
Thursday, February 11, 2021

Color Inspiration!

Isn't this fabric just the bomb?

It was one of those "I don't know what category this goes in" pieces that was more than a fat-quarter, less than a half yard.

Which means - not enough for binding, but do I want to cut it up?  NOT YET!

Instead, I used the inspiration from this piece (I don't even know who designed it as that part of the selvage is GONE!) to pull my fabric colors for the NOW NAMED Catching Rainbows (formerly Jackknife) blocks.

And the quilting is under way!

I chose an edge to edge design called Merry Go Round by Urban Elementz and scaled it down to create more texture.

I'm loving it so far!

I made it about 1/4 the way - so this is where you will find me today as well.

It's hard to tell, but I'm using a pastel variegated thread - you can BARELY see the subtle color changes.

The truth is - there isn't one thread out there that wouldn't contrast at some point, either light or dark. 

The other reason?  I want this cone of thread gone!  It's been hanging around for many years and it is better in the quilt, than taking up space in my thread drawer.

I've chosen a binding!  It's a "mostly neutral" with a pale aqua stripe running through it.  

Binding was going to be another interesting challenge - because I have no desire to do a pieced binding that keeps the color of the binding with every color change of the border - you know? Just not doing that.

So a stripe for the win!

Phone time with Dad cutting!

Those blues and neutrals are filling my shoe box!  It's maybe 20 minutes of cutting in the evening, but it will add up.

MOM!  Make her stop licking my ears!

Can you stand the cuteness? LOL!

I got a phone call yesterday that I have been waiting for since December.

I am almost a year overdue on my mammogram.  In December I signed the forms for my records to be moved up here to Jefferson, NC - and they JUST finally called me back to schedule me yesterday.

"When is your first available opening?" was my question.

"We can get you in Friday at noon." came the reply - and I snatched it up.

This has been hanging over my head, and I just want it done.  And I want it done close by so I don't have to drive 100 miles to have this procedure.  TOMORROW.

Which brings this question from me to you to mind:  Have YOU had your mammogram lately??

Let's do our best to stay healthy and keep things current.  We at least need THAT peace of mind.

Now for something TOTALLY non-quilt-related.  Just such a good feel good.  Click to Play:

I watched this last night totally mesmerized and adored the whole story.

I need more of things like this in my life!

Today is happy birthday to my dad day.  He is 81 today.  I wish I could be there to hug him.

But there will be another phone call, and more triangle cutting during the process.

And a rain check for when we really can be together once again.

Quiltville Quote of the Day-

Now isn't THIS just the absolute truth!?!!

Celebrating tomorrow's mammogram appointment as "GOING OUT!"

Have a lovely Thursday folks, whatever you get up to today!



Mary said...

YEP, I am going out only for errands. That gives me more SEW time, lol.
Happy B-Day to your DAD. The more Birthdays you have the older you get, my Father by Love used to say. Great to cut up HST sets during your calls. Love the rainbow scheme. So bright and colorful, not a normal Bonnie Quilt, except for the strings.

Bridget said...

Yes, I had my last mammogram literally the last day before the shutdown last March...thankfully I had had everyone in the family in for annuals and dental cleanings in Jan and Feb. One less worry this last year! It was as if someone above knew what was coming and pushed me along! Ha, that day was also the last day I was in a quilt shop. It has been all curbside since then. Thankful for my local shop!!

Bettybus said...

Of course. Never miss a call for a breast check. I am a happy gal since the examination is free of charge in Sweden.

The Calico Quilter said...

Thank you for the mammogram reminder. I keep delaying my own medical appointments since my husband got so sick last year but that one is necessary - mother had breast cancer twice. I too have 'what do I do with this' fabric bought on a whim for the design that just doesn't fit into one color category. I get it out, admire and pet it, and put it back!

MEngel said...

Awe, I share the same birthday as your dad. I too feel the same way about Technology. It isn’t as bad if someone shows me how to do it because reading manuals is definitely not my forte. I feel for ya. Soo much to keep up with. Love your Catching Rainbow quilt. I am trying to sew down my stash but can’t seem to make progress, scraps seem to make more scraps, it’s a crazy system, lol. I enjoy reading your blogs each day. You have become a part of my daily routine. You help me stay somewhat sane in this day and time we live in. Also, I really miss your quilt cams. In the mean time, I’ll watch them again. Have a fabulous day!

Unknown said...

What a bright cheery quilt - guaranteed to spread sunshine during this long winter. And yes, mammo done. Have a great day.

Ruth's girl said...

Thank you for posting the amazing video! It is a beautiful escape into the miracle of life. We need these moments.

aprilh said...

Thank is just about the cutest thing I have ever seen! Thank you for the heartwarming video! ♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️

aprilh said...

That is just about the cutest thing I have seen in a long time, thank you for the heartwarming video! ♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️

TheEclecticAbuela said...

Happy Birthday, Dad!

Susie H said...

Catching Rainbows is absolutely one of my most favorite quilts that you've designed. Can't wait to get the pattern and let 'er rip!

Unknown said...

Thank you for reminding us to do our mammograms (and by extension other “routine” maintenance medical things). I once let my mammograms go for what I thought was a year or 2. Turned out to be 4! That next mammogram was the one that caught my cancer early. Tiny tumor, easily removed and I’m now almost 4 years cancer free. It’s never too late to restart taking care of yourself

Angie W said...

Also just as important as a mammogram is monthly self exam and breast exams done by your physician. I had a lump found by my doctor at a yearly check up. He ordered a diagnostic mammogram and ultrasound, both were normal. The lump was removed by a surgeon to find out what it was. It was invasive ductal carcinoma. Mammogram is not 100%, I have extremely dense breast tissue and was told because of this the tumor was not seen.

Please add monthly self exams to your to do list and if your mammogram report states you have dense breast tissue have a talk with your doctor about other screening tests to supplement your mammogram.

From a 4 year survivor.

Evelyn 522 said...

Are we going out today? Yeh, we have to go to Kent.
Are we going out tomorrow? Yeh, we need groceries.
What about next week?

Barbara P. said...

Thanks for the marvelous parakeet video. You rainbow quilt is beautiful.

Judy T. said...

Mammogram is scheduled for next week. I, too, had to transfer records to another health facility, but I had one around this time last year to make sure my breast health is good. Absolutely LOVED the parakeet video!!!! So very wonderous! Have a great rainy day, Bonnie!

Sara said...

Happy birthday to your dad! Good for you in making that mammogram appointment. I got mine in November, and always kind of hold my breath until getting that letter that says it was all normal.

WhitneyBryce said...

WOW!!! Thank you for sharing that amazing video!!💗

Donna T. said...

What an uplifting post today Bonnie!!! The beautiful quilt, your sweet relationship with your dad and his 81st birthday, Zoey and Ivy, a reminder to care for ourselves, and a precious video!!! I am blessed to read your blog each day!!!

CateF said...

Love, love, love Catching Rainbows.

Bonnie said...

LOVED... the cutest ever little parakeet! I've been watching the rainbow quilt-sew pretty;). My brother's birthday is today, also-Happy 68 to him! He's on the other side of the country, so always a virtual contact with him. "Went out" and had my mammogram, too. Good to go! Thursday is my FUN DAY each week-it's a SEW DAY with my quilting group! An afternoon of sewing, chatting, snacking, discussing all topics, and solving the world's problems-hehe! As always, thank you for your fun, interesting, chatty, enlightening, and entertaining blog each day. Have a good one!

stitchinpenny said...

Since I retired that has been my getting out. My husband and I had days of shoppoing, movie going and dining out. All the errands and fun things at once. Now we stay home except for medical appointments. Covid is slwly making life dull!

Deb E said...

Good for you! Luckily I was able to get mine in November. Happy Birthday to your dad - it won't be long now and you'll be able to see each other again. Hubby gets his second shot this Saturday & since I turn 65 in April, I'll be able to get my shots as a "happy birthday to me!" LOVE the quilt - it isn't one you normally do, and isn't it nice to do something different, with the ideas coming from a piece of fabric? We quilters find our inspiration everywhere! Deb E / CA

Jane Dallmeyer said...

Happy 81 Birthday to your dad!! My dad is 91 and I talk to him twice a day. Usually a short call. He gives me a weather report, a nature report and we talk about sports that we watched the night before. He has 2 bald eagles that are flying by each day and he thinks they are picking out a tree to build a nest!!! He can see this tree from his window and I really hope they choose this tree!!! My dad has been a nature lover his whole life. He was widowed last May and seems to be keeping his starch in him, even tho we have many conversations about Mom!! Thanks Bonnie for my daily dose of you!!

quiltpiecer said...

had m y mammogram about 5 months ago, it had been delayed 6 months because of covid but I get it every year since my sister died of Breast cancer 21 years ago. My Dad had cancer also so i get all my cancer screenings yearly. I love that new quilt. reminds me some of box kite. can't wait for the pattern. Betsy K

Kara Benavides said...

Oh! Those furry boogers. They are sooo cute. And yes, I need to schedule that "procedure" too. And not my parents birthday, but they got their vaccines yesterday! It was a drive up in Newport, TN. They said it maybe took 15 minutes. Just in case that is relevent. LOVE that quilt. Can't wait to unpack my magazine that has that pattern in it.

Debcal1946 said...

Love the quilt and love the video! Raising a baby bird is not for the faint of heart, especially one that size.

Aby Dolinger said...

Loved the parakeet hatching video. I must share that with my grandchildren!

Deborah from Valparaiso said...

I think I have some of that fabric. I was in a very bright stage at one point. I have been using a lot of that fabric in my Wild & Goosey. When you cut bits and pieces, it lasts a long time!

Marianne said...

Yes Mammogram done with follow-up ultrasound, everything is okay. Scare tissue from surgery 2 years ago. Good to keep checking.

sewnsew said...

Happy Birthday, Dad! My brother is 71 today!

gingergrandma said...

I think it is exciting to go grocery shopping on a Saturday morning at 6 am. Who ever thought!

Kathy S. said...

Great name and fabric inspiration. Happy birthday to your dad!

Sharon 321 said...

Having lost my best friend to breast cancer, I have my mammogram every October.

Moneik said...

Happy Birthday to your dad. I'm remembering my mom on this day she left us 10 years ago. I had my last mammogram in 2019 at age 39, battling breast cancer for the past year.I am so thankful that you're getting it and sharing so others know the importance of getting one each year.

Betty S said...

Happy birthday to your Dad. The parakeet video was great. It sure made me smile.

Farm Quilter said...

Happy Birthday, Bonnie's Father!! (Do you remember the show that comes from?) Chasing Rainbows is beautiful and exactly what we need right now! Watching that egg hatch and grow was amazing!!! Sweet, life-affirming story!!

Ptquilter said...

Bonnie, I loved the video. Like you, I was mesmerized.

Linda said...

Yes, yesterday I went out for a mammogram. Delayed from end of May last year. My husband and I try to do a daily walk, have our main groceries delivered, so only go out for the odd things we run out off, parcels to the Post Office, a few regular appointments for blood and INR tests. Nothing exciting on our calendar! Keep safe, stay well, Bonnie and family.

Sierra Girl said...

Bonnie, if you hadn't asked about our mammograms, I wouldn't have thought to check. It was due 3 days ago! and I made an appointment. Thank you! I love the video. When my youngest daughter was in elementary school she brought home a chicken egg from the school farm, she hatched it and it lived in the kitchen until it was big enough to return to the farm :) Thanks for the memory.

Dorothy Matheson said...

outing for today was to go get second cobid-19 shot. So glad to have that done. Had to drive 18 miles each way in an ice storm to get the shot but so worth it and the road was OK just ice all over the trees and this is such a rare thing here in Central Texas

Anonymous said...

Yes, I had mine last month. And I am a Mammographer who has been performing them for almost 40 years. Thanks for the urge to all your followers to take care of them selves.

Terri said...

I need to do my mammo now. Last year was not good. It came back with some cancerous cells. They did a biopsy and sent me to a surgeon. They call it a partial mastectomy. Did it on Friday the 13th of March. And yes I will go.

Odysset Girl said...

Yep, had my mammogram last month and my first COVID shot Jan. 31. Second due Feb. 21. Husband has his first tomorrow. So glad and such a relief. Working on Grassy Creek (I know I'm slow) but also working on a couple of sew alongs so there is a reason. Staying home means lots of quilting time if I can stay focused.

janie said...

Yes I had my last mammogram cancelled at the beginning of this mess, so now I am going next Thursday.
I so loved the video you provided, it was truly amazing. THANKS

Shelina (formerly known as Shasta) said...

Yes I got a mammogram in the fall. They took fewer pictures than usual probably to avoid the really trickier positions.

Penny A said...

Safe travels tomorrow as the roads in the Commonwealth willbe dicey in some ares. Birthday hugs to your dad

Omiequilt17 said...

Happy birthday to your Dad. Today was my birthday also. I'm 76.
Looking forward to making this quilt. It's beautiful!

Wolfquilter said...

Happy birthday to your dad. I've had all of my testing in Nov. and Dec. last year. Good until the end of the year. I also only go out for errands. Safe travels.

Kerry said...

Ahhh Ivy and Zoey - what a team. Lovely bright photos - it is a gorgeous quilt in progress.
As for the mamm - had mine in 2019 so not due another till next year - when hopefully everything will be normal (hah!) fingers crossed! At least the equipment is kinder and you don't try to stand on tippy toes to be comfortable or get squashed as much. That old one was painful - new tech much more comfy! Good luck and happy birthday to your dad!

Linda K. said...

Happy Birthday to your dad. And the cuteness level today is 100%. I had my mammogram last month. They will send a letter next November and let me know I'm due in January and I'll be all set. They are so very good at the Komen Center in Peoria, Illinois

Unknown said...

Had to share your quilt "comment" - just too cute and oh so accurate! Thanks, Bonnie.

karene19 said...

your parakeet video just made my day. It truly shows the beauty and value of life from the very first heartbeat. Thank you. And the quilt is beautiful too!!

L. Ann said...

Just watched the cute video with my 8 year old son. He and I were both fascinated with it just as you had been. Thanks so much for sharing.

L. Ann said...

Just watched the cute video with my 8 year old son. He and I were both fascinated with it just as you had been. Thanks so much for sharing.

Clkeen said...

Our charity group stores our fabric by color in large plastic totes on rolling carts. So we have red, pink, light blue, dark blue, etc. But what to do with the fabrics like yours? They go into a bin labelled "Defies Description" - got a laugh from all the ladies.

Lyn said...

Going to the grocery store is a huge event for me. Stopping at Starbucks after my walk for a take out coffee is the highlight of my day.

darlene said...

Thank you so much for the video. It was great and also nice to know about the people who care about the animals.

JMOT said...

That colorful print may not be enough for a regular binding, but I bet it could be the outside of a flange binding and still show off its wonderful awesomeness!

katie said...

My brother's Bday too. THanks for sharing the video, it was way cool to watch.

Unknown said...

Love the budgie video. A nurse one time told me to schedule my mammogram every year around my birthday so I would not forget it. I've always had this theory that if men had to get something like a mammogram on a very sensitive area of their bodies, every male scientist would drop whatever he was researching until they found a more comfortable test.

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