
Thursday, September 03, 2020

Things Grown Sons Do -

Some BIG JOBS were tackled at Quiltville Inn yesterday.

The porch roof is very flat.  And it is covered in the metal roofing so prevalent in homes in this area – with good reason.  Metal roofs will last a life time.  And in this case, MANY life times.

The current porch roof in this section was installed around 1905.  That’s when the house addition was made.  It has also seen many coats of paint over the years, but it hasn’t had one in a while.

(No, metal roofs were not ALWAYS zero maintenance like they are now. They were subject to rust just like any tin can.)

First comes the power washing.

And then the blower to help it dry.

And then because there is only so much a blower can do – to let it dry further you take your son to lunch on the covered back porch at The Corner Market up the road.

And then you try a test section.


The best part is – the paint was already in the garage.  Evidently the previous owners had big intentions but also never got around to it.

The section behind Jason ins new.

It was replaced when the porch was reconstructed.

We are just taking care of the original porch roofing.

My unobstructed view from the roof!

(That used to be a water tower – straight ahead.)

It’s a thick and dirty messy job!

the paint reminded me of what they would have painted the Tin Man from the Wizard of Oz with!  We owe Jason a new pair of shoes!

The window in the storage closet was his exit point.

Getting down to the end here!

Such a huge difference!

The ridges had to be touched up by hand with a brush.  There may be some places where we have to go back and do a second coat.  We have added our generation’s layer of paint to all of those who came before.

Just a bit left!

From the window in bedroom number 5.

HUGE difference!

Son Jeff also made it up last evening to mow the lawn and both boys jumped in and dismantled the tree house platform thing that was in the chestnut trees that line the drive.  They left the poles however – those are a great place for displaying and photographing quilts!

I am just SO grateful for grown sons and the things they do for me.  My heart is extremely full this morning.

On the home front -

Ivy is venturing out to explore the house!

Her favorite spot is on my sewing chair – she sleeps there all of the time.  But we now leave this door open so she can expand her world.

These two are such fast friends – it is fun to watch!

So happy they are about the same young age and will spend their lives together!

Ivy is a pro at photo-bombing.  LOL!

There is no stitching happening here!

But having them both on my comfy chair/ottoman is precious!

And oh, this morning -

Click to Play:

I can’t believe we have Labor Day weekend just ahead.  How did that happen?  SERIOUSLY?  Labor Day?

My plan for today is work in the studio a bit, take care of things that need to be done, and perhaps find some time to attach borders to the Traveling Star quilt (hexie stars) if Jason ends up running to Bristol.

Other than that, I’ll be on hand for family.

Anything happening for your Thursday?

Quiltville Quote of the Day -

My mantra for Labor Day weekend ahead - ⁣

No Hurrying, and definitely no SPARKLE! ⁣(Haven't worn makeup since February! Thank you Covid!)

Virginia Woolf said it so well. I wonder what she'd say about the past 6 months!⁣

My plan for the weekend is just to enjoy my sons and the last long days of summer starting with coffee on the front porch while rocking on a hickory rocker, enjoying the morning with my son Jason next to me. ⁣

Aren't morning rituals great?⁣


Denise Patterson said...

Love watching Zoey and Ivy become fast friends. They are adorable! The repainted roof looks great! Have a fun, relaxing Labor Day weekend!!

Barbara P. said...

Yes, grown sons are awesome!

Ames in VA said...

No sons, but my grown daughter is helping me prepare the house for interior painting. I think I have too much stuff hanging on the walls. And she is petite so she can squeeze into small spaces to clean areas that have not seen a duster or cloth in a long time. I am grateful!

Evelyn Mattonen said...

I love that my children have grown to be such wonderful adults! Like you I don't see them as often as I would like but when we are together I soak it all in.

Quilter Kathy said...

Such a fun post to read what they boys and the pets are up to.
Thanks for sharing your life with us...the Zoey and Ivy show is so entertaining!
Love the texture of the hand quilting on the quilt in the background of the quote of the day!

Dalina said...

I only have one son but he is wonderful to help out if needed, but a daughter is also wonderful. She gave me beautiful grandchildren, a boy and a girl. Family is the best!!! I know your time with Jason's with you will be over soon and he will be returning back to his routine. So enjoy all the special time as much as you can. The roof looks great, so buy that young man those new shoes for his payment.

Charlotte M. said...

It makes my heart so happy that Jason is with you right now. My daughters and grand children are in North Carolina and I am stuck in California for now. I was supposed to have a three week visit in June. Now it has been almost a year since I saw them all and I sorely miss them. The one terrific thing that happened is that my daughters have grown very close since we moved out west and I am so thankful for that. They are helping each other through this crazy life, even though they are two hours distant from one another. The roof looks amazing!! Nice job!

Linda Mischloney said...

I agree grown son's are awesome!

Holly Burch said...

The maintenance of any structure the size of your inn is monumental and your commitment to it is absolutely wonderful as Quiltville Inn is beyond beautiful. It is obviously a labor of love by the entire Hunter family and you are truly blessed by having so much help from your grown sons as well as 'the Hubster". Enjoy your time with family including your fubrbabies on this holiday weekend.

Vickie said...

The porch roof looks great now! Enjoy.

Debra Esper said...

What a wonderful set of boys you have. We are at out cottage and have started a remodeling of it. It needs it. But we will take Friday night.to Monday to enjoy our kids and their families as we get together at this cottage and enjoy the water and the company.

Basset Moon Studio said...

You have wonderful sons! Roof looks great! Love the photos of the fur babies. Enjoy your family time!

Helen S. said...

Grown sons are awesome as last writer mentioned. Our second son recently assisted his Dad with a water heater problem, another job off the "to do list". Other son (50 plus) and grandson (31 yrs.old) come for dinner each Thursday evening when I am well enough to cook. I love having all come when possible.Our daughter and her family near are a bit too far for Thursday night dinners.
Your roof looks great with its new coat of paint. Your animals are so sweet.Have a grand Thursday!

Cats said...

how satisfying to be able to reap the pleasure of raising two 'boys' to men!!! Brings forward the satisfying emotions when i get to spend time with mine! And Ivy & Zoey... silly dog in the cat's bed, the animals seem to enjoy sleeping in their friends' beds! I see it frequently... what a lovely post and sharing of your world, and the never-ending requirement for shoes! smiles BOYS!
I just love it!!! Thank you... Cats in CArlsbad CA

brandln said...

That roof work was well worth the cost of a new pair of shoes! Great job!

Mary said...

The Roof looks awesome. Grown up Sons are the best!! Cute Joey Jo and Ivy. I could be a crazy Cat lady if Hubby wasn't allergic.

priscilla said...

What great sons you have!! Congrats on being such good parents..
Love the pets & your retreat center....

priscilla said...

What great sons you've both raised! Congrats! Love your positive attitude...am trying to stay positive, but it sure does get hard some days...

Linda C said...

I have two grown sons and they are the most Awesome men. They take good care of their mother (as they should).

broken2nd said...

Hi Bonnie,
We also have metal roofs on the house and barns, circa 1840s. Get them spray painted periodically. Happy relaxing and quilting to you and your family.

Rhonda said...

It's the moments that brings on "Life is Good" Thanks for your daily blog, Life IS Good!

Mary O said...

Reading your blog is the highlight of my mornings. You inspire me to get into the sewing room and take time to love my family and little doggie. Thank you!

Sharon 321 said...

Having grown sons that help you is the payback for the mischief they made as while growing up.

Judy said...

Zoe in Ivy's bed reminds me of my daughter's lab and Boston Terrier, the terrier would take the lab's and the lab would curl up just like Zoe in her bed. Pets are so much fun.

Carolyn said...

My grandfather had metal fence around his yard I remember him doing that to make them look better. I think he told me he used something to stop the rust? Rusteoleum?

Ruth's girl said...

Thanks for all the cute photos/videos of Zoey & Ivy. It is just too cute to see their friendship. So good to see you enjoying your sons. We have 4 and Mom/son times come rarely and when they do it is the best! Covid times have reinforced the appreciation for life's little things.We will be having some family time with one of our sons grandchildren this weekend and I am SO looking forward to it!

Di from Aus said...

How wonderful to have grown sons with you! We have one currently in Canada with no prospect of coming back to Australia any time soon and another in stage 4 lockdown in another state! I ache for their physical bulk ( I always forget how big they have become! ) but am grateful my beautiful daughter is close by and we see her and her little family frequently.

Pam Patches said...

Hi Bonnie,
I think Ivy was sleeping in Zoey's bed and Zoey had no option but to curl up tight in Ivy's bed.
I was so sad to read that Emmy Lou has crossed the rainbow bridge, I cried. She was such a splendid companion for you for so long.
Enjoy your special time with your sons being home together.

Beth said...

So sweet to see Zoey and Ivy. We smile every time we see our cats rub up against our dogs, or our dogs nuzzle our cats. Every single time. I think it makes us even happier than it does them--they take it for granted (which is what delights us). To me, it feels like confirmation that things are going right, and we've created a peaceable kingdom. Enjoy yours!

Anne Hayward said...

Jason deserves a new pair of shoes he made a great job of the roof, both your boys are so precious helping out as you need them.
Just love the cute antics ZoeyJo and Ivy are getting up too, They are just adorable together.
Have a wonderful Labor Day
Stay safe
Love and quilty hugs
Anne xxx

Suzzysews said...

Love,love your traveling star quilt! So glad Jason is home for awhile. Great job on the roof. Enjoy the weekend!

Unknown said...

My son came to live with us after my husband had too many sezures and they were trying to get them under control. He is a God sent. help out with house and grass. And the best part he can see when I need a break, and tell me to go look at fabric.

Carol Weber said...

It's not even my roof, and not even my son, but I was SO dazzled that Jason did that for you. It looks tremendous, and I have a tiny sense of the thrill you feel!

BigSister said...

I had to sell my NC home and now live in the desert of Nevada. Your blog not only keeps me in quilting mode, but reminds me daily of my 3 acres in Wilkes and all the sights, sounds and smells that go with along with country life. I miss it so much. My dog and 2 outdoor cats were fast friends as well. Keep the memories coming.

Wendy said...

Bonnie, so love your animal stories. Isn't it amazing how lil Ivy showed up!!! Then you lose your other girl. I am loving your nature walks too. Glad your son is home.
Happy Labor Day--Wendy D

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