
Thursday, January 14, 2021

Weekend Projects & Mystery Thoughts.

I've been filling my weekends with a specific project I work on mostly on weekends.

By the time I make it home in the evening I may have enough energy left for pressing and cutting - and if I wake up early enough in the morning, I might make some pieces and parts towards this project - but mostly it's been relegated to weekends.

This is the Jackknife block found in the Sept/Oct 2020 issue of Quiltmaker Magazine. You can find the link to purchase the issue under the Addicted to Scraps tab at the top of the blog.

I loved this block from the first time I made my samples for the magazine issue - and am working my way through larger hunks of scraps and fat quarters to make each block using two different fabrics.

I have quite a few blocks to go yet before I have the number I'm planning on, but I thought you'd like to see how these beautiful yellows are adding some sunshine to my life right now.

Some of the other colors.

After reading many comments from people who are disappointed in our Grassy Creek reveal - their feeling that I just "dumped it all out there." or those who are less happy with what the quilt looks like - I want to let you in on a couple of things to think about.

This is the SECOND mystery I presented with just a few months between the end of the first, Unity - and Grassy Creek, second. 

I do give these mysteries for free - but there is no guarantee you are going to like the finished result - in your fabrics, or in mine. We all have different preferences to what kinds of things we like to make, the fabrics and colors and styles we like to work in.

I LOVE how Grassy Creek turned out.

This was my vision for the quilt. I knew what it was going to look like when I designed it.  I chose the inspiration for the colors, pulling from my surroundings.

I KNEW this was not going to be for everyone.  And I gotta tell you, if you are unsure about a mystery and you go changing the colors not knowing where they are going to go beforehand, what the design will be, what colors will touch what - it's completely Russian Roulette.  You have no idea what your result will be.

If "I don't like orange and grey" is your stance - it's perfectly okay to sit the mystery out until the reveal and decide if it is something you want to "waste" your time (and fabric) on.

Some mysteries have run longer.  Some have been shorter - Some I have had to push through with rapid fire clues to get them all out there before I flew off to teach somewhere right after New Year's.  Remember that?  I can't release clues while I am on the road - 

So much work goes into doing all of the graphics and photos and writing each clue to be released on Fridays for weeks - for nearly 2 months. 

How many posts and PDF copies have been written and uploaded behind the scenes through this whole process and offered for free? How many late evenings and sleepless nights?

But all mysteries come to a reveal day.

For those who felt I "rushed through" at the end - I didn't. This mystery was only ever going to have 7 parts - we had made ALL of the units with the exception of cutting the corner squares for the Ohio stars and piecing the string rectangles for the border - which I knew people were going to either love or hate and choose different options.

It is the middle of January.  it is time to put the quilt together.  You can only keep a mystery a mystery for so long until it becomes obvious what we are making. It's a mystery, and my reveals are usually big ones, when folks still can't figure out which direction the quilt is heading. That's the fun part of a mystery.

And isn't that why we do it? For the FUN of community and connectedness?

But accusing that I "unloaded it all at once" after the emotional upheaval last week is just not true. It's speculation - and it is wrong.

Yes, last week was hard.  This week is even harder.  My mother-in-law passed away on January 5th. There was no funeral I could travel to in the time of Covid. The small family graveside service was in Idaho this past Monday, January 11th.  Obituary HERE.

Lezetta had been declining with dementia over the years and had been placed in a care facility before my father-in-law passed a few years back. She hasn't known anyone or recognized anyone for years. But it is still so sad.

And yes - she died at age 101 from complications caused by Covid.

So yes, my emotions have been all over the place.

But please don't dump onto me how I dumped the mystery reveal "in a hurry" on to you.  You have absolutely no idea.

The reveal happened right on time - at the right time. It was the happiest thing to happen over those couple of weeks.

My heart is raw - my heart is tired. 

I'll be spending some time loving on these two.

And spend more time today putting the finishing touches on something I hope will bring happiness and creativity back to all of us SOON.

Quiltville Quote of the Day -

If anything describes where I am right now in my journey - this is it!



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Carol Weber said...

Oh, good grief, Bonnie, I simply can't believe how many people don't know the Thumper rule: "If you can't say something nice, then don't say anything at all." I'm here to say I never thought it was dumped, and those people who not only thought so, but SAID so, deserve to be whipped with a wet noodle. Good grief. I'm so sorry that, in your kindness to offer to us all that you do, you get rude and hurtful backlashes from people who apparently feel free to say whatever they want! Shame on them.

Unknown said...

OH Bonnie, I am so sad that you have lost another beloved family member, especially to this plague that we are calling Covid-19. People can just be so cruel. I have printed all the clues to Grassy Creek but am not sure that it is something that I want to do. But that doesn't mean that I won't attempt it one day or that there is anything wrong with it. Keep your head up and cuddle on those babies today. They can heal any heart.

Mary Beth said...

Never. Never. Never. I loved, loved loved the opportunity to work outside my comfort zone and work on something I didn't know where it was headed. I needed to work on something in faith, to work through it, to believe in it. I wrote a long face book post about how I felt the mystery quilt was a metaphor for all of the very important things in life that we walk into thinking we should be able to control, but in the end can't. Things like marriage and parenting and family. Things we piece together, fret about, make changes and tweaks and when, in the final reveal is very different than we imagined when we embarked. Nuanced and intricate and beautiful. Thank you for reminding me of that... And now, I need to get back to sewing.
Hugs and Blessings.
Mary Beth

Vicki B said...

This quilt is beautiful. Thank you for the time and love you put into everything you do.

Siri Ellen said...

We love you, Bonnie, and appreciate all of the hard work you put into each mystery quilt.

Sharon K. Jack said...

I love the mystery quilt. I think it was right on time for the reveal, yes I thought there might be one more clue before reveal but the surprise of the reveal was great and is what a mystery is suppose to do surprise us. love the colors and the blocks. I am working on it when I can and not making it a race. thanks so much Bonnie love all you do for us.

Elizabeth Eason said...

I don’t know how people can be so mean. If you don’t like something, scroll on. That’s the problem with social media- you can hide behind a computer screen. I’m sorry for mean people and what they have said to you. I’m sorry for the loss of your mother in law. Hugs today Bonnie - your animals will love it. And thank you for your FREE mysteries.

Deb said...

I am sorry you have had such a hard few weeks... Losing a loved one is hard. My Pastor tells us often "Everyone has a story" and continues to explain that we shouldn't judge others actions because we have no idea where they are or where they have been. Prayers for you and for your family during this time. Thank you for bringing sunshine into our lives through quilts designs and helping us learn through this craft.

Deb Rupp said...

I just don't understand people complaining about something that is given for FREE. So ungrateful.
Thank you, Bonnie. I chose not to make this year's mystery as I had very little of the greens in my stash. I love how it turned out and may make it in different colors that I can pull from home.
Thank you! I have been inspired and learned so much from you!

Aunt LeAnn said...

We love you Bonnie.

stretchmarks said...

Don't let them get you down. We appreciate all you do and personally you make my mornings every day! Marilyn Marks

memckee2 said...

Bless your precious heart! I can't begin to thank you for hanging in for your loyal followers. I formed a group who did your mystery this year - some for the first time. We all agree that the joy is in the journey, the skills learned will carry on to years of quilting fun, and the result, like life, is a mystery.

Jeanne said...

I agree with Carol!

Jodi Kleban said...

I absolutely LOVE this year's mystery! Can't wait for the next one!

barbtaz said...

I'm so sorry that you got negative comments on the mystery. I don't understand people sometimes. I appreciate how you always give of yourself to promote the art of quilting. Know that you have many adoring fans out here too! My sympathies on the loss of your dear MIL.

Tricia Jewell said...

Thank you Bonnie. This was my first mystery quilt with you but not my first mystery. I love them and I love Grassy Creek. I have learned people either like or dislike mystery quilts. Some need to see the final product to decide if they want to make the journey. Some want to change the colors or the layout. I don't like every result, but I learn so much along the way. I'll be back for the next mystery! And I'm so sorry to hear about your mother-in-law. My mother passed away this summer, but not from COVID. She didn't know our names, but she knew we belonged to her. Hugs to you during this difficult time. Thank goodness we have our fabric therapy and our fur friends to help us through.

Kraftjunkie4life said...

Bonnie sending you much love, hugs and positive vibes! Thank you for bringing so much sunshine and joy to so many lives! Please don't let those "grumpy broodmares" get in the way of your happiness, creativity and over all amazingness. Much love to you and yours now and always!

Cheryl said...

I don’t usually comment but I love today’s quote. Is it a “Bonnie” original? Is it OK if I use it on some future, for personal use only, project, citing you as the author?

Natalie in Maine said...

I am sorry Bonnie for all the complaining people are doing lately. There is really no excuse for it. I know all your clue dates were preplanned way ahead of time and it had nothing to do with the end happening when crap was going on in the world. So sorry for the loss of your mother in law. Know that most of us appreciate all the work you do and know you are so kind and generous and put so much time and effort into doing these free mysteries each year. Thanks for being you and stay positive. Dont let a few people ruin your day.

Elizabeth V Kelbaugh said...

Sorry for your and DH loss even though you know she had a long life. THANK YOU for all you share.

leu2500 said...

Bonnie, I’m so sorry about your mother in law.

I love the yellows. So bright & cheery on this grey day. It reminds me of your yellow jacob’s ladder quilt - I think you named it Floribunda? - spread out on the bed it was like sunlight.

Karen B. said...

Oh my goodness. People need to get a life!! I just don’t know how you do all that you do! My skin would not be thick enough. I am so sorry you have to go through all of this. I loved the mystery quilt. I just need to make the string borders and then I will be done. I will start those tonight after work. I am sorry to hear about Dave’s mother. No matter how old someone was when they pass, and no matter what kind of life they had or whether they knew people at the end, it is still hard. Hugs to you and Dave. Maybe you should take Fri-Sun as no media days, and then just post your stuff and look at photos with no reading.❤️

Tracy said...

I have been working bit each day on completing the center of Grassy Creek. Yesterday I rested after getting to the solid green border part. I am enjoying seeing it come together and plan on doing the outer border next week. It's not a race, and the way you lay out the PDF instructions, step by step, makes it easy to work in that order, it doesn't matter to me if the clues are all together. Like the chapters of a book, it's a journey. Thank you for giving us a way to craft and create as we journey though our lives.

Cheryl D. said...

Bonnie. I’m so sorry for your loss. I will admit that I at first thought the reveal included a lot of information but then just thought I can still work on it slowly. No complaints. I appreciate all the work that goes into designing and providing your mystery and enjoy working on them. Thank you.

Unknown said...

Thanks for the Grassy Creek Quilt! I know it takes a lot of work and I appreciate all that you do for this community of quilters!

AMTaylor said...

Oh Bonnie, my heart hurts for you. You are one of the most giving people I know. I have learned to just relax and step outside my box with your mystery quilts. This is number 3 for me following your color way. I love all 3 including Grassy Creek. Please know that you are loved and I certainly hope to at least meet you one day. Ideally you would be teaching! Blessings to you.

Liz Sampson said...

Bonnie, first let me say that I am so sad for your loss. How heartbreaking! Over the years your mystery, freely given, has expanded my horizons, gotten me out of my comfort zone, and brought me into a community that is my safe happy place. I love how me and so many others had the first thought the other day of Lola at QPO with no heart, such kindred spirits. Thank you big quilty hugs to you and your family.

Anna said...

I'm so very sorry for your loss Bonnie. People have forgotten how to be kind in this world! They need to open their eyes and return to GOD! I can understand it if you never gave anything for free again, you put so much of yourself into these for us to be able to enjoy and then there are those that simply do not appreciate what you do. I for one appreciate you, your time and your talents very much! Quilt on my friend!!! Hugs to you!!

Rita said...

I'm so sorry to hear of the loss of your mother-in-law. I am doubly sorry that so many ungrateful people think you have a target on your back. You do so much for us and for people to dump on you is horrible. I hope you know that the majority appreciate you very much and we love what you do.

Jackie said...

I am so sorry that you have to take flack from people who are getting something free! Here’s my story-I made the first block of Unity-got waylayed and quit, that block will become a lovely pillow. When Grassy Creek came out I was busy with several other projects and for the first time in 9 years decided not to participate-although I downloaded all the clues ;). With the reveal, I love it! My sister is putting hers together and I love it even more. I’ll be pulling fabrics this week!! Parts of it may be a leader/wonder project for a while, but I love the colors, the hidden designs and the story behind it. You are a courageous lady-owning a business and putting yourself out there is brave and hard thing. May you find peace knowing that thousands of us live and appreciate your work-even if we don’t all write to you! Stay safe, be well and keep on being you!

Andee Neff said...

So very sorry about your mother in law and about the times we are experiencong which makes it hard to be with family now. The mystery was perfect. I am still putting it together and enjoying the theraputic making of strings! Ignore the rude people, I am sorry Irene and I cannot sheild you from them all! Love you girl. Please pass on my condolences to the hubby.

Mary Ellen said...

People are so stupid and unkind. Seriously, I am surprised you continue to offer the mystery year after year when you get comments such as you have mentioned. You have my sympathy regarding your mother-in-law. My own 98-year-old mother is also in a nursing home with dementia. A week ago today she tested positive for covid. So far she has been asymptomatic, but we are holding our breath. Hugs.

Unknown said...

I agree with Carol! I so enjoy receiving each step each week. I save all the steps as I am usually way to busy during December to start the mystery. As a matter of fact, I'm just now about to lay out last year's mystery to sew all the blocks together. So, I guess you could say I was enjoying two mysteries at the same time. Can't wait for mystery 2021!

Den said...

Hugs to you and yours and thank you once again for all that you do for our quilting community

Tammi Yarber said...

Bonnie, the mystery quilt is one of my annual highlights. I look forward to it all year long. While I always think they are beautiful, what the end result quilt looks like isn't my main objective. I just feel so happy that I've improved my skills. You are the BEST quilt piecing teacher and your carefully worded instructions with all the different options presented is priceless. EVERYTHING else I make is better because of what I learn while participating in the mystery quilts. It also makes my heart jump that I can use up precious scrap fabrics in the process and that makes me feel so good. So hogwash on any negative comments. Put them out of your mind. Focus on the good you do and know that is so much appreciated by lots of quilters like me :-)

Cheryl Gamble said...

I am so sorry to hear of the loss of your mother in law. People never stop to think about what's going on behind the scenes. I am amazed with all you produce and publish. Thanks again for 2 mysteries this year! I have been making your mysteries for probably 6 years or so now. When people tell me they don't like mysteries, I explain my thought process. Your quilts are the most challenging projects I tackle all year. If I saw the final quilt first, I would never think I was capable of making it. I love how you break down the steps so that it is manageable. I work full time and I love the challenge of keeping up each week. I may limit the number of fabrics I use, but I always use your colors. I tell myself that you know what it's going to look like, so this is the best choice! As with every quilt, I go through a love/hate/what was I thinking period, but I always love these mystery quilts in the end. Thanks so much for sharing the mystery every year. It's a quilting highlight for me each year and a challenge that I look forward to!

Amy said...

I am behind on the mystery but that is of my own choosing. I work outside the home and have not had much time to work on it. Thank you for the reveal! I have been curious as to what it would look like. There is a lot of gray that I was not expecting. But I am making this for my bedroom in my old country farmhouse and I think it will be perfect on my bed. My walls are gray and the pops of color in this will look great! Thank you for all of your hard work and for giving us the joy of quilting. I am sorry to hear of the passing of your mother- in -law. Praying for your family. Take care!

AnneO said...

I lurk during each mystery quilt because I know myself well enough to acknowledge I don't handle uncertainty well. I read each clue, and focus on the multitude of teaching tips you incorporate. I'm always amazed at how folks change out colors without #knowing. As you say, a version of Russian Roulette. You are a consumate designer and wonderful teacher. And I thank you from the bottom of my heart for all that you share: recipes, furkid pics, gorgeous quilts, and countless how-tos.

Doris said...

Why do we remember the rotten things someone says all day but not all the good things that people say.
Someone said to me to look in a mirror and repeat 3 times.
I look good
I feel good
Everybody loves me.
Sounds silly but you can't help but laugh after you say it.
Love ya Bonnie

Lisa Burgess said...

I know it isn't much consolation but I love the mystery and look forward to finishing mine :) I assigned a color (using yours) to things I see from my back porch during these quarantine times. It will always have a memory and an interesting story. Love you Bonnie

DMC said...

love your yellows. I just finished floribunda with bright yellow and unloved, wild florals. I like the mystery, made it half size for my couch, browns instead of gray but rest the same.

kat1249 said...

My prayers for peace and comfort for you and your family. Thank you for your gifts so freely given!

Karen and her dog Zoe from Port Orange FL said...

OMG. Bonnie, please know this. For every one of the whiny complaining responses you get, there are hundreds of us out there (me included) who don't post or don't post often enough, all of us love you and ALL you do, whether or not we make the mystery quilt, whether or not we love making scrappy quilts or just use 5 or six fabrics for a quilt. We love and appreciate your creativity, knowledge, and the sheer volume of your work. I just read yesterday's post about your quilts being shown in a museum, and how happy I was for you. Then I clicked to read today's post of the criticism and about the mystery quilt, it is shameful. I don't know why haters have to complain so much, why can't people remember that old saying, "If you don't have something nice to say, don't say anything at all." It is just awful to have to deal with that while grieving. I am so sorry for your loss. This must be especially hard on your husband. I hope you feel all the love and condolences coming your way from all of us that love you from all across the country. Karen L in Florida

Anne and Mike said...

I’ve said this before but it’s worth repeating. Bonnie Hunter is unparalleled in the quilting world in terms of generosity and enthusiasm for her craft. We all owe her a huge thanks for the countless ideas, tips, patterns, advice she has so freely and joyfully given us over the years. I LOVE this woman!

HospiceNP said...

Bonnie I almost have no words. People are so entitled! I love your work. I don't love all your quilts, but that just means you and I have different tastes, not that one or the other is "right" or "wrong". That being said, the ones I do love are fabulous, and the work you do is amazing. I'm so sorry about your mother in law, no matter how old she was or how she died it's still a loss. Hugs to you and your husband.

Beth Strand said...

Bonnie, I'm so sorry for your loss. And for these terrible times that keep us from gathering as we once would have. My brother-in-law passed in December and a friend in November and it just seems so unreal.
As fir the mystery, you rock! I'm dawdling along at my own little pace but I love it! And I love your kindness, honesty and openness. Thank you for all you do.

Unknown said...

Bonnie, we are all struggling right now and my mantra is not to make anyone suffer more then they already are. The people who are complaining should stop. You are a kind, loving person who contributes so much to our quilting skills and don't let anyone take those accomplishments away from you.

Rachel said...

Bonnie, so sorry for your family's loss. No matter hold old, or young, it hurts to lose a loved one. Please know how much you are appreciated!! Too bad some are unhappy with all your work...there are quilts I like better than others. We all experience that and it is NO REASON to dump on you or any designer! Please know I appreciate all your "jewels" of advise and teaching. Hope to make it to the Quilt Museum and see all the string quilts! Thank you very much!!

All8 said...

There will always be some people that even if $20 bills were strewn all over, they'd complain that it wasn't bagged up for them. Bless their hearts.

For the rest of us, Thank You! Thank you for your positive willingness to give and share your talents. You are awesome! Have been following your journey for quite some time and your mystery quilts are fun and always educational. Thank you for teaching me how to be a better quilter.

Mia's Cottage said...

I am so sorry for people being so dumb. I have done many of your mysteries and have loved every one of them. This year I chose to wait and see just because I had a lot going on. They could have done the same. No one told them they HAD to do it. You are very generous to do these for us, they are free to us and you are doing them out of the kindness of your heart. Thank you!!!! Again... some people are just RUDE and don’t think before they open their big mouth! Just hit that delete button and be done, no one needs type of drama in their lives now a days...life is too short.

yorkie mom said...


LoriM said...

I am so sorry that you bear the brunt of these whiny attacks, and that right now, they are like being caught in a hailstorm. Please know that most people are grateful and pleasant in real life. Okay, at least let’s hope that most people are grateful and pleasant. I will be praying for you as you grieve. Much love from eastern NC!

Sherrill said...

That's terrible that there are folks dumping on you for the end result of your mystery. I know you put a lot of time and effort into them and gift them for free to your followers. I don't do mysteries as I want to see the end result before I decide. So I always save your clues but have only ever done Easy Street and I DID do that one as a mystery as I fell in love with the color strips. It's sad that people feel the right to complain about something that was free. And I'm sorry your hubby wasn't able to be with his mom when she passed. 2020 was not a good year for far too many--hope we never see another like it.

Unknown said...

All I can say is thank you for your time and energy for us..everyone who is being critical can go suck on a lemon

Unknown said...

I'm so sorry for your loss. This year has meant a lot of loss for so many (myself included). I don't think you did anything wrong with the mystery quilt. I joined along knowing it was possible I wouldn't like the end result, but I wanted a project that I didn't design where I could mindlessly sew for the peace that it brings to me. This mystery quilt is being given to a dear friend of mine who truly loves the result. What could be a better outcome for something I sewed - a gift of love from me to her.

Quiltville said...

I am absolutely amazed that some feel the need to gripe and complain about a free gift!! I am a fairly new fan of you and your site, and I haven’t been interested in this art for a long time. A friend who is a fan talked about your patterns and webcams, so I finally looked it up and I was hooked! I so enjoy your blog and have purchased a few patterns. While I feel some patterns are “out of my league” I am learning new ways and tips to accomplish and enhance my piecing skills. I am so sorry that people have been unkind. Please know that the majority of us DO NOT feel that way. Wishing you more peaceful days ahead and less stress in your future.

Liz Jones said...

This was my first mystery quilt and I absolutely enjoyed my learning journey. I consider this quilt a work of art! Your directions were exceptionally clear! Sorry for you loss and I’m sorry for people who are not grateful. Thank you for sharing your gift with us. I hope you are not discouraged from doing another mystery quilt in the future. I purchased a couple of your books and now feel comfortable to jump in and make another quilt design by you!

Colleen said...

I didn't start grassy creek, but when I saw the finish, it is one I want to make now. Love the orange and gray. Thanks for all you do. You helped me so much when I lived in South Africa. Got all my patterns from your website. Thank you.

Karyla said...

A couple of my quilting friends and I always look forward to your winter mystery, so I hope you keep surprising us each year. The only challenge I'm having is finally assembling the blocks. The one pic shows 6 rows across and the pic of your quilt shows 5 rows across, so I got a little confused, but finally figured it out. The border just before the green one was hard to see on the photos, but I finally figured that out too. I'm really loving how it's shaping up. I have only 2 rows and the one sashing done so far, but will try to finish getting the rows together today. The final finish always surprises me on all the MQ's I've done and I love it. As I've worked on each one, I've thought I wouldn't like it and I always have loved them when finished. The "mystery" is what is exciting about each quilt. You have my deepest sympathies for the loss of your mother in law, may God comfort you in your grief. Take time for yourself and the hubster to heal. Try to ignore the insensitive and ungrateful even tho' it's sometimes so difficult. Your followers will always be with you in our support of you and our craft. You are in my prayers.....

TheEclecticAbuela said...

Reveals are always big. I do a lot of mystery quilts, so I'm prepared for it. I just portion it out for myself to accomplish--no need to panic with, "I can't do all of this in a week."

My condolences to Dave and to you.

Tammy said...

Bonnie, I love the Grassy Creek Quilt. I will admit when you chose the colors, but once it was together, I love it. Thank you for all your hard work that you give to us freely.

Carol Mathers said...

I would like to Ditto what Carol Weber has said and offer my condolences to you and family on your loss. These are hard times I'm so sad there are those that do not appreciate all that you do for us. Virtual hugs coming your way!

Jo said...

You have no need to apologize to anyone who complains about getting a free pattern period. Not in a pandemic. Not in a time of your countries political unrest. Not in the time of the loss of a loved one. Not even in "normal time". Complainers are looking for attention period. You have so many people who follow you and love what you do. Concentrate on the positive comments and all of those who love to follow you. Who love to follow not only for the quilts and things you do but also the funny pets you have. Your blog lifts me up. To see your furry ones and just laugh. Take time for you and your family. Push the delete button on the neigh sayers and find comfort in the others. Losing someone at any age and time leaves hole. Hugs from a stranger.

Leah said...

I'm very sorry for your family's loss, Bonnie. It's hard no matter the circumstances. (Lezetta is such a lovely name, BTW.)

Thank you for all you do, and for being the positive, generous person you are, even when you are struggling behind the scenes. And thank you for your honesty today - the people willing to give you flak over such trivialities needed the pointed reminder.

I don't usually play along with your mysteries in real time bc I usually have too many other irons in the fire, but I still very much enjoy watching them unfold and learning from your tips. I've made a few of the mystery patterns later on. I've been looking for the right pattern for a very specific color palette I want to work in, and Grassy Creek might be just the right thing. It's lovely, and it was, as all of your mysteries are, a generous gift to the quilting world.

I'm so sorry the trolls have been at your door this week. The rest of us appreciate you!

Donna W said...

I'm sorry for you & your husbands loss. This year has been quite difficult already. Last week was horrible and I've had two people I've known pass away already this year. I enjoyed your Grassy Creek mystery quilt. The quilt will always be special to me because I live in NE TN and Grassy Creek is about an hour (as a crow flies!) from where I live. We moved to NE TN for my husband's work and when my husband is finished and we move, it will be a wonderful keepsake of my time spent in this area. Thank you!

chris said...

I am so sorry for your loss, Bonnie, and for the fact that you can’t travel to be there, and for the fact that some people always have to complain. Grieve freely and then take heart. We love you.
You have been the most influential voice guiding me on my quilting journey.
Sending a big air hug!

Sue said...

Bonnie, I am so sorry to hear about your mother-in-law. I also can't believe how rude and nasty people have become. Your daily blog and the Unity mystery, gave me something to look forward to last spring when we were in lockdown. Thank you for all you do and share with your readers. It has been a lifesaver for some of us.

Unknown said...

Thank you Bonne for all you do! You are an amazing woman and give so much of yourself to all of us. I appreciate your daily posts of inspiration and share them with my friends. There are always negative people in any group .... but there are many more of us who love and support you.

Myrna said...

I'm so sorry for your loss. I don't understand people some times, and the times I don't understand them are getting more frequent. Your mystery is free us to do with as we choose and people still complain. It's hard to turn a blind eye to the complainers. Please remember there are lots of us who admire you and appreciate you for all you do for quilters!

nancy b. said...

My heart hurts with and for you, I truly don’t know how you keep doing what you do. Thank you for the way you just keep showing up and going forward with such grace snd courage.

Amy said...

Have you considered pattern testers? Lots of designers use them.

Carolyn said...

So sorry for your loss! Really that alone is enough to end the mystery quilt.

I have not liked a number of your mystery quilts, but I still made them and found someone who loved them! Never fear, opinions are like A$$holes everyone has one!
Too bad we have lost the ability to say something nice or say nothing at all.

Honeybee Quilter said...

I am sorry for your loss. I enjoy the mysteries. You are giving us some of your precious free time and I appreciate it.

Suzanne C said...

It sounds like people forgot the very important mystery time rule, “No Whining!”

Julia H said...

Bonnie, my heart breaks for you and Dave on the death of his mother. Even though she didn't know anyone, you still knew her for her vibrancy before the disease took her mind and it hurts. Praying for peace for you both, please know that MOST all of your devotees love your mysteries and are happy to follow you no matter the reveal. Don't let the nay-sayers get you down, you have so many people who lift you up. Thank you for your dedication to this thing we call quilting! Blessings to you!

Carolyn V said...

Covid has taken away so many options and that is probably the worst for many of us.
Mystery quilts are always, if in doubt wait for the reveal. Good part about mystery quilts is the detail provided and the regiment to get to the end.

karen said...

How silly of people to complain about a free mystery!! I enjoy your blog every single day. I learn from you. I did not do the mystery, but my hubby got the paint chips for me and I followed every clue/technique to the end!!!! I find myself very very fortunate that you filter out the nasty.
I am sorry you are going thru all that you are. Today's quote is right on for me!! Hang in there!!

Nell k said...

This was my very first mystery quilt. It was a challenge for me. I learned lots. I am ready soon to construct your lovely pattern. Thank you for your mentorship. Your blog is part of m6 morning ritual since Covid began. You are a breath of fresh air. I am sorry for your loss and Dave's.

DebSlaugh said...

Bonnie, I am sorry for your loss. Your mother-in-law had a wonderful life. Even though you could not be there, I am sure she felt your love. I have been working on Grassy Creek and another quilt project at the same time. I finish the Grassy Creek clues for one week and then work on the other quilt. I am in the finishing stages of both quilts and I wish you could have written the instructions for the other quilt as well. I switched over to some of your techniques in some of the stages because I like your techniques better. Thanks for all you do and especially for showing the yellow blocks. They bring needed sunshine.

Melody said...

Love and hugs to you Bonnie. And all the positive vibes you can hold are headed your way. I send condolences for your loss, and am thankful that you have your piecework to cheer you, and your pets, and dear husband to love and hold you. Peace, sister.

Janine said...

Sorry for the loss of your Mother in Law, and also for the loss of joy others felt they could inflict on you. What are people thinking when they say/write things that are critical of others. I agreed with Carol (I had never heard it called the Thumper rule before), that it hurts no one to keep your nasty, negative thoughts to yourself. Once you have spewed them, they are always out there hurting someone. For every one of them, just know that there are hundreds of others that are absolutely in love with you, your quilts & your efforts for all of us--for FREE!!! Hugs to you,

darlynn said...

So sad to read this post. I absolutely love the mystery reveal! You did another grand job. I completely understand the rawness of your pain from multiple areas of life over the past 2 weeks. Try your best to shrug it off, easier said than done, and continue creating your great designs.

Honeybee Quilter said...

Thanks for everything and for giving us some of your precious time!

Unknown said...

So well said Carol, mythoughts exactly. Thanks to Bonnie we have sunshine every day. We dont wany to lose this

Cats said...

i just don't get it!!! It hurts MY heart to hear the abuse (yes, it's abuse) being hurled your way... please do not go media free all weekend as someone suggested, I'm still trying to adjust without your brightness on Sunday!!! OK!!! please continue to give those of us who love and appreciate you the benefits (so freely shared) of your spirit and talent... if you check the comments at all you know I am forever grateful for the contribution(s) you've made to my life... you must be getting these negative messages from another thread than your quips & snips... thank goodness I don't see them!!! Much like religion and politics, criticism needs to be ignored...LOL, probably including my free advice.... Love you, girlie, keep on keepin' on... Cats in Carlsbad CA

Unknown said...

(((((((((((HUGE!!! HUGS!!!))))))))))))))))

Charlotte K said...

I'm sorry for your loss. Thanks for the way you give your time talent and creativity to us with the mystery. I'm not a gray fan, so I waited for the reveal and am now starting in a different color way.

Wench5661 said...

Bonnie im so sorry for your loss and heart ache. This was my seventh mystery of your that I've done. Im not a fan of grey so I used blue. Its so easy to change a color as long as you have the contrast. I also used black instead of whites. I love in Pa Dutch country and love all these colors together. You have created an absolutely beautiful 😍 quilt for us! Thank you from the bottom of my heart! Please don't be discouraged. I remember the last clues before you had to go somewhere. Please ignore the people who complained. Most of them are just venting the stress of the times we live in. And i wanted to thank you for Unity im still working on it and absolutely love it.
I read your blog almost everyday. I got out my Quiltmaker with the jack knife block, im enjoying seeing your blocks. Looking forward to seeing what you do with them! You keep me busy! Have a wonderful day!😍🤩😍

Wench5661 said...

Bonnie im so sorry for your loss and heart ache. This was my seventh mystery of your that I've done. Im not a fan of grey so I used blue. Its so easy to change a color as long as you have the contrast. I also used black instead of whites. I love in Pa Dutch country and love all these colors together. You have created an absolutely beautiful 😍 quilt for us! Thank you from the bottom of my heart! Please don't be discouraged. I remember the last clues before you had to go somewhere. Please ignore the people who complained. Most of them are just venting the stress of the times we live in. And i wanted to thank you for Unity im still working on it and absolutely love it.
I read your blog almost everyday. I got out my Quiltmaker with the jack knife block, im enjoying seeing your blocks. Looking forward to seeing what you do with them! You keep me busy! Have a wonderful day!😍🤩😍

Anonymous said...

OMGoodness! People get a grip. Bonnie I am so sorry for your family's loss. Please be kind to yourself and your family. The mystery was perfect for all of us to create, learn, and try new techniques. Me? Well, the different techniques you offered were a learning experience for me, and I appreciate the way you so graciously gave more than one way to do something. Bonnie, please take a break, pet the babies, pet your fabric, and hug the hubster. You are a blessing to me and I have learned so very much. Thank you

Connie said...

Those complaining need to leave the group. If I am not happy with something I don't hang around. I was taught if you have nothing nice to say don't speak. There is no reason for what I have read in some of the he posts during this mystery. Totally wrong to do this to anyone as kind and giving as Bonnie Hunter. If you complainers think you can do a better job...go for it! Stay Safe and God Bless.

Ellie said...

I’m so sorry you have to deal with the negative comments of people who have something FREE and aren’t happy about it! You are so generous and have so many supporters. I love the colors you used in this mystery! Yes, it’s not your usual palette but that’s good! As hard as it it, try to tune out the complainers and move on. Your creativity and energy are contagious! If you’ve lost your way on other road less traveled” then remember you have lots of company following along.

So sorry for you loss of your mother in law. This is a difficult time for nearly everyone and quilting should be a refuge.

I’m looking forward to seeing where this new quilt goes!

Margaret said...

Oh my goodness. I'm sorry to read about your mother-in-law's passing, in the midst of all that's been going on in the world. I send you a hug and hope for comfort for you, and especially for your DH and all the family.

And then you get complaints! Sheesh! I'm working through Clue #6 of "Grassy Creek" and loving it. I understand how hard it is to design a quilt -- having done it more than once -- let alone turn that design into a pattern (which I've never done!).

For "Grassy Creek" I'm using fabrics I inherited on the death of a dear elderly friend a year ago, and plan to give the finished quilt to her daughter. I don't have a great variety of greys that I'm willing to contribute to the mix -- I'm a landscape art quilter and my greys are in reserve for that work! -- so I decided to mix greys and greens in the string sections -- *all* of 'em, including the border. Might even throw in a pop of orange or gold.

That's the beauty of *any* project -- you don't have to use the colours used by the designer! I would encourage people who claim they have trouble picking their own colours to look at examples of what others have done in the past with mysteries. Study a bit of colour theory, and figure out what you like, what you can "buy" from your stash and *go for it*! This was a fun project to work on -- I *love* that strings are included --and I have no complaints whatsoever. Again, comfort to you and yours at this tough time, and a hug from across the continent (I'm in Western Canada).

Janet said...

Some people will always have a negative take on things. But these patterns are FREE during the mystery quilt phase. That is something I surely appreciate. And we know what the color palette is before the mystery starts. If it's not your cup of tea don't buy those fabrics. And as you said wait until all clues have been revealed and then decide to make it, or not. I think it gives me a window into your creative mind. I get stuck in a rut only choosing colors in a palette that suits me and don't look beyond to what is possible. Thank you for that Bonnie.

M Murphy said...

Amen, Carol. I totally agree.

Calicojoan said...

Oh my goodness, I am so sorry for your loss. It's even harder on families when you can't travel and put closure to it all. As for the mystery...I LOVE your mysteries because they push me to get outside my "Box" and use colors and combinations of fabrics that I would never have done myself. And on a completely selfish note, I was delighted to see that the rest of the clues were released. I have been diligently keeping up with this mystery and I just spent the past couple of days putting my top together. Would I have combined these colors, probably not, but when I step back and look at it all finished, it just brings a big smile to my face. I'm so glad you pointed out the hours and hours of time it takes not only writing the pattern, but the photos, the blog post...I don't think many really know how labor intensive a "free" pattern is for someone. I thank you from the bottom of my heart. My completed "Bonnie" quilts keep growing and I love each and every one of them.

beachlady said...

sorry for your loss. As for those who don't like your design....we all have our own likes and dislikes so I wouldn't worry

R said...

Bonnie, Sorry you've gone through so much heartache. My prayers are with you. My love to you from Star, Idaho.

jill said...

Bonnie I’m so sorry. I’m sitting here crying. I just can’t figure people out anymore. Maybe they need some REAL problems in their life. People need to quit complaining already. I’m realizing this more and more as my 8 young grandchildren are watching me. Have a wonderful day

Donna O said...

Bonnie please know that there are many more readers that appreciate what you have offered over the years than those who are critical. God bless you for your time and efforts in presenting this mystery quilt and others. Sorry for your loss of your family member.

susan said...

So sorry for your loss, sending hugs. Please don’t let those nasty negative commenters into your heart, know that there are thousands of us who are so very thankful! Much love to you and your family

Sharon S said...

I have enjoyed watching everyone’s Grassy Creek come together. It makes me smile! So very sorry the hear of your family’s loss. Thank you for sharing your incredible creative life with us.

Elaine Breiner said...

I am so sorry to hear about your mother-in-law. We lost mom this past June and other then talking to her on FaceTime, I hadn't seen her since last Christmas. She was in a nursing home in Ohio, I live in VA. I love mystery quilts even though I may not love the results. If I don't love it, I donate it. I have kept all your mysteries that I have done. It is very sad that people just have to say mean things to you. Anybody that knows you wouldn't be so mean. You are a living and caring person and you show it through sharing your life with us. I'm looking forward to another trip to Quiltville Inn in my future.

Nancy said...

I am one of thousands that appreciate your efforts and generosity. I was totally ready for the revel. Two months is long enough for a mystry. Please pay no heed to people who are ungrateful for your gift to us.

Kathy in NH said...

There are lots of people who are only concerned with themselves and have no compassion for others especially on social media. Bonnie - stay strong!

isupam said...

The mean comments need to be instantly deleted and forgotten about. You have enough on your plate without having to worry about other people's perceived problems Just remember, it's their problem, not yours. I know their words sting when you read them after all the sacrifices you made to provide us with your wonderful mystery, but focus on the good comments and leave the "Stewers to their stewing in their own misery. So sorry to hear of your mother-in-law's passing. Take care of yourself and please don't let a few naysayers get you down.

Elizabeth said...

Bonnie, I am so sorry you have to endure the negativity and criticism you have been receiving this year, I don't know how it became OK for you to make us "happy" or "satisfied" if that is even possible! I chose to wait for the reveal because I have some fabric I want to get out of my stash and it doesn't match the paint chips you provided. That was MY decision and MY reason, not your fault for choosing colors I didn't want to use. SHEESH, people are crazy. I hope you remember that you have a ton of followers who do appreciate all that you do for us.

Unknown said...

Iam so sorry for your loss. We lost my grandma and were not allowed to be there. I love my grassy creek. When I look at the colors it makes me happy and thats all that matters.
God bless you and yours

Louise said...

There is no excuse for rudeness. You do such good things for everyone. You are loved and appreciated by so many people. Hugs to the fur babies and to you. So sorry for your loss. This is such a hard time to lose someone. I have lost 2 quilting friends and 2 family members this year and my whole family has had Covid. Keep up the good work. We love you.

Doreen said...

My heart breaks for you, upon reading this. First, I must say that quilt is gorgeous and (from the photo) reminds me of a stained glass window with the SUN shining through-----from all of our vantage points, you accomplish far more than any human does....and, this, without knowing what is 'really' going on in your moments away. Your quote/saying for the day is wonderful and I can totally agree that I am there----often! lol! BUT, I know/am confident that wherever I am my Lord is with me, loves me and has a Divine plan for my life path. Hugs........

Janet said...

Love the pattern, and the release dates were perfect! Thank You

Lisa said...

The quilt is wonderful!! I love stepping into a more detailed and challenging quilt every mystery. Yes it is a gamble but that is the fun of it!

Becky cameron said...

So sorry for your loss..the older I get ..the more it seems to hit me..personally I love grassy creek..your colors take me out of my comfort zone..that's why I use them ..I'm always amazed how great they look in the end..I'm sorry others acted like spoiled children..thank you for another beautiful mystery...rest dear

Cathy said...

Dear Bonnie, Please accept my sympathy, on the loss of your mother-in-law. These are difficult times and a little kindness goes a long way. I am sorry some are not as patient as they should be. Take a break. Give your heart time to mend. We love you. Thank you for all you do for us. Hugs. 💖 Catherine Odle

Chris Gilbert said...

I agree, especially about the Thumper Rule !!

Chris Gilbert said...

I agree, especially about the Thumper Rule !!

Sandy said...

Dear Bonnie,
I am so sorry you had to 'be the Mom' and correct all the rude folks who feel that they have to unload on you. I am guessing that your are only hearing from about 1 % of your followers because I believe that 99% of us LOVE and APPRECIATE everything you do for us. I am glad you share the pictures of animals on your quilts, too. Always makes me smile. Sending hugs and thanks in every way for being you!

Susan In Texas said...

I'm so sorry for your loss! It makes you realize how really important it is to gather at a funeral.

Some of your followers shock me. Not the rudeness, that's just people being people. The ones who follow you religiously, but "don't do scrappy" or "hate string piecing". To each his own, of course, but that esthetic is a large part of your life. I LOVE it and am happy with the mystery, especially the primary block and the border. Gorgeous!

Betty the quilter said...

You can please all of the people some of the time & some of the people all of the time. BUt, you can't please all of the people all of the time. I absolutely love Grassy Creek. Yes, it's a different colorway than I usually work in. Isn't that what quilting is all about? Something different, something new. Bonnie don't let those stupid naysayers stop you from being you. There are a lot more of us who absolutely love & adore you for you. Dave & you & all your family are in my prayers at this most gut wrenching time. I'm so sorry for the loss of Dave's Mom & your Mother-in-law. Take comfort in the love of your family & those fur babies, who love us unconditionally. Stupid naysayers, should take a page out of the fur baby book. Love unconditionally.

Sharon Decker said...

I love the mystery quilt. It was happiness that I needed. I thought the reveal was a pleasant surprise. I thought we would probably need to make more of something or other and instead it was "now put it together." I'm still amazed that I almost kept up with the clues. I still have to put the neutral corners on the string pieced gray, but I will do that after putting the rest of the blocks together. We are thrilled with all you do for us. I'm not a scrappy quilter, but I know that this quilt will bring a much needed smile into my life.

Teresa said...

Social media can be a wonderful thing, but sometimes I wonder if these complainers spout their nonsense when they can't hide behind their keyboard. I have made your mysteries almost every year and thoroughly enjoy them, especially this year when so much has changed in our lives. Thank you for all you do! I'm sorry you have lost another loved one and hope we will all have healing soon.

Shannon said...

Oh Bonnie! People can be so nasty! It just makes me sick at all the hate out there. You give of your heart and there will always be those jerks. I hope those here that love you and your work will drown out their voices. I am glad to be working on this mystery quilt. It has helped me through some dark clouds of my own. Your goal of giving people something to look forward to during the winter has worked her with me!! Thank you!!❤️

Momma Made This said...

Bonnie, you brighten each of my days so much more than you can possibly realize, and I suspect this is so for the vast majority of your readers. Think of us, and not the jerks, please! And thank you for all that you do, you have helped me grow so much as a quilter.

Sara said...

My condolences on your loss of your MIL. And on the topic of rude people - I'm with the commenter above - no excuse for rudeness. I personally thought it was a happy surprise to see the reveal. I did change my colors just a little this year, but only made a few of the units so I could make my final decision after the reveal. Now that I've seen the finished quilt I may go back and use that red and orange because I love how it looks. Thank you!!!

Unknown said...

I often wonder if the people online who are so negative and rude are the same way to people to their face. I'm guessing there are a few who would be that way but my guess most of the people who are so rude and criticizing would never dream of saying such terrible things to people in person. I always thought that people like this are not happy with their own lives so they just have to bring someone else down. It's a shame because I feel you go out of your way to provide lovely patterns and information to all quilters and people who don't even sew. If I don't like what you are saying I just skip that part and move on to the next line. I wouldn't dream of telling you you are wrong because we all have freedom of speech and if we don't like what you are saying we have the freedom to not read it! Thank you for giving a piece of your life to us all. When you were able to travel out of the country it was my way of being in another country while staying at home. Keep up the good work and thank you for all you do!

Pam said...

Bonnie-sending deepest sympathy. Your blog is the first thing I read each morning right after my devotionals! You inspire us! Please don't listen to the negativity! Thanks for all you so generously share!

Debcal1946 said...

Bonnie, you can't control what people think or say, only how you react to it. Don't let their negativity get to you. Be a duck and let it just roll off your back.

Denise said...

Bonnie, I usually don't comment since most people have already expressed my sentiments. Your blog resonated with me today. Quilting is a hobby for me...I choose what, when and where. But our world reality right now has many of us in a sea of uncertainty (politics or life, etc.); we are trying to make sense of life and our hobbies are our safe place. Perhaps we all need to take a breath and give space and graciousness to one another. I choose how I respond and I choose thoughtful optimism. Blessings Bonnie to you and your family at this time.

Neil and Lorelei said...

First off, condolences do your hubby and whole family..... I read your MIL's obituary; she certainly had a very full life! I'm sure, even in her ill health, she will be missed. She was a mother, grandmother, gr grandmother and gr, gr grandmother. How many people can say that?
I'm also sorry people feel the need to criticize and find fault with your efforts. Many of us are shell shocked by last week's activities- you are not alone with that. I don't know what possesses some people to be so rude with their comments. I love your blog and download the clues even though I won't get to them for a while...I JUST finished EnProvence. Hold your head up and carry on! You do great work!! Kudos!

Amy B said...

Wow. First of all, so sorry for the loss of your MIL. I don’t know of anyone Covid has not affected and my sympathies to you, your husband and family.
Second, WOW. I would like to think that Quilters are the nicest people but am discouraged by how many quilters are just the worst people.
Yep not everyone will like every color and yep not everyone will like every pattern. Perhaps Mystery Quilting is not for those people. Quilters who are not Risk Takers should probably stick to established patterns.
For me, the goal is a finished quilt. I’ve participated in One Day Mysteries, Monthly Mysteries and your Weekly Mystery for many years. Only once or twice have I been under whelmed by the Reveal but I finished the quilt, gifted it, and the recipient loved it.
Keep a smile in your heart Bonnie, haters gonna hate.

JER said...

❤ to you.💔🙏 for your family!

Thank you my first tried mystery!

Kate said...

Some people never grow out of the whining brat stage. Loved the mystery, so different than what I usually gravitate to. And timely as a cousin gifted me with a needed support, and I’m going to make her a quilt in return. I asked what colors she liked and she said grays, blue and then brights! How’s that for perfect!? I’m sorry to hear of your loss, seems nearly every one has been touched by this. Thank you so much for all you share with us. I love your pet pics as much as the quilts! Big virtual hugs!

Mary said...

So so, sorry to read about your dear MIL. It's never easy especially when you can't say a real goodbye. Take cofirt in those cute pets who love you unconditionally. Love the 2 color Jackknife blocks.

Cannbe said...

Carol, I believe you said it well! The mystery may have been free for us, but it wasn’t for Bonnie. She pours her heart and soul into all the patterns she does. And her time! And her energy! Let’s be thankful she does. Thank you Bonnie!

Linda said...

I have loved every minute of your mystery and doing it online, new for me. I will be working on it next week had to stop to get backs done for long arm quilter. Thank you so much for adding a new experience to my quilting game! So sorry for your loss. Linda

sewnsew said...

So sorry for you and Dave’s loss. So hard not being able to say goodbye for closure!
As for the mystery, I love how it is coming along. Wasn’t going to do it because of depression reasons but pushed myself to start. These are not my colors but I like to stay true to your design and the reason you chose the colors. I did not like the Celtic Solstice colors either but did them. Now it is one of my favorite quilts and has expanded my color choices!
Love you , Bonnie! As someone said “don’t put the keys to your happiness in someone else’s pocket!

Quilting Babcia said...

Look at it this way: some people are never happy unless they have something to grouse about, just be glad you made them so happy!

LizW said...

RIGHT THERE WITH YOU GUYS! I learned so much from this mystery and was grateful the mystery ended when it did! Gave me something to concentrate on instead of all the garbage in the world.

Delicate Stitchers said...

Thank you! I loved doing the mystery and I've loved watching all the reveals. Yes it is a risk doing a mystery which is why I'm a sucker for a mystery.
I can feel how the wind has been taken from your sails by the heartless comments and whining all while you are dealing with life's curve balls.
Hugs to you. Hang in there.❤

Louise Nielson said...

Thank you so much for the sharing of your wonderful talent! Thank you for the many beautiful quilts that you give us. Thank you! Just ignore those inconsiderate ones!

Mary Lou P. said...

My thoughts and prayers are with you, your husband and family on the loss you are experiencing. May the memories of earlier good times continue to bless your lives as you move forward. Losses are more painful in this time of Covid when we are unable to share together with extended family.

As to the Grassy Creek Mystery, I absolutely love it, the blocks, the colors, the opportunity to try new techniques. Everything about it ticks the boxes. Most of us would not have made it through this year or this season without your generosity and daily reflections. You are a blessing to the quilting community. Peace, health, hugs, and prosperity to you and those you love.

Pam said...

SO sorry for your loss - we lost my mother in law a year ago - right before COVID hit - so we were able to have her service. She also had dementia - it was a rare site if she remembered you! She was in the nursing home for 8 years.

It is hard, it still is. Please know our prayers are with you and we really do appreciate all you do for us!! Please don't let a few bad apples discourage you!!

Love Love Love all your quilts. Thank you so much!

gardenwitch said...

Dear Bonnie some days the world and things around me are so overwhelming your blog is the only thing I read because I know you are a good giving person that will make my day just a little brighter. I love the Grassy Creek quilt although I am only on Part 4 I look forward to the the beautiful finish. all my prayers and thoughts for a better day.

Connie Scholten said...

Hi Bonnie, I am enjoying your mystery. You can reveal any time you want, its your mystery. Sorry for your loss. My whole family is in Idaho. I lived in Burley a brother in Payette, an aunt in new Plymouth. The rest near Lewiston. Don’t let the growl bears get you down. You are loved and appreciated you bring much joy into my life and I will continue to hold you up in prayer.

Unknown said...

The fun of doing a mystery is that you don't know what it will look like until the end. I think the "dumped on" camp probably are trying to do everything within a week and there was a lot that last week, but that said, many of us are taking our time, reviewing the various methods and making sure each part is solid before moving on to the next. I appreciate that you are teaching as well as revealing a clue and I have learned a lot and enjoyed. I'm in the midst of Clues 3/4, have almost finished 5 and have just started on 6 which will be my favorite I think. Hang in there, and know that many of your fans really appreciate what you do for us.

Debi Persson said...

Bless you, Bonnie. I LOVE your mysteries and everything you do for us. I have been following you for 20 years and read your blog daily. I didn't do this year's mystery because I lost both of my parents - 16 days apart - in late November/early December. We couldn't give my parents the funerals they deserved due to COVID. My mom always taught me "if you can't say anything nice, don't say anything at all." I wish more people would follow that. Hugs to you

tlclauricella said...

I am shocked to read this. This is my 7th mystery and it was no different than the others - actually I think it ran longer. I remember the one where we got clues everyday for a few days. It's always making all the parts and then surprise, here's how we put it all together. I am completely grateful for the mysteries, the books, and for these new digital patterns you've put out. Way to keep us all busy Bonnie! Condolences on the loss of your mother-in-law.

Nancy said...

Don’t listen to dumpers. I’ve watched all your other Mystery quilts. This is the first one I ever did, because your colors spoke to me. I thank you for offering these “opportunities” to us at no cost. My sympathies on the death of your mother-in-law. This is such a hard time for families to lose loved ones. I invited you into my life everyday. Thank you for being there when I open my door.

Nancy said...

Don’t listen to dumpers. I’ve watched all your other Mystery quilts. This is the first one I ever did, because your colors spoke to me. I thank you for offering these “opportunities” to us at no cost. My sympathies on the death of your mother-in-law. This is such a hard time for families to lose loved ones. I invited you into my life everyday. Thank you for being there when I open my door.

Sydney Caldwell said...

This was/is probably my sixth or seventh mystery and untold number of other quilts of yours that I have made. This year's quilt soothed my soul. I loved each of the clues and actually pretty well kept up. In three weeks, we'll move for the second time in two years to our new house with a beautiful studio. Between now and our move, when I need to calm my mind, guess what I'll be working on? Yep, Grassy Creek. Btw...I was on the Mediterranean cruise with you and finished piecing the blocks for Razzle Dazzle this fall! It's just waiting for layout which will come when I get moved and can use my BIG design wall!! Hugs!

pam said...

I am sorry at the loss of your MIL. Such a sad time. I have never participated in your mysteries but I commend you for your FREE time and pattern. I don't understand that anyone doing a mystery would complain about the outcome. If they feel that way then why not wait till the end and then decide if they want to participate . I just shake my head at the meanness that is going around. Although these people were probably always mean and sadly are most likely raising their next generation in the same manner. Hugs to you and your hubby, Bonnie.

diane rizor said...

I'M so sorry for your family lose. It floors me that people that bring nothing to the table feel that they have the right to say such mean thanks to others that work so hard to bring joy to others. They think because they have a key board they talk for everyone. That is just not so. I personally have made your mystery's from Easy street to Grassy creek and always do your colors. You know what it looks like, I've not been disappointed. I made a second On Ringo lake in a different color way after because of color choice for a friend she loved it. i love all you do for us. You are a scrappy quilter and that's why I love your patterns. They speak to my soul. if someone doesn't like scrappy there are other quilters out there to follow. Move on and leave our Bonnie to do her thing. Just move on with your bad self. LOVE YOU BONNIE!!!

Laurie Anne said...

I agree, well said, Carol

CherylW said...

Once again, WTH is wrong with people??? Be grateful for all you are given, and be kind to everyone. That's all I've got.

Unknown said...

Today's words of wisdom really resonate with me. Thank you. I read your MIL's obituary - such a lovely person. I'm sorry for your loss. Keep it real, Bonnie!

Linda C said...

I used to think the "all about ME generation" was limited to the young crowd...I guess they have grown up in age, but certainly not with much wisdom. It is despicable that some folks want the world to revolve around themselves...so selfish...Grow up!

I collected fabrics for this mystery, but have been unable to even cut one piece of fabric let alone make a stitch! I was surprised at the reveal, but I loved it. While in my part of Texas, I don't have mountains, I do have a few hills and lots of plains...the colors are breathe taking! when I finally get to cut fabric I am going to throw in some purple...Thank you, Bonnie.

PalmerGal said...

Bonnie, so sorry to hear about your mother-in-law. This has been such a hard year. As many others have mentioned, the majority of us are ordinary quilters, happy to have a new patternto play with. I have never finished one of your mysteries on time! Heck, I have not even started some. If I’m not thrilled with the colors I wait to see how it goes together then decide. I never understand how some people can be so mean and nasty. Hugs to you.

Rockland and Deanna said...

It is just sad that people don't have better things to do or say. Poor Bonnie!

Riikka said...

Sorry to hear your sad news. I’m from Finland and over the years I’ve made a couple of your mystery quilts and enjoyed the process and suprise when seeing the quilt done. Thank you Bonnie

Riikka said...

Sorry to hear your sad news. I’m from Finland and over the years I’ve made a couple of your mystery quilts and enjoyed the process and suprise when seeing the quilt done. Thank you Bonnie

cjmont said...

those that can, do; and those who can't, bitch! my mother had a friend who would say, some people are only happy when they can make someone else unhappy. keep doing what you do and keep sharing the love and sunshine.

Lee said...

Bonnie I am so sorry for your lose. Some of the negative people in the world today should walk a mile in your shoes. You are a loving and caring person that brings so much joy to all us quilters out there. Thank you so much for your mystery quilts that you bring us for free each year. I am one of those that saves all the clues and decides what colors I will use after the reveal as that's the way I want to do it. It is so hard to not be hurt by the comments of others but remember there are more of us out there that appreciate all you do and we love you.

MaryBeth said...

Bonnie, my heart hurts for you. Don't let the haters get you down. You do so much for people. My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family in this time of grief.

PAW said...

This is VERY true! I rarely comment, but I fully enjoy your mysteries, and ALL patterns you design. I look forward daily to your blog. BUT, unfortunately, there are people who do not or cannot appreciate all an artist like you gives to the world. A FREE pattern for Pete's sake! My daughter crochets and she says this happens a lot in her groups too.😥 I'm sorry you have to be exposed to all those comments. AND I am so sorry for all you are going through right now with the loss of your mother in law.🙏🙏🙏❤❤❤

Christy said...

Bonnie I am so sorry for all you are going through. When my grandma with dementia died the memories of her early life before dementia came flooding in. I was happy for her to be in heaven but felt a fresh grief.
Thank you for your generosity especially this very difficult season. Our family is going through something very difficult right now. Grassy Creek was a great distresser last night. I know many more nights I will be able to enjoy working on it. Hugs

Unknown said...

I love your mysteries! I have only been able to do the last two. I stick to your colors for you are great with them. Some people are never happy. Especially the ones that get things for free and then say it isn't good enough. Stick in there! You add so much to my day and so many other people's lives. Love you!

Susan said...

And I am confounded by folks who need to put everything they think out on the internet! You can think anything you want to, but you don't need to say it or write it! Engaging brain before commenting makes the world a better place ;^)

Char said...

Put those "naysayers" in a category marked "so be it"......cant please everyone....I love your patterns, even though I havnt had enough time to work on them all.....and your posts...you are a wonderful person, thank you for making my days up here in the north woods sunny even with out the sun, and so sorry about your mother in law....take care and keep on quilting.

Lisa T said...

Holy cow!!! People have no idea how to behave anymore. I felt like you dumped a bunch on me on the last clue. Ya know what - I jumped in and got with it. I have so enjoyed this quilt! I just love it. Once again, your efforts saved me over the holidays. I had focus. I had a mission. Thank you. Hoping to get it on the design wall this weekend and to the longarmer next week. Maybe people enjoy this process so much they are just saddened to see it end. Maybe they just like to bitch.
And if you can figure out how to please everyone 1 let me know! xoxox

Log Cabin said...

Sorry,Bonnie,people and life shouldn't be so hard...take care, we love you.

Susan said...

Thank you, Bonnie, for all you do! Your creativity amazes me, especially with colors! While I've been quilting for over 40 years, I ALWAYS learn some new technique, or a new way of looking at things, from you. And you have a gift for making me step outside my comfort zone. ALL the things a good teacher should do! Please, in the midst of unpleasantness, remember how so many of us do appreciate you. And may peace be with you!

Cheryl said...

Thank you for all the time you spend on the mystery quilts, it is very much appreciated. So sorry for you loss. Praying that God will comfort you and your family.

SantaFeLil said...

I'm sorry you have lost another family member, especially to this awful pandemic. HUGS to you and your family.
As far as whiny, mean, quilters go, don't let them rain on your parade. You freely give us so much of your time and a lot of us truly appreciate it. Those complainers are too lost in the depth of ugliness to see a loving heart. Don't dweel on them, just delete those comments and block their crabby voices. Life is much happier without the Negative Nellies out there.

Unknown said...

First, condolences on your loss. It's hard enough for them to pass all to be made worse by their condition and COVID. Second, I have been following your page, blogs and videos for a couple years now and now just got the courage to take on your wonderful mystery quilt. Yes, they are colors I would have never thought of pairing (but I purchased very little because my stash had the whole lot), and yes, this is my first time stringing my blocks along, but I take the leap because I know you will amaze me with a quilt I will love. My promise to myself is to finish this quilt and not leave it as a 'flimsy' because I have too many of those now. For those who turn their nose at the outcome, I'm sad that they make everyone else unhappy. Finish the job and donate it to someone who can enjoy the warmth they will offer. If they want I can turn them onto some really badly thought out mystery quilts that are truly awful. They can bitch elsewhere. Love you and all you do. Laura

Judy said...

I agree so much with all the posts. People stop complaining, you did not pay for the pattern and it cost Bonnie a lot of time and energy to put it together for you. Why do you think seven weeks is to short a time, was there some clause in the pattern that stated it needed to be done in a certain time. It was a mystery key word being mystery. I have done mystery quilts in the past at retreats, talk about a short period of time. If you don't like it don't do it. Bonnie is such a generous person with her time and patterns she doesn't deserve all the critics who do nothing but complain.

Unknown said...

Thanks so much for all that you do, Bonnie. I there with you - life is so hard right now. I lost my mother-in-law last May in the beginning of all the upheaval so I can totally relate to how there is no real closure. Just do the best that you can, one step at a time and know that there are people out there that really appreciate every bit that you do to try and provide just a little bit of normalcy through your blog. I love hearing of the antics of Zoey and Ivy, what you are upto in the studio / QPO and look forward to when you are able to share more about the Quilt retreats and possibly go back to Quiltcams. Cyberhugs.

Sandy Fields said...

I’m so sorry! Some folks just weren’t taught how to participate in polite society. Bless their hearts. 😁

Katkat said...

Don’t let the turkeys get you down!!! No one has said we have to all the parts at one time. Thanks for sharing with us! I always learn something through your mysteries. That is the main reason I do them.
So sorry for your loss. My quilting buddy for the past 20 years died in January 6 from complications from multiple stroke over the past 2 years. You are in my prayers.

Peggy Klock said...

Well said Carol.
People need to make their own decisions and choices, and stop blaming those decisions on other people. I made Grand Illusion as the clues came out, I wasn't crazy about MY outcome. I didn't write to Bonnie and complain. I hung it on my quilt rack. My Daughter in Law thought it was gorgeous, it is now her quilt, she loves it. I now save the clues, wait for the reveal, admire all the different color choices posted. I then decide IF I want to make it and with what colors. It's a simple process. Love you Bonnie Hunter

Phyllis said...

Oh Bonnie. Feel so sorry for you and the ones that have no idea what you go through behind the scenes. If someone has never quilted or designed they have no idea how many steps it takes to put it together. Then on top of everything you've lost a member of your family and still keep on. So sorry for your loss. Remember that we're all hanging in there with you and bless your time and effort in offering the mystery quilt and all of the other ideas. May God bless you in these troubling times. Quilting helps heal our hearts!!

Quilty.gardener@gmail.com said...

When I hear someone grumpy these days, I try to imagine what else must be going wrong in their life. And if that doesn't work, I imagine how silly their complaint might be: the sun is out/not out; I was served too much food at the restaurant; the free mystery ended too soon.
I agree with Doris. Talk to yourself in the mirror and laugh.

Mary O said...

Please accept my sympathy on the loss of your mother in law. I care.
I, for one, was very happy with the reveal. I'm taking my time to finish each step and that is so relaxing. I do enjoy the challenge of doing each step on a weekly basis, but now I can take my time knowing that I'll have a beautiful quilt in the end. The colors you chose fit right in with the colorful Fall we had in Iowa this year. There were so many red trees this year with a backdrop of gold and green. Trees are bare now but the quilt reminds me of the brilliant colors of fall. I have a few stitches to take on the Autumn quilt, too. Looking back to 2020, I was able to start and finish 4 quilts, which might be a record for me. Especially since I had to work around a broken arm for 8 weeks. I'm a Bonnie Hunter fan and will continue to follow you!

Nancy W said...

When I read your post, I thought, people can be disgusting when they spout negatives to you. Then I read all the positive comments and my feelings were restored. Thank you for all you do.

Pam said...

Bonnie, I know it's easy to say tune thees people out but it still hurts when you try so hard and are then even less than unappreciated. There are always going to be this type of people, unfortunately. But please feel warmed by the 99.9% that recognize all of the hard work and love you put into your projects. Know that you are appreciated and are a bright spot in many of our days. Sorry about your hubbie's mom's passing. Tomorrow is another day...

Momtones said...

I, for one, am very greatful for the mystery quilt every year. This year I am a nurse working the front lines of this pandemic. I have not had the time to work on the quilt this year, but I have saved the clues for when I can. I am so sorry about the challenges that you are facing. My hope is that your craft brings you peace and happiness. I am very grateful for what you have given us to help bring us peace and happiness....take care of yourself.

Lline said...

I agree with you. We all knew the colors before hand. I don't like grey at all so I waited, saved the parts and now will choose a color that suits me. The pattern is great. The surprise hearts give me ideas. Quit complaining people (I know it's just a few), It's free for heavens sake. I follow lots of people. Not everything everyone makes I like. So what. move on. You try to make a mystery quilt for a group. I did for my guild once. It flopped big time. Oh well. Life went on. I learned something. Some things work, some don't. No one is perfect. I thank you Bonnie for all you do. Whether I like it or not has nothing to do with it's beauty and all the hard work that went into your quilt. If everything pleased everyone life would be very dull indeed.

Denny Webster said...

Thank you , Bonnie, for your great generosity, your big heart and your commitment to honesty.

Vivian said...

Condolences on your family's loss. Having gone through it myself during this season/pandemic, it is a hard thing to deal with especially long distance. Let the "comments" about the mystery be like water on a goose's back -- let it roll off to where it belongs (under foot). Your designs are always flexible enough for the motivated to "make them work". Those that can't can write their own mystery pattern!

Unknown said...

Hi Bonnie! Here is a perfect quote for you from "The Best Exotic Marigold Hotel". "Everything will be okay in the end. If it's not okay, it's not the end."

Carole D. said...

Such a rough time for all of us. I know clue 7 has a lot, but we don't have to hurry to finish it. I'm glad to have it to turn to as I adjust to having my daughter move in with me after her job vanished (tour planning in international travel) with COVID. We have a lot of "getting used to" to do and sometimes it's just nice to go sit and sew. This mystery is the perfect project. (LOVE the pictures of your fur-babies!!!)

fwJIquilter said...

My sympathies for your loss. I love collecting your mysteries. They definitely make me appreciate all your work.

FloridaSue said...

Time for virtual hugs and focus on happy times. Remembering when you taught in Boca Raton. You’re special!

Andrea said...

I am sorry for your loss. I just finished your Frolic mystery quilt. I packed all the fabric and bought the digital pattern. Not because I had not saved the clues, but because I felt that you deserve to be paid for all the work you put into it. Thank you and I changed the colors. If you really need to know how things turn out, don't work on the mystery quilt in mystery fashion, but buy it as a pattern and complete it like that. That way you can make color choices, if you feel you need/want that.

Sandi said...

Wouldn't it be nice if people, (quilters too!) could just be grateful and "assume good intent" before complaining? Let's just be kind to one another and especially you, Bonnie, who is always SO willing to share with us far, far more than any other quilting blog I've seen.

Unknown said...

Bonnie and Dave, so sorry for your loss. I look forward to the mystery each year and I usually use your colors. This year was a stretch for me because these colors are not my norm, but that being said, I love the combo! Here's a quote from Bob Marley to tell the naysayers. "Who are you to judge the life I live? I am not perfect and I don't have to be! Before you start pointing fingers, make sure your hands are clean." Thanks for all you do. Shirley

Karen said...

Sorry about your loss.
101 years, that is amazing. What a life she lead.
Thank you for your mystery. Love the quilt.
Smile, 2021 will be so good, wait and see.

3 kats and a kwiltr said...

So sorry about your MIL. It doesn't matter whether she knew anyone, you all knew her and that is the important thing. I lost my dad in November, so have just downloaded the clues but will definitely make this at a later date.
As far as the nasty people...unfortunately, you can't please everyone and some believe their needs and opinions are most important. Fie on them! Snuggle with the lovebugs and give Lola an extra cuddle and let the joy you feel from your sewing ease the pain you are feeling.
You bring more light and knowledge to the world than you will ever know. I'm glad I found you and you share your skills so well. Big Hugs from Illinois! Anna

CA Bobbie said...

Again, I say Thank You for all you do for we quilters. My condolence to you and your family for your loss. I agree with the previous comments. Your post was emotionally sad to read. You deserve better from your followers.

Karlene Riggs said...

I’m so sorry for your loss and I am so sorry many people were born without a filter. You do an amazing thing and touch so many lives. I think you have to know the bad to appreciate the good. I hope you have an amazing amount of good in your life to make up for the negative. Please don’t stop being you. You have more friends than you can possibly know.

fabadict61 said...

My sincere condolences to you and your family. I just love you and your happy outlook on life and all the lemonade you make out of life's lemons!

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