
Thursday, January 14, 2021

Weekend Projects & Mystery Thoughts.

I've been filling my weekends with a specific project I work on mostly on weekends.

By the time I make it home in the evening I may have enough energy left for pressing and cutting - and if I wake up early enough in the morning, I might make some pieces and parts towards this project - but mostly it's been relegated to weekends.

This is the Jackknife block found in the Sept/Oct 2020 issue of Quiltmaker Magazine. You can find the link to purchase the issue under the Addicted to Scraps tab at the top of the blog.

I loved this block from the first time I made my samples for the magazine issue - and am working my way through larger hunks of scraps and fat quarters to make each block using two different fabrics.

I have quite a few blocks to go yet before I have the number I'm planning on, but I thought you'd like to see how these beautiful yellows are adding some sunshine to my life right now.

Some of the other colors.

After reading many comments from people who are disappointed in our Grassy Creek reveal - their feeling that I just "dumped it all out there." or those who are less happy with what the quilt looks like - I want to let you in on a couple of things to think about.

This is the SECOND mystery I presented with just a few months between the end of the first, Unity - and Grassy Creek, second. 

I do give these mysteries for free - but there is no guarantee you are going to like the finished result - in your fabrics, or in mine. We all have different preferences to what kinds of things we like to make, the fabrics and colors and styles we like to work in.

I LOVE how Grassy Creek turned out.

This was my vision for the quilt. I knew what it was going to look like when I designed it.  I chose the inspiration for the colors, pulling from my surroundings.

I KNEW this was not going to be for everyone.  And I gotta tell you, if you are unsure about a mystery and you go changing the colors not knowing where they are going to go beforehand, what the design will be, what colors will touch what - it's completely Russian Roulette.  You have no idea what your result will be.

If "I don't like orange and grey" is your stance - it's perfectly okay to sit the mystery out until the reveal and decide if it is something you want to "waste" your time (and fabric) on.

Some mysteries have run longer.  Some have been shorter - Some I have had to push through with rapid fire clues to get them all out there before I flew off to teach somewhere right after New Year's.  Remember that?  I can't release clues while I am on the road - 

So much work goes into doing all of the graphics and photos and writing each clue to be released on Fridays for weeks - for nearly 2 months. 

How many posts and PDF copies have been written and uploaded behind the scenes through this whole process and offered for free? How many late evenings and sleepless nights?

But all mysteries come to a reveal day.

For those who felt I "rushed through" at the end - I didn't. This mystery was only ever going to have 7 parts - we had made ALL of the units with the exception of cutting the corner squares for the Ohio stars and piecing the string rectangles for the border - which I knew people were going to either love or hate and choose different options.

It is the middle of January.  it is time to put the quilt together.  You can only keep a mystery a mystery for so long until it becomes obvious what we are making. It's a mystery, and my reveals are usually big ones, when folks still can't figure out which direction the quilt is heading. That's the fun part of a mystery.

And isn't that why we do it? For the FUN of community and connectedness?

But accusing that I "unloaded it all at once" after the emotional upheaval last week is just not true. It's speculation - and it is wrong.

Yes, last week was hard.  This week is even harder.  My mother-in-law passed away on January 5th. There was no funeral I could travel to in the time of Covid. The small family graveside service was in Idaho this past Monday, January 11th.  Obituary HERE.

Lezetta had been declining with dementia over the years and had been placed in a care facility before my father-in-law passed a few years back. She hasn't known anyone or recognized anyone for years. But it is still so sad.

And yes - she died at age 101 from complications caused by Covid.

So yes, my emotions have been all over the place.

But please don't dump onto me how I dumped the mystery reveal "in a hurry" on to you.  You have absolutely no idea.

The reveal happened right on time - at the right time. It was the happiest thing to happen over those couple of weeks.

My heart is raw - my heart is tired. 

I'll be spending some time loving on these two.

And spend more time today putting the finishing touches on something I hope will bring happiness and creativity back to all of us SOON.

Quiltville Quote of the Day -

If anything describes where I am right now in my journey - this is it!



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Unknown said...

I am so grieved to hear of your family's loss. Any gripping or complaining must have made things even harder. I just want you to know how much I appreciate your patterns and the sharing of your life through your blog. All the quilting you do is a real inspiration to me.
God bless and keep you,

Janet Sabol said...

Bonnie, so sorry to hear that your mother-in-law died. No matter the age, it's hard to grasp and, especially, when the virus played its part. Please remember that there are a LOT of people out here who feel for you and love you. I'm just one. I am so grateful when my friend Celeste asked if I'd go with her to Rochester, MN to take a class from you as that would probably be the closest you get to Minot, ND. That was 2019. Such a wonderful teacher! Thank you for everything you do!!

Jennie said...

I doubt you will every see my comment but if you do, here goes....This was my first mystery, I was nervous because it does cost time and money BUT I decided to try and boy am I glad I did. I have been having so much fun. Never did sting piecing...just got to that part today. Oh, what fun and how freeing it was. I am so sorry some people are ungrateful for what you do and I cannot imagine what that does your soul. Just so you know, I am sooooo looking forward to next year - actually this years mystery. So, very sorry for the loss of you Mother-In-law. I lost my mother this year at 91. No, not COVID related. Please take care. Thanks again for what you freely share with us.

Ionia Quilt Works Beth said...

Thank you Bonnie! For being you. Breathe

Linda A. said...

Losing you mother-in-law and still making the deadline n the same week is a herculean effort. The political landscape has everybody feeling raw, no matter which side you're on. Your hard work to offer piecing and a positive creative spark to all of your readers matters more than you will ever know. Thanks for thinking of us at such a sad and difficult time.

Marni said...

I was liking the Jacknife block when you posted the purple one, but the yellow just cheered up my day.

Lu Anne Scott said...

Bonnie, I'm so sorry for your loss. As for the whiners, please don't let them get you down. Some people would complain that the streets in heaven aren't shiny enough.
I think your mysteries are great! I look forward to Black Friday every year waiting for the first clue.

Julie said...

My sympathies to you and your family, Bonnie. God's peace to you all. While I have not participated in one of your mystery quilt alongs, I do follow. This quilt is beautiful and I applaud your devotion to the quilting world. It is priceless!

Kb48 said...

Bonnie, I am so sorry for your family's loss. It's hard enough during normal times, but Covid just exacerbates the situation. You are one of the kindest, most giving people and I have to believe that most of us appreciate all of the mysteries and freebies that you give us and the time and effort that go into it all. If I haven't said it before: THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU!!!!

Mary Ann said...

We do not know what goes on everyday behind the scenes. If you have nothing nice to say, don't say anything. Words hurt.

Bernice said...

Sincere condolences for your family. Your Mother in Law sounded like an amazing gal. Don’t let the ungrateful folks bring a single moment of sadness to your day. They don’t know a true gift when they see one!❤️

Accidental Bliss said...

I agree. Too few people adhere to “thumpers Rule”. I’m so sorry for your loss. I understand. My sister died suddenly and unexpectedly in June during the first lockdown. No funeral. Please know we love you and your work. You did everything right.

Unknown said...

Bonnie, I am so sorry for your loss and for all the unkind words you have had to deal with. I am new to your site and to the mystery quilt journey. I have loved it even though I am waaaay behind....on clue #1 to be exact. :o) The fact that you do this for free and with much love and grace has been an inspiration to me. Just keep being you and like I used to tell my kids...be like a duck and let the comments roll of your back like water rolls off a ducks back. That being said, it is sometimes easier to say that than do it. You are a treasure. Thank you for all your hard work. Hugs to you.....Sue

Rochelle said...

Ms. Bonnie: First deepest condolences on the loss of your Mother in law. No one is ever old enough to loose a good parent. Your husband lost his father more recently, but lost his mother much further back, her body just finally caught up. Secondly: on your mystery? It's free, it's fun, and it is ALWAYS interesting. Two FREE mysteries in a single year? GREAT on you!!!!! I love the way you ENCOURAGE the quilters to follow their hearts in their own colors and piecing. I have seen designers throw hissy fits because someone did something different than they wanted. It's one reason I follow you and your blog, your delight in the creativity of others. Thirdly, if you can't say something nice, DON'T say anything at all. Life right onw is so difficult, why make it harder? Ms Bonnie is living the same life we are, the same hardships, and sometimes, worse! She does this while not having her full income, and doesn't charge us, gives discounts, has put out more patterns this year than I have ever seen, and you still throw fits because something isn't what you want. GROW UP! When I am down, life is hard, I look at Ms Bonnie's stuff and get a smile or laugh or uplift!!! Life isn't a bowl full of cherries, it's usually the pits! Just keep on keeping on, and be nice!!!! Being a an *itch (choose the first letter yourself), doesn't make life better for anyone, including yourself. Ms Bonnie, thank you so much for all you do for the quilting community, and your followers. You are the greatest!!!!

Peg Sullivan said...

Oh Bonnie, What the heck is wrong with people? There is so much sadness in the world that someone saying anything negative to YOU right now is just.......
I loved that you posted the finish. I had not started cutting my fabrics, actually still waiting for one piece, and now I can switch placement of two of them. Thank you, thank you for all your hard work and freebies.
To those people, go get a life and leave us alone.

WiltedQuilter said...

Bonnie, Thank you for everything you do. I loved being a part of this mystery. You are the best. So sorry for your loss.

Debbie said...

My condolences to you and your hubby and family. This Covid pandemic has hit many leaving its mark and devastation. It has hit my family leaving a large hole as it took a loving dear cousin whose smile and service made her our sunshine.
I love your designs and am slowly finishing my clues. You don't know how soothing and comforting the simple piecing and sewing has soothed my soul. Don't ever stop designing and pooh pooh to those who complain.
My heart reaches out to you and I pray for comfort and courage to keep the sadness at bay and the creativity of your beautiful soul forever growing and fruitful. My love for all that you do for me and those who truly love your generosity and strength.

Helenanne said...

My condolences to your family on the passing of your Mother-in-Law. Such a very hard thing to say our good-byes in this time of restricted travel and distancing. Not everyone realizes that there is an extra layer of grief in the long good-by of a loved one who has been leaving bit by bit over a long period of time. Thank you for all you do and offer to the quilters of the world. I had a number of unsuccessful mystery quilts in my UFO mountain when I first found you and you were the designer that convinced me that it was safe to come back to making mystery quilts based on your attention to detail and meticulous instructions. Know that your efforts are greatly appreciated here in my little corner of the world. One of the things I'm learning from this is that how important and necessary it is to express thanks and gratitude to people like you who generously give of their time and talents.

Unknown said...

Completely horrified at the comments about Grassy Creek quilt!!!
You do not have to justify your actions or defend yourself to anyone.
This was a free pattern. If anyone is not sure if they are going to like the finished quilt they should wait until the reveal before starting the project!!or

Redhead said...

Bonnie, my heart aches for you, for all the time and energy you put into this mystery. I think it's great, perhaps not my favorite colors, but I feel where you came from. ANY mystery is iffy, that's the nature of a mystery, but you always do such a great job. I certainly appreciate your magnificent gift of time and trouble to share with us, and especially your sharing of your wonderful talents. Thank you. Jackie W

Michele S said...

It is impossible to finish the Grassy Creek fast like some others did. I am not worried about rushing my quilt to complete. By following the instructions the quality is important. I am learning and getting my experience with this mystery esp with Ohio star. I am not a quilt expert. I practiced some of your blocks from your Quiltmaker article by using my extra fabrics. I would love to make a quilt sampler with all of your blocks. Thank you for the mystery quilt and free patterns.

Sherry said...

Condolences to your family and prayers for you all during this difficult time. As for the people who bitch about things that are free, they should be ashamed. Some people who are so unhappy with themselves, can never be happy with others. Your response was probably nicer than mine would have been. I did not do this quilt because I could not stand to cut because of foot surgery. I did download the clues and I am glad I did. It came out just beautiful! Thank you for your generosity.

Quiltnut said...

So sorry for your loss. People just don’t seem to understand that we are all under great stress right now. We need to give each other support not crap.

I truly appreciate all the time and effort that you put into these mystery quilts. Everyone seems to have different expectations. But you have graciously given your creative ideas and tips and tricks. If you are not happy with the results, that is on you NOT Bonnie. She is giving this all FREE from her heart.
If you are dissatisfied, leave and take your rude comments with you. I am tired of people bad mouthing or criticizing Bonnie for what she is doing....just go away!

Kerry Grace said...

Full disclosure, I'm not a big mystery quilt fan. I tried one of your mystery quilts, and was underwhelmed by my results. That's not on you, nor your instructions. I'm the reason it didn't work, and that's the long and the short of it.
I worked for many years in Cloth World and later JoAnn Fabric stores. Helping people get their items together for their projects was part of the job, but when they left the store, it was down to them. I vividly remember one customer who returned to the store claiming she'd followed all the directions to a tee and it didn't fit! Well, sorry to hear that, but it's not the store's fault--any more than it's Kroger's fault if your cake falls or your roast is tough.
Personal responsibility is the bottom line, and too many people don't want to believe that anything they do is wrong.
I don't know if I'll ever try another mystery, as a mystery. I'm more likely to see the finished product and then decide whether it's my cup of tea.
Don't let the complainers spoil your efforts. There's far more people who appreciate your work and enjoy your blog.

cindythequilter said...

Bonnie I would like to say thank you again for such an enjoyable mystery. I so appreciate the vast amount of time and energy you put into writing the instructions, taking step by step photos and putting it all together for us. You are a national treasure as far as I am concerned!

So very sorry for the loss of your mother-in-law and the stress and sadness of not being able to have a final goodbye and closure of a funeral for both you and Dave. Even though she may not have known who you and Dave were any longer both of you still knew her as mom. Hugs to you.

UFOQueen said...

Bonnie, I have done your mysteries for many years. Every time I learn something new, improved my skills, and made something beautiful. It pushed me out of my comfort zone and made me a better quilter. I never understood the complainers for something freely given with obvious kind intent. Thank you for what you do, especially in this brutal year. Please know there are folks out there care and respect you. Keep being your authentic self Bonnie.

Jenny R. Sherrill said...

This is my first time ever doing something like this. I could not even imagine how the pieces you had us make were going to go together. The colors are crazy, and the pattern is lively and amazing.
Finishing with a lot took the quilt from "I have no idea how this is going to work" to OH MY GOSH. I have a lot to do to make the string borders, but figure anything worth this much work is worth finishing all the way.
You owe us nothing.
But this is a lovely gift.
I'm sorry that the negative Nellies out there want to pick it apart.
I'm sure you will never get through all these comments on your blog, but I hope you see all the gratitude from all the people and let the warm fuzzies help you through this time.
Thank you for this super fun mystery!

Debbie G said...

Bonnie, I am so sorry for your loss. No matter when you your loved ones pass it is not easy. It really saddens me that that your quilting friends are not happy with what you are giving us once a year. I have found it very fun and am learning to piece better. Covid is stretching all of us to places we have never been. I wish you to be safe, happy, healthy and live with ease in 2021. We all love you.

Bonnie Winston-Salem said...

Total agree with Carol Weber. You are a wonderful, fun and loving person and those who do not appreciate it shouldn't do the mysteries. Thank You so much from my heart for what you do. I love ALL your quilts and look forward to what is ahead. Don't let those downers get to you, keep your head up

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