
Friday, October 02, 2020

Squirreling Around!

What do you call those days where you flit from one thing to another with no real place to land?

Some days I really wish I could clone myself and set that clone at doing all of the must-do-and-mundane tasks while the real me got to just focus on the creating thing.

And I sometimes wish there was a warp-speed button so that the often slow process part of creativity good get a kick in the keester and see some ideas come to fruition just that much faster.

“It’s not a race!” the small voice keeps telling me.

“Yes, but when you are on the downhill side of life the time it takes to do something matters!”

And so the argument goes.

I did finish the binding on the Yellow Brick Road table topper, and it is now brightening our dining table at the cabin.

The beautiful fall colors mixed with that bit of purple just speak to me.

And when I sew, this is where you will usually find Lola – wedged in between my backside and the back of the chair.  Seat warmer style.

Oy!  Will you look at the thread, lint, dust, and cat hair on the side of my chair!  Okay – we are keeping it real here.

I don’t even know what I’m going to do with these – I was first thinking a very scrappy sashing, and then – wouldn’t it be a cool border!  The jury is still out.  I just wanted to play with no purpose.

But what about those other projects?  The Snails Trail that is taking forever, and the Nearly Lemoyne that has been languishing?

And am I keeping up with our own Leader & Ender challenge? Well, partly!

Okay, maybe I need 2 clones plus myself to really explore these projects.

While all of this “what should I work on, I really should be…” was happening, UPS pulled up right next to my QPO building and offloaded several heavy boxes! HOORAY!

Back by popular demand – The Quilter’s Project Planner and Love Your Creative Space are back in house and available in the books section of the Quiltville Store for just $19.99 each.

I have sold out of these every time I’ve had them in stock.  And it is easy to see why.  The Quilter’s Project Planner and Love Your Creative Space are the dynamic duo of positive creativity!

And I just LOVE the Appalachian Autumn eye candy that is quickly appearing through my social channels!

This lovely version is by Janice Ruban.  She writes:

Finished this quilt tonight. Thanks to @quiltville_bonnie for another great pattern.

Janice, thank you to sharing your gorgeous Appalachian Autumn quilt! You are speedy and this is so gorgeous!

I love seeing your beautiful projects! Please keep them coming, and don't forget to tag your photos with
#appalachianautumnquilt and tag me on instagram @quiltville_bonnie 

You can find the PDF pattern for Appalachian Autumn in the digital pattern section of the
Quiltville Store.

Today?  It’s a bit cooler, but the sun is shining.  I’m feeling the need to stretch the legs and plan on an afternoon hike with Zoey Jo to see the ponies at Grayson Highlands. I don’t know how many lovely October days we will have and I’m feeling the need to get outdoors and away from the machine.

(Maybe that will help me figure out which project I should just focus on and stick with it until it’s done!)

Anything happening in your Friday world?

Quiltville Quote of the Day -

Smoke and mirrors and pretty photos!

Life is more than what we see in our news feed. 

Everyone has something going on that we may not know about - just outside of the camera's viewpoint.

Stop comparing your life to others.  And perhaps break away from the screen time and get outside for just a bit!

Have a wonderful Friday!


Sue said...

Love Lola. What a great friend and companion. Pets are so special.

Anne Hayward said...

That yellow brick road looks amazing on your table a lovely splash of autumn colour.
Love how Lola like to be so close to you, she really is a little cutie and queen of her castle lol
Stay safe
Love and quilty hugs
Anne xxx

Mary said...

Pay no attention to the kitty quilt inspector, lol. Too many good choices. Love the sashing/border parts. Mystery countdown, starting to watch the feed closer... Have a great Friday Fun Day with Zoey Jo

PattyMarks said...

Yes! Enjoy these beautiful Fall days while it lasts! A little nature break is wonderful for creative minds, like yours!

HoosierKitty said...

Just remember that this is the beginning of mystery season. I haven’t seen many black and white photos. But I have faith

coversquilter said...

Dear Bonnie,
I am all too familiar with that flitting business. You must congratulate yourself for at least remembering what you are doing and completing units that are recognizable. When I get caught up in a "sequential vortex" I sometimes am clueless about what was intended. You know, "What's the plan here?" type of thing. I so admire your productivity interspersed so beautifully with family, the gorgeous world of nature, history, and (of course) sharing it all with us. You are a blessing especially during this unsettled time.

Connie said...

Amazing! I was berating myself just yesterday about how slow I am and comparing my output to others. While you might be able to blame this on age, Bonnie, I believe that I have always been turtle like in my sewing, crafting, reading, or [insert any other activity here]. Thanks for sharing the many Appalachian Autumn finishes. Each has been a beauty.

quilter746 said...

My mom 91) and younger sister are coming to my house to make jelly. I picked Wild gooseberries in May and froze the juice. We’ve also got Concord grape juice, courtesy of a neighbor’s bountiful harvest. After lunch, I can go work on a tshirt quilt project.

sue s said...

Thanks for sharing others' quilts as they give different block ideas. I really like the soft background on Janice's quilt. Lola is precious, as usual!

Mary Bolton said...

Does Lola turn on the purr to give you a back massage?

Ptcquilter said...

Life is short no matter what your age! Today will be making and adding binding to 4 quilts but that will happen after hubby and I take a walk. We have already finished the grocery pick up and put away and put together a box of items for the local thrift shop where all the proceeds go to a local food pantry. I love to make my donations serve a dual purpose! Have an awesome weekend Bonnie!

BrenWall61@gmail.com said...

Your table topper is so right for the season and shows a finished project. One project at a time. Snail's Trail should take longer - it is a snail LOL!! Enjoy your walk and can't wait to see your pics. You inspire me!!

Pegasus said...

Our area Shop Hop started yesterday and runs until the 31st. Hope to have some mystery hints to guide my purchases! Always need neutrals so will concentrate on them. I love these cool crisp mornings. Have a great day, Bonnie!

Ruth's girl said...

My Mom use to make the yummiest grape jelly so you brought froward a wonderful memory-thank you! Cherish the day!

Joni said...

Such a beautiful pic of Lola. Mom's chair is always the best spot!

Chris said...

my cat sits behind me on my sewing chair too! the best company.

Sherrill said...

Your pretty fall quilt is perfect on your beautiful table!! Love it!

Helen S. said...

When I have a little more energy, I plan to make apple jelly and get going on a new quilt project!
You are a wonderful inspiration to all!

The Joyful Quilter said...

Yay for a play day and that sweet chair warmer!!!

Betty said...

Bonnie, you always manage to say what I am thinking. I have too many projects and have often said I need to clone myself. If a thing, to make sure the projects are done right! I have bulbs of giat allium and crocus I need to plant, 3 quilts to complete, a kitchen and 2 bathrooms to remodel and as always a house to clean. But here I am, sitting in my campsite that I backpacked to looking out over the missouri river drinking coffee and eating my new favorite thing, cinnamon roll pop tarts! I have 3 ladies (all in their 50's and 60's) joining me today and we will do some hiking, camping, laugh, drink lemonchellos by the campfire and enjoy a lovely weekend. I have been taking them out to help them learn about backpacking. One day I hope to take them on the AT to see the ponies! I would love to hike with you and share your knowledge of the area. You are very fortunate to live where you do and I want to thank you for sharing it with others. You are a generous and down to earth soul which is what I love about you!

Barbara Y. said...

“Yes, but when you are on the downhill side of life the time it takes to do something matters!” Oh, my goodness! Finally someone is putting into words how I feel and it is real, that feeling. So many projects, so much fabric and so much I want to accomplish. But now I'm stuck, flitting here and there between things without feeling like I'm getting anything done. So I say, "slow down and breathe, enjoy each day, and go outside to the flower beds to enjoy their beauty, the butterflies and birds." That will help me get through these days and soon I will settle, finish things and enjoy the process. Thank you, Bonnie. I read your words every morning to start my day before I read the morning paper because you put me in the right frame of mind to deal with the news. Please keep writing, please keep sharing lovely pictures of your life, your projects and your pets. You are a lifeline in these troubled times!

LJ said...

LOL I didn't even notice the chair fuzz until you mentioned it. I thought that was just the way it was supposed to be!!!

Beth B said...

The pieces beside your sewing machine seem very similar to an antique quilt I just saw Thursday at the New England Quilt Museum in Lowell, MA. It was a large quilt and it was all small rectangles. Something like great minds often come up with like ideas?

crazyquilter said...

I miss the Smoky Mtns in TN and NC—thanks so much for letting us walk beside you and especially Enjoy the ponies!! I’m jealous of how much you can get done. I now have 3 Fall craft projects, plus a quilt of course! Oie

Vickie Lewis said...

If there were enough of you for allll your vintage sewing machines to be sewing you could finish sooooooo many quilts! Lol. Love my vintage sewing machines. Have fun!

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