So long, Farewell!
It’s always a bit sad when a group starts packing up -
Machines are put away, projects folded and stored, design walls left standing empty -
But SO MANY MEMORIES were made this weekend in the midst of all of this, and I am looking forward to having the folks from Yadkin Valley Quilts back again in April of 2021 which was to be their original slot this year, but was pushed forward due to lock downs.
I love that we have been able to use the porch so much – this porch was made for sitting and relaxing, morning noon and night.
Several in the group participated in a mystery!
Well done, ladies!
There was much fast and furious sewing (and loads of laughter in the process!) going on!
Other projects made their debut over the porch rail as well!
Beautiful On Ringo Lake finish!
Yadkin Valley Quilts shop owners Tim & Andrae
They had kits for this one!
And yes – machines were rehomed!
This lovely blue Morse is going home with Debbie Morse – and you can just guess why! If there was a machine out there badged HUNTER, I’d have to have it too!
My sweet 1960s Best Built went home with Krista -
I know she is going to love it!

The 201 in the wooden dome case went home with Carol – and I forgot to get a picture of that one as we were testing it. This is an older photo of the machine from a few years back.
The 201 is an awesomely powerful machine – and I have a duplicate of that one in the cabinet in the QPO for all of my bindings. I didn’t need two of them.
One vintage blue/white nine patch child’s quilt and two vintage quilt tops also found new homes to go to.
And there is still plenty left for the next round of retreaters arriving on the 23rd – so we’ve got a 10 day break to get ready for that whirlwind!
I will keep this weekend in my heart!
It really was a wonderful time.
My Monday is off and running as Mondays after busy weekends tend to do -
Click to Play
It was 63 degrees out on the cabin porch while filming this at about 6:30am this morning.
Quiltville Quote of the Day -
On Ringo Lake digital pattern booklet available in the digital pattern section of the Quiltville Store.
You CAN do it!
Have a wonderful week -
I have a 201 that I “found “ in a sewing cabinet that we refinished for my mil 20 years ago. When she passed we inherited it and used it as a desk!!! When my 1971 singer went in for repairs I took a look inside. Had not been used in over 15 years and sewed like a dream.
I wish it was 60° here even at 6 o’clock in the morning. Central Texas… Temperature… 8 AM 89° with 52% humidity. Supposed to get up to 104 with 108° Heat index. Everything is burnt to a crisp! Enjoy your beautiful cool spring weather. Hope you have a wonderful day!
Lots of pretty quilts and machines. I see a featherweight, the last group I saw has only newer white machines. I always look for the machines being used.I love the older ones I use a featherweight all the time now for piecing. On Ringo Lake was the prettiest quilt shown.
I just love reading your posts! They always brighten my day! ❤️
Oh,my...I thought the Morse said Moose! Was thinking that's a cute brand name, lol! I want a Moose! :)
Hi Bonnie, I inherited my Aunt Lillies Morse which is pink. It was stored in a pole Barn in Michigan and the cabinet was stuffed with mouse nests. My husband cleaned it up and polished the cabinet and it works great now. I have seen lots of blue and teal ones but I have not seen any pink ones. You are so informative with all machines, can you give me any information
I sure wish I could attend one of the retreats just to be able to buy a beautiful preloaded machine. I can't think of any repair shop that would do a better job at loving a machine back to putting status. Thank you for all you do. God bless you and keep you.
I have 2 vintage 201's I have a hand crank ~ Betty the binder and the electric Nancy that I sew on daily, both are fabulous machines!!
My Dad was a salesman for Singer in the early 1940s in Minnesota. He bought my Mom (who was a great seamstress) a cabinet mounted 201 at that time. It's the machine I learned to sew on. It's a great machine and I still have it. BTW Bonnie, I grew up in New London MN - not far from Ringo Lake. It's a small world. :)
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