
Wednesday, May 20, 2020

Courthouse Square–NEW PDF Pattern!

It was a crisp January morning when I photographed my Courthouse Square top over the porch rail at the cabin.

January already feels like a lifetime ago, doesn’t it?

I remember freezing my butt off tip-toeing out onto the porch, avoiding the slippery snowy areas in my “muffies” (What we call slippers in our family!) and just LOVING how that morning sunrise found its way to filter through the quilt top – giving the seams the appearance of leaded stained glass.

Oh, how green and lush things are now – such a difference a few months makes.

It was February before quilting could commence!

And I was so happy to have a place to use the Texas fabric I had received as a gift while teaching at Stitchin’ Heaven last year.  Which now seems like decades ago.

Trimmed and waiting for binding -

Binding also happened in February -

And I always love stitching binding in the evenings – 

At the same time all of this was going on I was also in a frenzy to finish the last of the string license plate placemats (Free Patterns tab) in anticipation of retreat season finally opening.  

Our first group – the Pieceful Hearts girls of Augusta GA/North Augusta SC came through our doors over Valentine’s Day weekend.

That also feels like such a world away – doesn’t it?

Well, as you know – February became March.  With March came Covid and shelter at home, my teaching/lecturing and travel life was cancelled.  Retreats were rescheduled for hopefully healthier times in the future and I ran right out and adopted ZOEY! (Best thing ever.)  Quarantine and a puppy.

And we jumped right into our Unity Quilt Along! 2 months of scrambling fun. 9 releases from intro to finish with that finish being posted 2 days ago – Monday. (Which feels like a week ago already!)

So guess what I did yesterday?

I finally wrote the PDF pattern for Courthouse Square!

And Zoey posed.

And posed.

And gave me the stink eye!

"Zoey – can you please move while mama gets a photo of the quilt – JUST the quilt?"

She wasn’t having any of it.


You’ll find the pattern for Courthouse Square under the Digital Patterns category of the Quiltville Store.

And remember – ALL DIGITAL PATTERNS are 25% off using coupon code DIGITAL25 at purchase.  Code MUST be used to receive discount.  No refunds if you happen to forget.

This sale is good through the month of May.

I have placed my stock of the Addicted to Scraps book on deep deep discount at just $15.99 (regularly $27.95) and it comes with a free PDF pattern download for my Wanderlust Table Runner.

If you've been waiting for this book - now is the time. Put your stash to good use while you retreat away at home. 

Virginia is on “Shelter at Home” until June 10th, so hurry!

You'll find it in the
Quiltville Store along with other goodies you may want to add to your cart - check the NEW category to see what else we've added.

And since you are in such a link clicking mood – did you see that we have a SewPad Gift-Away happening on YESTERDAY’S POST

This thing has become my new best friend enabling me to sit for hours on end piecing away at my machine in comfort.  It’s an $89.95 value – drawing to happen on Sunday!

Today – well, I’m masking up and headed to the dentist.  When they called to confirm my appointment on Monday they asked all kinds of triage questions about fever, flu-like symptoms, stomach ache, head ache, had I been in contact with any Tyson employees or their families – all of the answers were NO of course, I haven’t been anywhere.

But today I will park my car in the parking lot – call to let them know I’m there.  They’ll call me back when it’s time for me to come in and I’ll be ushered to my room and get this thing taken care of.

This is our new normal.  Whatever it takes to be educated and safe.

How are things shaping up for your Wednesday?

Quiltville Quote of the Day

Some days I know this is the best we can say about any given day.

Some days have the possibility of being even much better depending on how we look at and react to things placed in our path.

Is your today shaping up better than your yesterday?

Do something to make it a bit brighter!


Tammie said...

Hope your dentist appointment goes well. The hubs has had 3 root canals during quarantine, the last of those done on Monday. We’re hoping he won’t have any trouble with his teeth for a while! My heart goes out to anyone with dental issue! May the rest of your day be wonderful..🌈

BrenWall61@gmail.com said...

Well I woke up with a headache this morning, which is never good, but I will pressure on. Things to do at home and at the end of today I would like to feel like I have accomplished "something". LOL

Julie said...

My day is going to be filled with cleaning my house for the weekend, even though the weather isn't going to be the best. Then to get the pontoon in the lake! That's a sure sign of summer getting started in northern Wisconsin. Memorial Day will be quiet this year, but it will still be fun! Hope everyone has some fun this holiday and thanks Bonnie for all the fun stuff you do for us!!!

Anne Hayward said...

Wow your courthouse steps came out just beautifully, and who better to pose with it that ZoeyJo lol.
Now to decide whether or not to but it or do all the rest I’ve already got started lol.
Stay safe
Love and quilty hugs
Anne Hayward

Penny said...

My days schedule:
Go to town for a new water heater, the 6 year old one burned out yesterday.
Get parts (again) for the mower that broke something different right after getting repaired.
Hopefully, find the leak in the shop roof, because even tho it keeps raining we can't find where it is starting.
Actually, this is my husband's list; I'm going to my sewing room and get caught up on mending and maybe rearrange the whole room.
The quote of the day nailed it on the head!

Ruth's girl said...

Thank you for all you do to make this blog happen. It is so enjoyable! One ion my sons is a dentist and he is so glad to be able to get back to work. In dentistry there has always. been the concern for a sterile environment, but Covid has taken it to a new level. They are required to call each patient the day before with health questions, as you mentioned and then the same questions are asked when the patient arrives at the office. No toys or things to read anymore. He is required to wear an N-95 mask covered with a surgical mask. (I hope he doesn't scare his patients.) And he must change his smock with each patient. Glad to hear you are taking care of yourself by keeping your appointment.

Sharon in Seattle said...

I had my first visit back to the dentist yesterday. I had gone almost 3 months with a temporary crown and they finally seated the permanent. Lots of new procedures, including a mouth rinse that tasted like salty bleach water! Ugh but I'm so grateful to have my new tooth! Good luck, Bonnie, and thank you!

Quilt Monkey said...

I'm in love with that border! The whole quilt is great, but I can't stop looking at the border. Looks like I'll be adding another pattern to my library...

priscilla said...

This quote today is for ME!! Thank you Bonnie!!

Connie said...

Zoey knows every quilt looks better with a dog - or cat.

Kaequilt said...

In our house, we call what Zoe Jo was doing "the Dog Sit of Approval." Every quilt needs one!

Susie Jensen said...

I got to see my beelet today. We met at a park stayed apart but were able to do Show and Tell. It was only 56 degrees but a little cold was worth it. I pucked up my Grand Illusions from my quilter and will post when it is bound.it looks great and will be my Granddaughters wedding quilt someday. She is 20 but does not really date. I am working ahead.

Grandma K said...

I got to do some sewing of Unity Part 7, played Suzie Homemaker and ran the vac (oh how I hate that job) and did a grocery run. Love the new pattern, and that border is WOW!
Thank you.

The Joyful Quilter said...

What a wonderful quilt, Bonnie!! SEW excited that you have FINALLY released the pattern. Time to go shopping in the Quiltville store! :o))

Carolyn Barnett said...

I have Cocker Spaniel that does the same thing as Zoey and loves to lie on my quilts! She even loves the fabric! Many times I find her asleep on top of a pile of fabric I am auditioning for a new quilt. Funny story, I was unpacking after spending a week at Asilomar and one of my carry on bags had neatly folded 1/2 yd pieces of various colors etc. ( i took a scrap class with Freddie and Gwen} Whwn I open the bag to start putting fabric away, she promptly let me know that wasn't happening and calmly went over a laid inside the suitcase!! What a kick!! We both should of called our dogs "Calico" but it sounds too much lie a cat!! And we both know that dogs just don't like car names given to them and refuse to come when called a cat name!

Donna Endresen said...

Hi Bonnie:
As of Friday, AK is back at being fully operational. We have only had 10 deaths thru this whole crisis, and just under 400 positive cases. All but 45 are fully recovered. So we count ourselves as being fortunate.

I will have to get an order in before the end of the month.

My Dentist just notified me that they are again open for business, so I will have to reschedule the appt. that was scheduled and canceled the week everything was closed down in March. I am in the process of having an implant completed.

Have a Great Memorial Day weekend. We are supposed to have a rainy one, and I am trying to get things going to get the garden planted.

Kasilof, AK

textilefiend said...

I love that border too!

Unknown said...

Love the Courthouse Steps and your blog. Brightens my day. About to start clue 3 on Unity. Got behind. Thanks for all you do.

Kerry said...

Just after lockdown my root canal capped tooth started to wobble. Our dentists are not working (not allowed to at the moment) but I rang, left a message and my young friend called me back. He gave me instructions how to repair it, but if I couldn't get the cap back on then not to worry, leave it off. So I popped it off - and along came the tooth with it! Oops! Good job no root! But he does ring to check I'm OK and it is going well. Not sure how they will treat it when things are back to "normal". People with pain will be treated first - as I would expect. But our surveyor said his wife is an NHS dentist and she said they are not allowed to drill and fill teeth because of the dust. Anyone in pain has to ride it out or the tooth will be extracted! Talk about the Dark Ages! We go to a private dental company - it is worth paying extra for mostly better treatment (there are still some that are not good - but even so, better than the alternative) so we have been very lucky here. My husband says "your young boyfriend is on the phone for you!" LOL! So wishing you a good session with your dentist and that you are in and out and home in no time.
Always lovely to see Zoey testing the quilt and curling herself up the other day was a hoot! Another gorgeous quilt :D

Betsy said...

I love your quilt and how Zoey has to get in the photos, reminds me of my two. Best of luck at the dentist, one of my dislikes.

annieb said...

I feel sure you will never read this, but so disappointed, I got NO Zoey pictures today. Because I always get your downloads a day late, all I got today of Zoey girl was a round circle with a minus sign in the middle. All the tons of ads came through however.

Beth said...

Loved the Zoey pictures, and quilt pictures. And it's so interesting to look back and see how the world and our interactions with it and view of it have changed in a few short months. Thank you for sharing the glimpse of your dentist's questions before your appointment. Very interesting! Sounds as if they have a good handle into where the hot-spots are. Not that Tyson employees or their families are at fault, that's for sure. Everyone working at a meat plant needs someone looking out for them, for the sake of all of us. I'm not sure it is happening, though. Hence, the questions.

Wendy said...

love the couthouse--and the pineapple in this post!!!

Lynn B said...

That Border is beyound description. I just love it.

I have to thank you for talking about Zoey Jo and talking a bit about Kelpies. I adopted a dog about 3 years ago from a shelter that looks alot like Zoey. I was told she was part Shepard. Well, in reading about Kelpies and knowing my Chloe so well, I strongly suspect she's a part Kelpie part lab. Too smart at times and definately entertaining. We live in rural Virginia (north of Charlottesville) and she was from a local shelter. Makes sense that someone near here had a Kelpie for a working dog who was my dogs ancestor.
Please keep up the positivity and fun stories of Ms. Zoey.

I loved the Unity sewalong and really appreciate your incredible thoughtfulness in the details of pressing so seams nest. It speaks so much to how hard it is to design and execute a good (no great) quilt pattern. THANK YOU Lynn B.

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