
Saturday, September 19, 2020

New PDF Pattern: Appalachian Autumn!

Let the leaves turn and fall!

Let the temperatures drop!  We will be inside cozy and warm, stitching up armfuls of autumn-colored string maple leaves, ready for the season ahead!

I absolutely adore autumn. The only problem is that it doesn’t really last long enough.

Here in the southeast we tend to go from summer’s heat and humidity to – all the leaves are down and now it’s too cold to enjoy the outdoors anymore.

I wish there was a way to make autumn last – and this is a great way to keep the BEST parts of our beautiful fall season and enjoy them all the way through Thanksgiving.

Appalachian Autumn finishes at 56 1/2’’ x 56 1/2’’

Perfect as a table topper, couch throw, or a large wall hanging!

I pulled out all of my strips and strings in beautiful fall shades of orange, gold, rust, red with a bit of brown – and allowed the leaves to swirl on a background of stormy, cloudy grey and warm vanilla custard cream.  YES!  You can let grey and cream play together – this is the perfect place to bring in those sandy neutrals you thought were “not white enough” for other projects. 

They are beautiful here!

Purchase and Print Appalachian Autumn!

You could be stitching within a few minutes!

Appalachian Autumn is a 10 page PDF pattern booklet bursting with full color photos and graphics, showing you in detail how to make this quilt from units to blocks to sashings and borders.

The regular price of $12.00  has dropped 25% to the introductory sale price of just $9.00 – for 48 hours only!  The price will revert back to $12.00 with the release of Monday’s blog post.  So get in on it right now!

As PDF patterns do not require shipping, this sale price is open to everyone, everywhere! No coupon code required.

You can click Appalachian Autumn to go directly to the pattern, but you’ll also find it in the NEW and PDF PATTERNS categories if you feel the urge to poke around and see just what the Quiltville Store has to offer.

And there was more I was going to talk about – but son Jason walked through our door at about 7:30pm last night -

I’m spending the weekend with my son!  Our plan today is for another go biking Virginia Creeper Trail – let’s hope the weather holds out.

Quiltville Quote of the Day -

Our world has forever changed. RIP Ruth Bader Ginsburg. You made a difference.

Have a great weekend!


BrenWall61@gmail.com said...

Beautiful Quilt. Simply Thank you!! Enjoy time with your son.

Pam Dempsey said...

Thank you Bonnie! I have my pattern now and ready to pull fabrics, want to make it longer for throw size :). This is a wonderful Autumn quilt pattern, great job! Glad Jason is back :)

Sherrill said...

BEAUTIFUL!! I love the colors of fall and I like fall except for the fact that I know yucky comes after (COLD!!). That's definitely a great quilt!

Ellen said...

Thank you Bonnie! I just snapped up your pattern and will be starting all the fun today. You are so generous and very appreciated. Enjoy your fall weekend!

Connie said...

Remember to keep your keys with you when you go biking! Heading to your shop now to order the pattern. I love it!

Shiloh Nanny said...

Lovin this wall hanging. So happy for you with Jason back. Now if only he'd stay....

Cats said...

Genius... what a genius you are! Even before I read that you were spending the weekend with Jason! (hooray) I purchased, downloaded and printed! your latest creation! What a way for all of us and YOU to start the weekend! This will kick-start my wish to do the "Pumpkin" throw!!! been collecting oranges for a year!! wow and wishing all health and happiness... thank you, Bonnie.
Cats in Carlsbad CA -- PS: RIP to RBG! and thanks to that genius too!! <3

michaelfeister said...

I really love this pattern and just purchased it. I don't have the same scrap collection as Bonnie (or a lot of my friends) so will start acquiring fat quarters for awhile to collect as many as I can to make this quilt. Not sure how long this will take??? but looking forward to the process!

Dalina said...

It is going to be a beautiful weekend here in MO too. Enjoy your time with Jason and bike riding, I would love to get to that area some day it sounds so pretty. I am going to buy some batting today if I can find any in the stores and plan to quilt up my 4 quilt tops next week. Have a great weekend with your family!

pam said...

That is a beautiful quilt, Bonnie. Fall is coming here in Southern Illinois. A/C is off and windows are open. I will miss summer tho. My favorite time of year. Have a great weekend everyone! pam

Donna T. said...

Bonnie, Appalachian Autumn is absolutely stunning! The colors play so well together. You must have had a blast seeing this one come to life! I'd love to make one, but I don't have the scrap inventory you have. How can I come anywhere near your scrappy look? (This is not a rhetorical question.)

Mary said...

Have a fun weekend with Jason!! Loving the chill in the air. Not ready for snow to fly. You kept this quilt under wraps well.

Debbie B said...

I'm loving your new Autumn quilt. It's beautiful. I look forward to making it for myself. So glad you get more time with Jason. Enjoy!!!

Mary said...

Gorgeous quilt, Bonnie! Thank you for the pattern. Enjoy your weekend with your son. It's a rainy day here in northeast Florida, but blessedly cooler. Good day for sewing.

Rosie Westerhold said...

Just purchased your new pattern. Squee!!!! Can’t wait to get started on it. Just what I need to be working on at this time of year. Thanks for the great pattern👍👍👍.

Connie said...

I LOVE it Bonnie🥰🥰🥰 Just ordered it🤗🤗

Michelle S. said...

Bonnie I was so excited to see Appalachian Autumn was available I downloaded it and printed it before finishing your post ;-). Thank you for your beautiful creation so excited to get started pulling from my stash and start stringing. So very happy for you that Jason arrived safe and sound and now you get to enjoy his company! Have a great weekend and may you be blessed with good weather, we have finally gotten some rain here in western Oregon and no one is complaining!

Cpqwilts said...

A beautiful quilt!! Thank you for the generous share! Who knew that you had time to fit this in between fabric moves, almost Lemoyne blocks, Blossom time, Richi stars on strip blocks, hand quilting, and wonderful family visits!

andifar said...

Dearest Bonnie, You make a difference everyday in every way. Thank you for your clarity and caring. Paula in Omaha

Unknown said...

I have never bought anything online,but I have to have this. Can someone walk me through it???

Marti said...

My pattern is printing as we speak! Thank you so much! Enjoy this extra time with your son. Looks like Oregon received some so need rain. Have a great weekend!

zumbaqueen said...

It caught my eye. I bought it. Now I must sew.

The Joyful Quilter said...

It's a beauty, Bonnie!!!

Unknown said...

Love your quote from RBG! Thank you! We will miss her! She was an incredible teacher!

Tina T said...

Love this quilt! Just ordered it and Punkin' Patch Runner. Only you, Bonnie, could have won me over to the Orange Side. Makes my husband chuckle when I show him a piece of orange fabric I purchased. Thank you. Now I have some sewing to do!

Kay said...

YAY for Jason's return - y'all enjoy your weekend. I will be doing scrap management this week, and while I'm cutting & sorting, I will be making a box just for Appalachian Autumn. Autumn is my favorite season, and like you, I wished it lasted longer.

quiltergirl said...

Teddy is headed our way. Autumn goes on forever here and I love it. Sad to have to put all the outside yard stuff away so early but with the threat of gale force winds there was no choice. Hopefully the power stays on and by Wednesday noon all will be well. Love the colours in this quilt, maple leafs for canada and the colours our leaves will become in about three weeks. I

Unknown said...

I've been watching your progress on this quilt. I just purchased it and printed it!
I made some string squares about 15 years ago that are just the right color for this. I will probably add some applique leaves that are also leftovers from another quilt that was made about 20 years ago. I love Autumn the Blue Ridge mountains. We don't get quite the color here in Alabama. I miss it.

Kathryn T said...

I love this - when I saw you with it on Facebook I said to myself I want to make it. And its Spring here in New Zealand but I could have it ready for our next Autumn. It is gorgeous.

Marlene said...

Love this Appalachian Autumn quilt. You are so amazing. Love your blog too. Have fun with your family!!

Randi said...

Its a lovely pattern. Spending time with your family is precious.
Thank you so much for the quote today. Many of us have very heavy hearts.

Kerry said...


Quilting Addict said...

As Oranges are my favourite colours and due to health I need a pile of cuddly laptops I did the 4 second dash to your store and grabbed it, will take time for a coffee and then guess what my Sunday is going to be, thank you Bonnie

Patricia said...

The quilt is beautiful. I love fall for all the colors I just bought the pattern!

Lynn said...

Thanks for making your pattern one i could purchase in Australia. It's gorgeous and my husband loves Autumn colours so I can't wait to start pulling my scraps.

Susan Y said...

Quilt is a beauty as is your tribute to RBG. Thanks, Bonnie, she made a difference.

ceblakeney said...

Thank you Bonnie for the new pattern and the RBG quote. I am over the uncontrollable sobbing now and ready to get back to work, keeping her words in mind.

Vickie said...

Got my pattern! Thank you! And YES she made all the difference!!!

rtncrft said...

Thank you, Bonnie for another awesome pattern! I have no idea when I will get to it... I do not have a huge selection of fabric built up like so many others do! 😂 And lots of quilts in the initial stages... so hopefully I will have some leftovers from some of them for the future! Have fun with your son!

QuiltGranma said...

Your quilt reminds me of a Mamma's and Poppas song from way back... "All the leaves are brown, and the sky is gray...." Great memories!

CherylLM said...

I ❤️ this quilt, so I bought the pattern! I didn’t have enough autumn colors in my stash so a shopping I went, yeah! Now I’m ready to begin, so I read the pattern. I must say I love the way it was written so even I could understand it. This will be my first time making one of your patterns. I welcome any advice on the “ strip pieces”.

Anne Hayward said...

I love this quilt your Appalachian autumn turned out just gorgeous
Stay safe
Love and quilty hugs
Anne xx

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