
Monday, January 18, 2021

So I Made this Thing...

It all started as a clean up.

A likely justification for NOT cleaning up, but really putting together under the guise of cleaning up - some pieces that had been stacked on top of the cutting table from recent projects.

It's all leftovers and orphan parts - with strips from a couple of fat quarters strategically placed as block frames and inner border.

The crumb blocks were 4 left-overs from that quilt's recent finish - and instead of relegating them to an orphan bin, and knowing the 4 blocks sewn together would be really too large for a cushion - I just turned loose and went where it took me.

The string sashings were left from the border of the same quilt the crumb blocks didn't go into.

The purple/neutral half square triangles WERE going to be a border for that quilt before neutral strings were found as the way to go - 

4 leftover blocks, some left over neutral string borders, and unused purple/neutral half-square triangles. 

It was a fun afternoon project that finished at 26'' square.

Sometimes we do things because they are cute and make us happy - they don't need to fit a bigger purpose!

This was all after my Friday trip to Wallburg for yet another load of STUFF.

 I spent a good portion of my Saturday and Sunday morning finding places for all of this stuff to go.

Some (Books and some decorating items) will end up at Quiltville Inn.

Other things? distributed between my basement sewing space at the cabin, and the Quiltville post Office studio. (QPO)

That big sewing chair (came from IKEA- no brand name remembered.) is now at my machine at the cabin - 

As is my Janome 6500.

There are times when I need a zig-zag, or a specialty stitch (though not often, but I might explore it more!) or just want that fabulous thread cutter when paper piecing something that has small seams in the center of the foundation and the seams don't run edge to edge making chain piecing impossible.

Most of the books were on the "history" spectrum.  I love these the best.  The stories of the makers and glimpses into their lives - if the life behind the quilt that makes it a masterpiece.

I wish I could have known these women - but since I can't, I can know their stories.  They really help put things into perspective to me.

I'll keep my favorites, the others will be shelved at Quiltville Inn for others to enjoy.

Stopping for a long rage view shot on my way back up to Virginia.

Totes, bins and tubs!

Some hold UFO parts that I had completely forgotten about.  Or bags of leftovers from previous projects.

It's time to sort, discard, repurpose, and try to get real on what I really want to save here.

While I'm handling more bags of cut off triangles and pieces and parts - the Snail's Trail pile grows on the table where I am sewing blocks and I'm getting the feeling I could be making Snail's Trail blocks for the rest of my life at this point and never sew the mountain down.

Not that this is a bad thing - I'll just find another project and continue to accept the challenge.

Boxes of books, totes of drawer and self contents.

Some of this stuff is going to find new homes.  I just can't with this anymore. Some of it - is filling big black trash bags because finding new homes for half of everything is also a daunting task in the time of  Covid. 

Something has to happen here.

What's in the right hand drawers?  Rulers of various ages and purposes.  I need to be honest with myself, rehome what I can't use, and give myself some breathing space.

Do you keep rulers after the edges are worn and the numbers and markings faded or completely missing? Why do I hold on to this stuff?

I need less stuff and fewer totes and organizing containers.

This came up.

It won't stay in this position.

This is something I've needed for a long time - it has my sewing machine parts - feet, bobbins, needles, long arm supplies - all of those accessories that I need.

After a long car ride, it's pretty much all slid around and jumbled in there. It needs an afternoon clean out and reorganizing as well.

And perhaps a good think on if I really need to keep this or find a new home for it.  I can't keep everything just because "I love it!"

It doesn't sound like much of an exciting weekend - but there has also been closet demolition happening in the utility room at Quiltville Inn.  I knew these closets needed to go to make room for shelves for linens and supplies from the moment I first saw the house.

It's coming along - closets are out, mudding and prepper for painting will happen today. At least that's on the agenda.

We've had another perhaps 5 inches of snow continually since Saturday - and temps have been low enough that it's simply not melting off like it has in winters past.

Yes - the van is still parked in the turnout area a bit down from the beginning of our steep drive. I'm beginning to wonder, as flakes are still falling beyond my windows here if I will EVER get to park my van back up top ever again!

Drawing for the beautiful blues and neutrals bundle from Mary’s Quilt Shop!

Have you been waiting to see if you are the winner?

Our winner will also be receiving a PDF pattern for my Winter Blues quilt!

In search of entry 683 out of 5837!

Judith Burleson is our winner! Congrats!

Judith, please reply to the email I sent to the address you provided with your entry. Please check your spam filter if you don't see it. 

Reply to my email with your mailing details and we will get your goodies off to you!

The PDF pattern for Winter Blues is found in the digital pattern section of the Quiltville Store along with our latest release (And gift-away!) Forever Mine!   Did you see?

Who says reds and pinks can't play nicely together? Throw a bit of aqua to turquoise into the mix and all is right in my world.

The string piecing is done on paper foundations, but you can use any method you like. 

I used my Essential Triangle Tool for the pinwheel triangles and the Simple Folded Corners or Simple Folded Corners Mini for the stitch and flip corners on the hearts.  I love how these tools work hand-in-hand with each other, and I can’t live without either of them.

Optional methods are given if you don’t have access to these rulers. However, the rulers do save me time and fabric, and increase my accuracy!

Table runner instructions included in pattern!

Because we need to keep the good things going, the introductory price for Forever Mine at 25% off the regular price  ($9.00) and will keep it at 25% off through Valentine's Day.  After that, the price reverts to $12.00.

And we are going to gift away a Forever Mine PDF pattern including both the wall quilt/topper and table runner to one lucky winner! 

Not only that - because Valentine's Day is about love, appreciation, friendship and sharing - I'm going to also send a free Forever Mine pattern to the winner's friend of their choosing!

What? You want more?

Irene at Cotton to Quilts will also be sending a Facets of Red fabric roll and a red String Time strip pack to our lucky winner!

As you can see from this photo, she's got fabric rolls in reds, pinks, aqua/turquoise and our much beloved and sought after neutrals available in the Cotton to Quilts online shop. 

The String Time strip packs are just what they sound like - String Time packages come with 180 different 10" long strings of varying widths cut from 20 different fabrics providing variety and convenience!

Grab your pattern, order that fabric - and dive right in!

What are you waiting for?  Head on back to Saturday's Post and enter to win. 

We will be drawing for our winner of the Forever Mine!  PDF pattern and fabric roll/strip pack on Friday, January 22nd.  You've got to be in it to win it!

View through the sliding glass door -

Dave's truck is warming as I rush to upload this post.  He has today off, Martin Luther King Day here in the US.

The USPS is closed - no mail can go out today - so today is also a designated morning to prep for painting at the newly de-closeted storage room at Quiltville Inn.

Then I'll be back here at the cabin to sew the afternoon away - those jackknife blocks are feeling neglected after yesterday's foray with the left-over parts assembly.

How about your Monday ahead?

I'll be thinking of this today as I go about my business. We should all let this sink in just a bit. And if it makes you feel uncomfortable, maybe ask yourself why.

Quiltville Quote of the Day -

I often think of solo time as time to recharge my batteries. We all need it. Some of our best ideas come to the surface when we have time to quietly listen. 

A couple of months ago I began to appreciate #mediafreesunday as a day to not worry about editing photos, finding content and writing a blog post, answering all the emails, paying attention to what is on the news. Just a day to take a break. 

It has been the best gift I could give myself. 

Breaking away gives me distance from the voices of the world so I can hear my own.⁣

And evidently gives me twice as much to post about on Monday!

Have a great one, everyone!



Mary said...

No complaints about more to Blog about. Congrats to Julie. Hope I win a gift-away one day. Love your scrappy happy weekend mini!!

PollyG said...

I for one would love to see work in progress on the closets and other work at the Quiltville Inn. I always learn something. Also would love to see how you use your quilts as wall hangings and table toppers etc. Artistic photos are great but practical is great too! Thank you for making my life more fun!

Ames in VA said...

It's a perfect time to ponder MLK's words. This month several youtubers are hosting clutter-free January, lots of fun stuff to watch while I purge a drawer or closet, or the whole bloody stash. The process takes time and energy, but so worth it when I keep only what is loved, needed, and useful.

jean said...

Absolutely LOVE the MLK saying!!!

Patricia said...

hi bonnie, great post. i think most of us are of the age where we need to start thinking of 'not gonna happen in this lifetime' and rehome items, even if it is a bunch. i need to forget the $ involved. i did enjoy the experience of buying. i'll never be able to downsize without doing this. thanks for reminding us. patti in florida (our children will love us)

Gail Topper said...

Media-free Sunday was a brilliant idea and I will suggest another. How about a media-free hour or so each day? Sometimes during the day I like to block out everything intrusive and just let my mind do whatever it wants to. I'm comfortable inside my own head. I found I'm actually quite good company!!! LOL!!!
These cold winter days inspire cozy time with cup of hot tea or coffee, a book and a quilt. Cleaning/reorganizing helps to keep warm too. By the time I'm with all that we should be done with winter! Yay SPRINGTIME! Can't come soon enough for me! OK not complaining here! Just planning ☺♥

darlynn said...

Totally agree~

Quilter Kathy said...

Love your new improve piece! This line made me laugh out loud as I see myself in this trick..."putting together under the guise of cleaning up". Somehow the cleaning up doesn't ever get done as I find renewed energy for the UFOs as they are rediscovered :)

Mary Ellen said...

I am still cleaning out clothing after my husband passed in June 2019. Now I have one extra closet in the bedroom that will be a quilt vault to hang finished quilts and quilt tops awaiting quilting. Slow and steady goes the job. Love Martin Luther King's quotation.

Lindah said...

Me too! Good ideas, PollyG.

Kathy said...

Here's my suggestion because I hate to see any fabric go into our landfills. I am assuming your are having retreats at Quiltville Inn, so why don't you bag up the fabric you want to get rid of and offer it FREE to your retreaters. You know how we love to get free stuff--another person's trash is another person's treasure kind of thing. Putting in different spaces around the Inn would be an easy thing to do. I bet it will disappear in a flash! Just a thought. Love your blog and you are motivating me to get organized as well. Never ends, does it.

Tracey Honig said...

Oh Bonnie, you have done it again!! Another cute pattern to add to my library! I love, love, love, it!! HaHa!! But it is all good and will keep me busy. I love seeing your mountains. I wish you luck with the decluttering and cleaning. I know that will have to happen in my own life sooner or later. Thank you for always inspiring me. Have a great week!

Ellen T. said...

Every time I see ads for organizer boxes I tell myself, "If you didn't have so much stuff, you wouldn't need organizing".

Patricia said...

I am trying to get my scraps organized but get stalled by the memories.

Sandy Meyer said...

Oh, Bonnie! Don't get rid of the Coats and Clark drawers!!!! I love it, too! Put it out in the inn or find a spot for it in your own sewing area! It's so wonderful!!! Love your MLK quote. And, love your daily blog about happenings. Your pictures of the mountains, etc. are wonderful to see. Love you!!! :)

Jane said...

Excellent quote from MLK! If only everyone followed it. We have had a low snow year this year.. Had an inch this morning-the first in almost 3 weeks and that is from the middle of Ontario Canada. Interesting to see who is getting it. I enjoy reading the blog and comments.

Debbie M said...

Loved your post! That’s what the back of my car has looked like for the last two weeks, as we’ve been moving into a new house. It’s been ( and still is) a challenge to find a new place for everything. I’ve thought many times that I need to rethink and purge, and I have - some things. Maybe I’ll be able to let go of a little more this week and find the joy in the things I keep. Thanks!

ceblakeney said...

I have reached critical mass with "stuff" too, and second that emotion about trying to purge amid covid. There is another massive donation pile started in the living room and fingers are crossed that Green Drop is still picking up 'hard' items. After that one is gone there will be another shortly behind it as I work through rooms. Purging will include fabric but I'm assuming that will have to wait until we are post-pandemic. It will be nice to see some free space here and there for a change!

Mary said...

What, I didn't win the Winter Blues Bundle? I "felt" it coming north :-)

karenf said...

Thanks for sharing the MLK quote,

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