe she would get the message if enough of us asked.

Forks and Forest said...

A simple BRAVA!!!!! Love your style. Love your blog. Love your site. You be YOU!

Margacat said...

On Sundays, I catch up on the comments from Saturday's post, just to get some Bonnie goodness everyday.

Candy said...

Hey there!! There's LOTS of lovely quilters in NY!! LOL....no wall, please! (grin)

Margacat said...

A thought before I turn in for the night --- is it possible to get a restraining order on someone in a different state? Before she got internet service, did Donna F AKA Sew (UN)Happy harrass her neighbors? Did they have to file restraining orders against her? I'm only semi-serious.

Marty said...

Yegads. Thank God for spam folders! And the ability to block ppl. I actually never thought of the haters bloggers get. I’m sorry! Have a FANTASTIC weekend, enjoying friends, awesome company, yummy food and I’m sure treats, walks, laughs, feeling exhausted when you fall into bed after a fabulous day doing what you love!

We’ll see Zoey, Lola and Ivy when you’re done. And, can’t wait to see show’n tells!

Kerry said...

Congratulations - you have a Donnatroll aka party pooper. Well done to you for naming and shaming - if she doesn't like it, she doesn't have to stay - but she is intent on her "mission" it seems. Ladies, you continue to have such fun together and take home super memories. I've missed the fun of the shenanigans and the beautiful quilts being made. I just wish we could do similar over here.
And the swing - fantastic!

Samantha M said...

Why do some people think they have the right to tell others how to live their lives? Thank goodness for Covid - otherwise D would have been at Quiltville Inn! Enjoy being you, Bonnie :) xx

ButterZ said...

Keep strong you amazing woman. SEW HAPPY REALLY!!!!!!!!. Bonnie, you have a heart of gold and from everything we see you go out of your way to do what is right, best and law abiding. This terrible person must be very lonely and unhappy to create a situation like this where she is getting some form of attention. Wether it be good or bad. What she doesn’t seem to realise is that you too are getting more exposure, followers, backing and interest with more people wanting to stay at Quiltville Inn. Good luck with the running of your amazing and beautiful retreat, your business and your quilt making. We will all do our own fabrics and colours so you too can do and will do what ever fabrics you choose. KEEP ON GOING AS YOU ARE...

Unknown said...

Bonnie, as an RN and an educator, I admire the way you have proceeded cautiously and carefully to ensure your retreaters' safety. I do hope to come to Quiltville Inn someday...when time allows! I learned a very important quote this summer from an online seminar...Pray for those who upset and those who mean something to you... "I wish you love, I wish you hope, I wish you happiness"... so I wish all of the above to you and that sad Unhappy Sewer.

B.K. said...

Donna is a perfect example of why this country is so polarized....she knows much more than you do and if you don't conform, she will do her best to ruin you. She's evil and obviously a very unhappy person. YOU DO YOU? ABSOLUTELY!!!

Markey said...

I could understand her concerns, but you fully addressed them early on. There is another blogger who does a video and there are always a couple of people who thumbs down her YouTube videos out of the hundreds to thousands who give it a thumbs up. I don’t understand these people.
Anyhow, thanks for all you do, and sharing your creativity

Meredith said...

Oh, How shameful of her! Calling her out was very appropriate, and I hope the retreats are very successful!! Her problem, and you are keeping it that way! “Not my circus. Not my monkeys!”

Shelnjohanne said...

Please don’t wall me out! I love the blog, quilting and Bonnie’s inspiration. Be a duck and let negatives roll off your back like the rains!

Janice said...

God bless you Bonnie! Shine the light......
Love reading your blog everyday, so thankful for your creativity that you share with the quilting world😊

Shirley said...

You go girl, name and shame is hopefully the way to put a lit on it. Love reading about the buzzing in the inn, have fun. Hugs from the Netherlands

Paula said...

Good for you Bonnie. As for my Wed. I am in Louisiana and going to a senior crayfish boil today. Have fun with your quilters.

Unknown said...

Thanks Bonnie for being there and being an inspiration!!! Thanks for standing up to the negativity and smiling it down!! Life is way too too short to spend time listening to ones who are so bitter and jealous! We know that is really what this is.

TrishL said...

Wow! Thank you for sharing these details so we really understand. That poor woman needs to find some happiness in her life, but I rather doubt it will be easy for her. Keep doing you, Bonnie. It’s obvious you have a ton of support. ❤️

Patti said...

Maybe Donna is envious that she is not invited to a retreat! If she is always that critical of people she probably isn't invited to too many events. Have a great weekend, retreats are awesome!

Margie said...

I read someone who called these "haters" cyber thugs and keyboard idiots. We are always with you Bonnie!!

cindy said...


Linda K. said...

All I can say is she can't be very happy and she certainly isn't getting much sewing done since she's evidently busy being the COVID-19 police. Good for you for moving her to spam.

Unknown said...

Good for you for rising above Donna and anyone else that is so negative towards you. Congratulations for opening the Inn back up and allowing groups to gather, learn and share. It is one thing I miss more than anything, sewing with my friends in person!! Sounds like she is jealous but does not know how to express that is a better way. Have fun and enjoy life!! Send pictures so we can all enjoy with you!!!

Kona kitten said...

You go Bonnie. The people who are going on retreat are all ADULTS. As ADULTS , they have the right to choose what activities to do. I see no difference in going on retreat or going shopping at mall or grocery and then eating at a restaurant. At least the people at the retreat ( by and large) are in the same social bubble and most likely have been around each other. Police yourself Donna.

MartyK said...

Bonnie, just imagine....someone actually gave birth to Do-bad Donna, she is likely someone's wife, mother, sister, aunt, or any of many other things. They must be miserable when she is in the room with them and so ashamed of of all that BS pointed towards you.....the most generous, giving, happy person I am proud to be acquainted with. The woman lives a very miserable life.......Block all that BS and those others who send it. I love your blogs, am thankful for all the great patterns you send our way and read each and every one of the blogs every day. Just thoughts from one 71 year old girl in Shenandoah, Texas!

Sue Peyton said...

Oh my...no words! I cannot imagine anyone having the time or energy to try and police what's going on in someone else's life. I cannot even keep up with my own! Congratulations on making it back to "retreat" life! We have had our first tastes of normal activities and if feels soooo good!

Rosemary B❤️ said...

Bonnie, I am so happy you place is up and running. 😍😀🥳 good grief, it has been forever and I know everyone is so delighted to be together. Get ready for "over chatter" because everywhere I go, we are so happy to see humans, so we blab like crazy happy.
I am so happy that your place if finally open and operational excellent

➡️ as for Donna, we will just let Donna be Donna. She is a virtue signalling warrior of the scolding police She needs to share her vast opinions because the rest of us are "unintelligent reckless people" I bet she is wearing her "I got vaccinated" metal pin to display to others how woke she is 😆😆😆😆

linda said...

Bonnie keep up the good work! We all need to get back to normal love reading your blog everyday!

Pamela Hall said...

Good for you Bonnie for standing up to the new cult of Covid/mask/vaccine police. I hardly think Sew Happy is very happy so individuals like her want to make everyone else just as miserable. I am a nurse with over 40 years of experience in infection prevention and firmly believe history will not look kindly on the extreme lockdown measures of the last year to sequester everyone and not just the sick or vulnerable. (Please don’t dunk on me, I am not advocating for no protective measures - I wore a mask and isolated until more was know about the transmission vectors of Covid and am now fully vaccinated AND maskless. As with any infectious disease, if I think I am getting sick, I stay at home.) As of today, America is still a free country and everyone has to make an evaluation of their own risk to decide what is the right level of precautions for themselves. We have to get back to living again or there will be no life to get back to. We are social creatures and need human contact and creative outlets to thrive. I hope your retreat is a Wild success!

lovinsewin said...

Some people are so miserable that they are jealous of those who refuse to be. I will continue to make my own decisions and leave those who think differently to do the same. You continue to be the YOU that we all love and appreciate.

LKG said...

You go Bonnie! You make so many of us happy with your post, patterns, pictures, stories etc. but their are always those that like to stir the pot. You just keep being the you we love. I would come to a retreat knowing all the precautions you have taken without giving it a second thought.

Carole @ From My Carolina Home said...

Amen to this!!!

Gail Holt said...

Thanks for continuing in the face of such haters. Sewhappy is obviously sewsad not to mention sew jealous. Love your blog, the quilting, the pets, the family stories, and the photos. Have a great retreat.

Nann said...

A real-life troll. I'm sorry for you, Bonnie....I would SO love to go on retreat at QVI!

peep said...

The woman needs a life. You make ours better!

Nancy G said...

Wow, just wow!! My husband and I just came back from a week in Las Vegas, couldn't wait to get home to my sewing machine and my kitchen. Still cooking after 55 years of marriage. We had our shots, my last shot 7 weeks ago. We mask, we eat out often and I only want to be around people who had their shots. Even my 16 and 17 yo grandchildren have had a shot. No shot, no go. Get your shots and all will be well.

Mary Ellen said...

I am so surprised and appalled that someone would treat you like that. You are so caring and giving that it's terrible to be treated that way. I'm sure that you are doing what you can to not spread Covid. Many people have had at least one shot or both. And I'm more than sure that you are following all the guidelines of your state. And if Donna doesn't feel safe, then stay home. I truly wish that I could be there. It would be so much fun - to meet you in person and others who also like scraps. Plus, I have so, so many fabric scraps that would be shared (and left behind as I'm running out of room!) Enjoy your weekend as you should. Remember, most of us are really happy unlike Donna who must be very unhappy in her personal life.

Kathy said...

1. I rarely read the comments on blogs (intentionally) so I'm not aware of or exposed to people like "Donna." Our techie world has made it possible for people to hide behind their screens and say what they want with no repercussions and without SEEING the face of the person they're making derogatory comments to. Would they say the same thing in person or just online and hit 'send'?
2. If she's so darn unhappy with you, why not move on to another quilting blog that better meets her needs? (Some people are just happy BEING unhappy and projecting their misery onto others.)
3. And thirdly, where is the responsibility of the retreaters? She's blaming YOU for opening up for business, but if it's so dangerous then shouldn't your CUSTOMERS bear some of the responsibility and say "no, it's not safe yet"? The Walmart near me was PACKED with people during the worst of the pandemic. The only reason I know that is because the FedEx office is located inside and I had to pick up a package. That was unnerving, even though I was masked and kept my distance and touched NOTHING. I find that more disturbing than a private inn that always looks sparkling clean in pics and retreaters who have isolated and vaccinated.
So GOOD FOR YOU calling Donna out! We should ALL call out the nasty and toxic comments and block people. Maybe those people should move over to a social media just for mean people where they can tear each other down instead of contaminating places where nice people write about their creative projects. Sheesh! If you don't have something nice to say, don't say anything at all! (The silence might be deafening. LOL)

Yvonne said...

This kind of reminds me of "Frank the Christmas Gargoyle" on Facebook---a neighbor of "Frank's" left a nasty note at Christmas, that he (a stone gargoyle statue by the front door) should be removed because he wasn't a proper sign of the holidays. So..Frank's owner put a Christmas hat on him! Thus started the battle between Frank and the neighbor (Nicknamed "Karen") It has grown so big, there have been hundreds of dollars in donations, raised by Frank for their local food bank. Every holiday (and Frank is celebrating them all, even the obscure ones!) the display gets larger, with stuffed animals and other critters to keep Frank company and the nasty letters from "Karen" continue. Check it out if you haven't already. I think "Karen" and this Donna would get along very well indeed. As for Frank, I wonder sometimes--looking at the photos of the display--how the homeowner even gets into her house! I admire the way Frank has turned the hatefulness around, to be something good (if a bit excessive! lol) Good on you, Bonnie, for turning the light on Donna and calling her out like this. Keep your light bright. We all need that, especially these days!

Christine said...

It's called 'virtue signaling'. I'm certain you, Bonnie, have more virtue in your little finger than Donna has in her entire body. If she is indeed from NY, it's apparent that she supports her governor who is responsible for moving so many elderly patients back into nursing homes to spread Covid-19 and die there.

farmhousequilter8 said...

I would block her completely... she must b a very sick woman and not from the COVID. Paula in KY

Unknown said...

Please continue to "do you". That's what we all love about you and count on.

Unknown said...

This is so ridiculous. No one is forcing these ladies to have a retreat at your place. It is their choice and if they feel comfortable that is great. I hope they have a good time!

Carol said...

Bonnie, you have a great group of women who love you and support you. I would love to come to your retreat place with a group but that won't happen any time soon since I have a 96 year old mother living with us and a husband who is not in the best of health. We will stand behind you. I would wear and mask and come any day. I am praying that the masks will end so that I can breathe normally again. Thanks for your blogs and for all you do.

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