
Monday, September 07, 2020

Quilt Journey Ahead!

I finally managed to get a photo WITHOUT Zoey Jo photobombing the whole shot!

Several of you asked to see the whole thing after I shared the Zoey Bomb photo to social media channels last evening – and here it is.

Broken star log cabin made in 1995. This was the 1st quilt I free motion quilted on my new to me long arm in 1996.

It is so worn in places that the batting is showing through. The binding also needed to be re-stitched along one side.

Son Jason has asked if he could take it back home to Oregon with him. I offered him a much nicer quilt, but he prefers this one as it is the one that has all the memories in it.

He was 12 when I pieced the top. He is now 36. He is right. This quilt has known a lot of living and I am happy that it will be adding more memories in its next chapter.

That quilt that you think of as "just that old thing" just might mean the world to someone else.

It’s also a testament to my 30+ years of scrap reduction – and it does not EVER work.  LOL!

Yeah, photo bomb dog!

This is a quilt I made so long ago that there is no pattern. It was inspired by a photo of an antique quilt.

Of course, I will fix anything for my son!

So last evening I curled up with this favorite old quilt in my lap and reattached the binding that had come undone.

Things I noticed from my earlier years of quilting?  This is a wider single-fold binding.  I’m not sure when I switched over to double-fold at the recommendation of others that single-fold wouldn’t hold up, but after so many years of use and washing – it isn’t the fold of the binding that wore out, it was the cotton thread I stitched it with.

I also repaired a couple of worn spots as best as I could, fixing some other loosening seams in the process.

Well, as best as I could!

Until someone thought hooking my thread with her claws was too fun to resist!

Okay. I give up!

We came up to McMillan’s Cemetery yesterday morning.

I wanted to show this special place to Jason, and he got his drone out and did some videos over the area.  When he gets everything offloaded to his computer he will send me the files and I can share them.

Zoey loves her Jason!

Jason and The Hubster just left to go kayaking on the New River.  They will call me at some point to meet me at their pull out place so we can go back and pick up the truck where they put in.

By Afternoon time Jason will be on his way.  It’s been a fantastic week and I have loved having him here so much!


all orders $39.00 and above from The Quiltville Store receive free shipping using code FREE39 at purchase!

Code must be used at time of purchase to receive discount. No refunds if you forget, okay?

Sale ends tonight at midnight Eastern time.

Other than playing kayak shuttle this morning, I have plans to putter at the QPO and perhaps get a quilt loaded into the machine.

It will be very quiet here with Jason gone, and I know Zoey is going to miss him!

Anything fun happening in your neck of the world today?

Quiltville Quote of the Day -

Keep your eye on the roses and not upon the thorns!

Twirl Around quilt from my book Addicted to Scraps on sale in the Quiltville Store at just 15.99!

And don’t forget the FREE39 code!

Happy Labor Day, everyone!


Ames in VA said...

My chow chow Molly would snuffle over and plop herself on all the tops or quilts I put on the floor to work on. Sweet memory. Safe travels for your son. Great that you've had this week with him.

stitchinpenny said...

So glad that you got to have this visit with Jason. I got a visit with my elder daughter. I can't wait until I can get to their area for a visit .

Mary said...

I bet a digital pattern of that log cabin quilt would be a best seller. Cracked me up when you said scrap reduction doesn’t work! ROFL. Love what you do😃

Ellen Hubbs said...

It’s so nice That Zoey Jo and Ivy are now a part of the memory’s of that quilt.

Anne Hayward said...

That’s so adorable that Jason wanted the special quilt with his memories in. love how ZoeyJo’s given it her seal of approval too lol. The photo of Zoey and Jason is so cute, as is the one of Zoey and Ivy commandeering the quilt for their nap, sure looks like you’ve all made heaps of new memory this last week.
Wishing Jason a very safe journey.
Stay safe
Love and quilty hugs
Anne xxx

Gail Topper said...

Safe trip Jason. Wish you could stay longer...MUCH longer! You made a really happy week for your family♥

Jackie said...

We’ve had the kids and grandkids at the cabin for 5 days. Everyone on heading home today 😀/☹️ It’s cooling off this week - highs in the 50s - I can pull out my machine get me some quilty time!

Raine said...

Beautiful quilt! Enjoy your day with Jason. I think I'd be tempted to sneak another quilt in his car for good measure. :)

katesquilt said...

We celebrated birthdays! Mine was the 5th and three family members have birthdays on the 6th; youngest granddaughter (4), great-niece (3) and niece-in-law (???). It's been a wonderful weekend. Today is a lazy day before work and the new school year begins. Happy Labor Day Monday!

Quilter Kathy said...

SO many warm fuzzies...that your son loves the old quilt the most, that your fur babies love you so much that they have to be right beside you wherever you are, and that a father makes time for adventures with his son... so special!

CB from BC said...

Zoey and Ivy have imprinted their love on the quilt so Jason will be taking some of their love home with him!

Pat said...

Happy Labor Day! Safe travels Jason.

Betty said...

I am so glad that you had this week with Jason. Tell him to come home more frequently. I have just finished a top of the Broken Star log cabin quilt with just the center of your quilt (7" blocks). It is in scrappy blue and white fabrics with a red center. I plan to put a small white inner border and a larger blue outer border instead of making more blocks. It will be smaller than your quilt, but I love the way it came out.

celkalee said...

Don't you love it when the adult kids come home? Glad you had a good week. My son is moving next door to me and in the process of gutting and remodeling the house. Soon he will be here all the time. It's all good.

Sue said...

Love Zoey and Ivy's antics. Your their primary entertainment. They both look so content curled up on you.

Sewgirl said...

I can never get enough family time with my kids..glad you got to enjoy your time with Jason...and so sweet that he wants the log cabin quilt!

jshipp said...

Jason looks like such a cheerful guy. Big smile in every picture. He must be enjoying his visit with the folks.

Pam said...

Love this == had to replace the top on a quilt I made my grandson when he was 2 -- he is now 20 but I think I redid it at 18!! Not bad since I tied it at that time. Only the top fell apart - put a new top on and he was good to go! Love those grands!

BrenWall61@gmail.com said...

Just got home from a Retreat trip to Texas from Arkansas. I was the only Arkie there but have some more Texas Peeps now. One of the women even mentioned she flunked your Scarp Quilt class because she was too matchy-matchy, but she still follows you and does your Mystery Quilts. We had a good laugh over here story. Her name is Fleta Kirk.

"Bee" said...

Such a blessing to have your son want the quilt with all his memories!! I love the picture of Zoey and Ivy curled up on Jason's quilt and that they both want to be close to you while you're hand sewing. Love how Ivy and Zoey have become buddies....and so grateful you got Zoey out of the shelter, when you did. Can you imagine what fun she and your family would have missed out on if she wasn't with you!! Then that precious Ivy shows up at your door....I just love it!!
I'm so happy Jason got to be with you......safe journeys, Jason!!!

Lisa said...

I am so happy Jason was able to be with you and your hubby this week. I am sure him leaving is bittersweet, but what a special time for you that he wanted to take that beautiful quilt with him. Love all the photos but especially the one of Jason and Zoey, so cute!!!!
Safe travels to Jason and bless all of you.
Thank you so much Bonnie for what you do. I read your blog everyday you are like a best friend to me.

Linda K. said...

I spent the day playing around in the sewing room and then the afternoon just chilling out. Grandson came after he got off work and went golfing with granddad. Granddad didn't really want to go but he knows that at 16, time with the grandson is coming to an end before we know it. Looks like you had a great week with your son.

Clara L said...

Always enjoy your posts. I have a question -
Do you use polyester thread for stitching your bindings? Just wondering after your comment about fixing the binding on your quilt.

Patricia said...

A treasure for your son and so sweet he wants it.

Nancy G said...

Your comments for stash reduction that lasted 39 years, or some such number strike me funny. I'm making a baby quilt for a 1 year old, requested by the mother. I responded, oh yes, I've got stash from the 2 year old's quilt. And with an additional $38 worth of flannel, it's becoming a quilt. I find fabric purchase is such a mood enhancer.

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