
Monday, July 27, 2020

Sundays with Sun and Rain -

Round House Road beckoned!

And I listened!

Summers up here usually follow a distinct pattern of beautiful mornings with crystal clear blue skies, with clouds starting to build and gather by early afternoon, and later in the day – whammo!  The storms come, and they can be fierce.

Which is all fine and dandy as long as I get out in the morning and am under cover safe at home when that sky lets loose!

It had been a few weeks since I was last up here – and the morning was cool enough to say Let’s Go!

The Round House almost has a yard!

Can you smell the wonderful aroma of dirt, grass, river and morning dew?  Add a soundtrack of birds and buzzing things and you’ve got a perfect morning at hand.

My trusty companion is wondering where the weeds went!

Someone has trimmed the banks – a few weeks ago the weeds were up to my armpits.  I like this so much better.

Hiking 2 miles in, 2 miles out.

I love the shady stretches through the forest, and the peace and quiet.  It is rare that I come across any other walkers.  Only occasionally have I been passed by a vehicle.

Yesterday – there was one jeep coming in as we were nearly back to the van -

It was a nice break from the busy state park the day before.  Both places have their good points.

Did I make it home before the rain?  Yes!  (Even fit in a nap!)

But the rain DID come – Click to Play:

And this little guy was evidently trying to seek shelter in the garage during the downpour:

No, Zoey! Leave the toad be!

Who gets excited over shelves?  I DO!

This was yesterday’s job – the shelves were moved from the utility room and on to this wall to make room in the utility room for moving fabric stash up here.  Each little positive move gets me closer.

And it wasn’t long after finishing that I noticed something REALLY BAD – like PANICKY BAD.

I was coming back down to the basement studio and noticed a puddle of water on the floor.

My first thought was that it was the deluge of rain – but it wasn’t coming from the sliding glass door or the garage – it was coming from the utility room.

I quickly called upstairs to Dave who came running – we opened the door to the utility room and it was flooded.  As in breaching the threshold flooding.

A water line from the utility sink had come undone and was just pouring water out on to the floor.  I couldn’t hear it because of the rain.  WHAT A FREAKING MESS!

Luckily no fabric was damaged in the process.  Things were in tubs.  We had moved stuff out due to the relocating of the shelves from the utility room wall – but it took a lkot of squeegeeing to get the water down the drain in the floor.  The floor sloped AWAY from the drain?  How unhelpful is that?  Seriously?

It took every bath towel in the house to mop up the water that had flooded my studio floor.

The big fear is that it would curl the laminate.  We quickly got fans and the dehumidifier going.

This morning all seems to be well – and the floor has never been this clean.  LOL! (I guess there is an upside to everything?)

It could have been so much worse.  How long had it been running that way from under the sink?  What if we hadn’t been home?  I shudder to think of it.

Weird fabric combos make me smile!

Did you ever throw a really funny fabric combo into a scrap quilt just because it made you laugh?  Like “Where did that alien fabric come from anyway?” 

What can I say – I liked the colors in it.  it is the opposite of the Blossom Time block I posted yesterday – where that one had not enough contrast, this one has oh, so much!

Including that little blue square in the four-patch corner – Hello 1986!  Good to see you!

This is why I love scrap quilts so much – you just can’t get this kind of mix from one designer/one fabric line/one manufacturer.

It takes decades and a sense of humor to put things like this together –

So – guess what is back on for today?  I’m headed to Wallburg after all.  the A/C didn’t work at all at the QPO yesterday, and it is too hot for Lola without it.  Luckily yesterday’s rain cooled it down enough that it was only 76 in there at about 8pm last evening.

Today I’m going to get the window unit.  Heating and Air guys come tomorrow.  It may be a few weeks before we can get a new unit in there.  And the window unit will help cut the humidity in the building as well as the heat -

So as soon as this posts I’m on a journey to get that, and more fabric stash, of course!

Anything fun going on for your Monday and week ahead?

Quiltville Quote of the Day -

If you aren't happy with yourself, make a change. Start small and build on it.

We are not limited by our past, the future is wide open!

There is a brand new week ahead - what will you do with it?


Kara Benavides said...

Oh mercy! I am quite experienced at the working end of a squeegy. Today, I finally start quilting a scrappy apple core quilt for my daughter. It has been in progress for at least 5 years (on and off). Can't wait to get this beast done. Why did I have to make it so big?

3 kats and a kwiltr said...

Not alien fabric but zodiac fabric. I recognize Gemini and Virgo, I think.

Margacat said...

My a/c stopped cooling on Saturday afternoon. In about 10 minutes, I can call our HVAC company and hopefully get it fixed today. Another day of 102° expected here.

sue s said...

What a mess to find! So glad your fabric was OK. Time for a Shop-Vac?

Ames in VA said...

I get excited about shelves too. Wall storage means off the floor. A good thing. Glad the water fix was easy and your stash is dry.

Judy in Michigan said...

In a water panic, we throw an entire roll of paper towel (or 2) down in the puddle. It is amazing how much water it soaks up.

Shelina (formerly known as Shasta) said...

Wall storage is good. How awful that you had to deal with the flood. I too am glad you were home to know it happened so you could take quick action.

Shari Z said...

Big week for AC malfunctions. Our daughter lives about 100 miles from us and called "daddy" when her AC went out in upstairs unit on Friday. Saturday morning he was on the road early to see if he could fix it and praise God it only took and $3 part! Wish all fixes in life were so simple.
Water woes are one of my worst nightmares. We've worked after hurricanes and seen the devastation that flooding causes. So glad you were able to contain the damage.

QuiltinLibraryLady said...

Water where water shouldn't be is always a cause for panic! Our basement floor drain also has the problem of most of the basement floor slanting the wrong way. We've had problems with rainwater this year....hard, heavy rains with wind driving the water against the house, soaks in next to the foundation and voila! water seeps into the basement. At least it isn't sewer water, which we've had too. A shop vac comes in so handy for sucking up the water. Sure hope the wetness doesn't damage your flooring.

TrulyBlessed said...

I love Mondays! It's a new beginning. What can I do with this week?

BrenWall61@gmail.com said...

Some of your fabric choices just have to make you smile or laugh but it all works and I am glad that is what you teach us. Today is catch up from an exciting and very busy weekend. Friday my son's 41st birthday, Saturday my grandson (16) did his firs photo shoot (we hope of many for his future) of his cousin in her Prom gown with no prom and Sunday afternoon in the heat of the day her school had Senior 2020 graduation. I don't this morning whether to take a nap or not. Wore out but so happy!!!!

Wendy said...

Are there bears in those forests, Bonnie?

Marti said...

Dear Bonnie.... what is a rain chain??? Southern California desert people want to know! LOL!!

Linda said...

Oh Bonnie, what a shock for you. Good job you have a handy husband who can sort out the problem. Another good job that you have those delicious Tulip blocks to make! 👍🇬🇧

Anne Hayward said...

How lucky you and Dave were home and able to sort it out so quickly. Good news that no fabric was soaked during this flood.
Stay safe
Love and quilty Hugs
Anne xxx

Peggy Klock said...

I have also been packing my sewing studio for a move. I have come to the decision that I need not buy any more fabric. Thank goodness most all was already in small tubs or in rolling Sterilite 3 drawers. The yardage fit into 2 LARGE moving boxes. I am doing some major “letting go”! Magazines, OMG, going bye bye.
Moving is a lot of work at age 72.

Marie H Misgen said...

Oh No! You certainly have your share of water there!? Glad damage was minimal. Thanks for
your writing, it seems the world is still turning ❤️

Kay said...

Glad y'all were able to avoid a total disaster. My disaster this week is my computer had a major failure "blue screen of death", and it costs more to fix (and still not retrieve lost files) than to just replace. So now I will be spending time trying to rebuild lost data, and hopefully it will just be my 2020 stuff. While I wait for it to be shipped, I have a laptop for backup, and plenty of quilt projects to distract me. And tonight is our guild's first Zoom meeting - can't wait to see everyone (sans masks), including my sister who lives in NC.

All said...

I finished a graduation quilt top today and will work on a UFO tonight and tomorrow night at work, after the kid goes to bed. I also have been with out AC in my shop and tomorrow the AC guy comes. So hopefully by Wednesday when I am back in my studio, I will have AC. Have a great week.

Alison Saunders

Nora said...

Baby diapers work really well to soak up major amounts of water. Those things get enormous!! But we older folks don't have baby diapers around. Maybe we should keep a box just in case.

JJ said...

Bonie your sumer is like ours on the Sunshine Coast Queensland, love it.

I love stitching said...

Hi ,

I see you have some more of life’s adventures going on. I just got back from getting my haircut and I had taken a half a day off from work so now I’m going to finish 13 large flying geese for a T-shirt quilt that is in need to be finished.
Last time I get my haircut was 2019 so with all this extra weight off my shoulder and back’s should be able to fly through the Sewing

Grandma K said...

Bonnie if those tubs of fabric were exposed to any of that water please check them. I had things in tubs that I thought were safe from water only to find them filled with mold a few months later as there was a tiny hole in the bottom of the tub from the manufacturing process. Loss all my cross stitch supplies as well as 2 tubs of Christmas lights.

Charlie d said...

I picture your moving people trying to hoist those two big boxes and getting a hernia. Moving again reminded me that fabric is heavy. LOL I trust you are forwarding your quilt magazines to a guild or group? Enjoy your new digs and keep on stitching!

Angie said...

So sorry about your flooded flooring. I hope it's OK. Thank you so much for the Quote of the Day. I needed to read something like this today. My husband died in Oct. and I'm struggling with make a new start with whats left of my life. Blessings to you.

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