
Thursday, March 04, 2021

Mona's in the Studio!

Well lookie here!  Another Blue Blue day!

Mona arrived around 1pm yesterday afternoon, toting a couple of quilt tops, backs and bundles of batting - ready to spend two days at the long arm!

I'm hoping that I've talked her OUT of buying a long arm of her own - because the times we ARE able to get together and power through some quilts is so precious to me.

Kind of like the old quilting bees of old - the quilting was the excuse to get together, catch up on what has been going on in the past many months (It was long before the holidays since I saw her last.) and laugh and laugh and joke and sing to whatever came across my Pandora.

I have missed this so much!  It was worth quarantining over the past 2 weeks so we could do this safely.

The masked quilter at work!

Her Jamestown Landing quilt is just GORGEOUS and I am so proud of the quilter she has become since we first met about 8 years ago. (Could it be that long already?)

Jamestown Landing is found in my book String Fling.

Lola is loving her cat tree these days - the sunshine coming in the big picture window at the front of the QPO is her favorite place to be, watching the world go by.

Quilting in light blue thread!

This one is for Mona's bed - so we've scaled the design (Can't remember the name, but will look it up when we go back today to finish) a bit larger so the quilt is more comfy than flat.

She has also started in on Shattered! I offered to send her home with MORE strings as in "Help me dig myself out of this stuff - take my fabric please!" LOL! Shattered is PERFECT for using up the smallest bits of stuff that you just can't bear to toss - and it can be a long term project being worked on here and there in between other things.

In fact, I found two leftover blocks and gave them to her as "quilt seeds" to help her along her journey with that one.

Well, dang it!

I guess I was having such a great time that I trimmed this block far too close not leaving enough seam allowance at that side.

Grab the ripper, get to unstitching!

It didn't take long, and I replaced both of those corner triangles that were too short with something else, and used the reject too-short triangles in the next block in a different position.

I'm getting down there - only 20-something blocks left to go before I can start laying out.

All of this quilting is hard work!! 

Our hopes today are to finish Jamestown Landing, and move on to Mona's Unity quilt that she is finishing up for her son-in-law.

And she wants to dig into Rough & Tumble ! Don't worry - I have plenty of extra denim as I cut far too many blocks as it is.  I'm happy to hand that over too!

You'll find the printable PDF pattern for Rough & Tumble in the digital pattern section of the Quiltville Store. 

And the price is already marked 25% off through March 14th. No coupon code needed for this one!

The price will revert back to the full price of $12.00 on March 15th, 2021.

What else do we have coming up in March?

You've been asking about my tulip quilt for months.  It's nearly time.

Be watching for the release of myTulip Time printable PDF pattern to happen mid-March! YAY!

I have renamed the quilt from Blossom Time to Tulip Time because nobody can remember the word BLOSSOM.  So Tulip Time it will be - Soon.

Right now I am hoping for some beautiful weather to get some really good photos.

Yesterday's IGquiltfest:

Collaborative Quilts!

I love this quilt with blocks made from so many of YOU! 

It has a place of honor on the big wall behind my desk at the Quiltville Post Office Studio.

The sun is shining brightly in a cloudless sky.  Chilly but beautiful.

I'm grabbing Mona and we are heading over to the QPO to continue on quilting on -

Anything fun happening for your Thursday ahead?

Quiltville Quote of the Day 

If you don't try, how will you know what you are really capable of?
Even baby steps can conquer fear!
Don't let fear stop you in your tracks.

Have a terrific Thursday, folks!



Wendy in Colorado said...

I am glad to know that I am not the only one who winds up "cutting far too many" pieces!!!! ❤❤❤

Cristina de "Bordando que es gerundio" said...

I just caught up with your last videos and I’m very grateful for your lesson. It’s a pleasure tósete you sew. Thanks you so much from Spain.

helbelle said...

My fun for the day is getting my second COVID vaccine shot! Woo hoo!

Karen Marlene Fulbright said...

Every Thursday is our group of intrepid quilt adventurers. We are always up to something, whether Community quilts, our personal projects... Lots of laughter and fun. Potluck lunch and then after lunch, everyone gets sleepy with the full tummy and they head for home one by one until I am by myself. I keep the hall open until about 7:00 and I'm off to home after a full day. Blessings to your and your quilty friend Mona, wish we could push the transporter button and have you join in the hijinks!

Unknown said...

I have that pink/purple fabric in the tulip blossom!! It always makes me smile and I wish had more.

karen said...

Looked into my jean stash and I found 75 5 inch blocks already cut!! No idea what I was planning but pretty happy to be half way there already for Rough and Tumble. Thank you so much for all your work and the pattern!

Vicki B said...

Just curious. In the orange quilt you said you quilted it with red thread. I would have chosen orange looking at the quilt. Why did you choose red. Did it set it off more or some other reason. Like I said just curious. I have a hard time picking a color to quilt with.

Bonnie K. Hunter said...

Orange thread would not have added anything to the quilt. You would choose your own preference, my preference was red. I wanted it visible.

Holly Burch said...

Years ago, as a fairly new quilter, I cut twice as many light half-square triangles than required for the quilt I had just started. When I finally figured out why I had 200 extra pieces I packed them neatly into a small box and put them in the closet. Several years later I participated in a guild mystery quilt project and the pattern required 198 light half-square triangles of the exact size that I had saved from my original over-cutting error! Score!! Waste not, want not is a motto I live by everyday.

qltmom9 said...

I remember well sending an orange block for that quilt. I spent WAY too much time this morning trying to figure out which one I sent, but do THINK I figured it out. LOL! I LOVE the orange and remember hoping you delighted in the blocks.

Unknown said...

This is not a political statement but I would just encourage everyone who is able to receive the Covid vaccine! The sooner the better in my humble opinion! (And I will NOT argue this point- it is just my opinion and nothing else)

Wendy said...

I'm working on Jamestown Landing as a leader/ender quilt right now. Would love to see a full quilt picture of Mona's. Have a fun day together.

Unknown said...

I just finished going through my many quilting magazines, being very careful to collect all the Addicted to Scraps from my Quiltmaker mags. Guess which block was on top You guessed it! Blossom Time! I will happily rename her Tulip Time, and check to see if I have your pattern for that whenever it's available, AND I have replaced my printer so I can print things again. I've a whole list of your fabulous patterns that I want. And I'll check out your Orange Crush quilt too, maybe I'll do that one in my more familiar cool colors. Thanks so much, dear.

Annie said...

I have done something really dumb working on Grassy Creek. I decided to make it half size - not half the blocks but all the same number of pieces making the finished quilt half size. I get to step 4 and you say the measurements are sort of strange - well things get really strange when you are trying to figure what size to make something when it is already strange. I think I got it figured out though - I need to trim to just above a mark on my ruler. I guess I will find out if I was right when I get to the part where all the pieces have to fit together at the end.

Lynette W said...

I miss sewing/quilting with friends! You’ve got me thinking on how I can make that work....... 😁

Linda K. said...

@HollyBurch, I would have forgotten those set aside half-square triangles until I was done with the quilt! Good for you!

Linda K. said...

Can't wait to see your quilt!

pareapantry@gmail.com said...

So happy to see Mona! It's awesome to have a quilt friend who'll come to your house for a "girlfriend sew session" - a natter fest! Have so much fun you two!

Laura Neidich said...

My take-away from today's interesting post: I don't need a longarm machine, I need a friend with a longarm machine. Wanted: A friend with a longarm machine. I'll bring the food and wine! xoxoxo

Kathie said...

I am curious. What kind of tree is off the deck behind Rough and Tumble, the ones with the droopy leaves. Love Rough and Tumble and Tulip Time. These may be in my future soon.

Ann L. said...

Thanks to your suggestion my hubby and I watched and thoroughly enjoyed, "Fisherman's Friends" on Netflix. It's so important to keep folk songs alive IMHO to give us a glimpse into the past. Love "Jamestown Landing" so will have to invest in your String Fling to check it and other beauties out. Scrap quilting is new to me as I'm a bit OCD, but am having fun after having accomplished Grassy Creek and loving it. Thank you again.

Posy said...

Thank you sooo much for suggesting Fisherman's Friends - I loved it, so did my sister!

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