
Sunday, May 24, 2020

With Dogs, Flags and Much Quilting!

I reached the finish on binding my Unity Quilt Along last night!

I took my time at it as there wasn’t really a rush.  My average binding speed on a quilt this size tends to run about one side per night give or take some.

The label is still left to be sewn down, but that includes a change of thread color (which I didn’t have near my chair at the time) and we were dealing with other distractions that made sewing down labels a minor detail that could be handled later -

When my hands were cleaner!

Someone is a popcorn addict!

And while we limited her treating to a few yummy kernels – it was really funny to see her get so excited over the sound of the popcorn popping on the stove.

Yes, it’s REAL popcorn here – none of that fake microwave stuff!

Real butter, plenty of salt – yummy home-popped goodness!

She fails so far at catching it if you toss it at her.  But she will take it ever so gently from your fingers – the most delicate dog with a snack I’ve seen yet!

We don’t feed her people food – but a few kernels of popcorn now and then as a treat won’t hurt her.

However – trimming nails is a different story.  Let’s just say that she is running around at the moment with one foot trimmed, and the other 3 were untouchable as there was much whining, squirming, yelping – you would think the whole world was coming to an end.  So if anyone has any ideas on how to trim nails without a full body tackle, I would be most appreciative.

Flags up, everyone!

It’s Memorial Day weekend!

This is a reminder that while Veterans Day celebrates the service of all U.S. military veterans,  Memorial Day honors those who had died while in military service. We appreciate all who have served, but this holiday is a time to remember those who fell protecting our freedoms.

I’m sure they’d tell us to get over ourselves whining about lock downs and restrictions and mask wearing.  It’s a small sacrifice on our part to honor what they gave to our country.

We are STILL the Land of the Free and the Home of the Brave.

And those rhodies survived all of the rain!

Sashings So Far.

This was yesterday afternoon’s progress on Casden’s quilt.  There are two more lengths of sashing to make – and then I can start in on the in-between rows with the charm squares and their sashings.

Can I just say here that this is why I prefer multi fabric scrap quilts?  This is monotonous and boring! LOL!  But it’s going to be a great quilt for a kid when it comes together.

Even Zoey finds outside more interesting!

I tell you what will be even more fun?  Drawing for the winner of our SewPad Gift-Away!

This has been so widely received!

We have 6,590 entries!

This is such a wonderful addition to my sewing studio and will cut down on my Chiropractic visits saving me money in the long run.
  • Gel Comfort Seating for Quilters!
  • 1/2” Thick Medical-Grade Gel Filled
  • Cushions & Supports Your Hips & Back
  • Sit Longer in Much Greater Comfort
  • AirMesh® Cover Keeps You Cooler
  • Feel Better at the End of the Day!
  • 100% Made in the USA

Who is entry 990?

Kelsey Ullman!

Kelsey, you are going to love your SewPad!  Please reply to the email I sent you with your mailing address and I’ll have the folks at SewPad get your prize right off to you.

You are going to love this!

My Sunday Morning part of this holiday weekend is easy and breezy – I’ll work more on those remaining sashings.  Some tulip blocks may jump in.

I’ve been binging Sweet Magnolias on Netflix – perfect for stitching by.

There may be a walk – things are drying out!

What’s up for your Sunday ahead?

Quiltville Quote of the Day -

high. Keep smiling. Move forward

Have a lovely Sunday, folks!

(Garlic Knots PDF quilt pattern and ALL digital patterns in the Quiltville Store are 25% off using code DIGITAL25 at purchase through May 31st!)


Shari Z said...

Our dog doesn't like his nails done either. We bought a dremel tool for dog nails and my husband uses carrot "coins" in a dish, holds him ( dog) and feeds him a carrot piece before after each nail. The dog loves baby carrots so this works for us. Lots of patience involved. Good luck!!

Jill Alexander said...

For nail trimming: I keep seeing these videos where you put plastic wrap in your head and smear peanut butter on it so pup is too busy licking to care about nails. I haven’t personally tried it but if you try it PLEASE video and share! Lol good luck!

Unknown said...

I have a hard time cutting my dogs nails, but when I hold them I just play with their paws and rub them just get use to touch. my dogs are all recuse and we don't know much about their history.

Melinda said...

Have you seen the Video of the pet owner who puts Saran Wrap around his head like a headband,slathers peanut butter on the front, and then let's the dog lick peanut butter while clipping the dog's nails.

Elle said...

I saw a video on FB recently: A woman wrapped her forehead with plastic wrap and smeared a tablespoon of peanut butter on it. Her dog licked it off while she quickly clipped all 5!

Happy Sunday Bonnie :-)

dorothy said...

Too funny I'm watching Sweet Magnolias now as well just found and my daughter recommend it it's pretty good

Quiltnut said...

We have the nail struggle here too. I sit with Izzie while husband grinds her nail. She worms and wiggles and whines....it is a chore for sure. Following for ideas.

Jean said...


Andee Neff said...

One of pur dogs was super calm with nail cutting if we covered her eyes with a towel. Does not work for the others here but could work for Zoey maybe. Fingers crossed!

Jean said...

My comment with a link to a woman putting saran wrap around her head and peanut butter on her forehead is waiting approval. Apparently it actually works as I've seen more than one video of it LOL

Mary Bolton said...

Romping & Rolling in the Rockies blogspot has posted about trimming nails training her frightened dog.

Dalina said...

Have a great Memorial Day weekend Bonnie! I hope that you get to take some walks and it dries out.

Sharon in Seattle said...

Hi Bonnie!
Oh boy, nail trimming. It's a matter of training. I've never known a dog that takes to it right away, but it will get better. Things to try - getting her up on a table or elevated platform reduces her evasive maneuvers. Maybe atop her crate? I use a dremel. I saw a utube video of a guy who put plastic wrap around his head across his forehead, smeared peanut butter all across his forehead on the wrap and trimmed nails while the dog licked off the peanut butter!! Hahahaha. Google or search FB for the video it's hilarious. Good luck

Sue said...

Patience and peanut butter! Touch the toes, a lick of PB, touch the toes, a lick of PB. Positive reinforcement and repetition...I got mine to the point where I would say "do feet" and they would stand like a horse for the blacksmith. She's a smart girl, she'll get it...

Helen said...

I laughed when I read about your nail-grooming adventure. The same thing happened with my Donnie. Two of us trying to hold and use the grinder. One of us suffered a puncture wound from aforementioned toenail.We gave up and made an appt with the professionals!

Grandma K said...

I have to agree with you on boring sewing. After doing an online BOM of 5" and 12" blocks I did a Cake Mix churndash two color quilt, red & cream. There were 80 blocks all the same. I truly missed the variety of blocks and fabric. You will have fun putting all those conversation squares into Casden's quilt. Enjoy

Faye said...

Have to say I power-watched Sweet Magnolias - its so good. Enjoy your Memorial Day weekend.

Evelyn 522 said...

Good day Bonnie
When Zooey is sitting beside you and relaxed, especially after a long walk that's tired her out, try massaging a foot. Just gently and with a soft voice. She will get used to the fact that touching her feet is a nice thing. When you are ready to clip a nail bring the clippers from behind her head and just clip one. She won't feel quite so threatened if she doesn't see those awful , to her mind, things coming at her. Don't try to do them all at once.
When we had litters of puppies we would massage their little toes whenever we picked them up. This way they got used to the feeling.
I hope this might help. It's such a delight to see Zooey Jo and her antics.

BrenWall61@gmail.com said...

Our On-line church service began with a Folding of the Flag Ceremony. If you have never seen it please do. Our own Commandor Sgt Major of the Arkansas National Guard Steven Veazey read the meaning of each fold and the history of this occasion. It was very heart warming.

JulieC said...

When I worked at an animal hospital we always distracted dogs with a jar of chicken baby food. They'd be so busy trying to lick out the baby food they didn't notice what else was going on.

Posy said...

When I had my dog Tillie I found that the vet or pet store did a great job of trimming her nails, I think she was the alpha dog at my house, I sure wasn't!

Kathy said...

Your Zoey is so cute! And I love popcorn too! I just cannot make it to save my life!

KarenSue said...

It might be worth the trip to a groomer or vet and let them do the trim.
Local vet assistant smears peanut butter on her face while holding the dog. The dog licks it off while another person cuts the nails.
Gross to me, but it worked. Good Luck!

Tammie said...

I’m thinking Zoey had commandeered the Unity quilt as her own! I think that would be totally appropriate...a quarantine quilt for a puppy chosen during quarantine.
Toenail clipping is always an adventure. I had small terriers, and I had to have my husband hold them in his lap, and hold their leg, talking soothingly to them. It was a matter of doing it as quickly as I could without making any mistakes and cutting too short. I never found an easier way to do it. Most dogs don’t like it. The hubby would, however, take their paw in his hands and gently massage their pads at times when we weren’t cutting their nails. This seemed to get them more used to having their feet held.

Terri in Texas said...

Hi Bonnie, Keep handling your dog’s paws and take a tiny amount off every day. She’ll get used to it and it won’t be terrifying after awhile. My dog now rolls over and puts his paws in the air when he sees the orange clipper. He actually likes it now!

grammajudyb said...

I’m anxious to see that boy quilt come together! I’m loving it so far!

WeedyMama said...

Ah, the paw-di-cure. So much fun. I gave up on the doggie trimmers and used the people nail clippers. Just a little off the tip of the nail after a bath (when they are soft), and then use an emery board to smooth the rough edges. Mine actually liked to have her nails filed. If her nails are clicking on the floor, it is time for a trim.

Nancy Nielsen said...

The best trick I have for dog nails is to have the person holding or supporting the dog have a hot dog in their hand, with just a bit sticking out. Zoey nibbles on the hot dog and the holder lets it advance out of their hand so she can be constantly nibbling while the other person is trimming the nails. My dogs have always preferred to stand for nail trimming because I think they feel less vulnerable.

Jean said...

Hi Bonnie.... funny thing after I read your post I happened upon something on fb that might help. Lol.... okay now I'm serious... guy takes plastic wrap a long enough piece to wrap around and tie on his forehead ..... after he ties it on he smears a bunch of peanut butter on it! Then when he is clipping his dogs toe nails that dog is busy licking the p.b. off his forehead. Tooo funny for words and honestly it looked like it works. Up to you if you use it or not... but I bet one of you (hubby or you) will get a huge belly laugh!!!!

Jean said...

Too funny.... I just saw the same one and posted about it before seeing yours

Jenny said...

There is a really funny youtube video that went viral a few weeks ago about a young lady who wrapped her forehead in sarah wrap and put peanut butter on her forehead on the wrap. The dog licks and licks at the peanut butter while she is so very close enough to trim those pesky nails! I have used a Kong filled with PB, but you really need another body to help you. Good luck. Keep at it. I have never succeeded with any of my dogs being able to do myself!!

Carolyn Barnett said...

Dog groomers and trainers suggest these tips for getting Zoey to calm down. When she is calm, take a paw and stroke it, rub it on top and bottom and with a calming voice tell her she is a good dog and then reward her with a treat. Do this on all four paws, do this everyday and if time twice a day. She will then associate you holding her paw and messing with it with a calming loving tone of your voice and a treat. Next week, try the other three paws, Start with just one and tell her you love her, give her a treat then attempt to clip her nails. When you are successful give her another treat. Its a learning process that she will get the hang of.

Judy T. said...

That would definitely be the safest route. I've heard the plastic wrap on the forehead is NOT a good idea for many reasons....

Unknown said...

just saw that on a tictoc clip. was going to suggest it too! good luck/lick!

Beth said...

Wrap zoey up in a beach towel, sort of papoose style, just bring one foot out at a time to trim, works even if you are alone

Sally Langston Warren said...

Oh my gosh. I don’t think anyone read previous comments before they proceeded to tell you about wrapping plastic.....yeah, you know.....lol. I once had a dog who was ok with me trimming her nails. But all other dogs since then have been uncoopera Time. It is well worth it to me for the vets office to do it. I don’t have my dog groomed, we bath her at home.

Tasha said...

Our Daisy (who looks like Zoey’s twin) also hates getting her nails done. She will tolerate it if someone holds a king stuffed with peanut butter and treats for her to lick at while I’m trimming. Good luck!!

DLREB said...

Bonnie, my dog loves popcorn too!! I don't give her very much either, just a kernel or two. We used to have a dog that one time when my husband was trimming his nails, he got a little too close, the dog NEVER forgot that & we could never trim his nails after that! Good Luck!

MomE said...

I saw this on Facebook. Spread peanut butter on the center of a strip of saran wrap that's long enough to tie around your head at the forehead. Let your pup lick the peanut butter off your forehead while you trim the toe nails.

Anne Hayward said...

Congratulations on the unity binding I’m hoping to get some more done on mine today, I’m loving the colours I pick so different from my normal choice.
Poor Zoey I have never trimmed a digs cows but had to do a cat that lived indoors and struggled and was wounded!
Looking forward to seeing Casdens quilt come together and hope my fabric reaches you in time but it’s a long way from the Channel Islands to you.
Have a wonderful Memorial Day
Love and quilty hugs
Anne xxx

Pam Dempsey said...

Try the Stir Crazy popcorn popper. Electric, uses oil and works great :)

Rosemary B❤️ said...

Well, it looks like you are going to be making a video of you with Saran wrap. .....
I have kitties, It takes two people. They have had their nails clipped since kittenhood, so I just try to make it a cuddle time with a lot of sweet doting and praise. afterward some extra praise, more doting and play, they love to play.
Your sashings look nice

Rosemary B❤️ said...


scrapquilter said...

Bonnie, I saw on Facebook a post stating that the lady put peanut butter on her forehead so when she was clipping her dogs nails, it was having a great time snacking!!!

Solar Flair said...

Our critters, dogs and cats, are such individuals! My two Elk Hounds, one male one female, never had a problem w/me clipping their nails. BUT WOW flea meds and heartworm pills .... he, no problem. She, hated both. I never had a dog that could take a pill wrapped in food, chew, swallow and then delicately put the pill on the floor. The ONLY thing that worked was peanut butter and a lot of it. Flea meds ... had to chase her down and hold her down. Popcorn, he knew the word and (I really think) it meant pop in the air and I'll catch it food. Her, throw it up and she'd watch it go up, come down, and lay there all the time waiting patiently for one at a time hand fed. We love them so much, quirks and all!! Have never timed binding . . . will have to see how many movies it takes, 'cause that is usually what I do while binding . . . unless it's football season and the Chiefs are playing.

Ames in VA said...

I used a Dremel drill for my chow chow's nails. It helped to stroke and massage her paws as she grew up so she would accept them being held. Still, I had to make her lie down, and then she would snort and huff and puff through all 4 paws. After 8 years she resigned herself and it got easier. Always offered lots of praise and some playtime after.

ShirlR said...

Oh what a beautiful sight this morning when I opened your email to see sweet Zoey gazing at you with loving, gentle eyes, cuddled in your lovely quilt! Thank you!

Marlene in Nevada said...

I recently watched a video where a guy wrapped plastic wrap around his forehead, slathered on peanut butter, and while his dog was lapping at the peanut butter, the guy was trimming the dog's nails. If Zoey likes peanut butter and you're not adverse to her having it, you might give it a try.

QuiltGranma said...

At our last house we had a large driveway and patio that had brushed concrete. On the swing I found it very helpful for rubbing off the rough heels that we get over winter, just moving my legs back and forth in arcs. The brushed concrete also helped wear off the long nails on our poodle. No squeezing her into submission to get the nails trimmed. But One foot at a time is also a good idea! I would go after the dew claws first if Zoey still has them.

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