
Tuesday, January 12, 2021

From Snails Trails to Snowballs - and a Gift-Away!

And the snow came down, and swirled around, covering my world with a beautiful blanket of white -

It also made it so there was no way to get the van up to the top of the drive on my return trip home from the QPO - the only thing to do was plan to leave the van parked there overnight, and have the hubster and Zoey come rescue me and get me back home up to the cabin.

There were still hours ahead until 5pm pick up time - so I did some of this!

And as I post this - ONE of those center 4 patches is in the wrong position.  IT STAYS!  There is no picking that out.

Can you spot the wrong 4 patch now?  What a headache!

My pile of block quarters had been slowly amassing.

I wanted a good stack before putting them together - avoiding too much of the same thing ending up next to the other same thing - but it still happens!  The fabric knows where it wants to go!

It was an afternoon of "Body of Evidence" with a quick peek on the snow situation beyond my windows.  Click to Play:

It came down all afternoon, wet and heavy - just like this!

Not one - but THREE DUPLICATES in this block?!

HOW did that happen??

It is not coming back apart.

And I just love these whacky fabric combinations!

The drive home was nice - yes, it was a small inconvenience to leave the van parked behind the Quiltville Post Office, but being picked up in a big 4WD truck, all warm and toasty inside has its side benefits too!

This action happened while waiting for dinner to cook.  Click to Play:

A fun end to a snowy great day!

With all this winter fun, I thought it would be a great time to offer up another great Winter Blues Gift-Away!

This time a gorgeous selection of fat quarters in favorite shades of Blue & Neutral - perfect for enhancing your stash and a lovely addition to your OWN Winter Blues quilt!

If you are looking to enhance your your Blues stash for your own version of my Winter Blues quilt, check out these gorgeous blues and neutrals designed by Mary Koval for Windham fabrics! 

 Mary’s Quilt Shop is happy to pull together a hand picked selection of fat quarters for you!

Mary's Quilt Shop is in Bedford, Pennsylvania and they are open by appointment during the time of Covid.

Drop Mary an email at Marysquiltshop@comcast.net to arrange an appointment, or place an order to be shipped to you! 

These fabrics are not available for purchase on her website - so drop her an email.

The winner will receive a bindle of Mary Koval's blue and neutral fat quarters, AND I am throwing in a PDF copy of Winter Blues to go with it!

Winner must have fabrics shipped to a USA address.

Entries will close January 16th. We will draw for our winner on Monday, January 18th.

If you live outside the USA, you may have the fabrics shipped to someone you know within the USA who can forward the package on to you.

What's ahead for Tuesday?  It's a designated desk day.  There are some exciting things happening VERY SOON, just around the corner!

Would you like a sneak peek?

Something super sweet coming right up!

I'm off and running - my chariot awaits.  I get a ride down to the QPO this morning as the van is - yep. Still there.

We will determine before coming home time what needs to happen.  I have a chiropractor appointment this afternoon - I'm sure I can drive the roads and highways just fine, it is just this uber steep driveway to the cabin that is the challenge.  It may be another night of parking elsewhere.

How about your Tuesday ahead?  Are you making progress on your Grassy Creek quilt?

Quiltville Quote of the Day -

This one needs constant relearning again and again in our own human experience.

Just think on this one today and come back to it any time you need reinforcement!

I can also repeat this to myself removing the "about you" and just leave it as "You have no control over what others THINK."
And don't you just love the positive/negative blocks and the yummy faded Indigo blues?

Have an awesome Tuesday, everyone!



Sarah Buller Fenton said...

Thanks to you and your friends for all the giveaways! It's always exciting to see. I hope to win one of these days! Enjoy reading your blog every day. I learn something new frequently.

Sheila said...

Bonnie, You can take the girl out of Minnesota but you can't escape the snow! haha Loving this Grassy Creek mystery, putting the top together with your webbing system. Thanks for sharing all your quilting wisdom!!

cityquilter grace said...

omigosh....swooning here over those uber gorgeous blues! phoebe featherweight would love playing with those!

Sharon K. Jack said...

I have the Ohio stars made for Grassy Creek Love this quilt thanks Bonnie, No snow here in central Ill.

TanyaH said...

Bonnie, I just love the little peeks into your days! It is great to see what you’re creating and that you’re loving it. I’m so excited to see what the sneak peek turns into. Such wonderful looking colors and the piece of fabric with the wording is great! Thank you for continuing to share your fabric love with us. I just need a drop of motivation to get back into gear!

Betty the quilter said...

Oh the RED one is almost !You be careful out there. And yes, no matter how hard you try, sometimes they just end up catywhamppus. And that is what makes quilts so wonderful. Your red that looks like paw prints, is one I just used in my Grassy Creek. So fun, we're twins LOL Have a beautiful day & enjoy the fun in the snow with Zoey & the hubster

Leah said...

I grew up on gravel roads in a hilly area, and our driveway was also unpassable in the winter. Even 4WD struggled sometimes. It was nowhere near as long as your drive, but the "park elsewhere and walk" routine is super familiar. I hope your driveway opens up for you soon!

Mary said...

I'm working on it. Slowly but I will get my blocks sewn. I love your gift-aways, it's my Birthday week, hope to WIN this time. Sunshine to melt our snow today. Goog luck at the Chiropractor. Crazy Snail's trails.

Unknown said...

I sympathize with your driveway issue. I live at the bottom of a quarter mile long steep hill that is impossible in snow or ice. My solution, park one car at the top when snow is predicted. If the other can’t get out, walk up the hill.

Barb H said...

Thanks so much for another give-away—just in time for my birthday on the 16th (hint hint). Still loving your blog after many years of following it.

TerryAnn said...

My copy of "Addicted to Scraps" arrived this morning! I am so excited!

Peggy said...

Love your Snail's Trail blocks. What size are they? Being from Canada cannot enter your giveaways but would enter for downloadable items. Thanks for your newsletter. Read it every day.

Ann L. said...

I'm making good progress on Grassy Creek and want to thank you again for all your hard work and expertise. It was my first mystery quilt and I have learned so much and have entered into a new realm called "scrappy quilting". I am having a ball.

Lois said...

thank you for all your encouragement. Yes, slowly making progress...

Farm Quilter said...

I love that you leave the "oops" blocks and block combinations together!! Too many of us stress about making each quilt perfect, but part of the beauty of a scrappy quilt made with smaller pieces is that once it is together, no one will notice!!! Thank you for being the example of accepting other than perfect because the stress of perfection just isn't worth it!

kathy6024 said...

It might be prudent to have a change of clothes or two at the QPO in case you have to spend the night at the Inn sometime. Just thinking ahead "what if". That driveway to the cabin looks wicked with a little snow and could be impassable with a lot. Stay safe.

Sierra Girl said...

Bonnie, I have learned so much from the Grassy Creek mystery; thank you for sharing your creativity, well-written instructions and tips! My first block went together this morning and it's beautiful! Curious what you'll be showing us next - could it be for Valentine's Day. I love the heart quilt design in your photo above.

Tammie said...

I had to giggle at Zoey! My cocker spaniels loved chasing snowballs!! Have a safe and wonderful day.

Unknown said...

Your saying on today's post was right on in my life right now. It's amazing how often that happens that you match what I'm going through. My favorite sewing machine is having a spa day and a repair so I'm busy cutting out parts of Grassy Creek. When I get it back, I'll be able to just sit and sew. Thanks for all you do for us. Good luck with the snow. Polly

Julia G said...

You can applique another 4 patch over the misplaced one - a lot quicker than redoing the block.

Evy en Petra said...

Bonnie, thank you so much for your positive outlook on live.
I keep telling myself.... If Bonnie can do it, I can do it.

And I'm sure ... some day it will work :)


jam said...

Thank you Grassy Creek......pieces all finished ready for assembly. Thanks too for your generosity in the give aways. Always fun to anticipate a good surprise.

Patricia said...

Thank you for the giveaway, I love blue. If I don’t win, I will check out Mary’s shop.

Amy said...

The hashtag quilt! Bwahahaha! I love this quote.

Pat Mac said...

Bonnie--just received the rulers--Simple Folded Corners and your Essential Triangle Tool. I Love-Love Love both of them!!. Removes several steps and saves fabric too. My Hubby wonders if I really need to save fabric when I'm trying to decrease my stash. Thanks!

KatieQ said...

It there anything as cheery as some new blue fabric matched with a great quilt pattern to chase away the winter blues. If there is I can't name it.

Karen M. said...

Your blog is so inspiring! Love the Snail Trail quilt!!

Susan said...

Yes!! Love your snail trails! and blue fabric is always a treat!!

karolsnewstart said...

Received your quilting book "Addicted to Scraps". It arrived much quicker than I expected, I just ordered it last week. :)

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