
Tuesday, July 14, 2020

Dog Days of Summer, Yet?

The best part of yesterday afternoon.

Remember those days of just sitting on the grass in the shade of a tree when you were a kid?

And yes, the grass needs a good mowing, it seems to grow inches per day – we may need a hay baler by weeks end!

Yesterday was a busy Monday, though a quiet one, in the aftermath of putting all back in place following the busy retreat weekend.

I appreciated the quiet.

I tended to things one at a time, checking them off my list and watching the list get shorter with each line across the page.

With each group, come some things that need attending to – it seems while sitting and being unused, the freezer in the kitchen has begun to form icebergs in the bottom underneath the bottom basket (side by side fridge) and further inspection showed a fan area also at the bottom frozen and iced over.

The fridge side also has a cold spot, cold enough to freeze eggs even though the temp isn’t set that low. (How can I explain this in a way that folks won’t just reply “adjust the temperature." Believe me – we have tried all of the usuals.)

I chipped out and removed the iceberg (It was nearing on 1’’ thick yesterday morning) and dried everything out, but by afternoon it was doing it again.

The consensus last evening was just to unplug everything, let the fan area thaw and then try again today.

It is not the ice maker.  That was already seen to.

Perhaps it’s like an a/c unit that once frozen over needs to thaw before it can work again.

Or like us people – just unplug for a while and then we can work again!

This photo was taken of Zoey just chillin’ in the grass as we sat underneath the shade of the big tree watching traffic go by.

I need to do more of this.  Perhaps with a book.  Or some handwork.  And the next time I will be grabbing that big and heavy double knit log cabin quilt off of the porch pew, laying it down and lounging upon it.

These are the best ways I know to enjoy summer.

Umpteen loads of laundry have been washed, folded and made ready for the next group.

While I still hate folding fitted sheets (there is no NEAT way to do that! LOL!) stacks of clean, soft and fluffy laundry bring a sense of peaceful accomplishment that my inner teenager would never understand.

Folding towels, warm from the dryer as therapy?  You betcha!

Mail order out the door on time starting my week of right – and leaving me time to work on something where no photos could be shared.  Oh, really?  Guess what that just might mean?  Yep!  it’s that time of year again!

On the cabin front -

Deck staining is happening!

All of the power washing happened a couple of weeks ago, but we needed a stretch of days with no rain to get the staining process under way.

It looks GREAT!  Of course, we need more stain, not knowing how the power-washed wood would soak up a gallon.  Now that we know how far a gallon will go we can figure some math into the equation and plan accordingly.

Hand work didn’t happen last night either.  It was just an EXHALE kind of evening.

Sometimes all I want to do is settle in and pet the sleeping dog who has velcroed herself up against my thigh.

And that was AFTER she wore herself out doing this.  Click to Pay:

Today – more Quilting Behind the Scenes!

But I’d like to take some time and get the Snail’s Trail blocks back in production now that the cell data issue has resolved itself back at the cabin and I have the QPO back.  LOL!

Mid July – how did we get here??  And what happens next?

I found a lot of connection in this quote that came through my memory feed this morning:

Quiltville Quote of the Day

“She used a needle as often. as easily as a telephone; it was her duty, her comfort, her companion, her mode of self-expression.

And when she undertook a project of great magnitude, she was not just passing time or doing a bit of show-off needlework, she was making a statement about herself; about her skill, her patience, her ability to endure endless days of hard work and tedium for the sake of the pattern of the whole, and ultimately of her sense of her own value as a human being.”

Beth Gutcheon, from The Perfect Patchwork Primer, 1973

I love that description of “A project of great magnitude!”

What are your thoughts today?  What is on your mind?


cityquilter grace said...

another name from the past....many years ago...like 1970s maybe? beth and another woman had a show on pbs in boston called 'show of hands' about craft but also quilting...she and her husband jeff were nationally known collectors, teachers, speakers...she wrote a book on which the movie 'without a trace' was filmed...and a quilt hangs on the living room wall in the movie....

Kathy said...

Love the Zoey videos. They make me laugh too. Keep them coming, please.

LJ said...

Here's a thought about the fridge...Have you tipped it up and cleaned the condenser coils underneath the fridge? It may be that the coils have so much dust, etc. around them that they are working overtime trying to cool the fridge down.

otherussin said...

Bonnie, to fitted sheets nearly tuck all four corners in each other. Then Golda the edges in to match then fold up to match the top sheet in size. FYI check a package of new sheets as you open them. That's how I figured it out

Michele said...

How to fold a fitted sheet, lol: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sHw1LDZ9oeg

Unknown said...

Maybe this will help with folding those fitted sheets. https://pin.it/7nivH7n

Rochelle said...

I love the pictures and videos of Zoey. The quote today is beautiful. It explains so much about quilting that others do not understand.

Quilter Kathy said...

All Bonnie Hunter mysteries are projects of "great magnitude"LOL
I am working toward finishing off two of those great projects this month so that I can be ready for the next one coming! I hope you enjoy the process of cooking up these adventures for us as much as we enjoy participating in them!

Sharon said...

Have a fridge that does the same thing, in the condensation pan under the fridge there is a rubber squeezable valve that gets dust and muck stuck in it. Mine is black rubber looks kind of like a duck bill. Squeeze open and clean. Works great for a year or two. Took forever for my repairman to figure this one out. And he had worked for the same appliance store for 30 years, still does.

Cats said...

me too, i want a dog for myownself, but am not physically fit enough to care for one properly, so i do enjoy your pics and videos...just a little bit about how i treasure knowing you and all you contribute to my life... thanks, Cats in Carlsbad CA

Barb D said...

We had a similar problem with our refrigerator a year ago. It was a GE Profile side-by-side refrig. One day the refrigerator started getting colder and colder. Turns out there was a louver that would open to let cold air pass from the freezer to the refrig side when needed, and it stuck open. Had to replace that module.

maryofkern said...

great tip...thanks for the laugh.....

Sharon in Seattle said...

Finally getting enough warm sunshine for a float in the lake! My version of summer relaxation - a floatie to relax on and hang out. Enjoy summer!

JANET said...

Fridge: I found that there are vents inside freezer and if air flow to them are impaired, temp gauge will not read correctly and I will get frozen things in fridge. Find your vents, usually near ice maker, and allow space around them. See if that helps.

Angei said...

I love watching Zoey. She’s a delight

Susan Sawatzky said...

Stuff the fitted sheets in the closet straight from the dryer. When you need to use on put it back in the dryer on air and fluff....no fold method...lol

Mary Lynn Frein said...

Zoey is just too cute!

stitchinkitchen said...

here you go. easy method to fold fitted sheets https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ckTCocBCUN4

Joy said...

That was the problem with our Maytag. Repairman cut the duckbill off which caused ALL sorts of other problems......like flooding the kitchen floor. Our insurance paid a lot of money to replace flooring. Maytag replaced just about every part inside. When the extended warranty ran out, it got moved outside to be the extra fridge. It can leak all it wants on the garage floor!

Phyllis said...

Love it and save time!!

J Barham said...

Our stand-up freezer stopped working in June.Our repair guy told us that if you have a newer refridgerator or freezer with any digital readings that you have it hooked up to a surge protector. We had two days back-to-back when our electricity went off. So, that was what triggered it! I'm so glad it was fixable! Just wanted you to know about the surge protector as it's the first time I had heard of using one. Love Zoey! I have a Border Collie and she is 14 years old and still enjoys learning new skills and commands! She is a lot of fun!! Joyce B. living outside a small town in the Ozark Mtns.in North Arkansas.

Valerie Zagami said...

Glad to read your day as I have been a slug today. Zoey is so funny with her upside down view of fun.. Appliances! never understood well. Have a restful night and gets me motivated!

Farm Quilter said...

If Bonnie tries to fold her fitted sheets in this manner, I really want to see the video of that!!!

Farm Quilter said...

That's the way I do it...fast, easy and fits in the linen closet with no mess. I do put the top sheet and pillow cases into the final fold as well, so it is one grab per bed.

Anonymous said...

The CLASSIC fitted sheet scenario: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fTC6Sm_JeKA
I laugh at that every single time.

Lisa said...

Beautiful deck! I love the color. Please share the type of wood and the stain name/color. Thanks!

Sarah McDonald said...

Maybe the fan needs replacing. It happened to us once.

Patricia said...

Zoey is growing, beautiful dog. Great quote!

Unknown said...

Refrig...I have not had a side-by-side, but I had a refrig once where the tubing which was supposed to drain the water from the auto-defrost would clog and freeze. This backed up the water and it froze inside the freezer.

Chrysanthemum said...

Love being on this journal journey with you Bonnie. My question is, “How do you fit so much into your day?” And I always enjoy reading the quotes! They are so often so personal.

Sonia Tuttle said...

Our fridge (3 door) quit on us last Friday. Repair man can't get her until a week from Thursday. It's like that all over. Luckly we have an old back up in the garage, but it's a pain. You may want to get on the waiting list to have it checked if the wait time is the same in your area.

B. J. In Virginia said...

My method for folding fitted sheets is the same as my method for wrestling a boa constrictor! That said, no one ever retrieves sheets from the linens drawer except me - so who cares?

Angie said...

I juat watched "Without a Trace" on Starz last night. Wonderful movie. I didn't see a quilt on the wall, but instead on the beds. I'll have to watch it again.

Angie said...

Zoey is so funny! What a wonderful doggie! I don't know how old the fridge is, but our daughters started the freezing thing a few months ago, and it could not be corrected no matter what they did. So, she has a new Whirlpool coming today. Bottom pull out freezer model. I hope you can resolve your freezing problems.

katie said...

I tuck all 4 corners together, folding the elastic edges to the middle creating a long rectangle, then fold one more time length wise. This creates a "lump" where all the corners are, I then fold that lump down to the bottom of the sheet 3 to 4 times, make a nice neat square. Saw Martha Stewart do it this way. Works for me, no matter what size you are folding.

Carol said...

Love the comment for today. We have issues with our refrigerator and freezer. My husband plays with the temperature so who knows what is happening. At least things are cold and working. As for sheets, I watched a gal one time at the laundromat and loved what she did so now I do it. I would rather just put the sheets back on the bed and not have to fold them. I am working at repairing the cloth on a doll stroller today since it is a favorite for her. The fun things I get to do to earn money. One of these days, I need to get some quilts quilted so I can bind them. Have a great day. You encourage me every day with your thoughts.

Peggy said...

I have a fridge that does it in the fridge part. I have just come to the conclusion that there are certain parts of the fridge that I can put things and certain parts of the fridge for other things. I ruined many a salad fixings and fruit in those cold spots. I tried the unplugging and plugging back in to no avail. General Electric is no longer on my list of appliances that I will buy. I hope you can find a solution for yours.

MW said...

Don't know if this will help your freezer issue, but here is an inexpensive solution to try. Sometimes freezers ice up when they are too empty. Try putting some gallon jugs of water in it when the retreaters leave so that it isn't empty.

Gwin Gover said...

My Gato II -- long gone but still dearly loved and a male version of Lola -- used to get out through the front door occasionally. He'd go to the end of the walk -- I live on a busy street -- but would be back inside instantly the first time a car went by. I could almost see a streak in the air as returned. His sunning time was spent on the back deck which is 30 feet off the ground -- house is built on a slope -- so he'd sometimes stay out there all day with only occasional trips inside to see what I was up to and if could "help".

cathy d said...

I love the quote today. When I was learning to quilt in the early 70's, late 60's, the only book I could find was the Patchwork Primer by Beth Gutcheon. I still have the book and I'm still quilting.

Rosebud said...

Happened to us but husband bought a Whirlpool from Home Depot for $900 and I love it. It doesn't have any water or ice dispenser but that's okay. It's gorgeous inside and no more worries about things being frozen up in fridge part. Freezer part is great too. Just an idea for you to ponder, along with all the other ideas. I love your site and always enjoy any videos you send.

Laine said...

I had the same problem as Janet - Comment No. 19. As soon as we moved all the bottles of juice away from where the cold air comes out of the vent into the top of the fridge, the bottom of our fridge stopped freezing all the produce (thank goodness!)

Ginny A said...

I love watching Zoey videos! She is so cute!
This is my method of folding fitted sheets-

Judy1522 said...

I love the Zoey videos she just makes me laugh. I know what you mean about fitted sheets but I finally know how after watching this Martha Stewart video. It is pretty hilarious but this actually works https://www.marthastewart.com/1540130/martha-stewart-folding-fitted-bedsheet-challenge-tips

Anne Hayward said...

I’m a little behind reading your blog but just found ZoeyJo playing and an instant smile and chuckle came thank you for starting my morning on a high xxx

Deb E said...

Thank you for the wonderful video of Zoey! We also have a puppy, Viking, who was found by animal rescue folks after he'd been limping around for a week or two AFTER he was hit by a car. He had surgery on his left leg (and has a 6" scar) and now is fully healed & runs like a greyhound. At only 16 lbs he is so happy to feel good, and it shows when he runs -- such JOY! They bring so much to our lives, don't they? Have a wonderful day! Deb E / CA

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