Saturday's activity on the roof!
I really can't thank these guys enough -
When the disaster leak happened a few weeks back in heavy rain, running down through one of the light fixtures inside the Quiltville Post Office studio - I was kind of at my wits end with things that have been causing problems around here.
It's not that any of the problems were extremely huge, and compared to what had been going on in other parts of the country (Like Texas!) this was all minimal.
But as things tend to go, they all seem to happen at once. (Or is it just in threes?!)
Rain was in the forecast, and they were doing all they could to finish!
Why didn't we do this two years ago?!
Because at the time we thought a patch and reseal job would do it. And money was tight. And then Covid happened and I wasn't traveling to teach or lecture, and the inn was on restrictions too.
But after that running water through the ceiling - we knew the time was NOW.
You can see that my roof is not flat. It has a slight include to it. Enough that things will run off and not sit.
As I watched these hard working men show their love for me by the things they DO for me, I was just so humbled. Grateful to be from a family of hard working doers.
We get in there and DO. The gift of their time is priceless to me.
So today I'd like to wish the Hubster Dave a happy 61st birthday! Thank you so much for all you do for me and for our family. I hope you have a wonderful day - and maybe some more time to play with your fabulous red birthday tractor.
Now if only things will green up!
The next thing go go wrong?
The commercial oven at Quiltville Inn has been acting up for a while. It's a 2005 model.
I just thought it needed a new gasket and a recalibration. Turns out it's a thermostat that is not available anymore. ANYWHERE.
And it cost me $114 for the service call to have someone come all the way out here to tell me that.
I just hate it that appliances are only good for about 10 years and then poof. Replacement time.
I hate thinking of where all of this planned obsolescence goes.
That said - I have a new commercial range on order. A Z-Line. And it should be delivered by the end of the month.
Which means that the only thing we haven't replaced in that kitchen is the microwave. And I'm knocking wood that we don't have to, though it would be the least expensive of the things to replace!
The upside? The new range has a 5 year warranty. And they will haul the old one away, which is great because that thing is huge, and we have nowhere to haul it to.
So instead of singing "In your Easter bonnet...." I'll be singing "In my brand new oven..."
It's all good. It's all for the better.
And that third thing? I'm still waiting for the other proverbial shoe to drop, but hoping it won't!
Yesterday's IG Quiltfest Day 15:
The best tip I can give, and give often (which I do) is to always measure your UNIT, not just the seam allowance from the edge of the fabric up to the thread.
Your seam allowance actually goes all the way to the FAR side of the thread and needs to include that little but of "fold up and over" that the fabric has to do to get beyond the thread to reach unit size.
Do a test seam. Measure the unit. That will tell you whether you need to narrow down your seam a bit, or fatten it up a couple of hairs.
It will keep you from pulling OUT your hair in the process!
Yesterday's Tulip Time release was OUTSTANDING!!
Thank you!
If you are on Facebook or Instagram, we are using the hashtags #tuliptimequilt to share progress on your blocks! I love seeing what you are doing there!
Trees and shadows!
Tulip Time is a printable pattern in PDF format.
Colorful tulips dance on a scrappy neutral background, framed by a very springy green string border!
Easy step-by-step directions with full color graphics and photos. Come plant a scrappy garden!
Quilt Size: 88 1/2’’ x 101 1/2’’
Optional (but most helpful) I used my Essential Triangle Tool for the half-square triangles in the quilt, cutting from strip sets instead of squares. Traditional rotary cutting measurements are also given for those who don't have access to this ruler.
Also helpful - I love the Olfa Frosted 6.5'' square ruler for squaring units, and that diagonal line comes in handy when centering it on the stem piece for trimming. All of the Olfa Frosted rulers are my go-to brand for non glare, easy to read cutting.
To celebrate spring, the printable PDF pattern for Tulip Time is currently marked 25% off in the in the Quiltville Store, no coupon required. This sale is good through Wednesday, March 31st, 2021. The pattern will revert back to full price on Thursday, April 1st, 2021.
And to kick off Tulip Time, I am collaborating with my friend Irene at Cotton to Quilts with a FABULOUS Gift-Away!
I will be choosing one winner who will receive a Tulip Time pattern by email from me, and their choice of either a Rainbow Roll (Brights) or a Sherbet Roll (pastels) along with a Facets of Green roll from Cotton to Quilts!
Cotton rolls include 20 different fabrics each measuring approximately 8 1/2 x 21" and are the perfect stash enhancement for any project. Check out the great selection!
Fabric prizes must be shipped to a USA address. If you are drawn as winner and live outside of the USA, we can ship it to a friend within the USA who can forward it on to you.
Enter on THAT POST to win!
I'm not exactly sure where our "spring like" weather went to, but temps are just below freezing this morning and holding at 30 degrees. WHAT?!
We had freezing rain overnight - but we are supposed to head toward 60 by the end of the day?
If February is the WORST month of the year in my book, then March just simply can't be trusted.
Today I'll be making the most of it back in the Quiltville Post Office studio, knowing that metal roof overhead will be the LAST roof we have to install there.
Anything fun for your Tuesday ahead?
Quiltville Quote of the Day -
Vintage Iris quilt with signatures shared by Cathy in Lockport, Illinois.
If you find yourself feeling "less than" - stop the comparison!
Just bloom!
Have a lovely Tuesday -

Happy Birthday to Dave! And I love that Tulip Time quilt.
Love the vintage quilt!! Happy Birthday to Hubster-enjoy the newest toy.
We just replaced our double oven - 17 years old, and the one it replaced also was a goner at 17 years old! And just because they no longer make the parts! If this one lasts 17 years, I'd be surprised - so many bells and whistles to break - but I'm hoping it does and that I'll still be using it (and still quilting) by then...I'd be 82.
The key in constructing a top is consistency. Although we strive for that perfect 1/4" there is nothing magic about it. If your seam allowances are all the same everything will fit together nicely. And you are right: don't trust a 1/4" foot. I have to move my needle over a couple of clicks.
Your temperature range sounds very similar to mine, here in California. Except we didn't go below freezing, but there is frost on the rooftops. And, of course, we don't get anywhere near the rain you receive. Out here, they think that a half inch of rain is a lot. Hope there are no more problems to ruin your visit with your son or the rest of the year.
I have to disagree with you here. Consistency in seam will not work if you have mixed units in the quilt. A nine-patch has more seams than a half-square triangle, and if your seam is not bringing you to the correct unit size, your nine-patches will ALWAYS be smaller than your half-square triangles throwing the entire block/quilt out of whack. The only way consistency works is if your units are consistently turning out the correct unit size so they fit together as they need to.
LOVE that final quilt and quote, Bonnie!!
Bonnie, so many people agreed with my Instagram post about measuring the block size. I should have credited you — thank you for the best advice ever!
Happy Birthday Mr. Quiltville!! You and your son are the best workers and so talented and handy!! Can you visit me sometime??? LOL Best wishes and enjoy your tractor!
Happy Birthday to your Dave!!! Thanks so much for your continued support in quilting - you are the best. Glad you got that roof done! We get a lot of rain here in Oregon too but have the sun shinning today - yea!! My husband is disappointed that your oven could not be fixed - he says he would have tried harder. A new oven will be nice - and safe! I like that tulip quilt. Can't wait to start it. Taking Holly Ann's course now, so no time for anything else.
Well our problems seem to be coming all together. Let’s see...just since January, a new roof, new tires for the van and car, a new phone because the other is so old they don’t make the batteries for it, a new washing machine, engine work on the car, not once but twice. There goes the tax return and stimulus checks. Lots of shaking our heads and laughing because what else are you going to do? One thing I am NOT doing? Asking “what next”?!
I am living on the appliance edge. The only thing that’s less thn 10 years old is my refrigerator. The rest are pushing 20 years. Sigh.
Yikes, the comment disappeared as I was typing. For the oven- buy extra parts like the thermostat or whatever that tends to go- and if you never need them, you can resell them to some poor soul who desperately needs one. I have been able to buy parts for old appliances from those who bought extra- a real blessing to both parties! I was able to get a burner for my gas grill and have it last an extra 5 years.
Years ago in one of your classes I learned about consistency of the unit. I measure this in most of my piecing and often, not just at the end of a block. When i mess up it is usually because I got lazy, rushed, or overly confident, and skip this step. Then I say, well of course you skipped a vital part. Regarding the microwave, we have gotten great deals on that with Black Friday, often before the day. Hopefully you can hold out until then and be able to get it replaced before getting stuck. Looking forward to the day when I can get to Quiltville Inn.
I have been impressed over and over again how you and your family work so hard (and together) on your Quiltville projects! No lazy people in your family!
Felicidades a Dave.
Happy Birthday to Dave!
Hi Bonnie- I am sorry you not only had to put a new roof on, but also a commercial oven! OH My!! I love Tulip time. I started some similar blocks a few years ago to make a tulip quilt, but just keep starting new projects that need to be finished w/ my instructor. I would love to win your pattern and the fabric to start it.
I had a sew day/ quilting day yesterday (Monday). I was making a Kwik Scrappy passport wallet to go w/ my travel carry all I made in November. I was the test quilter; so I and the instructor were working the kinks out yesterday. We found a couple burps to be corrected. I will stay stitch today or tomorrow around the outside, and put the binding on it on Friday. Then back to Trellis quilt. Spring will be one, possibly two months away here, w/ the amount of snow that we have this year.
Kasilof, AK
Where it is sunny and cold today. Back to more shoveling, soon.
Happy birthday to the cool tractor dude! Lovely that family is pitching in to help on the roof - and thanks for that ear worm - every time I see your roof I get that tune! LOL!
Tulip quilt is so pretty. Thankies
Happy Birthday to Dave! And yes it so so wonderful to have family that knows how to fix things. My husband is not the fixer that my Dad was. I sure miss my Dad as my fix it man. My husband is able to do some things but not everything. But our son is beginning to become that fixer man as my Dad was. The older he gets he reminds me of him. I do love your Tulip Quilt, it is so colorful and looks like spring time.
Lots of things on borrowed time around here. Fridge is 37 yrs. old. Dishwasher at least 20. Two dead burners on the kitchen range, not the coils, but where they plug in to. Water heater probably about 30 yrs. My recliner. Living room carpet. Windows. Microwave is only a little over a year old so it should be okay for a couple more. New appliances will never last as long as these old ones have. Congrats on the new roof on the QPO. We put new metal roofs on the house & both garages 4 years ago. Hope we never have to mess with roof again. Happy Birthday to your hard working hubster!
Have fun with your new stove in the inn, Bonnie! I'm sure we'll see a picture of it when it comes, LOL. Here it's the law for those that deliver a new appliance to take away the old one (if you want it taken away). It's illegal for them to refuse! Happy Birthday to Dave!!
Tuesday for me was #2 Covid vaccine, soup and jello ready and a pile of triangles to seam along with 2 sugar tops to piece, to keep me busy. Be positive. Also ordered a new quilt book. And new shelves for fabric were delivered by my DIL, (also a quilter). Tractors are always a thrill, good for you and Dave!
I hope Dave had a wonderful birthday!🥳 It is so heartwarming to see how you work together as a family. 🥰🥰🥰 i so agree with you with handling of things breaking...... you can’t ask “what’s next”! 😳 I seem to be able to handle the big things as they come along, it’s the little things that stress me out. Hang in there! Makes me sad to see how our technology has improved but the life of appliances has diminished
As we know, if one unit is off, thats hoing to get compounded as you sew larger units. Here's a useful trick to save a unit thats slightly off: iron a strip of freezer paper to thed edge (s) of your block. Square it up and trim. Sew to next unit pretending thst sliver of freezer paper is fabric. After you sew them peel it off. Your edges will be uneven but you block has bern sewn accurately. Your seam allowances will be uneven, but you saved your block.
What a neat idea. Thank you!!!
So right about flowers (your quote) Bonnie!
May we all keep blooming as quilters!
When the time comes to replace that old refrigerator (mine was 29 years old---replaced it a few weeks ago), our local electric company offered a rebate to turn it over to them. I received $50 for the old frig and they hauled it away. That way I did not have to worry about the freon inside and how it was disposed of. Also received $15 for an old dehumidifier that no longer worked.
Might be worth checking into.
Happy Birthday Dave, you Young'in.
I was looking for freezer paper at my local base commissary on Monday. Was surprised I didn't see any. Then I remembered I needed parchment paper, not freezer paper. I think I have some freezer paper in my fabric room, so I don't need any, but I'll have to double check to see if they have it or not.
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