
Thursday, September 10, 2020

Thursday - Blursday!

The excitement continues!

Binding is going on, and I can’t wait to really SHOW you what this scrappy autumn fun is all about.

At 56’’ square, it’s not so big that it will drag out forever.  It can likely be made with fabrics you already have on hand.

You can make it in whatever colors you wish – but oh, these autumn oranges, reds, golds and browns are really calling to me!

After all of the mail order was packed, labeled and on its way to the USPS I finally had time to sit down and decide what I wanted to do with the binding.

I decided to go with random lengths of scrappy greys, and just letting those seams fall wherever they may around the quilt.

It must have been a kismet day as no seams ended up in any corners on my way around.

I should have bought a lottery ticket!

And I didn’t run short on binding either!

This other exciting thing happened -

I have been wanting to mount a TV here for a long while – We ordered the bracket while Jason was here, and got it fitted last night -

The only place I have Wifi is at the QPO.  And there are days where I would just love to piece and piece and piece and binge something girly that the guys really aren’t interested in.

This is going to be SEW AWESOME!

The next thing I am waiting on are brackets to mount my sound bar beneath the TV.  That will also free up a shelf at the top of my metal shelving unit side where the Quiltville Store is.

This also meant that I rearranged my sewing cabinets so that the 301 is facing the TV where it was once facing the windows.

My binding above was in the new arrangement – facing the windows instead of the wall.

Sometimes you have to work with things a while before deciding what is really the best arrangement.

So, how’s that binding going??  LOL!

I found if I kept the thread out of her view, she wouldn’t snag it with her claws in some kind of “Catch the thread!” game.

We also discovered that Ivy Lea is a mad laser light chaser!  That little red dot drives her wild.  Fun times.

And both Zoey and Ivy LOVE the “Videos for Cats” selections on YouTube!  It is hysterical to watch them.

This one plays for an hour. They will watch the whole thing!

And it will continue the next morning, different TV:


I can ALMOST read the thought bubbles over their heads!

So here we are at Thursday on a short sheeted Monday-holiday week.

Guess what else happens today? 

We are drawing for the winner of the free pass to Quilters Take a Moment hosted by The Quilt Alliance!

Find out more about this event on my original post HERE.

Who is entry 1081?

Kathy Hoge!!

Kathy, I have mailed you at the email address you provided with your entry.  I will have the folks at The Quilt Alliance get your pass information off to you!  Congrats!

And for the rest of you – You can still attend this event!  Passes are still available HERE!

Register right away by clicking the image above!
(Or direct link HERE.)

The price for this event is $45/members or $65/non members
Event Pass includes:

  • All access pass to virtual event with both live and recorded sessions presented on September 25 & 26, 2020
  • Known & Unknown Virtual Quilt Exhibition and virtual gallery tour by Curator Laura McDowell Hopper
  • Chance to win door prizes from our sponsors
  • Breaks to lift your spirits with dance, music and laughs
  • Quilt Alliance project demonstrations and how-to resources

On September 25th and 26th, we’ll be featuring a series of live presentations via Zoom, beginning with “The Incubation of a Quilt” with Anna Maria Horner, followed by the debut of Dr. Carolyn Mazloomi’s Quilters S.O.S.-- Save Our Stories interview with the legendary Dindga McCannon.

Saturday kicks off with “The Quilt Keepers,” a panel discussion featuring Merikay Waldvogel, Emily Bode, Julie Silber and other luminaries. Laura McDowell Hopper will lead us on a virtual tour of the online exhibit, “Known and Unknown: Revealing Quilt Stories,” which includes quilts from Victoria Findlay Wolfe, Jacquie Gering, Chawne Kimber as well as antique and vintage quilts which have never before been shown. Tucked in between our major live events will be music by Ricky Tims, a little bit of quilt comedy, and yes, even some dancing!

I know you are going to have a ball!

And I think that catches me up to now!  Today is another “in the studio” day for me – we have something very special releasing by HALLOWEEN.  Those deadlines are looming for me and there is much working behind the scenes to make this happen.  You know what I’m talking about!  And I hope you are excited to jump in!  This year’s Quiltville Winter Mystery is one not to be missed – and that’s all I can say about it!

It’s a bit rainy today – which also encourages much stay inside and sew activity.  I’m good with that.

There are leftovers for dinner tonight, so we are good to go in that department.

Anything fun happening for your day ahead?

Quiltville Quote of the Day -

Antique hexagon quilt displayed at the Festival of Quilts, Birmingham, UK.

I was watching Blue Bloods last night while stitching on a binding.

This line from the show hit me where it needed to.

It's what's you do next that counts.


Caro said...

Oh my - the pics of Zoey and Ivy watching TV together! Soulmates was the word that came to mind...

Unknown said...

Thanks for the good morning chuckle of Zoey and Ivy watching tv!! I read your blog most mornings with my breakfast time. It's a wonderful way to start my day. Thanks for all you do, in so many ways, for us quilters.

Robin Atchison said...

Good morning Bonnie, I love being included in your daily update. I can’t wait for your pattern release. I picked up a bunch of burgundy, orange and gold at Batiks etc., now collecting 50 shades of grey 😂😂😂. The vintage top goes on the long arm today. The 301A is busy piecing straits of Mackinac. Hope you have a fabulous day!

Quilter Kathy said...

The photos of the Quiltville fur babies watching TV are so adorable!

Pam Dempsey said...

LOVING the autumn quilt, so beautiful! Ivy and Zoey are quite the pair and am so happy they love each other :) thanks for all the pictures!

Mary said...

So funny that you play the cat videos for Ivy and Zoey Jo. a TV in the Quilt Zone is a great addition. Happy stitching while the rain falls. I have a project that has been waiting that I can work on while it rains and that makes me sew happy. Yes Halloween brings more excitement. can't wait to see the Autumn Quilt in all it's 56" glory. Thanks for sneaking in another digital pattern before the Mystery.

Mary Rose said...

Is it Halloween yet? LOL, and your fall unwrapping soon! What I can see is beauty! I love all you do for us, even seeing Zoey and Ivy togetherness is special to watch!

Sue said...

I love seeing what your fur babies are doing. They obviously keep you entertained. And, Cat videos look like they work for dogs also.

Helen S. said...

My husband,Bob,came into "my room" as I was playing part of the movie with Zoey and Ivy watching. He is still laughing at them watching TV and that they are such good friends!

Sandyt said...

Oh my. Your critters are a hoot to watch! Such simple entertainment but so much love all around!

linda said...

Hilarious! I love that you include those two in your blog. My cat loves those videos too, but tried to jump up on top of the TV (which is on the wall) and get those critters! Thanks for the fun every day.

Karen in Kentucky said...

I love seeing your posts about Ivy and Zoey. They're just precious!

"Bee" said...

Oh how much fun!!!!!
Zoey and Ivy watching TV is hysterical!!!
Thanks for sharing their adventures with us!!

Margie said...

I call leftovers "Previously Prepared Gourmet Treats" and don't you love them!!

Kay said...

Love love love the picture of Ivy and Zoey watching tv together. Adorable. Wish I'd had this for my pups to watch back in the day - Animal Planet turned out to not be a good choice because of some of the programs like Emergency Vet. Can't wait for both the Autumn pattern and the upcoming mystery. Enjoy your rainy day - we've had winter temps, but will be back to our usual gorgeous weatehr tomorrow.

Paradise Threads said...

Yeah for Blue Bloods! I love this show. Binge watch it all the time while quilting.

Tonni said...

LOVE the babies watching Cat TV on Youtube! Sitting on ready for the quilt pattern release with the autumn colors AND the next Quiltville Mystery. Today: Slowly rearranging my sewing space to accommodate multiple machines to set up permanently; picked up the vehicle from shop after air conditioner problem on the way home from retreat; picked out new refrigerator after one bit the dust while at retreat; made 4 masks with new pattern shared by Elaine at retreat that fit so well; and made the chicken fettuccini recipe shared at retreat for dinner tonight! Busy day! Tomorrow will be great with leftovers and a sew day :)

Unknown said...

I actually just wrote down that Blue Bloods quote. I think "It's what you do next" is a really good comment. It helps to keep you from dwelling on the past and guides you to looking into the future. I love your daily comments and I love what I can see of that quilt you are binding.

TrulyBlessed said...

I am so lucky that my Darling Hubby enjoys "Plan Aheads". I do like your twist on that and so I will now be serving Previously Prepared Gourmet Meals. We will have to "dine" rather than just eat though!(no tie required)

TrulyBlessed said...

I Always enjoy seeing your fur babies and how they interact with each other and the rest of the family. I bet they are missing Jason. Today I kitted up some Tulip Blossoms but didn't read properly so the stems are scrappy. Maybe some will match the leaves. Artistic License! We've had a lot of Thunder and Lightening but not much rain.

Suzanne said...

Our dear old Australian Shepherd, Abby, will be 14 years old in a few days. We have decided that after she crosses the Rainbow Bridge, there will be no more pets at our house. However....the antics of your furry friends make me second guess that decision some days. Both your new babies seem such a wonderful addition to your life! So happy for you, AND for them to have found such a good home.

Lovey said...

Bonnie, I so enjoy your posts each day. The Zoey/Ivy saga is so much fun. I’m so happy you had such a nice visit with your son. Your men are so competent and helpful. All the additions/repair/joy in your new environment is heartwarming. You are a light in the pandemic darkness, for sure. I wish you a wonderful day today.

Pam Dempsey said...

Sounds like a great retreat! Which mask pattern- can you share please?

tealeafquilts said...

That is so cute!

I love stitching said...

OMG Zoey and Ivy watching TV is a hoot.

I love your fireplace.

Thank you for always lifting my spirits.

xoxox Patty

Thanks for the Inspiration to make a fall Quilt.

Marci H. said...

I LOVE the Oranges with the grays! That’s a wonderful color combination for fall!

So so cute that Zoey & Ivy are such good few days! That they have their paws on each other while resting is adorable! And the video for cats? Well I’m a human and. Was really enjoying that video myself! 😂 Was nature watch outside anyway...

I’m venturing out with some free motion on my 6th long arming project... working on a baby quilt... very imperfect but each one is a
little better!! Can’t show it yet because the baby‘s mommy & grandma are Quilter’s that might see it here!!

Enjoy the rainy day sewing!!

Marci Hitchcocl

Anne Hayward said...

The pictures of Zoey an Ivy watching tv together just crack me up, they are just precious
Stay safe
Love and quilty hugs
Anne xx

Pat Lee said...

That orange quilt is pure teasing. I love it. Those greys continue to show up. I love seeing them. I loved your words of wisdom. '

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