
Monday, October 05, 2020

Autumn From a Different Angle!

We have really loved getting a birds eye view through the lens of our drone camera!

It is amazing what these things can do.

It also makes me nervous having an expensive piece of photography equipment go so high up above us that I can’t hear it or see it.

This photo was taken over Quiltville Inn yesterday afternoon -

The Hubster is standing at the controls in the midst of the grass on the left – if you look really close you may see him.

Jason did such a great job of painting the porch roof – anything you see that looks like “rust” over the front is actually leaves that have fallen from the front yard tree.

Surrounding hills and trees really beginning to turn!

A good portion of my day was spent inside the QPO playing another found of “Fickle Quilter!”

I’m sure you know this game as well!  I left the Snails Trail blocks to the side, and chose instead to work on this:

Another 8 Nearly Lemoyne blocks have joined the pile of blocks as I work my way to the amount needed to get this quilt top together.

I need about another 24 so time today will be spent cutting those block kits out.  Why the switch?  

Because the December Quiltmaker is out, and I don't have my copy yet, and I WANT to work on THAT BLOCK found in the Addicted to Scraps column!

This is Heidi's!  

Super cute, isn't it? I love the sunflower fabrics!

She emailed me a photo of her first Dash & Crown block and I also can’t wait to dig in and make more.

Where are my magazines? Likely at the Wallburg address. I need to make a trip to pick up mail and grab another round of “move the stuff” from there to here.

What am I bringing up next?  All of my quilting books.  I’ve been saving boxes so I have something to pack them in.

Maybe this week. When the magazine is in my hot little hands, I'll also have an extra copy that we can gift away.

Quiltville Inn beneath a lavender sky!

We headed over late evening to get the fire pit going for those on retreat.

October, you do NOT disappoint!

There is a big job beginning today.  The Inn is getting new gutters all the way around the porch, and on the rooflines above. We have spent months on a waiting list, and it will be so nice to have that rain directed away from the edges of the porch helping to avoid muddy ground below.

We will be playing a bit of Jenga/Tetris with the trucks that are coming in, and the group of retreaters packing up to depart this morning!

It looks like another bright and sunny Monday ahead – maybe an afternoon hike up Round House Road is in the cards?

How about your Monday?

Quiltville Quote of the Day -

Encourage, encourage, encourage!

And likewise - Your truly important friends are the ones who bring out the best in you.
It goes both ways!

We need each other to remind us and lift us when we can't see it in ourselves.

The pattern for Punkin Patch is found in my book String Frenzy available in the Quiltville Store.

You will also find the PDF Punkin Patch table runner pattern in the digital pattern section of the store, on sale at half price through the month of October at only $5.00.

Get your copy and start making your own path of adorable string pumpkins today!


Unknown said...

My Monday was suppose to be get ready for Quilt Camp. I kept my vacation and will have my own private quilt camp. I will truly miss friends but will tackle some quilting, organizing and get things done. Enjoy your Monday.

Andee Neff said...

I finally got my first Quiltmaker at my new address just a few days ago! We moved at the start of June. Sheesh! I love the new block, also that you give us quilters permission to jump from project to project and work on what suits us at the moment! I will never work on one quilt at a time again!

Jeannie Dudley said...

Great pictures. I love your blog and the daily quote. Have a great day and week

SallyC said...

Love your birds eye view pictures of the Inn but the beautiful picture of the Inn with the lavender sky is so pretty and just looks cozy!

Debbie P said...

Beautiful views with the drone camera work! - was wondering: Do you have a metal roof on the Inn? How do you like it?

Anne Hayward said...

Wow! What amazing pictures of quiltville inn roofs, I enlarged the picture and spotted Dave. So excited for you getting your gutters fitted, I’m sure it will make a huge difference to helping stop the mud.
How exciting can’t wait for my copy of Quiltmaker magazine to arrive, it takes a little longer to get here to the uk but well worth the wait.
Always loved your punkin patch blocks one day I will get around to trying it out.
Stay safe
Love and quilty hugs
Anne xx

Leah said...

"Fickle Quilter" really made me laugh. :)

sue s said...

I may get out this afternoon (after quilting!) to prune for fall. I have multiple projects in the works too!

Helen S. said...

I am in awe of The Quiltville Inn photo with lavender background, so beautiful!
Yesterday we were at the Levering Orchard packhouse to purchase varieties of apples for making apple jelly and apple butter. Today is the day to start the recipes!!

Annmarie said...

That is a gorgeous picture of The Inn. You should frame it!

Jane Dallmeyer said...

Beautiful picture of the Inn and I have on my bucket list to visit it someday!!! I really enjoy your daily quote and your blog is outstanding!!! Thank You!!!

Sherrill said...

My nephew got a drone several years ago and it always amazed me how high they'd go. He's in surveillance with the police dept. and of course the ones they use are seriously high tech!! I made my cute little pumpkin runner last year and it's STILL not quilted!! I WILL get it quilted before next fall, I swear!! LOL

Gwin Gover said...

My grandmother, a life-long quilter taught me to quilt in 1970, and one of her "rules" was "Never Make Just One Quilt at a Time". You and she must be kindred spirits, Bonnie. Another of Grandma's "rules" was "Never Make a Square Quilt". She must have had some other "rules" but at my age, I can't remember. Grandma was a hand-quilter and that's still my favorite part of the who process, even though I've had to learn to machine quilts to supply 6 grandchildren and limit myself to hand-quilting only the very best, most deserving quilts these days.

Carosyrup89128@yahoo.com said...

well today I cut some fabric to make at least 6 baby quilt tops for charity, so tomorrow I will start on the first of them. I've been ordering fabric to give to my guild, as my eyes are not so good to do the quilting, but at least I can make the tops for them and they can do the finish work, like sandwhiching, quilting and binding. I know they will love them!!!! the inn looks great, and Dave seems to be having so much fun with his drone!!!!!!!! Kisses to Lola, Ivy, and Zoey!!!!!

Barbara P. said...

Oh, you are getting to the "heavy" part -- moving books. Smaller boxes are in order for that. You will probably welcome a visit to the chiropractor after that. But who am I telling, you handle boxes of books all the time in your business. I'm enjoying your 'slow' experiences of gradually moving as they mirror what I am going through. I, too, am doing it a bit at a time. Getting the mail transferred is an on-going problem that I haven't conquered yet. Have a colorful day.

Patricia said...

Stunning pictures of the inn! Love the quote but like the pumpkin background also.

Charlie d said...

I love the Addicted to Scraps blocks. Sometimes I think it is the biggest reason I subscribe to Quiltmaker. The Sunflowers really wake the block up. Thanks for sharing your talents. I really regretted that your class at my LQS had to be cancelled in April in NC but totally understand the caution.

Susan said...

Beautiful pictures of the QVI.

pat said...

I know that you do not want to show the retreaters, but can you show the quilts? I love seeing the works in progress. Also can you show the quilts that they bring and put on their beds? I make charity quilts and love to get inspirations. Keep up the good work Glad that the inn is up and running an playing the bills.

Marci H. said...

I love the drone shots of the Inn & understand what you mean about being nervous! My son is a videographer & has flown them over the ocean, from a cliff in Sedona & over the mountains & sea in Italy. When it disappears... yikes! He almost lost one... but he says that’s why he carries insurance😉. ...love that lavender sky! And the Dash & Crown & block & the Pimpkin Patch!!
Thank you for everything you do Bonnie!

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