
Thursday, October 29, 2020

Behind the Scenes - And a Quilty Box Winner!

Do you feel it?  

As we turn to November, my thoughts also turn to holiday stitching.  And there are a couple of fun things in the works behind the scenes here in Quiltville!

And no, this is not a Mystery Preview!  Do you really think I would be sharing in color close ups of anything mystery related when we haven't even had our first introductory post yet?

Nope!  That introductory post will be happening on Halloween (Saturday!) and then we can really let the fun begin!

In the mean time, this is just to get you just the slightest bit excited about red and green and wondering just what might be happening here.

Favorite neutrals are even playing along!

The Iowa fabric was a gift from my "Iowa Girls" and I think of them every time I use it!

This is going to be a fun one, just wait and see.

In the mean time, you are going to have to wait like Zoey!

Paws crossed!

This is also true confessions time.

I fell off the wagon!

My Tuesday errands took me to Wytheville, and I just HAD to mask up and poke my head into Batiks, Etc.  I mean, what's a girl to do?

I have to laugh though - even with my mask, the "Aren't you Bonnie Hunter" was asked by several.  LOL!  There is no incognito for me!

And yes, I know the stash cabinets are full.  I know there are still tubs in the garage/shop and I am supposed to be sewing it down and not adding to it -

But I have had this thing for yellow green lately. I started with the piece on the left - from the sale room.  But that Tula Pink scissors and rotary cutters just called to me.

And YES!  It is a bigger print. And I find those harder to use - they don't cut up into small pieces, but I fell in love with it.  It's only 1/2 yard.  Maybe it will make some fun masks for quilty friends. Not sure.

And the neutral - well those are always on the replenishing list.

All in all, I think I got out of there fairly easy.

It was either fabric or ice cream.  The fabric is easier on my hips!

Upon returning home last evening.

Foggy off my deck.  Yesterday it was sunrises - today it is pouring rain.  It's just that kind of "I want to turn off the world and stay in my jammies and sew, and maybe bake." kind of day.

That's not likely to happen - there are things to be done that bring me closer to Saturday's introduction! 

Last evening went like this.

I'm still stitching the binding on the Nearly Lemoyne quilt.  I was nearing half way, but here comes Zoey and once she is on the ottoman with me, there is no turning of the quilt.  Believe me.

You go as far as you can manage without rotating and then - well -

This is how I know it is time to give in and give up.

Let's draw for the winner of the October Quilty Box!

(Original Give-Away post HERE.)

Who is entry 1312 out of 6088??

(WOW! You guys really loved this box!)

Marilyn Rich!

This box is headed your way!

Please reply to the email I sent you asking for your shipping address.  I'll have the kind folks at Quilty Box get your prize right out to you!

What is a Quilty Box?

Here are some highlights to keep in mind:
  • Quilty Box is a monthly subscription box of fun quilting supplies. We offer plans from $44-48/mo.
  • Each month we have 4 or more products (fabric, patterns, thread, or notions)
  • Our retail value of the products in the box is always more than $60
  • We will be using the hashtags #QuiltyBox and #GetQuilty
Have you subscribed to Quilty Box yet?

Pat has a beautiful Appalachian Autumn top finish!

What a wonderful finish, Pat!

The PDF pattern for Appalachian Autumn is available in the Digital Patterns section of the Quiltville Store.

Paula Jo's Punkin Patch from String Frenzy!

Love the purple, Paula Jo!

The pattern for my full sized Punkin Patch quilt is found in my book, String Frenzy!  If you purchase String Frenzy through the Quiltville Store, you will also receive a bonus PDF of my Hunter’s String Star quilt pattern.

This one from @quiltseventually on Instagram!

"Finished! A fun scrappy pattern by Bonnie K. Hunter of Quiltville."  

Thank you so much for sharing your finish!

There are only a few days left to grab the the Punkin Patch table runner for only $5.00 through October! 

After seeing Paula Jo's quilt above, I'm thinking of one with a purple background! CUTE! 

Quiltville Quote of the Day -

So many things are beyond our control right now. We may feel completely helpless in many ways.

But get in there like a warrior with things you CAN change! You will only know what those things are by trying. ⁣
It is pouring on the mountain this morning. I can't change the rain, but I can call it a good day for sewing!

Enjoy your Thursday, everyone!


Mary said...

The Purple adda some Pop!! I might have to make mine with some Purply purples. A Stay home before the Busy days ahead is a great idea. Binding will always be my Favorite part.

Susie B said...

Thank you Bonnie for all you do for the quilting community. I finally finished the top of two mysteries. I'm excited to be at a point where I can do it this year on schedule instead of playing catch-up.

Connie said...

A big "thank you" to you and the many readers who have shared their projects. These always bring a smile no matter the weather or the circumstances of this crazy year.

kathyinozarks said...

Congrats to the winner and I enjoy seeing the finished quilts

Bente Antonsen said...

Love your choice :) Looking forward to saturday. Happy halloween to you.

Jane Dallmeyer said...

Bonnie, I LOVE reading your blog daily, and caught the IOWA right away. I think you sent it to me, even tho we have not met yet!!!! I have been doing mindless sewing with TV on sports and country music ! Makes my day fly by!!!

Unknown said...

I so enjoy reading your blog daily. We have never met but I feel like we are old friends. Some days it is a needed distraction. Thank you for all you do, thank you for the up coming Mystery and please know that we appreciate you and your kindness.

Marci H. said...

I love seeing all the variations of the Punkin Patch & Appalachian Autumn quilts! Pat, can I come sit on your beautiful front porch?? 😍

Uh oh, more fog Bonnie!! Haha! And I hope you don’t have a big problem with the remnants of Hurricane Zeta!

Tula (& Kaffe) have hooked me! (Not a “green” girl, but I’m loving those bright limey greens too!) The older I am the more I love the bright happy colors and the stark contrasts! I’ll be making my first mix of different EPP shapes with Tula’s new line in 2021. And you can believe I’ll be saving every little scrap I can use too! (Though I also want to make a Civil War Era quilt also!) I’m all over the map!!

Looking forward to the color reveal! Congrats to the quilty box winner!

Marci H.

Mary Ellen said...

I love the purple background on Paula Jo's version of your Punkin Patch. I hope to carve out some time today to work on mine. Can't wait till Saturday!

Donna S. said...

I enjoy these autumn quilts. Am amazed at the turnaround time!

Sherrelzee j said...

I’m not a quilter but I am a sewer. And I know that there is absolutely no way to have too much fabric, despite what my husband says. He’s been watching me buy fabric for the last 45 years and he still doesn’t get that just looking at a pretty fabric makes me feel better. The different colors, textures and possibilities sooth my mind and body like a mug of great hot chocolate. Am I right?

Mary said...

What a joy seeing all these photos of Appalachian Autumn and Punkin Patch quilts and table runners. They are gorgeous and so inspiring. Love all the nature photos, too! Thanks, Bonnie!

QuiddityRox said...

I needed your quilty quote for today. Thanks for sharing your quilting adventures. I have promised myself to curb my shopping for fabrics too. Just, sometimes, the bug bites!

Shirl said...

A squeal of delight when I saw the quilt! A neutral with overlapping squares was used for a baby quilt for a dear friend's first born almost 30 years ago!! Fabrics hold memories!!

Ruth's girl said...

I totally get it that you can't disturb a sweet sleeping dog even if it means you have to stop stitching. I have been asked by my husband a number of times if I would get him something because our fur baby is curled up so cute on top of the afghan he is using and he doesn't want to disturb her. Sigh. This is love. I SO appreciate all the photos and all the time you put in this blog. I am treating myself to your blog and a dark chocolate sea salt carmel.
Susan, another Iowa girl

"Bee" said...

I love your new material!!
Pictures of Zoey are great but where is her buddy Ivy?
Have a wonderful time using that material.....

Wendy Crigger said...

Pat's photo should be a magazine cover and I love Paula Jo's purple.

~M said...

Hi Bonnie! While I eagerly waiting for mystery quilt to start I've been delving into your old quilt-cam videos from March of 2013. Are there others prior to that date?? Thanks!! ~Merri

LJ said...

Nooooo! I can't think of November - yet. November means December is close and December means Christmas. Yee gads.

MerryMeg said...

It was raining here too today. I was supposed to have work done on the car but that was a bust as the part that came was not right. So I came home, managed a few chores, took dogs for a walk and made a pumpkin table runner inspired by all the pics and the pattern in string frenzy. I quilted it tonight and tomorrow going to a lady who has really helped my daughter. I just have to get binding on. The prisoner thing ... we have to choose every day to live free of regret, anger and sorrow about things that were and cannot be changed now or then.

Brenda said...

Yup !!

Dhquilter said...

Just last night, I was working on some binding until I couldn’t move the quilt anymore because my cat, Willow was laying on the center of it .... I thought fondly of you and Zoey and put my needle away.

Janice said...

solution to the puppy on the quilt, have a finished quilt over your lap and have the one you are working on next to your chair when your snuggle doggy jumps up on the quilt then you can get the other quilt to work on might need to lower temp with 2 quilts on your lap .

AZMaggie said...

That Zoey! That LOOK! It says "Do you know how much I love you? Do you know how happy I am to live here with you?!?" SEW SWEET!!!!

Peg Sullivan said...

Love your blog. It is snowing here in central Massachusetts. I should be away at my annual quilt retreat but "Rona" determined that was not to be. Was feeling especially blue and your quote of the day really HIT me. Thanks for brightening up my day and my spirits. Pegeth

linda said...

Love reading your blog every morning! I just read a good book by david baldacci, Wish You Well. About 2 children who had to leave new york city to be raised by there great grandmother in the virginia mountains in 1940 was published n 2000.

abhedington said...

I'm with you! I love the brights of Tula & Kaffe, but also the lush 'antique' florals, and William Morris prints (I have Kaffe and Wm. Morris in my queue!)

Anne Hayward said...

I think if I had a ZoeyJo in my life my sewing wouldn’t be getting do either lol, but she is a real darling.
Stay safe
Love and quilty hugs
Anne xxx

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