I'm going to start out with the colorful stuff!
Because, really - the rest of what is going on around here is all in shades of snow white and bare trees, slippery slopes and closet demolition.
Isn't that just how you want to spend a three-day holiday weekend?
I know that there are folks whose companies don't give their employees Martin Luther King Day as a holiday, but we are part of the lucky ones with an extra day off in January.
It's always nice as it falls on my own birthday week, the USPS is closed in observance and that means that I can grant myself a day off in remembrance as well.
I finished my orange set of Jackknife blocks - Orange is such a happy color!
As to those other colors?
This room has needed a do-over since I first walked through the upstairs front of the house.
A small room with 2 rather SHORT built in closets. It was simply a dressing room really, but as we tackled the demolition of the closets we wondered WHEN they might have been installed. The hardware dated from around the 1960s or so by best guess.
Pardon the piles of "STUFF"
This was before I had cleared everything out.
Inside the closets I had kept linens clean in clear tubs - sheet sets, towels, blankets, quilts, extra pillows and more.
But the closets were so short, no sooner had I opened the door, dug into a bin inside, brought out what I needed only to hit my head on the door frame. They needed to GO!
Demolition Man!
(Zoey is hiding in here too!)
He got a start on it while I was rushing to get out mail on Saturday, knowing there would be no mail service on Monday.
As soon as I was done, I came over and emptied the other half of the closet room.
Things always get worse before they get better!
Supervisor Zoey!
These curtains are not staying.
They were saved from one of the bedrooms when I put new curtains there - they simply block out the light in here right now. I'll decide what to do later. It's a storage closet.
But this had me wondering - what was this space used for if those previous closets weren't built until mid-century? Were there armoires in here? It's an odd little "almost a room" sized space.
Yesterday we went back and did a spackle/mudding job. We will next do a big sanding job and repaint in something that is not that garish golden yellow. (What was that we were talking about the other day? Evidently you CAN have too much yellow on walls, but not in quilts!)
I'm going to line the walls with metal shelving units. Removing the closets greatly improved the space and it will be much more organized and useful.
Zoey in the back yard, overlooking Wilson Creek.
And then THIS happened on our way back to the cabin yesterday.
We had several more inches of snow fall overnight -
We made it down the mountain just fine -
But even Dave's 4WD Chevy could only make it back up half way. See where the tire tracks END? SOLID ICE Beneath! This is where Zoey and I were let off to hike the rest of the way.
Dave was able to SLIDE backwards down a ways until he found a solid place to stop and get out himself - and hike back up for the RZR.
Maybe ORANGE is our theme color for today!
Armed with chains on the tires, and a plow blade on the front - he was off to see if he could rescue the truck from its snowy stand still. Click to Play:
While we usually do get this much snow during the winter - we usually have a thaw in between storms that doesn't keep adding up like this. But temps have been really cold, nothing is thawing and we have had snow upon snow!
It looks like my van will continue to be parked at the bottom of the drive - but thanks to the RZR, the pickup is now back up top!
There are something like 67 days left until Spring. HURRY UP!
Are you ready for some pink and aqua with red all over?
Then perhaps my new Forever Mine PDF pattern is your next project!
48 1/2" x 48 1/2"
Hearts, Stars & Pinwheels, Oh My!
Forever Mine Table Runner included!
22 1/2'' x 62 1/2''
You can make this to decorate your own space, or as a gift for a grandchild, a new baby, someone you love!
The projects are not that large - and can be made up in a weekend or two.
Are you game?
Who says reds and pinks can't play nicely together? Throw a bit of aqua to turquoise into the mix and all is right in my world.
The string piecing is done on paper foundations, but you can use any method you like.
Optional methods are given if you don’t have access to these rulers. However, the rulers do save me time and fabric, and increase my accuracy!
Because we want to keep the good things going, the introductory price for Forever Mine is marked at 25% off the regular price ($9.00) and I will keep it at 25% off through Valentine's Day. After that, the price reverts to $12.00.
And we are going to gift away a Forever Mine PDF pattern including both the wall quilt/topper and table runner to one lucky winner!
Not only that - because Valentine's Day is about love, appreciation, friendship and sharing - I'm going to also send a free Forever Mine pattern to the winner's friend of their choosing!
What? You want more?
Irene at Cotton to Quilts will also be sending a Facets of Red fabric roll and a red String Time strip pack to our lucky winner!
As you can see from this photo, she's got fabric rolls in reds, pinks, aqua/turquoise and our much beloved and sought after neutrals available in the Cotton to Quilts online shop.
The String Time strip packs are just what they sound like - String Time packages come with 180 different 10" long strings of varying widths cut from 20 different fabrics providing variety and convenience!
Grab your pattern, order that fabric - and dive right in!
What are you waiting for?
Head on back to SATURDAY'S POST and enter to win there. We will be drawing for our winner on Friday morning, January 22, 2021.
So what is Tuesday bringing for you today?
If you are available at noon Iowa time (Central US) don't forget about the virtual tours happening at the Iowa Quilt Museum!
Our January 19th session will feature two guests who have loaned quilts for the exhibit, Roderick Kiracofe & Siobhan Furgurson.
Roderick is a collector, artist and consultant in the quilting field, and the author of several books including “Unconventional and Unexpected: American Quilts Below the Radar 1950-2000.”
Siobhan is an AQS certified quilt appraiser, teacher and lecturer.
To Join the Zoom meeting, click on the following link, or type the Meeting ID into Zoom:
Meeting ID: 943 9573 5155
We will use the SAME meeting link for ALL of our Virtual Iowa Quiltscape sessions – each Tuesday at Twelve. If you have questions about how to join the Zoom meeting, email or call us—director@IowaQuiltMuseum.org or 515-462-5988.
I haven't been very successful at any kind of streaming meetings with my low speed internet - but I'm going to try today. I'm Eastern time - so that would be 1pm my time.
Until then, you'll find me playing catch up with mail after a 3 day eventful weekend!
Quiltville Quote of the Day -
Vintage quilt found in Chandler, Arizona.
We can either hang on to resentment refusing to accept things the way they really are, or step up to responsibility and make a change.
It's okay to start slowly.
Have a great Tuesday!

When we restored our 1920's Colonial we had a similar, small room right off the Master Bedroom. Our real estate agent said it's original purpose was a nursery. Could have been but who knows? We made it a walk in closet as our "baby" was in her teens. Enjoy your newly repurposed space!
Oh, what fun it is to slide on ice, NOT! I fell on some melted snow that turned to a sheet of ice. Not my idea of fun. I'm slowly adding to my sets of Mystery parts. I'm not in a hurry since I will be back in Washington with my Quilt Machine before the Next Mystery. Your behind the scenes digital patterns are all sew cute. Wish I had time to do them all. Later alligator. Today I am teaching the other Sisters how to make Cream puffs with a Homemade creamy pudding. Busy, busy days off with the closet redo.
Hey I know that block in the vintage quilt! My grandmother picked "Anvil" out from her block pattern collection and we will be using it in our "generations" family quilt! Very neat to see it in use!
yellow IS such a happy color, as is the Orange! If I weren't hip deep in Grassy Creek, I'd dig up my issue of Quilter Mag and start making these blocks!!! What a bright, sunny quilt this is gonna be! Love what you share with us... thanks, again from Cats in Carlsbad CA
Bonnie, with all the ice, have you considered buying a pair of Microspikes? They fit over your shoe and are incredibly helpful when encountering ice. Hikers use them when there's ice on the trail.
Hmmm maybe a garage at the low point of your driveway is in the future and maybe a ski lift/tow bar? LOL!!! Good thing you've planned for all this with all the needed equipment and talent to use it!
You've been so busy creating things to keep us happy yet managing to work on all the other plans. You are amazing ♥
A lot of older homes around here have similar little rooms. We call them box rooms. It was where trunks etc. were stored. I am sure lots of other things were stored there too! Usually they were near the stairs. So there was a cupboard under the stairs and over the stairs.
I live in an old Maine farmhouse and we too have one of those little rooms. In fact, many old houses have them and according to an historian friend of mine they were called "sick rooms". It was a small room where the infirmed could be cared for in isolation without infecting the rest of the household. Perhaps architects will bring these features back after the year we have had! Enjoy your snow.
Cute pattern, Bonnie, and a BIG thank you for a chance at the Cotton To Quilts giveaway!
You sure are a busy girl..lol. I love the change in your storage room..it makes way more room this way
There is a room much like yours at my great-grandparents home. Long, narrow with a window. It was used for storing trunks of different sizes that were used when traveling by rail or coach.
So thankful for our knights in shining armour!
I see the ants!!!!
People generally did not have many clothes - Mom always said she had 2 dresses (everyday and Sunday best) but they put on a fresh, new pinafore (apron) every day. Hooks were installed in the bedrooms to hang clothes on and there was one small room that was used for storage...usually items brought in bulk like 100 pound bags of flour and sugar, etc. They also put their herbs hung to dry and sometimes the occasional homegrown, handmade, canned things. Usually those items were stored in the basement where it was cool and dark. :)
Susan, that was my thought too that this had originally been a nursery. This is from another Susan. We must think alike...
Bonnie, wow. That is a severe bend in your drive. Now I see what you are talking about having seen it from above... Glad y'all have the equipment for your safeguard...
We also have a lot of snow and ice this time of year. Thank goodness for tractors and snowblowers. LOL
We had a similar room in a turn of the century Maine farmhouse. We were told it was a room where the mother could recuperate after giving birth.
I never finished Unity(am I dis-unified?) but made the parts in aqua, pink and yellow. I could almost make one of the Valentine's Day projects with them!
Do you suppose the little room was used a a sewing room for when the seamstress came to sew your seasonal wardrobe? Wouldn't that be something?
Its seems that a lot of Victorian homes had small upstairs rooms. My dad remodeled lots of old houses and they had many small rooms in them. I'm tired of snow. Snow and 40 mph winds here. I'm ready for longer and warmer sunny days.
We haven't even had all that much snow,but I'm ready for Spring! Dave looks to be in his element with his Razor, chains & blade, off to rescue his pickup.
I do love snow, except we don’t have enough to get out the x-country skis or snowshoes, don’t even mention downhill skis. We’re in lockdown and can’t go anywhere by planes, so we settle for a magical walk with snow swirling around us in the dark of the evening. Have to do some cardio everyday to keep healthy. The icy bits on the sand walks do make hold hands, so it’s romantic too. It’s winter, so I’ll enjoy the blessings of our warm home, plenty of food and lots of fabric. I’m off to finishing another quilt.
I have heard it called a "Borning" room.
I LOVE the orange! Bright and cheery. Hubster is definitely a keeper! What a great guy, but you know that as you married him! I think where you live is absolutely beautiful, but I don’t think I could do it. Be safe!
Happy Birthday Week!
you should check out Ricky Timms. He posted a video making ice cream from his snow. His pup were anxiously waiting for a taste.
I also love your orange blocks and it is not typically a color I am drawn to. On the subject of yellow walls - my living/dining room and the main hallway of my house are a fairly deep/bright yellow. I find it a great break from all the gray weather and skies we have been seeing.
I had a 1860's Federal Colonial style home in the country with a 7x12' room with 2 windows off the Master bedroom. We were told it was the borning room. It made a great closet with shelves on one side and hanging on the other.
I grew up in an old victorian 1890's house which my parents had purchased from two elderly descendants of the original owners. There was a small room toward the back of the upstairs with a large window. It definitely was intended to be used as a sewing room as it contained two Singer treadle machines. I learned to sew in that room😁
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