This photo was taken about 9am yesterday on my little 7 mile drive from home on the mountain, to my Quiltville Post Office studio -
The road was completely empty. It was chilly, but that spring feeling was definitely making itself known.
There were horses and cattle grazing in the quiet of the morning air.
And all around me I felt a promise of a beautiful day.
I love how the foggy layers hug the ridges and rills. My own Brigadoon.
And there are other evidences of spring!
My double daffies are blooming on the hill below the back porch at Quiltville Inn!
Bloom babies, bloom!
Can you feel it?
The air feels different. It smells different. And the cattle are wandering down by the creek - their calls of mooooooo echoing off the hills behind the creek.
This one saw me coming close to the wire fence and decided I was "Stranger Danger!" and trotted off to a safer distance.
On the Quilty Side of things - I got a chance to play with the NEW Block Base Plus yesterday!
EQ is hosting a social media affair with this, and next week I'll be participating in a GIVE AWAY of Block Base Plus - the perfect add-on to your EQ 8 starting on Monday. So this is just a heads up - but you are going to love it!
Yesterday's IG Quiltfest photo prompt:
Quilts of Significance -
Over the past year, the quilt of most significance for me was when we jumped in with not a lot of prep time to start our own sheltering at home, sewing together and making our Unity quilt.
As this was the photo prompt, I have also dropped the price on the Unity quilt PDF pattern 25% ($9.00 instead of $12.00) and the price drop is good through Sunday. Grab it while you can if you didn't participate while it was our free mystery sew along.
What I love about PDF patterns is that they are available GLOBALLY. I do not ship physical items outside of the USA, but this puts patterns in the hands of anyone, anywhere.

To celebrate spring, the printable PDF pattern for Tulip Time is also currently marked 25% off in the in the Quiltville Store, no coupon required. This sale is good through Wednesday, March 31st, 2021. The pattern will revert back to full price on Thursday, April 1st, 2021.
And to kick off Tulip Time, I am collaborating with my friend Irene at Cotton to Quilts with a FABULOUS Gift-Away! Enter on THAT POST to win!
The rains came last night - and it looks like it might continue making my Thursday a soggy one.
I just keep telling myself how HAPPY those daffodils are for the moisture. And it's the rain mixed with sunshine that will be turning these hills a very verdant green.
If that's the case - there WILL be some machine piecing time for me today. I'm thinking it's time to celebrate the gorgeous bright yellow of those daffodils and put some more effort into these Rocky Road to Kansas blocks.
How about things for your Thursday? Any quilty projects going on as we head closer to the weekend?
Quiltville Quote of the Day -
Vintage 1930s baby quilt found in Lansing, Michigan.
The older I get, "the more the merrier" has less and less pull.
I've come to realize that it becomes less important to have more friends, and more important to have real ones.
The circle may decrease in size, but it has increased in meaning and value!

we have daffs blooming here as well and cherry trees ready to burst forth....and yes spring does have its own unique smell...
I have a pair of pants I need to hem for a friend and then I want to work on some paperpieced blocks. It is to rain here all day as well - I can hear the creek roaring! I love hearing the creek and the birds!
Love those double daffodils!
Today I will continue working on a baby quilt for a good friend's granddaughter due in July and continue working on my Sue Spargo BOM #2. Those wool blocks are small but very detailed!
My daffodils are just starting to poke through the soil, but my crocuses are in full bloom! I love spring!
There is a large storm off the coast heading our way, so a perfect reason to finish quilting the charity quilts that are on “the Rack”, my Longarm. When those are done I’ll crack open a quilt kit I bought many years ago....not to rushed into, no quilt before it’s time.🙃
I will work on Winter Blues this weekend. I have made all the blocks, biggie sized to 8”. Next step is making sashing and then building diagonal rows. Can’t wait to see this scrappy quilt on our bed! Thanks for all your great Quilty ideas!
I also have hemming to be done. My DH has asked me to hem up a pair of jeans that have frayed, but that's going to be a project for this weekend. Tonight I'm planning to get back to working on Winter Blues. This is going to be the "top" of a reversible quilt that I want to gift my DH this Christmas (or fallback is his birthday in January). So time NEEDS to be spent nearly every day if I'm going to make that deadline.
It's so uplifting to find signs of spring around us. In Washington, our fields are full of daffodils and in a couple of weeks our annual Tulip Festival begins. The festival showcases acres and acres of tulips in a huge color palette and visitors from all over the world travel to see them.
The sounds and smells of spring are definitely around us. And so too, here in he Pacific NW, the sights abound; daffies blooming, tulips showing color ready to burst forth, and the trees in full, fluffy pink splendor, my iris with new green growth, everything waking after the winter months. Now for the temperatures to climb a bit more.
Got some hand stitching in last night. Hope to finish today. Must pop over and get the Unity quilt again. Lost all my files on my old tablet so am snaging hem again, his time they are backed up!
I'm sorry, but I can't remember what the IG stands for in IG Quiltville. Please enlighten me. Thanks in advance. Rita
So pretty are the flowers as they bloom! Today we went out and ran errands and I got to see some pretty wildflower patches in South Texas. I have finished my major projects and now I am digging into my scrap buckets and cutting strips for some "H" blocks!! I am definetly hooked! Have a good evening!
IG stands for Instagram, an app for your phone.
instagram fun place!
Yay, Rocky Road to Kansas.. I have scraps calling me, love string quilts! Thanks for all you do!!!!
Thanks again for the Unity sew along during quarantine! I had to stop after the sixth round because we were getting ready to show our home and move. I pulled it all out last week and got the last two rounds cut so I can take with me on retreat next week. I should be able to get all the blocks pieced and work on the other couple of things I will pack as well. It was a wisdom diversion during a difficult time of a health scare and the stress of moving during the covid issues!
Rain all day here turning to snow tonight. Spring often lasts only a few days here before the heat of summer sets in.
Finally finished a special chasuble for my daughter so now can get back to finishing a Civil War repo sampler I have in the works. The chasuble will only be worn on Maundy Thursday and Palm Sunday but I got it done ahead of time! Yeaaaa!
Miss the daffodils we had to leave at our place in North Carolina! New yard in WA is a blank canvas!
Rained all day yesterday. The yard is full of huge puddles. MY daughter from TN was here for a couple of days. The first we have seen her in over a year. It was a lovely visit. And she is now in Louisville with daughter and hubby for volleyball tournament, I will probably work on pillow shams for granddaughter #1 to match the box kite quilt which I will gift her this fall when she moves into her first apartment. Then there is the vet appointment. Our labradoodle Molly has big patches of bald spots and she was treated for a skin infection but doesn't seem to be responding. Her beautiful curly coat of fur is now filled with large bald spots. She doesn't seem sick and isn't scratching but she sure looks funny. And when we walk her other people take a look at her and pull their dogs away...yes I have mentioned those pillow shams before. I just haven't hunkered down and finished them. Main machine in the repair shop so will use the machine I travel with.
I have made Appalachian Autumn with green, yellow and orange leaves for a friend who has had a liver transplant. He asked me to include green as it is the colour of Organ Donation. I am close to finishing it, and I'll be giving it to him once he returns home this weekend. I will send you a photo of the completed "Maple Leaves on the Madawaska " when it is complete and labelled.
Spring has begun here in WA as well. All the trees have buds & blooms & plants are growing, It’s time to begin working on the planter beds for veggies to last us thru the Fall. Love this “growing” time. I agree with you, Bonnie. My quality friends have been with me throughout this challenging time. Quality over quantity is so true.
Just saw a quilt called "Pineapple Baby Blossom." The write-up said the pattern came from Quiltville. I can't find it in the shop. Is the pattern still available?
I have done a Bonnie Hunter quilt called "Pineapple Blossom" and am working on a second one. Maybe that is the correct title. I think it is in the free patterns.
There is a pattern called Pineapple Blossom under the free pattern tab. Maybe that's it.
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