
Thursday, January 14, 2021

Weekend Projects & Mystery Thoughts.

I've been filling my weekends with a specific project I work on mostly on weekends.

By the time I make it home in the evening I may have enough energy left for pressing and cutting - and if I wake up early enough in the morning, I might make some pieces and parts towards this project - but mostly it's been relegated to weekends.

This is the Jackknife block found in the Sept/Oct 2020 issue of Quiltmaker Magazine. You can find the link to purchase the issue under the Addicted to Scraps tab at the top of the blog.

I loved this block from the first time I made my samples for the magazine issue - and am working my way through larger hunks of scraps and fat quarters to make each block using two different fabrics.

I have quite a few blocks to go yet before I have the number I'm planning on, but I thought you'd like to see how these beautiful yellows are adding some sunshine to my life right now.

Some of the other colors.

After reading many comments from people who are disappointed in our Grassy Creek reveal - their feeling that I just "dumped it all out there." or those who are less happy with what the quilt looks like - I want to let you in on a couple of things to think about.

This is the SECOND mystery I presented with just a few months between the end of the first, Unity - and Grassy Creek, second. 

I do give these mysteries for free - but there is no guarantee you are going to like the finished result - in your fabrics, or in mine. We all have different preferences to what kinds of things we like to make, the fabrics and colors and styles we like to work in.

I LOVE how Grassy Creek turned out.

This was my vision for the quilt. I knew what it was going to look like when I designed it.  I chose the inspiration for the colors, pulling from my surroundings.

I KNEW this was not going to be for everyone.  And I gotta tell you, if you are unsure about a mystery and you go changing the colors not knowing where they are going to go beforehand, what the design will be, what colors will touch what - it's completely Russian Roulette.  You have no idea what your result will be.

If "I don't like orange and grey" is your stance - it's perfectly okay to sit the mystery out until the reveal and decide if it is something you want to "waste" your time (and fabric) on.

Some mysteries have run longer.  Some have been shorter - Some I have had to push through with rapid fire clues to get them all out there before I flew off to teach somewhere right after New Year's.  Remember that?  I can't release clues while I am on the road - 

So much work goes into doing all of the graphics and photos and writing each clue to be released on Fridays for weeks - for nearly 2 months. 

How many posts and PDF copies have been written and uploaded behind the scenes through this whole process and offered for free? How many late evenings and sleepless nights?

But all mysteries come to a reveal day.

For those who felt I "rushed through" at the end - I didn't. This mystery was only ever going to have 7 parts - we had made ALL of the units with the exception of cutting the corner squares for the Ohio stars and piecing the string rectangles for the border - which I knew people were going to either love or hate and choose different options.

It is the middle of January.  it is time to put the quilt together.  You can only keep a mystery a mystery for so long until it becomes obvious what we are making. It's a mystery, and my reveals are usually big ones, when folks still can't figure out which direction the quilt is heading. That's the fun part of a mystery.

And isn't that why we do it? For the FUN of community and connectedness?

But accusing that I "unloaded it all at once" after the emotional upheaval last week is just not true. It's speculation - and it is wrong.

Yes, last week was hard.  This week is even harder.  My mother-in-law passed away on January 5th. There was no funeral I could travel to in the time of Covid. The small family graveside service was in Idaho this past Monday, January 11th.  Obituary HERE.

Lezetta had been declining with dementia over the years and had been placed in a care facility before my father-in-law passed a few years back. She hasn't known anyone or recognized anyone for years. But it is still so sad.

And yes - she died at age 101 from complications caused by Covid.

So yes, my emotions have been all over the place.

But please don't dump onto me how I dumped the mystery reveal "in a hurry" on to you.  You have absolutely no idea.

The reveal happened right on time - at the right time. It was the happiest thing to happen over those couple of weeks.

My heart is raw - my heart is tired. 

I'll be spending some time loving on these two.

And spend more time today putting the finishing touches on something I hope will bring happiness and creativity back to all of us SOON.

Quiltville Quote of the Day -

If anything describes where I am right now in my journey - this is it!



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Barbara P. said...

The picture of Zoey and Ivy made me smile .. that little cat eye peeking out between Zoey's legs. Have a blessed day. Hope the sun is shining there today.

Louise SS said...

For heaven's sake ....... it is a mystery! If you want to play along you are taking a chance. Maybe you will like the finished quilt or not. That is not your problem Bonnie! Thank you for spending your time and giving us the chance to sew these amazing quilts! For free!!! Greetings from a very snowy Sweden!

barbara woods said...

Praying for comfort, so many deaths!

Carla Fiedler said...

Bonnie, I do not comment often, but just know that I appreciate all you do for the blogging community as a whole, and especially for the quilting community. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for your creativity and generosity!

Unknown said...

No good turn goes unpunished! We love you Bonnie and are so appreciative of all do to keep us uplifted during these national crises

Kay said...

What the heck is going on with folks!? Especially quilters. Bonnie's efforts should be appreciated, and if you don't want to play nice then don't play. I've enjoyed seeing everyone's mysteries. I'm also loving all of the new patterns Bonnie has given us this year. We should continue to support her, not put her down in any way.

Loretta McGinn said...

First off, Bonnie, I am so sorry for your family's loss. She may have suffered from Dementia and not recognized people anymore, but the fact still remains that she was someone who was loved and loved in return, and that is just so sad. But, my goodness, 101 years old! I bet she shared lots of experiences with you through the years.

As for the complaints about the "rush and dump"....Pbbbltt to all of those compalliners. They just don't get it that, like you said, this is a welcomed venture all for fun and learning, compunded by the pandemic. Easy for me to say, but I say ignore them and Phooey on them!

You give so much of yourself. Your projects, pictures and thoughts are so very uplifting. I really look forward to starting my day with your post because it sents me in such a joyous mood.

Thank you so much, and I'm sorry people just don't get it. You rock!

Loretta McGinn

Material Girl said...

So sorry for the loss of your mother-in-law. It’s so hard without adding the Covid restrictions. I lost my young brother last January and felt there was never any closure.

I sincerely apologize for those bad mannered people who just have nothing nice to say. They must be very unhappy and want to spread it around. I wrote a mystery for my guild once and it’s lots of work! Just remember that there are dozens of thankful,well behaved women y for each uncouth,unhappy,loudmouth. We appreciate and support you. Kindness always wins- and you are a winner!

Unknown said...

I'm sorry for your loss. Hugs and prayers.

And good grief, some folks are just jerks. Kudos to you for standing up for yourself. Maybe some of those complainers will be shamed into being more thoughtful the next time they have something to say. Thx for your blog, one of the few I stop to read every day. Writing is work. Thx for all the pics of your pup and kitties, too.

Quilter Lois said...

Well said!! I loved the mystery and think it's great!! Thank you once again Bonnie for all you do. I became a string piecing convert with these gray strings! There always seem to be some complainers. "NO WHINING!"

kathy6024 said...

My heart hurts for you, both for your loss but also for the mean people who say nasty things about a mystery they decided to do and then don't like some part of. If you're such a control freak then just save the clues and when you see the final layout, then decide if you want to do it. Sheesh people, it's a MYSTERY. These colors weren't my cup of tea, so I'm enjoying seeing other people's color variations before deciding what I want to do with your generously given pattern. I didn't know about Thumper, but my Dad always taught us "if you can't say something nice, don't say anything at all" THANK YOU from the bottom of my scrap loving heart.

Sewbaby said...

Bonnie, I am so sorry about the behavior and criticism from people! You have graciously gifted the quilting community with your talent and time! I bet NONE of the complainers have taken a class or lecture from you! How many books or supplies have these people purchased?? Yes... this mystery will be used in a book but Bonnie DOES NOT need you to test her patterns! Stop complaining !! If you are that miserable in life that you need to complain about a free pattern just DON’T... pray... go get some psychological care.... stop trying to make people miserable, like you!

Tammi Yarber said...

I'm dying to know which quilt pattern it is that Ivy and Zoey are on in this picture. I love it but can't figure out which one it is!!

Sherry said...

So sorry for your loss. This has been a rough year for many but it seems especially so for you. I haven't done much sewing as this year has been very stressful and I don't seem to have the energy and enjoyment lately. I hope to do Grassy Creek at sometime in the future. Though not my normal colors, your quilt is beautiful. I love the way the grays of the day burst into the energy of the reds and oranges. Do what you need to do for a happy life and let the rest go. We love you and will be here when you need us. Many blessings for the rest of the year. You deserve all the good that comes your way.

acoelke said...

Echoing the sentiments of so many above: hugs, thanks, sympathy. I'm one of those who did change out colors (but didn't complain about the results). I knew I was taking a chance, but using what I've learned from you about contrast and value, I figured it was likely to be ok. It is with dark tan, rust and dark green rather than gray and orange and red. Still working on it and happy with how it's turning out. I'm changing up the sashing--because you made a mystery that allows for some personal interpretation. And I can do it because I've learned from you to cut accurately, sew the perfect seam and trim well. Thank you.

abhedington said...

I'm so sorry for your loss Bonnie. I love following along with your mysteries, but they have too many small pieces for my fingers! However I would never dream of criticizing you for that. I just marvel at everyone's! Scroll on by the hater comments, and love on the furbabies.hugs from Ohio

piggy1004 said...

Bonnie, you cannot please everyone! Stop trying and ignore these ungrateful quilters!

stitchinpenny said...

I think everyone in this country needs to stop and just breathe. We need to look at all the anger and remove ourselves from it. If people are looking the gift horse in the mouth it is a personal problem that is yours to solve. Mystery quilts are going to please some and not others. Chose different colors, change the borders but keep stitchin and quit bitchin! Don share your hate with Bonnie!

Marti said...

People! you change everything about the pattern, the colors, the strip piecing, the layout, etc... and then in the end you blame Bonnie because you don't like it!
Bonnie, these are the same people that would complain about a free $100 bill because the green is faded! My prayers are with you and Dave at the loss of his mom. Hugs!

Oleg said...

First let me extended my sympathy to you and your family. Having lost my mother due to Alzheimer's recently I know how difficult it can be. As for this year's mystery, I think it was perfect. Clues were given out at the right interval and the wrap up for the reveal was very much like the other 3 mysteries I've participated in. The design is amazing, and I'm having fun with it. I kept your colors, because I like them, and would have held back on choosing my own path until after the reveal. But it's so much fun to make the clues as they come out. I really appreciate all the time and hard work you put into each mystery, this one being no exception. Thank yo from the bottom of my heart.

SandyB said...

Bonnie, I have not been making the Grassy Creek Mystery quilt due to other commitments, but I love your result & appreciate your inspiration. I have completed mysteries in the past & have donated the finished quilt to charity because I didn’t like my color choices in the final pattern. That’s what makes it a mystery. To criticize the mystery quilt itself is not reasonable when using your own fabrics. I really appreciate all the work you do to keep this community of quilters engaging with others during this awful time. Keep up the good work & ignore those who criticize. As Thumper says “If you can’t say something nice, don’t say nothing at all.” In my family, this is quoted often & saves many hurt feelings. We all work hard on our quilting & should be more charitable of others. I’m very sorry for your loss. Hang in there. We appreciate all you do.

Nann said...

Bonnie, I'm sorry for your family's loss. May Lozetta's memory be a blessing to all who loved and were loved by her........as for the mystery, I say: YOUR MYSTERY. YOUR RULES. If people don't want to play by your rules, they'll have to adjust or not play at all.

khowardquilts said...

Sorry to hear about your MIL's passing. It is extra hard in these times. We are hoping to do memorial services for my Dad and stepfather later this year. Both were in a nursing home, though neither death was Covid related. My stepfather was laughing and joking one minute and then gone at 90 years old. Dad's health was declining when he succumbed to a short illness.

kck83 said...

So much in this blog post... First of all, I'm sorry about your loss. I lost my mother-in-law, too, just before Christmas. 86 years old + a life of physical handicaps + dementia + Covid... = we could let her go, but it's still a great loss. So I'm feeling your pain, truly. We were able to have a very small funeral for her. The saddest part is that her husband, my father-in-law was in the hospital on a ventilator when that all happened. A family member finally got in today to break the news to him. Tough times. And about your Grassy Creek Mystery... Because of the above described situations, I'm a little behind! And I did make a change in the beginning. Here in Northwest Missouri, the beauty of the autumn leaves is enhanced by blue skies. Maybe the landscape is more open here? Plus I don't have a lot of gray in my stash. So I decided to use sky blue instead of gray... I am loving the combinations! And I so much appreciate that you, Bonnie, give us permission to make those changes to personalize what we're making. Thanks so much for all your time & effort!

Fran Sancroft said...

So sorry for your loss!... People who criticize you are selfish and need to "Get a Life"... Thank yo for all you do for us and the quilting community!.. You deserve medals not criticism... I waited for the reveal before deciding that I already have too many UFO's and to start another may not be the best decision fr me. We all have our likes and dislikes, but I decided a long time ago, we cannot "Love everything, love everyone, or do everything that is offered to us." Blessings to you and yours as you deal with the grief, in the time of Covid19.

Kathleen said...

I am so curious why it's called the Thumper rule? I shall google it. thanks

Dianne L said...

Bonnie, I just wanted to add my voice to the chorus of support for you. Hugs!

Katherine said...

My sincere condolences on the loss of hubster's mother. I loved my MIL so much. She died at 92. I miss her just about every day. On the quilt front, this was my first quilt to do from yardage and I love it. It will be the the first quilt that I sell to a friend. I am backing it with mallard duck fabric - the perfect compliment I believe. And on the Iowa quilt show front, I am honored to have made Straits of Mackinac and to have ownership in a quilt design that is hanging in a museum! Mine looks every bit as wonderful as the one in the photo!!! And it was only my second quilt ever in my life! And I was a part of your very last quilt weekend before Covid. Carry on sistah. You are not done yet.

Kara Benavides said...

I guess I am not surprised by the negativity you have been experiencing. It would really make me feel knifed in the gut if people were so critical of a quilt-a-long mystery experience that they didn't even have to pay for. I didn't join because I am packing to move. But I still saved each post for "later". Though those "jack-knife" blocks may come first - once I dig out my mags at the next location. And so sorry for your loss. Love to see your fur babies and your woods and snow and house and . . . Go Girl!

Barb said...

Several years ago my daughter's friend was working for American Patchwork and Quilting magazine. She was tasked to go to a photo shoot and interview the quilter. She was so nervous to do so and I told her "you'll never meet a mean quilter"! Unfortunately, I have been proven wrong many times over the past two years and that makes me so sad, Bonnie's post just reveals a few more.....just so sad. As many others have said, think before you speak!

Sue Smith said...

Bonnie my condolences on the loss of your mother-in-law. It doesn't matter what age or what health our loved ones are in when they pass, it still leaves sadness in our heart. Its especially difficult now in the pandemic that you cant even go to her services and memorial.
The people who are complaining would be unhappy if you gave them a million dollars - they would want more. I think the Grassy Creek Mystery is amazing. I personally think the colors and pattern are one of the best you've done. It is beautiful. I want to thank you for sharing (FREE) the hard work of your great abilities of writing instructions and putting the patterns out there to any who want to do them. You are the best. Thoughts and prayers in your grief.

Kathleen said...

One of my favorite online 'responses' was someone who had purchased some RAW, FRESH Peanuts. Their comment was that they needed more salt !!!! Well, they don't come out of the ground with salt - - - so i try to read comments lightly, and take it all with just that - a grain of salt !!! Blessings, Bonnie, hope you find your sunshine again soon.

Mary K said...

My heart goes out to u and family

Angela Dabb said...

Dear Bonnie-
First let me express how sorry I am that you are grieving a family member at this crazy time in our lives where you can't be with family for fear of the pandemic.
And Secondly, I am appalled that people lack the ability to simply appreciate YOU and your talents; regardless of their likes or dislikes. It isn't like those who complained are actually doing ALL that you do. It is shameful.
I on the other hand am very grateful to have heard of you. I follow you daily and look forward to the mystery each and every year (this is my 3rd year). I have learned so much from you. Thank you Bonnie.
Sincerely yours, Angela, Nampa ID

Scrappaddy said...

So sorry for your loss Bonnie. I think some people complain because they have nothing better to do. This is my 5th mystery and I have to say it is my favourite so far. Please keep doing what you do.

khowardquilts said...

Some people just have no filter when it comes to what they say. Mysteries aren't for everyone and they may not realize it until they have invested time, energy and money into it. I am not doing the mystery, mainly because my stash is small and I already have plenty of quilts being planned in my head. I am following along and saving the clues. Maybe a caution sign is needed at the top of the reveal! PROCEED SLOWLY TO AVOID OVERWHELM! Take one step at a time if you are new to doing a mystery. Look at the finished quilt and decide if there are parts that are not your favorites and compare with what you have made or have not made yet. Now is the time to change something before the units are sewn together. If you have not gotten far on the mystery journey and the mystery format is not to your liking, consider buying the pattern when it is released written in a normal pattern format. I think you do a fantastic job writing and designing. I have fun designing, but pattern writing is not one of my talents.

lizzyps said...

Bonnie, thank you so much for all that you do and I am so sorry for your loss... I can’t imagine how you still managed to get this mystery finished while you and your family were going through such stressful times.
People are so mean spirited- but luckily not all. I for one choose to be grateful 🤓

judyp said...

My condolences on the loss of mother in-law. Thank you for the mystery quilt and all the work and time you put into it! I do like this pattern and can't wait to see it when finished! Hugs my quilting friend.

Becky G in SC said...

Oh, Bonnie Hunter, my heart hurts for you. I remember the loss I felt when my 'nother Mother' passed away, and she didn't have dementia. This means you lost her several times over the past few years - each time she lost more of her memories of her family members. And thank you for giving your heart thru this mystery quilt. I have enjoyed them so much over the years. Family members have benefited from your mysteries! They loved the versions I made so I gifted them a quilt. Please forgive the rudeness that folks practice now since internet removes the personal restrictions we used to place on ourselves. There apparently are no 'consequences' for rudeness or lack of tact! My co-worker used to say someone had the tact of a stampeding rhino (LOL, if you can picture it...).

Patti said...

Most of us love your patterns, just the way you design them. And if I don’t want to make it, I’ll just enjoy seeing what others do. I wish there was some way to block negative comments from all of our lives. Isn’t there enough negative in the world now? Can’t we keep it out of our hobbies? Thank you for all you do Bonnie and so sorry for your family’s loss. Please don’t let this affect your creativity in the future. 😘

Vickie said...

Terribly sorry for the loss of your mother in law. I understand the raw emotions you are feeling. My mother in law died on the first of January 3 years ago. All I can say is, it was the worst of times, it was the best of times. Sorry to have it happen but it was good that we were all together for the holidays anyway.
I am loving the mystery! I do every year! Hugs to you and your family.

Rose Braun said...

Bonnie, thank you so very much for all you do for others. You have a generous heart. I am sorry for your loss. I loss my Dear Husband this year. Not Covid, but that didn't make things easier for all of us grieving him. In this crazy messed up world, you bring a ray of sunshine for me . Thank you for being there. I haven't started grassy creed, I'm working on my Frolic quilt and loving it. Some day I hope to be at quiltville. Thanks

Laura said...

I'm so sorry for the loss of your mother-in-law. I'm also very sorry for those people who do not appreciate you and everything you are doing. I am so thankful you have this blog and offer free patterns because I can't afford much especially at this time. I have also learned so much from you as well. I have a huge fabric stash so I'm not going out and buying anything new. And if people don't like how their quilt turned out, then they should just donate it to a shelter or a hospital. I know at this time, it is rough on you. Losing a loved one is hard. I'm keeping you in my prayers for you and the family. Thanks again for everything.

Unknown said...

Bonnie, I'm so sorry for your loss...and I'm sorry that anyone would take advantage of all your hard work planning out this mystery quilt & then complain about it!
I have been quilting since 2004, and this is my VERY FIRST mystery quilt! So from all of us, I just want to say THANK YOU and send lots of HUGS your way! You put so much good into the world. Anyone who can't see that is someone to ignore.

Sierra Girl said...

I am sorry for your loss Bonnie, and my condolences to you and your family. These are such tough times but it's people like you that keep thousands of people like me inspired and happy. Close your eyes and ears to the negativity and keep being you. So many are grateful for your compassion and sharing. You are a blessing.

dianak said...

I will try to be nice to the "rude" people and am going to assume (and yes I know what "assume means") that perhaps they are having a bad day. Bonnie, I cannot thank you enough for all your generosity and creativity. I will be keeping you and your family in my thoughts and prayers. I too have lost family members to this virus and it is so hard to not be able to get together to celebrate their lives. Give your fur babies a hug from me and soak up their love.

Unknown said...

Bonnie, my sympathy for the passing of Dave's mother. She may not have recognized you but she still loved you.
As far as the mystery, I'm sorry for your bad comments. I lok forward to it. I've saved them. This year I committed to doing it. I bought the fabric but I lost part of my sewing machine. (The piece that holds the pressure feet.) I'm looking forward to this mystery getting out of my funk. I like that you give the suggestion of colors. Since I've written a couple of training manuals, I know the behind the scenes work you involved. I personally saw nothing wrong with your reveal. The clues were done; so the reveal was next. Perhaps people were disappointed it was short. Part 5 had you cut the red squares and rectangles with making flying geese. If you had made this cutting step 6 to make the mystery longer, you would have complaints because of no sewing. You can't please everyone. Just please yourself. Joyce (I've attended several classes and we shared a table on the cruise with 3 ladies from Sweden.)

Dawn Central Valley, California said...

Dear Bonnie and Dave, focus of your loving family memories and find joy in the wonderful full and giving life Zett enjoyed. She touched so many lives just as you do Bonnie. The world is a better place when people like you two share your time, love, knowledge and patience so freely. Prayers that you and Dave find peace in her passing and enjoy your days together. Mysteries, life is full of them and from reading all the comments on your blog today we love your style of mysteries and your willingness to share. You are a fabulous teacher and warm hearted gifter. Bless you and thank you!

PBQuilts said...

Bonnie, my heart aches for you and your family over the loss of your mother-in-law. It is never easy to say goodbye and especially harder under the current pandemic. Hugs to you. Thank you for sharing Lezette's obituary with us and allowing us to see a little into her long life. I'm amazed at all you are able to accomplish in a day! You have more love, joy, energy, and spunk than most people. Thank you for sharing your skills, gifts and life with us.

Dalina said...

Bonnie and Dave you have my sympathy in the loss of your Mother. My Mom is also in a long term memory care facility with Covid at 93 years. Prayers for you both, and peace in knowing that she is now with her Heavenly Father with a restored body and mind. I never understand people and their insensitivity to or for others. I have made 3 other mysteries and still want to do Frolic loving each one. I love Grassy Creek and am almost ready to start my border of strings. I know the hard work you put into these mysteries to get them made and patterns written and organized for us free. Thank you Bonnie from the bottom of my heart! Please have a blessed day and thanks again for keeping those of us who enjoy your blog entertained with your adventures along with your wonderful pets.

Barbara Lavin said...

I'm so very sorry for your loss. This is the first time I'm commenting, even though I have enjoyed following your blog for a long time. I'm also sorry people have been so mean about things recently. I enjoyed making Grassy Creek and am working on completing it slowly. I don't feel you finished this one any different than your past ones. I hope you enjoy those beautiful fur babies and allow them to let you heal.

Sharon Siacci said...

Hello Bonnie from Melbourne, Australia 🇦🇺. My sewing buddy Judy and I would love to thank you for the mystery quilt. It is the first one of your quilt she has done, and the first of your mystery quilts we have done. It has helped us tremendously during these different times to keep focused and motivated. When we were in stage 4 lockdown, we sewed together via social technology, and now we are able to get together and sew opposite each other in person. We are now talking about doing another of your quilts from one of your books. From choosing fabrics, to the cutting, and then piecing units, we have enjoyed that which you have generously and freely given. Thank you so much.

Sandy Grady said...

What is wrong with people? How rude of them to say they don't like it when you offer it as a free pattern and they don't have to play if they don't want to. We appreciate all that you do and the help and hints you give us in quilting. Thank you Bonnie!

Judi B said...

So sorry for your loss Bonnie. Grassy Creek quilt/pattern is beautiful and greatly appreciated. Hugs from afar to you and yours.

Annie said...

So sorry about your loss - 101 is a good long time to live! I love the jackknife block! Definitely on my to-do list (not that it needs any more projects!). Any mystery quilt is a gamble as to if you are going to like the finished project. All you can go by is if you have liked the other quilt made by that designer. I absolutely LOVE all your quilts. Of course I like some better than others. If you think you might not like it, just save the directions and decide after the reveal if you want to make it. We all should be thankful for your free mystery quilts and your wonderful blog with all the ideas we get.

u keep sewing said...

Many Prayers. Everyone path on the grief road is different. One moment at a time.
Thanks for all you share ❤️❤️🙏🏻🙏🏻
TJ from Montana

Catholic Bibliophagist said...

I love your mystery quilts because you are such a good teacher and I learn so much from your mysteries. Please accept my condolences for your loss.

Holly in Indiana said...

Please delete the negatives. If one would sit and count pro mystery vs negative mystery the pros (I am one) would defeat them. I loved everything about it. As we went I couldn’t decide if the clues were easier or I have gained more confidence. I did both Frolic and Unity last year. Frolic is the prettiest and my favorite of all the Bonnie quilts I have made. Please don’t dwell on the negative. Hands to work, hearts to God.

Randy said...

Thank you . this was my first MQ with you. you made Friday a day worth getting up for.

marg said...

How can they complain about something they are getting for free. Bonnie spends a lot of time and hardwork to bring us these BOM's for which I am very grateful. You are a wonderful generous lady Bonnie.

Unknown said...

There are some people who think free is too expensive---they are never satisfied. I feel sad for them.

Rhonda said...

I love what I have read here today. So many kind and healing words. I have found your mysteries to be fun and entertaining even if I don't make all of them. This year because of other commitments I waited for the reveal, such a beautiful quilt! I'm not fast at making quilts and sometimes I just wait until your regular pattern is available and then go for it. It's so much fun for me.
Thank you for what you do for us. I truly appreciate it.
So sad about the news of your MIL. I am a caregiver for my mom she is 94 and there are a lot of heart tugs with the process of caring for her.
Please be at peace with who you are and what you do and stand for, because in my opinion you are an angel on earth as you just make it a better place to be for the rest of us.

dlamore32 said...

Bonnie - so sorry to hear that people can not appreciate all the work that you do in the blogs and the mysteries (an amazing amount of work). It is sad that people don't think any more before they send out their thoughts. I am always interested to see what it is that you will be writing about each day. Please keep it up realizing there are many out here who do appreciate it.

Dorothy Hobson said...

Bonnie my heart hurts for you and all the losses you’ve had to endure this past year. I’m just so sorry and my wish is that your heart heals and time is more gentle to you. Hugs and Prayers 💗🙏

Dorothy Hobson said...

My sincerest condolences to you and family Bonnie. I’m so sorry very sorry you’re experiencing another great loss. Sending you hugs and prayers 🙏💗

Barb Johnson said...

First and most important, I want to offer my condolences on your loss. No matter how deep into dementia she was, you still have the memories of what she was like, and that is what you are mourning. And I can't believe that people are berating you about a FREE pattern that you spent so much time and energy and, yes, LOVE developing! Forget the few complainers and just remember that there are thousands of people who are grateful for what you do for us.

Kareness said...

Hello Bonnie,
I guess many quilters forgot your "No whining" rule from Clue One. I am so sorry for your family's loss, and also for the quilter's "backlash". I think you were at the right reveal spot! I am one who did not start this mystery yet. I decided to wait for the reveal and I am very glad to see it. The more I look at Your Grassy Creek the more I like it. I also have seen several alternate color selections that I also like. Thanks for all you efforts and talent and posts.

tilliejane said...

Just completed the mystery top and I LOVE IT! Several "newcomers" to your mystery quilts joined me in making it and the fun we had using what we had in our stash.
I found very easy to put together and and would describe the results as mellow and happy colors. THANK YOU!!!

berylthepearl said...

I love making your mystery quilts and have been doing them for at least the last 10 years. Some I like better than others but I LOVE Them all and can’t believe I made something so intricate looking! You don’t have to defend anything you do. We love you and wish you the best. Thanks for all you do, you are a positive force!

Linda M said...

Bonnie, I, for one, am grateful for your blog and sharing a piece of your life and talents with us. I am so excited about the reveal and can’t wait to finish! Thank you, thank you for Grassy Creek and ask the others. I will be praying for you as you grieve the loss. I can’t image the pain and heartache you feel. Sending hugs your way also.

Mary Dugan said...

Thanks, Bonnie for all you do. My condolences on your loss. You know we are really not aware when we're young how much loss comes with getting older. I love following your blog and know that we all have different tastes and philosophies, but it's not okay to whine and complain about what you're doing ;wroong' to ME. How dare you. Just know you're loved and respected by many, many more than the spoiled babies.

Mary Dugan said...

Thanks, Bonnie for all you do. My condolences on your loss. You know we are really not aware when we're young how much loss comes with getting older. I love following your blog and know that we all have different tastes and philosophies, but it's not okay to whine and complain about what you're doing ;wroong' to ME. How dare you. Just know you're loved and respected by many, many more than the spoiled babies.

Sharon said...

Which quilt is it in the picture of Zoey & Ivy?

Tricia said...

I'm sorry that so many ungrateful and unkind people are giving you a hard time. It must be terribly frustrating to work so hard on something to simply bring joy to people's lives, and yet get negativity in return. Hopefully you can weed out all the 'bad roots' out there and let in the positive experiences of people who have made your quilts and love and appreciate them--and you!

Craft Mad said...

Thinking of you and your family. Loss of a family member is difficult.
I am so glad you are having a blog free Sunday. You need Bonnie time, as much as we do.
Negative comments- delete them. Only read enough to know it needs deleting.
The major of us truly appreciate your hard work, generosity and sharing.

Lynne said...

For each mystery quilt I have memories of what I was thinking about or watching while sewing all the little pieces together. Each quilt has been made with love while learning something new. When I am quilting them on the long arm people ew and awe at the beautiful site of each quilt. I can’t give these away because each one is so precious. If people are upset that is an issue in their life and not yours. Prayers for you and your family.

Wolfquilter said...

Condolences to you and your husband. You all need to take the time to heal. Thank you for all that you do for the quilting world.

vicke w said...

Most people suck and there is no help for it (or them!). You keep doing you. I, for one, appreciate all you do! Hugs

Cheryl's Teapots2Quilting said...

So sorry about your mother in law. Alzheimers is a cruel disease (my father had it) and it is even harder when you can't get the closure of a funeral and family. Give your husband a big hug. You both need it. I like watching your mysteries, but I'm not a mystery person (I need to see it first). It's nice of you to give them for free. Sorry people complain.

Franny King said...

I agree! What a super person! So sorry for Bonnie and her husband, Dave. Everyone please be kind. Bonnie is kind and courageous! Just like
Cinderella! She has been a lifeline to fellowship and friendship and creativity through this quarantine. God bless Bonnie and Dave!

Suecwv@frontier.com said...

Bonnie, thank you for all you do. You have made my life a lot brighter with your blogs and patterns. I wish I could hug you and your husband thru this grieving time, but you do have each other. My thoughts and prayers are certainly with you.

Cviens said...

I am so sorry for your loss. I am so sorry that you feel you have to constantly defend yourself. I f others dont like what you do, then dont do it. I love what you have done for me and my quilting abilities. I am grateful for you, and I appreciate and thank you!

Debby Gorman said...

Bonnie, I love your mystery quilts! Getting the clues on Friday are the highlight of my week! Please don’t be discouraged by a few people who haven’t learned to keep their mouths shut. We appreciate the time and creative effort you put into your quilts for our benefit. I’m so sorry for your loss. I’m praying for you and your family. God bless you!

Debby Gorman said...

Bonnie, there are givers in this world and takers. Don’t let the takers steal your joy! I love your mystery quilts. Getting the clues on Friday are a highlight to my week. Please don’t be discouraged by those who haven’t learned to keep their mouth shut. I am so sorry for your loss, and am praying for you and your family. God bless you!

Vanessa Kay said...

Oh my. I'm so sorry Bonnie. Please don't listen to the negative complainers, those are often people who are unhappy in their own lives so find things to complain about. You have always been extremely generous with your quilt-alongs and as someone who live alone I look forward to the free pattern! Your patterns are truly a gift and very unique. I often collect the patterns and then after the reveal I choose my colors to make my quilts. Please don't those negative nellies drag you down. I'm so sorry for the loss of your family member, I lost my sister December 28 and my heart goes out to you and your family. Chin up, the supporters are greater in number and sadly we don't often take the time to tell you thank you for your hard work, time and generosity! THANK YOU

Sherry Yeakel said...

I LOVED the mystery this year! I did it in the suggested colors and with the strings. it made a large part of a long winter lots of fun. Seems like the people who complain are more vocal than us happy folks so here's my voice. Saying THANKS, saying I loved the mystery, saying I loved the clues and saying you are WONDERFUL!!! So very sorry for you loss. One of my best friends brother died from COVID today, this is a tough year for so many, thanks for spreading joy!

Sherry Yeakel said...

I LOVED the mystery this year! I did it in the suggested colors and with the strings. it made a large part of a long winter lots of fun. Seems like the people who complain are more vocal than us happy folks so here's my voice. Saying THANKS, saying I loved the mystery, saying I loved the clues and saying you are WONDERFUL!!! So very sorry for you loss. One of my best friends brother died from COVID today, this is a tough year for so many, thanks for spreading joy!

zolaquilts said...

Ignore the haters and the whiners. Or as I would say, "Okay show me the pattern YOU made that YOURE going to share, gratis." Thank you for making, sharing and giving!! At the moment I'm having fun making the Shoofly and Easy Breezy (so dang cute right?) and I really enjoyed the releases for Grassy Creek.

Unknown said...

Oh for Pete's sake - some people are just idiots and are rude! I now it can be difficult, but try to ignore them Bonnie! You are so very generous with both your time and your talent and I for one really appreciate all you do. Personally, this mystery quilts is one of my favorites of yours - I think it is beautiful! You and yours are in my thoughts during these hard times -with coping with everything going on and now with the passing of your Mother in Law. Prayers for you all.

Lynn Czar said...

I just want to say thank you for all your hard work and time that you put into giving us FREE mysteries, there are more of us quilters that appreciate you and your work than the ungrateful people that can make the CHOICE to make the project or not. It’s all about choices people! I’m so sorry for your loss and have you and your family in my prayers. To those people that find fault with you, people go look in the mirror, that’s who you need to be unhappy with, not Bonnie!

QuiltinLibraryLady said...

I'm so sorry for your family's loss. You have my deepest sympathy.

I've never figured out why people complain about something that was given to them for free. If they weren't sure about the colors why not wait until the reveal and then decide. I've made several of your mystery quilts & I love them. I will admit that I save the posts and do them later. Getting ready for Christmas with all the cleaning, decorating and making or shopping for gifts doesn't leave me much time to devote to sewing, and before I retired there was less, so that worked for me. Everyone needs to do what works for them, but they don't have to complain.

Tracie said...

I'm so sorry for the hardship you are going through from losing a loved one, especially with all the limitations with the pandemic. I was so glad to see you stand up to all this negative Nellies. Ive followed your mysteries for several years & lived the reveals & everyone's altered versions. I jumped in with both feet this year & have loved the experience. Do I still have sashings to piece, yeppers. I'll keep puttzin away at it. Love the design. Don't let anyone dim your sparkle Bonnie. Love all you are & all you do for this quilty community! And for those who are complaining, just move on, or choose to change your attitude. It is a choice!

Roni Connor said...

Bonnie, I'm very sorry for you and your family. I want to thank you for everything you do for us quilters.
Please don't listen to the negative comments. Some people aren't happy unless they're making others unhappy.
Peace to you and thank you for always showing us the goodness of your heart.

EMills said...

So sorry about the loss of your mother-in-law. So sorry about the thoughtless people who can't appreciate the opportunity to be part of a fun mystery. You do so much work on the mystery quilts for everyone to enjoy if they want. I don't think we will ever live in a world where some people don't complain about everything that they have a hard time with. You have more people who appreciate you than those who find fault. I wish you peace and healing during this time.

Anna said...

My sympathies to you and your family. You do not deserves such negativity ever, especially now. My prayers are for you and your family.

Maryissewfast said...

Hugs to you Bonnie...this was my first mystery quilt and I truly appreciate all the hard work you put into that and all the content you share with us.

Susan said...

I agree Carol. I couldn't have said it better.

Susan said...

My deepest sympathies on your family's loss. I know how hard it is not be able to be with them at the end nor be able to attend the funeral if you can even have one with all the restrictions.

Jeanne said...

People just have no rite! Condolences to you and your husband and the boys.

KMSC said...

I’m so sorry for your loss of your mother-in-law. Please convey my condolences to your husband too. I’m sorry, also, for the backlash you had about the quilt reveal. I, for one, appreciate all you do for your readers! Your quilts are always beautiful! Hugs...

KMSC said...

I’m so sorry for your loss of your mother-in-law. Please convey my condolences to your husband too. I’m sorry, also, for the backlash you had about the quilt reveal. I, for one, appreciate all you do for your readers! Your quilts are always beautiful! Hugs...

Anonymous said...

Bonnie - New Quilter here and I want to thank you for this mystery quilt. I learned so much. I was scared to death of doing strings and scrappy and guess what? I loved it!!! Next stop Emerald Ilse but in purple. I agree with all the comments above. You are a giving person willing to give of her time and talent. The complainers need to go away, far, far way! They are symbolic of what is going on in our country, wanting everything for free and not up to a challenge. I still have a ways to go before my quilt is done but I am taking my time and enjoying myself. Thank you.

Char said...

It is good to see all the positive comments posted by your friends and followers. I appreciate all you do and enjoy your quilts and furbabies. Just remember how many of us love what you do. Thank you! My condolences to you and your family. My she rest is peace. Bless you.

nancy c said...

OMG! What is this world coming to? Bonnie, thank you,thank you,thank you!!! The quilt is gorgeous!! I can not convey how much joy you bring to my life with your generosity and creativity. If I could be there to stand at your side to help you I would do that in a second. I am sending hugs and prayers to you and your family.

Robin said...

First off, please accept my condolences in the loss of your dear Mother in Law, and pass them on to your dear husband. It doesn't matter what her age was, it's still a loss in the family and you aren't allowed to grieve how you would like. I've only made one of your mystery quilts,Frolic, and I thoroughly enjoyed letting go of control and allowing you to lead me. Since that time I've saved Unity and Grassy Creek in anticipation of having more time to make them. I'm sorry you have to deal with negativity but take heart in those of us who appreciate your awesome talent and kindness. The quilting world is better because of you.

Beth D. said...

Only people who are not happy with themselves are nasty to others. Read that again.

@Megarhyssa said...

Bonnie, I’m sad at the behaviour of some people...I think the thing is social media gives people permission to behave badly saying things from behind the computer screen they wouldn’t say to your face. I gotta say I love your mysteries. They sharpen my piecing skills and make me stretch my color choices. I look forward to this project every year and am sad when the reveal happens...
Chin up...this too will pass. I’m am so sorry about you loss...and mot be able to celebrate her life with family...as the 7 year old down the road from me says...stupid Covid.

Tammy said...

Oh, Bonnie, don't let "others" ruin it for you and all of us who are so appreciative for all that you do for so many. I loved this mystery. I'm still in the "parts production" phase by seeing the end. My sympathies for you, your husband and his family on his mother's passing. No matter what time it is in our lives, it is always hard to lose a loved one. God is holding your mother-in-law in the palm of his hand. Thank you for all that you do to lift up our community!

Quilter Kathy said...

I love my developing mystery quilt! So sorry about your loss and about people being ungrateful... it seems to be another kind of pandemic that we face as a human race.

Bonnie said...

I'm with Carol on this and could not have said it better. [First post] I'm not to good on picking colors for mysteries so I wait to see revealing. Then it's my fault if it didn't work. Blaming others for OUR choices is WRONG!! You did good Bonnie, don't let them get to you, hugs Bonnie S California.

Joni said...

Bonnie and Dave, I am so sorry for your loss. Dementia is heartbreaking and losing your mother during a pandemic is tragic. I hope that you can find comfort in your memories and stories. With everything else, Bonnie, be a duck and let the stink roll off your back. Thank you for the lovely Grassy Creek Mystery, it has been a fun distraction. Smile, you are loved.

Jennifer Jenson said...

Oh Bonnie sorry for your loss! And ignore the negative people they aren't worth your time and energy! I did Unity and loved it! I have more time when it came out so I joined in!

shoshu said...

Bonnie, i'm embarrassed that someone had the audacity to actually criticize you for taking a chunk out of your life and offering it to all of us so that we could have joy of these past few months, and really each and every day. [even your sunday off is an excellent reminder to live life, not just watch it on the computer!]. with all that goes on in an persons life, and here it even included losing a big piece of the last generation, you keep on being here for us, with us and i'm very grateful for that.

Janet said...

Bonnie, thank you for the thoughtfulness, time and energy you put into bringing our quilting community together. I am so sorry that some are ungrateful for the “FREE” quilt pattern and tips you provide with each mystery.

Know that most of us are thankful to have you, your books, patterns, positive posts in our lives.
Prayers and good thoughts,

Sheri said...

This pandemic and lack of socialization has given many people the opportunity to attack from afar. Don't let them get to you. Delete those comments and listen to those of us who love you even though we don't know you. Please continue to be you. So sorry for your loss. You have my deepest gratitude for making so many project patterns available for free for those of us who are quiltaholics.

Maria said...

So very many thoughts in my head. Thank goodness my mouth still has a working filter! You are a treasure, a friend & a source of inspiration to tens of thousands around the world. Please remember thst.

Sandy said...

I read through the comments and i agree with Carol. I love your mysteries!! And my condolences to you and your family. I'm not a fan of gray. I have difficulties working with it. But it looks good in your quilts. FYI to others change it if you don't like it!! I've seen some wonderful color choices with those that choose to play Russian Roulette. But of course sit back like you said and wait if your not sure of the colors. Hug your fur babies for all of us they keep our spirits up as well and for get the bad manners of others please.

Sharon said...

Love your blog and all that you do.Dont listen to the negative people that should be thankful for a free quilt pattern! Thanks 😊 for everything!

Lisa said...

Oh Bonnie, people can be such jerks. And even though they are in the minority, it still breaks your heart. I'm so sorry you are having to deal with them. This was my first mystery quilt and I LOVED the whole process. I have 3 of your books and have made 4 scrap quilts from them in the last 2 years. I've loved them all so when the Grassy Creek Mystery was first posted, I decided to give it a go. I don't typically use some of the colors suggested but I thought, "She's never steered me wrong so let's give it a go!" I"m so glad I did. I learned new techniques, worked with new colors (for me), and loved every minute. My only thought when the reveal was posted was, "Already? I'm still having fun!" A beginning quilter friend has been watching the progress of each section and has enjoyed the mystery quilt vicariously. Still trying to convince her she is ready to take a step up from 4-patches & HST. Watching this mystery has helped. I've promised to let her know when the next one starts. Please know you are loved.

Terri in BC said...

Oh, Bonnie, my heart goes out to you. People seem to have lost their good manners in the last few years, and forgot how to appreciate all you do for us for FREE! Personally, I love the quilt, I think it is perfect especially for the men in my life. I know you didn't just "dump" it on us - I usually hold my breath on New Year's Eve hoping for the reveal, which I look forward to! I'm so sorry for your family's loss, and that you weren't able to visit.

Diane said...

First, my sympathy to you and your family in the passing of your Mother-in-law. She sounds like she was an amazing woman. While reading it, I thought "I know where Bonnie gets some of her personality". I have my fabric for the Grassy Creek quilt, but due to illness I have not even started it...BUT I WILL! Seven clues is enough for any quilt. Love your posts, you and your pets, and Quiltville Inn. It is beautiful just like you. You need a WEEK Sabbatical and I would take one if I were you. Diane

Terri in BC said...

PS: I have learned recently from a sales course that people seem to value something they pay for more than what they get for free. I was told to stop offering free workshops (I do scrapbooking and quilting) to get more business, but because that is more my social life (not these days) and a break from my work life as a branch manager for a mortgage brokerage, I won't do it until I possibly retire.

Happy Room Diana said...

So sorry for your loss at this difficult time. I was unable to take part in the mystery, but I love it and all you do for us. Keep up the good work and joy your posts bring to me and your fans.

Jill Reichow said...

You and your family are in our thoughts and prayers. May God bless your MILs memory and know that we are with you.

Cami said...

I love seeing the whole quilt. It was not rushed at all. It inspires me to complete it. Do you, as you are the best. As you can see, those negative people are the minority. Take care.

ButterZ said...

So sorry for your loss. Bonnie you give so much of yourself to these projects and then to offer them for free. You have every right to offer them as short or as long a time as you want. The fact that you continued with clues as your family was dealing with a los, not that it is any of our business, shows you are an amazing person. Any person that can criticise you is a very shallow and selfish person. You give so much to many that find this a very lonely time of year. Wishing you grieving space for you to deal with your family at a now hard time for you. Take care and only give when you are happy too. All the negative people can now just go out and buy their own patterns that they do like. I’m sure they won’t do that either. Keep strong and know you are loved.

Lisa - SF Bay Area said...

I don't even want to think about how many new greys I have now! I would never have thought to stock up on this color "just in case" until you started on this mystery quilt. Now I loving my greys----who would have ever thunk?? thank you for all your inspiration!

Quiltpiecer said...

I am so sorry for your loss. My sincere condolences to you and your family. I don't think I can add to what others have already said. Shame on those who can't appreciate the gift of love you give us with each every mystery and other freebies. I read your blog every day and always enjoy your positive outlook and especially your furbabies. Thank you for sharing with us.

Kerry said...

I'm sorry I didn't participate this time round - have been working on a wedding quilt. The day came and went with a lot of bah humbugging as things were not how we all wanted them to be - father-in-law not expected to live that long, so was brought forward But he is still with us - the different C - so am just beginning to quilt it now. I have always enjoyed the mysteries - there always seem to be secondary shapes which are lovely surprises - one seemed to have 3 different shapes depending on how you saw it. I didn't think this one was rushed and I enjoyed seeing the different versions. If you choose different colours, have faith in them. If unsure, make fewer pieces. Mysteries make you think outside the box, outside your safety zone and that is a good thing. Not to mention learning how to perfect your own work, seams etc. I thank you for the fun to be had in a particularly difficult year - which seems to be a blur as this year has started no different with no end to our lockdown in sight. It has been something to look forward to on my part. As usual it was all exciting and it is yet another pretty quilt. Maybe (and not excusing behaviour but an observation) people are getting grumpy with the situations re politics, lockdowns and viruses and letting loose on you - which is unfair. Anyway chin up and keep dodging those barbs!
My sincere condolences to you, Dave and the family.

Pollym said...

Ignore the detractors. I like to know what I'm making and yes I change colours which is why I download the clues each week and wait for the reveal. Then I might change colours and I change the size. I don't make big quilts anymore. If I don't like the reveal I don't make the quilt. A mystery quilt is just that and not all of us will not like it. Not your fault. A mystery is always a leap in the dark. Condolences to the family. It must be so hard not being able to say goodbye properly.

karenbbsnow said...

Sending condolences and hugs Bonnie. Thanks for all you are and all you do, ignore those nasty people (easier said than done, I know) and feel the love and appreciation from the 99.9%

Unknown said...

Bonnie, how sorry I am that so many people are so ungrateful. I have not been able to start the mystery yet as my dream sewing room /office is under construction at the moment... but I have my inspiration photo ready. I am in a "Compassionate Systems " class right now, and the advice when someone treats you badly is to take a deep breath, and repeat "I wish you love, I wish you peace, I wish you happiness" and then do the same for yourself. You give so much to so many, and have had to deal with so much negativity. I wish you peace. I wish you love. I wish you happiness. (it is also good for good wishes!) My deepest condolences on the loss of your Mother in Law. what a legacy of love she left!

Unknown said...

Common courtesy, common sense and critical thinking are things of the past it seems. Such a sad statement for us to try to live our lives around.
Minds and tongues have lost their descriminators.

Krista said...

I'm so sorry for your loss, Bonnie. You do so much for all of us, offering this mystery for free every year. I get so upset at some of the complaints and nasty comments you get each time, just know that there are far more of us who love what you do, and appreciate all the effort you put in.
I admit I'm one of those who often "goes my own way" with colour choices. I like the challenge :) but when it doesn't work out, it's on me, not you, and I usually find a way to make lemonade from my lemons and come up with a "Bonnie inspired" version.
I look forward to your mystery every year, and hope you continue to bless us with your gift.

SharonG/FL said...

Bonnie, Great big, tight and close hugs to you from me! There is no way you should ever feel you need to explain yourself to the whiners and complainers!!!!! In fact, you have the power to gently, but deliberately push the 'leave my blog if you're not happy' button. I've made some of your mysteries and always look forward to seeing what you've come up with every year. If a person changes the colors that you 'see' for your quilt, that's on them. You are such a tender hearted person.......please, do what you need to do to put this behind you and concentrate on those of us who love you, appreciate you, and look forward to what you willingly give us of yourself. Hugs....

Linda said...

First of all I am so sorry for your loss and hugs to all of you and your family. Secondly, this is my second mystery, it boggles my mind at the creative genius you have. You take the scraps of fabric and scraps of life and put together beauty. I waited to start because life and masks have gotten in the way and I wanted to see what everyone did ..... and I decided that I am going to go with the colors you picked..I have enough in my stash, and I love fall. So Tho I am not great at words, thanks for the inspiration and for putting up with everyone and continuing to let us join in your creative journeys.

Unknown said...

Social media is great . . . except when it isn't. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for your wonderful generosity. Whiners will always be with us - lift your face to the sun, let the shadows fall behind and move on!!!

Janice said...

Love to you and the family, so sorry for your loss. I have enjoyed doing my first mystery very much and would like to say thank you for all your hard work. I love the colors of grassy creek, it will be my Autumn quilt! Hope to have it quilted by that season. I love your work, sunny outlook on life, and I look forward to reading your blog each morning!❤️🙏

Sailgirl said...

Bonnie. Just be you, and stay that way. We are all different in colours we like, and how we do things, but one thing connects a lot of people is bad manners. IF YOU CAN'T SAY SOMETHING NICE, DON'T SAY IT AT ALL.
I am so grateful for all you do for us. Hav'nt had the time to concentrate on the mystery this time, bot all filed away for later. In these awful times you are a beacon, please stay that way. Better times must come for us all eventually. Hopefully all of you with businesses badly hit will be able to breath a bit easier then.
If you are looking for a project Bonnie, how about a book with all your blocks(Addicted to scraps) in it. Fed up with heaps of Quilt maker mags attacking me when I go to my cupboards.

JulieC said...

Sincere condolences on the loss of your mother in law. I'm thinking about all the things that happened during her long life. The first time I tried a mystery quilt (not one yours) I didn't like the result. I made poor color choices & it wasn't a style I liked. That's on me, not the designer! Perfect for a donation to my guild where it will keep someone in need comforted. I love Grassy Creek and the beautiful colors that kept summer alive through our dark late fall early winter days.

Sandy Meyer said...

Tammy, wonderful post! We do love you Bonnie!!

M Elliott said...

Bonnie, So sorry about your Mother in Law. Do you really read all of these comments? I am working diligently on this quilt. Not everyone loves every quilt, right? so you should be pleased with your efforts. I appreciate all the time and thought that you put into each quilt.This is the 6th mystery quilt that I have made. I enjoy working on them and they fill up the long gray days. I think there was alot of gray in this quilt and maybe thats what people didn't care for during this dark dreary time of year. Keep up the good work! Marcia E

Laura Neidich said...

I’m so very sorry for your loss of your mother-in-law. COVID19 sucks. Dementia sucks too.
You know what doesn’t suck? Bonnie Hunter! I’m so grateful for all you do for the quilt community and the world!
Grassy Creek was fantastic fun! If a quilter doesn’t like theirs, tough luck. Buy a pattern and make a quilt that you will see in advance because you aren’t a “mystery” person.
Please know, Bonnie how thankful I am for all you do! Xoxox

Bernie Hulka said...

As you can see we all appreciate what you give us. So sorry for your families loss. I have all the clues but have been sick so it will be a while before I can sew. Thanks

Deb Boucher said...

oh Bonnie! I just can't beleive the stuff people throw on you! You are such a kind giving person and have deep feelings. Thing have been aweful to deal with and I am sorry people are treating you this way. I am so sorry for you and the Hubsters loss. Sending big hugs and heartfelt thoughts from Maine

Patricia said...

So sad. Hugs

pareapantry@gmail.com said...

Oh Bonnie. There's never a good time to loose one's mother. My condolences to you and your husband. I'm sorry you are so wounded. Circling you with all love!

Charlotte's Sew Natural Newsletter said...

I too love Grassy Creek. Your balance of colors is perfect. The scrappy artistry is so fun! Lots of my customers are gravitating towards adding a bit of cream and even yellow & orange with grey. You are right on this trend! As far as the "road less travelled", it is still important to respect private property rights, and I am amazed at how many people seem to forget that when writing "comments". Keep up the good work Bonnie!

Peggy said...

We used to be a society of acceptance and appreciation. I just don't understand people!! I do not make mysteries until I have seen the reveal and I Love this one!!! I appreciate every moment that you put into this quilt design along with all the others you have shared with us. I appreciate your blog. I look forward to looking at it everyday and again I know the time that it takes to do this for a group of people that tend to complain about almost everything. Thank you again for the time that you spend keeping in contact with a group of quilters. I for one love what you do for us. I am very sorry to hear about your mother-in-law. May she rest in peace.

ancquilter said...

There is no need for you to explain yourself! No one knows the full story except the person standing in the shoes!

CarolK said...

Bonnie, I'm sorry for your loss. Thank you for all you do. Please continue to do what you do best and we will be waiting for you to share it with us.

Rhonda S said...

I'm so sorry for your loss. Even though your mother in law had dementia, it is still very sad when we lose a loved one. I so enjoy your blog and your patterns, thank you for doing what you do, blessings to you

Orla V said...

The quilt is beautiful, and I feel sorry for people who are so miserable that they take it out on others. I have learned so much from your blog, and I wish I had half your energy - you do so much, and for that I feel truly thankful. It's always a pleasure, thank you Bonnie. And I must add, so sorry for your loss in these difficult times, sending you love and hugs from Canada.

Niiji52 said...

I'm sorry for your lose. It's really hard right now, where we can't get together with family to console each other.
ignore the ignorant people who live to criticize others. I love you. your the most down to earth, fun person, I've ever met. I made up my own t-shirt. If YOU don't like it, Don't do it, don't watch it, don't listen, But don't tell me what to do. You'd be surprised how many comments I receive, and they're all positive. Don't let the downers bring you down, please.

Angie G in AR said...

I'm one of those people who doesn't like surprises. So I read all your clues and can't wait to see the final quilt to decide if I want to make it. But I appreciate all the work you do to create it and organize all the steps. Whew! It makes me tired thinking of all your work! And for FREE! It seems like nothing is free anymore. But how rude for anyone to complain if they don't like something about it. Just like a lot of what you see on FaceBook, comments aren't necessary, just scroll on by. By the way, I do like the finished quilt a lot, and the colors too. Thank you for all you do for the thousands of quilters that follow you, especially in these confining times. I'm so sorry for your loss. I can't imagine how hard it is to not be with loved ones at the end of their lives. Bless you.

Ruth M said...

Bonnie, so sorry to read the negative posts. I haven't followed you for long, but I continue to cheer for you every time someone says something negative that you can turn around to something positive. I also send condolences on the death of your mother-in-law. I have a daughter with dementia and know that you lose that person three times - at the time they can no longer function properly with daily life; again when they no longer recognize you; and then when their body cannot sustain life. Prayers for you and your husband. I hope 2021 will overall be a better year for you and everyone.

Linda said...

I guess there will always be "Debbie Downers" and rude people. Most of us love that you give of your time and talent. So sorry to hear the loss of your Mother-in-law. Many of us appreciate all that you do! Thank You!

Cindy said...

First, condolences on your loss.

Second, I was going to participate in "Grassy Creek", but didn't have enough grays in my stash. When I get more - I will be making it. It didn't appear hurried and definitely NOT "dumped"!

Third, if you have chosen the "road less travelled", you have chosen the right path!

Please, keep up the wonderful designing you do.

Farmhousesewer said...

So sorry for your loss.

Suzanne P said...

Bonnie, so sorry for your loss. Your mother-in-law was lucky to have such a long life, and you were lucky to have shared in it. I'm sure she will be missed. And you would be very greatly missed if you decided to close shop and enjoy life otherwise. So people, we should all be grateful for your blog, website and mysteries. Quilting is an art, and everyone has the opportunity to like what they want, and keep their disappointments to themselves. I myself, rarely ever do a mystery on time, because I'm too controlling and want to know what it will look like with my fabric choices. That has nothing to do with the designer - it's "my problem". But I love quilting and scraps and THANK YOU Bonnie!

Bob & Marj said...

I am sorry for your loss. I appreciate how much work went in to this quilt. This was my first experience with you and I was definitely out of my comfort zone! The pieces are coming together and I think it will be great! Thank you for bringing bright colors and joy to our lives!

Amy said...

I choose to make your mysteries because the make ME step out of my comfort zone either in colors or techniques. Do I like everything- no. But not everything in life do we like ( reference 2020 for guidance)
That being said I appreciate you and your generous spirit- you give us that gift with every pattern you create, every mystery you write, and every blog post.
I am sorry there are such negative nancies out there who want to ruin these gifts.

My deepest sympathies- I know and understand. Hugs

sirsumcorda said...

I've said it before and I'll say it again, Thank yo Bonnie for all your wonderful! Mysteries!

Ginny A said...

Echoing all that has been said already. We love you and all you do for us.
So sorry for your loss.

linda said...

Bonnie I love the grassy creek quilt. The colors are perfit! You are so inspirational to all of us quilters!

Retired Ruby said...

Exactly what I think. Love you Bonnie.

Jackie Hays said...

You are amazing. The hardest part of this last year has been the cynical and cruel comments that people have made about everything and everyone. You have gifted us your wonderful creativity and I treasure every bit of your mysteries even if I don't make them. I have spent the last two weeks ironing and cutting small pieces of fabric to create my own storage solution for the boxes of scraps. Because of you I have found that I love scrappy. Thank you, thank you, thank you for your gifts to us that rush to the computer every day to be uplifted by your wonderful posts.

B lund said...

Don’t let negative people bring u down. Love your blog, ideas and patterns. Thank you. U bring sunshine to so many.

Suzanne said...

Yes, a little of Thumper's wisdom would go a long way in today's world! "Silence is Golden," is another old adage that people seem to have cast aside. This doesn't mean to stand by and be silent when something dangerous or wrong is happening, but that it is more often than not better to be quiet unless you have a kind or encouraging remark to share in ordinary, every day encounters.

radars grammy said...

Condolences in the loss of your MIL.
I hope you see the overwhelming LOVE being sent to you.
Negative people need to get a life and move on.
I love your patterns and mysteries.
Positive vibes only
Much love

Chick said...

Condolences from Canada. My husband said to tell you that he appreciates that you "keep me out of his hair". I so much appreciate all of your tips and ideas and all of your free offerings. The half square triangle ruler is amazing ! You must have a very mathematical mind as I marvel at how you come up with all the ideas / patterns . Hugs

Suzanne said...

Please accept my condolences to you and your family in the loss of your mother-in-law. Our family lost the last four significant family members of our elder generation during Covid and it has been so disheartening to be unable to gather with the cousins to share love and memories. PS I love Grassy Creek and am sorry I didn't join in at the beginning! It was a thrill to see the reveal last week. Thanks for sharing your quilty inspiration with us.

Unknown said...

Well said Carol W. Bonnie, I wish you and your family peace during this sad time. Please know that I appreciate all of the time you spend with your quilt designs and your blog. I, too, am one of those who reads your blog daily. Stay well! Quilt on! And ... I love seeing pictures of your 4-legged family members. Hugs to you from MT!

darlene said...

It sends me up the wall when you get negative comments! If those people have any brains at all they would just go elsewhere and keep their mouths shut.
You have had a couple of bad, sad years and yet you manage to show us the beauty in simple pleasures. Cats, dogs, wild ponies. old houses and beautiful mountains.
I look forward to your post everyday and love you for all you do for us but most of all for being you.
Thank you!!!

Marci H. said...

Bonnie, you really are a special person! You offer so much of yourself to others. I’m sorry especially for the load you carry even in something that brings so much happiness & should be simply fun! Anyone who has the nerve to complain about receiving a FREE gift lacks gratefulness & is self centered & selfish. The rest of us know there has always been and always will be those kind of people. I feel sorry for them... as long as they are that way they they will miss out on a lot of good things life has to offer.
My husband and I have been in ministry for many years... I speak from experience! And am not telling you anything you don’t already know I’m sure!
Praying you can shake off the negative (not always easy) & continue to focus on those who love & appreciate you & all the inspiration & teaching you offer!
I know where you are: right where you should be!! Helping people have happy days & things to look forward to!
I’m so sorry for your & your husband’s loss. It is so sad... Both my in laws and mom passed away in varying degrees of dementia. They were difficult losses but thankful they are at peace...

Blessings, Marci H

karene19 said...

Sandi you hit the nail right on the head. Free quilt pattern, excellent instruction and photos of lots of results. What is there to complain about.

Unknown said...

I am one of those people who wait until the mystery is revealed. I cannot seem to follow a pattern or recipe, I change it, and change it. So I wait to see if my changes will work. All your quilts are spectacularly beautiful. Mine will never be that wonderful, but I get to do what I want. So do you! My heart goes out to you. Thank you for all your generosity and hard work!

TerryAnn said...

My EX used to say, "Some people would bitch if they was hung with a new rope." Not very eloquent... but it reminds me of people who complain about a pattern that you have worked so hard on and then shared it for FREE. C'mon man.

Karen, aka Yaya said...

I am so sorry so many feel the need to express such thoughtless comments. I love all your mystery quilts! This will be my 7-8th one and I can’t wait to dive into the process! I know it’s hard but ignore those who don’t appreciate your hard work and generosity! You are such a blessing!
So sorry for your loss. May God give you peace and comfort at this difficult time.

Cathy T said...

Well said, Karlene. I totally agree.

jacobs2451 said...

I’m so sorry for your loss & for people that don’t appreciate all the work you put into things behind the scenes. I didn’t participate in Grassy Creek but followed avidly every week & I LOVE the end results. Keep your chin up & keep doing what you do best. Hugs & condolences from western Wa.

waggingtailsquilts said...

I did the Unity quilt-along (my first with you). So sorry for your loss. It is a shame that there are individuals who feel they have the right to critique when you are doing all the work... and for FREE!It is easy to hang on the naysayers. Don't go down that hole! I so enjoy all your work and have found your knowledge and expertise some of the best I've worked with. I continue to read your words and look forward to your designs and patterns. Wishing you peace and comfort at these trying times.

CJ said...

I knew from the introduction that I wasn't going to like the colors and knew I wanted to do something in violets and greens - SO I decided to wait until the reveal to decide how to do it all. I very much like the pattern and although not sure about the strings, I do know I could do anything I wanted in that space. I like the Mystery Quilt idea and what I have to do if colors are not to my liking. KEEP SMILING!! Keep on doing what you do so well!!!

Donna P. said...

Bonnie - I love how you've taken the time out of your life to share not only your love of quilting with us but the free patterns/mysteries. I don't do mysteries myself but I love watching how it all comes together.
As for the naysayers, some of these people will never be happy with anything and I just feel sorry for them.
I am so sorry to hear of the loss of your m-i-l. Many of us know what you are going through - my mom and dad plus grandmother had Alzheimer's and unfortunately, I have inherited it from them. I'm ok with it. I do what I can when I can.
Will be keeping you and your family in my prayers. Thank you for blessing us as you have.

Sue said...

It is sad to say good bye even when you know it is for the best. Sorry for the negative remarks about the quilt. I confess I don't do mysteries because it is too much work for me without knowing the results. I do love this quilt and plan to make it in the future.

Vicki said...

Amen, Carol! Enough with people bitching about anything that does not please them, with no thought about the consequences.

Vicki said...

My condolences to you, the hubster and your whole family!🙏🙏🙏

Unknown said...

I am so sorry to hear about your Mother-in-law. I know where your at as I lost 3 family members last year from young to old. As far as the mystery quilt goes that's just what it is a mystery. If you are disappointed give it away I am sure someone you know would love it. you can't please everyone.

Joanne said...

First of all, my deepest sympathy on the loss of your mother-in-law. How difficult for your whole family. Doesn't matter how old they are, there is still a huge hole. This may sound odd but I am grateful that my husband passed away 2 wks before COVID so I could have family and friends around me to help me process it and grieve. I can't even imagine doing it alone. Secondly, as someone who has done nine of the winter mysteries, I thought the pacing was excellent. The final clue generally has a lot but you've already had us do most of the work so it's really quite easy. The inconsiderate people who made such comments must not have any experience with your work and obviously have no manners. I hope that you are able to feel the love from so many instead of the fewer number of Negative Nellies. I have loved following you since I "found" you nine years ago. You are a ray of sunshine and have made me a better person all around.

Unknown said...

I look forward to reading your daily blogs, which keep me encouraged to work with my projects. I am so upset that you received negative comments about the mystery quilt. Those commenters should be thankful that they had the time to do a mystery quilt instead of being bogged down with unfinished quilt projects that took priority to starting another new project. Maybe someday I will be caught up enough to try one of your mystery quilts.

Unknown said...

I love your blog, your website, your patterns and your sweet spirit. Sorry for your loss. May the many positives outweigh the negative.

Karen said...

What the flying Farkel is wrong with people!!!! I'm one in over 300 comments supporting all you give to us for FREE!!!! What the bloody F........ If I don't like your colors I keep all the clues and wait for the reveal and put my own colors in. DUH..... I'm so sorry for the loss in your family. Love to you and your dear hubby.

Bluffton Vet said...

Hi Bonnie. I can't believe how rude people are. I guess I should be used to it but I'm just not. I love love love Grassy Creek and I absolutely can not believe anyone wouldn't be grateful for all the work you did to bring it to us. Please don't let the Bad Apples bring you down. You are much loved.

Sheila said...

Love your new weekend project! The yellow's are beautiful sunshine-yum!!
So sorry for your loss.
Mystery thoughts... I sewed this mystery with a new guild member. She has LOVED everything about it; your rulers (she bought them all), your methods ("I have been quilting over 30 years and Bonnie is teaching me new things!" "The half-square triangle will never scare me again!") your colors (she didn't know about scrappy at the beginning and bought one fabric for each color- The second week sewing, she saw my finished pieces and I wish I could type her joy here!! "Oh, my that is just beautiful, I had no idea!" She went straight to the quilt shop and with her color chips she purchased a goodly amount of fabric. On the finish, she called me to see if I had seen the beautiful quilt we would have at the end! (my side-bar, I remember one year that you gave us a clue on a Monday, then another on Tuesday, etc until we had them all before the reveal! Such a mystery, such fun!!!!) My friend Mary's enthusiasm has sparkled my weeks through this mystery. I love the mysteries, while several of my "Sewbees" shake their head at my love of scrappy. But some of them have even caught on to Mary's new enthusiasm and it has brought them joy too!! And then the Zazzle- well I won't say too much about my love of what is done through the purchases, but yes, Mary has placed an order there too.
While I am the Bonnie Blog reader in the house, my daughter loves the pet/animal and the snow pictures, and around the house, you might hear my husband say, "so, Bonnie said that, did she?" And of course I share with him the grilling, firepit, spa, etc. pictures and stories. :-) Big grin!
My daughter reminded me the other day that when I took a class from you in Napa California, you liked one of my "reds" and I was thrilled to offer you a strip to take home and add to one of your quilts. To me, that's the real quilting community!
Hugs, SheilaG

HRH-DMK said...

Hear, hear! Carol!! Bonnie, *MOST* of us appreciate all you do. I don't have enough scraps yet to be able to do any of your quilts, mystery or other. But I still buy your books and patterns with the dream of "someday". I truly enjoy all of the pictures you post, and those of the people who are brave enough to try your mystery. And when it comes time to making my own version, if I don't like the colours, I can always change them. I'm sorry for your loss of your MIL, Bonnie -- I'm sure you have many wonderful memories of her, and you can wrap yourselves in them after your grief is less sharp. I've said a prayer for her, and you and your family.

mpv61 said...

I'm sorry for the loss of your mother-in-law. My FIL is in a nursing home with Alzheimer's, although still in fairly early stages of that; he generally knows who everyone is -- not that anyone can visit, but on the phone. His nursing home managed to keep COVID out until November, when it suddenly swept through and well over half the residents and a lot of the staff got it. He was one of the lucky ones who made it through, but boy, are these difficult times! My mother-in-law had died in early November (complications of cancer), which was of course made more difficult because of COVID! I'm sorry you weren't able to go to the service; that is a lovely obituary for a woman who lived life fully. May her memory be a blessing.

I don't do mystery quilts, or generally follow patterns -- I like to do my own thing. However, I DO always pay attention to your mystery quilts and follow the hashtag, because I enjoy the clues and just seeing what people do with it! I can tell it's a HUGE amount of work and you are always very upfront about people's options to wait. So thank you for what you do!

Debby said...

Oh Bonnie. I am hugging you right now in my heart. Grassy Creek is just the latest of your incredible free patterns and it is welcomed and appreciated by so, so many of us. The amount of time and energy that you expend to SHARE your work and positive attitude is amazing.
To those who don’t like the quilt, when someone gives you a gift you say “Thank you.” You did nothing to earn or deserve this gift. If you don’t like it, don’t use it. But to complain about it to the giver shows your ugly feelings of entitlement. I’m sure it is too much to ask for you to at least be ashamed of yourselves.
Please take heart Miss Bonnie. Yours is the only blog I read faithfully because each of your posts is like a gift. I am inspired by your optimism and love for the world around you. It is like reading a newsy letter from a good friend, even without free patterns or giveaways. Keep being you.

Eileen said...

Bonnie, I am so sorry for the loss of your mother-in-law. No matter how long a parent has been on this earth, it is still very hard.
There are those out in the world who don't value anything unless they spend a lot of money on it, sometimes not even then. This is YOUR design, not anyone else's. If they don't like it, let them go do something better; I dare them!

Unknown said...

Just a note to say you are my quilt hero. I quote you all the time, and if I could have a huge Bonnie statue at my house I would!! You shouldn't let the negativity in, let all of us be your shield. The mystery is how I found you, and I feel so happy for everything you do! Take a breath, and please continue to let us know what these rotten people say to you. I think you are wonderful!!
Hugs, Dawn Lovell

ceblakeney said...

Oh no Bonnie, I am so sorry. Wishing peace to your family and to Lezetta, and hoping she is free now. The horrors of 2020 just continue. I can't believe you got complaints about 'dumping' a free pattern at the end. My goddess. More entitlement rearing its ugly head this past year. Please find strength and solace in your loved ones in this time of grief, and I hope you can let the cruelty of meaningless people go.

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