
Friday, May 15, 2020

Catching My Breath.

Mid May.

And the grass along the banks of the New River has grown taller than Zoey Jo herself.

Abundant rain and cooler temperatures have prevailed over the past month – but yesterday afternoon there was a break in the clouds and we headed out for another leg stretch.

I’ve had a lot on my mind.

I just needed to clear my head.  This post is a long one, so please bear with me and read to the end.

I needed to hear the crunch of feet (mine!) first on gravel roads, then turning to softer dirt roads as we wound our way up toward McMillan’s place.

I had worked all morning on Part 8 of our Unity Quilt Along.  The clock is ticking, things need to be ready – we are almost at the weekend.

I realized while sewing, sewing, sewing – the one thing that I keep telling everyone else – that “This is not a race!” needed to apply to me as well.

So what if the quilt wasn’t quilted and bound before the release of Part 8?  Wasn’t this supposed to be FUN??

Wasn’t that the main reason? FUN?? 

We stopped to listen to the water do what water does.

Click to Play:

I am distraught with the behavior of so many people through this whole thing.

When what could have brought us together – has set us more firmly apart on opposite sides to the point where I am having conspiracy theory articles and more shoved down my throat by those who have said the whole Corona Virus thing and lock down is all a hoax.  That we have been played as lemmings.  That if I continue to speak up about the need for masks to keep our germs to ourselves and to protect others my business is going to suffer.

The conspiracy video Plandemic has been debunked many times over.

This disease is killing thousands daily.  You can’t make that up.

I am not totally left wing, but I am seriously NEVER far right either. I am an Independent who feels that there is a lot to be said for the middle ground listening to both sides, going over the facts, and time and time and time again I have aligned my beliefs with what science has taught us.

Why do I even feel the need to bring this up here?  Because THIS IS MY BLOG.

And it’s become personal.

Along with those Constitutional rights I have had shoved down my throat thanks to not only emailed articles, but TWO rounds of snail mail packets that have shown up in my mail box unwanted – I happen to have FREEDOM OF SPEECH.

And because I believe in Freedom of Speech and need this to stop, I’m bringing it to light.

For your reading pleasure:

An email has been sent to the sender as a cease & desist.  Any further packets of mail will be returned to sender unopened. All emails are already being forwarded to spam so they don’t touch my inbox (And have been since the emailing of conspiracy articles first started.)

Lady, (Yes, it’s only one culprit and friends of ours in the same town know her. I also used to live there, you know?)  find someone else to harass because I am done.  

I am entitled to my personally held beliefs and opinions just as you are.  Don't you see that your kind of "persuading" to jump to the other side NEVER WORKS?!

No one was forcing you to read my blog so kindly stop reading me and move on.  Have a nice day.

And in reply I wish to share what I could not put in words myself:

Written by Joshua Ross on May 9th:

Ok, so, here’s some venting and some explaining and if you don’t like it, I honestly don’t care. Move on and good day to you.

This has easily been the longest 2 months of my career, and, for that matter, my life. COVID-19 has changed everything. The way we live, the way our kids learn, the way we work. It has trashed the economy, exploded unemployment, and harmed businesses, many of them, sadly, beyond repair. But here’s the deal: it’s real and it’s here and it’s still spreading.

As a healthcare worker, I’m exhausted. Physically, mentally, and emotionally. As a manager in the the healthcare industry, it’s been one of the longest, most stressful things I’ve tackled.

First off, the truthers and the conspiracy people and the protesters, you’re not helping. The people bitching CONSTANTLY about the governor’s or whatever level of government’s handling of things, it’s not constructive.

Do you want to know why medical people, real medical people, not some crackpot quacks and kooks with a YouTube account or Facebook page, are taking this seriously? Because it’s serious. And we’re serious people when it comes to people’s health and their lives.

Yes, it mostly kills at-risk populations (the elderly and those with underlying medical conditions) but it also kills perfectly healthy people with no prior diagnoses and we don’t know why. 

I’m so tired of people acting like there’s information that’s being cooked up or withheld. You know why there’s lots of gaps in the information? Because we’re still learning about this virus every day. It’s new. It’s never been seen. How it acts, how it spreads, why it does the things it does is all new and we’re learning on the fly. Stop mistaking genuine lack of information for misinformation or withheld information.

The numbers: this one sticks in my craw like no other. “I heard they didn’t die from COVID-19, they died from a heart attack but they were positive so they called it COVID-19 to boost the numbers and scare people.” Stop. It. You know how many people died specifically from AIDS? Zero. 

AIDS patients die from pneumonia or some other illness normal, healthy people fight off because the AIDS virus destroyed their immune system and they couldn’t fight off the infection. But at the heart of it, they died because of AIDS. 

The coronavirus attacks the respiratory system. The respiratory system is, in case you didn’t know, pretty important to sustaining life. It also has a huge impact on how other organ systems, like the heart, work. Guess what, when your lungs don’t work because they’ve basically filled with brick mortar because the virus is attacking them, that puts a bit of a strain on your ticker and very well can cause it to fail. 

So unless you have a basic understanding of or want to understand how interconnected organ systems are and how the body fundamentally functions: stop.

I think I can speak for a lot of medical professionals when I say, we don’t mean to be arrogant, we don’t mean to be jerks, but damn it, this bullshit is frustrating and yes, we’re going to clap back to ignorance. Ignorance is not something to be flaunted and there is a difference between ignorance and stupidity. 

Ignorance is being uninformed. Stop being willfully ignorant and even reveling in it because it doesn’t fit your preconceived narrative or opinion. Even worse, stop pretending you’re not ignorant because you watched some damn YouTube video or read some op-ed piece. That’s someone’s opinion, normally based on nothing. NOTHING. No research. That’s not information. That’s not factual. That’s not based in science. It’s click-bait with the sole intention of riling you up and getting you to let your guard down. 

And instead of being pissed at the virus that’s causing all this, it’s to direct your anger at the government or doctors or anywhere else their agenda wants it directed.

Medical people are fired up for a couple reasons. 1 month ago, we were all heroes and putting our lives on the line because this was dangerous stuff. Well, I think I can speak for most of us when I say we aren’t heroic, we’re just doing our job. But guess what, we’re still doing the same damn thing we were doing a month ago and this crap still hasn’t gone away but now we’re “just trying to scare people” because “it’s really no big deal.” 

We aren’t looking for a pat on the back or even a thank you, we just want you to do what we all need to do to stop this thing and avoid the spread. Listen, if you think that my big fat ass enjoys sweating like a whore in church in an isolation gown, walking around like Mr Magoo because my glasses are fogged up because of my mask, and wearing goggles that dig into the backs of my ears because I’m “just a sheep,” you are mistaken. 

It’s because I don’t want this virus and I don’t want to take it home to my family and I don’t want to infect my co-workers and other patients. 

We’re fired up because we’ve seen and even performed intubations. We don’t intubate for funsies. 

Outside of the surgical setting, an intubation is basically throwing a Hail Mary to save someone’s life. And when the mortality rate once that plastic tube slides between your vocal cords with COVID-19 is 85-89%, yeah, that’s terrifying. This virus is dangerous.

Lastly, stop being spoiled children about public health advisories. Stop bitching about wearing a mask when you’re in public places. Stop pretending that that is somehow infringing on your rights. Get over yourself. 

I wish all businesses would grow a pair and refuse service to people who refuse to wear a mask “out of principle.” Police aren’t inclined to enforce it and that’s fine but, spoiler alert, private businesses have and reserve the right to refuse service to anyone. 

Don’t tell me it’s ok for a bakery to refuse service to a gay couple for a wedding cake on religious grounds but not ok for a convenience store to refuse service because they don’t want the outbreak monkey strolling through their place coughing all over other patrons and their staff. 

Stay outside the 6ft bubble, wear a damn mask, and wash your hands. It’s that easy. 

Stop pretending they’re asking for a kidney. It’s as much to protect yourself as it is everyone else. 

People wonder why we have things like stay-at-home orders and closing of non-essential businesses. It’s because of you, jackass, you’re the problem. It’s your lack of ability to exercise common sense and your refusal to follow simple, insanely simple advice that forces the government to exercise it for you. And even then, you still thumb your nose at it in all your ignorant glory. Sorry that you feel like they’re infringing on your right to be an irresponsible child.

Look, all I’m saying is I get that it’s frustrating and I get that it’s irritating, and inconvenient and all the other bad things that it is, but please, continue to take this seriously, continue to do the little things that make a big difference. Stop denying facts, science, and the advice from people who have spent a lifetime doing what they do in the medical and research fields to ultimately make everyone’s lives healthier, safer, and better.

I’m done with my soap box now.
#washyourhands #wearamask

Walking further up the hill we encountered:

Which reminded me of everything I have dealt with through the mail.

I have walked around it and left it to go on its own merry way believing what it wants.  Its world view may be different than mine, but that’s okay.  I’m not shoving my view down its throat.

It was gone when we walked back down the mountain road toward the car where we encountered several guys working away on the Round House.


Big trees are down!

They were waiting on heavy equipment to move stuff around.  I love seeing the progress every time we come walking here.

One of the old guys has lived here forever – and I asked him when did the Round House flood last.  1940.  Let’s hope that those kinds of floods don’t happen again for quite a few more decades.

No sewing happened last night.  My brain just isn’t in the right place.  No hand stitching of binding – but what’s the rush?

And today – I refuse to let any unwanted packets of mail steal my joy.

I will continue to be me.

Nothing starts a day off right like breakfast cooked on the porch!

With this in my belly – I can do anything!

Let’s make this Part 7 week even better with a 25% off sale!

I really DO love May! And to celebrate the beauty of May (with a do-over day today) I am putting all digital patterns in the Quiltville Store at 25٪ off using coupon code DIGITAL25.

This coupon code is good for the entire month, but code must be used at time of purchase for the sale price to be in effect. Don't forget to use the code!
No refunds if you forget, okay?

You'll find everything in the digital pattern section of the Quiltville Store.

Where you will also find the Addicted to Scraps book still at the low low price of $15.99 while lock-down lasts. (June 10th here in Virginia.)

And it comes with a free Wanderlust table runner PDF pattern, so maybe instead of purchasing that one at 25% off in the digital pattern sale, you’d like it for FREE with the purchase of Addicted to Scraps?  No coupon required for the book purchase.

My thanks to those who have shown their support of my small online business during this lock down time – it really helps.

Quiltville Quote of the Day -

Words may say one thing, but tone of voice says more than words ever could.

And while screaming for your rights, please allow everyone around you the same privilege to believe as they see fit, including their own freedom to speak their mind on their own blog/platform.  

If you disagree –  that’s okay – just walk away.

Have a lovely Friday everyone – and thanks for allowing me to speak my mind.


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Evelyn Mattonen said...

WOW is all I can say - good for you! Keep doing what your doing and take MORE time for you and your family - you deserve it :) And of course lots of Zoey lovin! Happy Friday

allier4 said...

Thanks for the post, Bonnie! Supporting you. Love your blog. And, btw, I am now hungry for a fried egg...even though I just ate cereal. Have a great day!

Nell k said...

Hang in there! The real worry is that those of us who can't risk "testing" alternative truths will have to remain is isolation for a very long time! I am a retired nurse who wore a mask for hours to protect "others". It is not a theory. There are still those who believe the earth is flat. These "conspiracy theory"folks will charter memberships in a similar club!

Aliceart said...

One of the things that have made me the most disappointed and sad during this whole crisis is realizing how many people, many quite educated, do not understand basic facts of science and math. Good on you, Bonnie for doing what you need to protect yourself from such nonsense. I do hope you give absolutely no credit for what was returned to you and talk to the credit card company before a dispute is lodged. Enjoy this wonderful day, and give Zoey a pet for me.

Jill said...

Bonnie...I love you and all you stand for...peace and contentment.

Unknown said...

I am so sorry sweet Bonnie that people continue to try to steal your joy. You are doing the right thing by cutting that out of your life. I never understood why people feel that they must force people to only think the way they do. Please don't stop being the kind, generous person that you are. I draw so much inspiration from you!!! Virtual hugs!!! Cindy

pam said...

I love your blog. I find it very positive and encouraging.

Sue said...

I am saddened that this has happened to you. You have put yourself out to all of us, sharing your life and not hiding your location or your struggles. It is sad that people take advantage of your kindness and use your openness to attack you. Believe that there are more of us who appreciate you and the medical professionals than those who do not.

Anonymous said...

Exceptional times require exceptional grace to get through them. Hugs to you.
Pam Dudgeon

Bonnie K. Hunter said...

I gave an immediate refund of merchandise (shipping is non refundable) and those items were resold and back off my shelf within 30 minutes so I wasn't out anything. If she doesn't want my items because I promote mask wearing - that's okay with me.

Kathy said...

So very sorry you are having to endure this harrassment. It shouldn't happen. I hope today is a good day for you.

bgail said...

Love you, friend. We may never meet in person, but you share so much of your heart, I feel like we chat daily. Now my earworm of the day is the country song Always Stay Humble and Kind 😊

Unknown said...

So sorry you have to deal with people who are so inconsiderate. The sense of entitlement that is rearing its ugly head is beyond belief!

Myrna said...

WELL SAID! Bonnie Hunter, YOU ROCK! I'm so sick of hearing about constitutional rights being violated. Our right to live takes precedence over the constitutional rights of a jerk who refuses to social distance or wear a mask just to make a point. If one of the 18 lives lost to Covid-19 in a local nursing home here had been their loved one, they might sing a different tune. I'm glad you're enjoying your Blackstone grill. Hubby bought one 3 years ago and it's saved me some cooking time. Have a great day!

Phyllis in Pacific Northwest said...

Wow is all I can say about this. I'm sorry you to received un solicited mail like this. I can only imagine that it must be a full time job sorting thru comments on your blog. Hopefully the kinder words of most prevail over the unkind and un wanted ones. I have a couple of relatives in Idaho who are so anti Government, and their rights are more important to them than anything else I wonder if it's something in the water (joking of course but it's sad that they are so ?? I can't event think of words). I plan to spend my Friday making a scrappy Y seam border that I'm loving so far!!

Unknown said...

Bonnie, you have hit the nail on the head in so many ways. As a retired RN, it drives me crazy to listen to these people say that everything is a hoax. I know better. As a high risk person, I will continue to wear my mask (over my nose, not just over my mouth), wash my hands like a maniac and avoid crowds. Thanks for all that you do.

mary said...

God Bless you..spending much happiness your way.

JMOT said...

Bonnie, I'm sorry you've had to deal with the COVID deniers. I spent Wednesday evening dealing with them on my own Facebook page and felt too drained to get anything useful done afterwards, too. Hang in there!

Unknown said...

Just wow! I have blocked friends who promote these stupid conspiracies, some educated people. Only thing I can think is they have no science education. Love your grill, if my husband cooked I would buy him one!

jrsay said...

Karma and super glad for the round house views and oh that mystery is all about FUN! thanks and blessings to you and your family and ZoeyJo

Donna said...

Bonnie I understand your frustration with folks not taking Covid serious. I have a dear friend that thinks it's all a hoax. She has always acted pretty intelligent in all the years I have known her but has gone "dumb" when it comes to this pandemic. The sad part is with her health she needs to take it seriously but I'm afraid the only thing that will wake her up is if one in her family gets it and she sees how serious it is first hand. I've decided to just do what I think is safe for me and my family and not worry about her claims because of what she and her husband have read on Facebook or You tube. Sorry you're dealing with all the negative. Anything can be written to "justify" an opinion but that doesn't make it true. Stay healthy and thank you for all you do to keep our spirits up.

Magpie's Mumblings said...

Coming out of lurkdom to lend my support Bonnie - everyone deserves, and is entitled to, their own opinion. I'm in Canada so the viewpoint here is (mostly) a little more sensible but the fear now is opening up things too soon and risking a second wave. Be safe. Try to ignore the idiots of this world. They will get their just rewards in the end.

Sara said...

Well said - thank you! I've had to avoid a friend who pushes every conspiracy theory she finds on YouTube and Facebook. It's so sad that someone feels they have the right to scold you and harass you. She needs to just move on, as you stated.

Unknown said...

Wow! and Sorry! And thanks for posting Mr. Ross's article about the virus.
Take care of You and your family.
Thanks for all you do.

Pattygogoz said...

❤️ to you and the Hubster. Thank you for the Unity mystery quilt, and all you do for the quilting community. I greatly appreciate you.

Unknown said...

Thanks Bonnie, I love your honesty, good blog post! This is the first Mystery Quilt of yours I have ever tried. It is a challenge that has kept me going through all this world of Virus life. My Dad died on March 7th of throat cancer...it was an awful way to go. So I am also dealing with his loss, my Dad lived next door to us. I can not settle his estate because the court house is closed. But, I can dive deep into your Mystery quilt and I have do so with gusto! Pictures later...thanks your friend Theresa form GA!

Unknown said...

It is so sad that we are not uniting as a country in the midst of this disaster. The theme of our quilt along has taken on even more meaning. Today as I sew on the borders I'll be praying for Unity and peace and healing. Thank you for the opportunity to do something that is constructive and ultimately beautiful.

Unknown said...

Sorry you have had to deal with this. You are one of the good guys. You help keep me sane. Thanks.

Sarah Buller Fenton said...

As a career public health nurse, all I can say about what these kinds of emails, articles, etc. is "oh, for pete sake!" Thank you for your words today and previously, and for helping to put out appropriate public health messages. I enjoy your blog and have learned some things from you, having used some of your patterns, methods and ideas. It's fun and fun is what we need! Keep on keeping on.

Norma Jane said...

Yeah Bonnie. I so agree with you. It’s hard to listen to these negative people when a nurse family member comes home from the hospital after losing three patients to Covid. Thanks Bonnie for being thoughtful and giving of yourself. Try your best to ignore these ignorant people—I am.

Pat said...

I too am middle of the road in politics and the extremes are disheartening. I know a homemade mask has limited protection; but if it protects someone, I will gladly wear it.
I asked my mother-in-law what is was like during polio and other types of outbreaks. Her reply was that she remembers being quarantined during German measles as a child. Her dad was able to go to work, but otherwise no one left her home or other homes. It was for the greater good, not for a "me" mentality.
At first, I thought this might bring everyone together and make our families and society remember what is important. Now I am not so sure. Thank you so much for sharing your talents with us.

Betty the quilter said...

I can't believe people actually have the b**** to send you that crap. You're so right it's your blog & YOUR opinion. Keep on being you & stand up for yourself. You have no problem doing that & that's a beautiful thing. Enjoy your yummy breakfast & your hubster & Zoey Jo & keep on wearing that mask & social distancing. I know I am. Oh and keep on quilting & sharing too.

Norma Jane said...

Yeah Bonnie. I so agree with you. It’s hard to listen to these negative people when a nurse family member comes home from the hospital after losing three patients to Covid. Thanks Bonnie for being thoughtful and giving of yourself. Try your best to ignore these ignorant people—I am.

Linda H said...

Good job Bonnie.

Myrtle said...

For those two ignorant letter writers... this is for you: Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak and remove all doubt (attributed to Abraham Lincoln). This is Bonnie's blog and she can write whatever she wants. You aren't worthy to share in her awesomeness. It's never to late to go back and learn about science. I pray you do. Have a blessed day.

Sylvia Forster said...

These protesters boggle my mind. I just don't get it. I'd say the media needs something to sensationalize on the news but then I'd be accused of silencing the press. I wear my mask proudly and so does my husband because we want to keep everyone around us safe. It's common courtesy and respect for others. I'm a big fan and have enjoyed your blogs. Hope the Inn opens soon so quilters can get back to socializing in your lovely establishment. On a good note for me, I'm putting the binding on Garden Party from your Phoenix class in January. It was a lot of fun and I may make another one someday. Now back to finishing Frolic. Stay safe and smile; it releases endorphins.

Robyn Loves Eleuthera said...

So so sorry you have been attacked for being a reasonable and very loving soul. I live in the VA suburbs of D.C. and am really keeping to my family and limiting news/social media exposure. This area was super polarized before the pandemic and has just gone "off the rails" during this. I wish you peace and joy and a day without Zoey Jo remote chewing :-)

Penny said...

Love the letter you added from Joshua Ross. My husband has a friend that is a kook also, and I won't allow him in the house! I told him there is never a shortage of stupid. So sorry you have been carrying that nonsense around and hope now you can feel lighter. Better days will come.

BrenWall61@gmail.com said...

Thank you for venting. I feel the same way. It is my choice to wear a mask when I go to a busy place (which I try to avoid). It is my choice to stay home and it is my choice to listen. There are no police outside to say you may not leave. It is all free will. Yes the government must give us direction because as many can see some do not have the common sense to follow their guidelines. Traveling for my granddaughter's softball has been my joy (besides quilting). Her tournaments are still going on this summer - whether I choose to go or not is due to be 70, having diabetes, a heart disease and Type A blood. This will have to be determined. But I can stay home and be here for her when she comes home. My trust is in God. I see how frustrated these letters made you and I understand. But remember "opinions are like buttonholes, some are innies and some are outies, but we all have one. Have a blessed day. Keep having fun!!!!

jodi said...

I'm very sad that you had to deal with this. Thank you for everything you do!

BrenWall61@gmail.com said...

Sorry that was we all have "belly buttons" the word failed me. I told you I was 70 this month. LOL

Kat said...

Bonnie, so very well said. I am so tired of this circus we live in right now. I could go on and on. Where has common sense gone, how is it that so many are coerced to believe such nonsense??? Very scary times...such a time of uncertainty for those of you that have a small business. Stay strong, we will get thru this...it will be a different way of life.

Linda V said...

Thanks for your thoughts. I enjoyed reading them. You provided lots to consider. With links! The reason people tend to not trust the government, is because we've been lied to so many times. So who do you trust? Researching is time consuming and exhausting. My daughter has chronic lyme disease and is completely disabled. No doctor will treat her lyme, because she doesn't fall within the strict CDC guidelines. Healthcare mistreatment is where some of the distrust comes from. I say we should all do what we think best to protect our families. I'm staying home, wearing a mask. All of it. I'll wait and see what happens next.

terry said...

OMG.... can you imagine living with these nay-sayers. They exude happiness. As for me and my family, we are all taking this virus seriously and sheltering in place, etc. Has it been difficult - yes, but it is the sacrifice I will continue to make. I'm so sorry they felt they had the right to impose their viewpoints on to you. Chin up we're all with you and for those naysayers - what goes around comes around. Terry

Unknown said...

Sometimes you just have to shake your head and ignore people. Being as safe as you can and considerate of other people is never wrong, it's smart. I'm glad I don't have to deal with her.

pam said...

No shirt, no shoes, no service. Just add masks to that. I don't see the big deal whether I believe on "fact" over the other. I don't argue with people on FB on it or anywhere else. I believe what I want to believe and leave it at that. The only thing I agree with is how do we build up an immunity to something that we aren't coming in contact with. That is just a question and not any way shape or form an argument on anything you have said here. I am sorry people have to be so closed minded about this. I guess along with not discussing religion and politics we will have to add covid to the list. And I don't mean on your blog. I just mean in general discussions with anyone along the way. I wear my mask. I have elderly parents and MIL and my sister is also at risk. It doesn't take any longer to put on a mask than to comb my hair. Have a great weekend Bonnie. I hope it brings you some peace. Our weekend is suppose to be rain every day. pam

Tammie said...

It’s amazing how people try to push their beliefs off on others. It’s like they have a right to express their ideas, but we don’t. I’ve had 3 people I know succumb to this virus, and two others come very close. Thankfully, they recovered, but only after a long fight...and they were young and healthy. I would never wish ill on anyone, but it’s a real shame that the naysayers aren’t the ones who catch this. They might be singing another tune if they did. Like you, I stay home as much as possible, only making necessary trips to town, and always wearing a mask. But, it is truly amazing how many people just go about their daily lives like nothing is happening. For those of us who read your blog for its intended purpose...to be educated about quilting, entertained by the daily antics of the animal menagerie, and just to share your life with you, we say “kudos”! People need to get over themselves and move on! Have a wonderful day!

Kara Benavides said...

Mercy! I didn't dare read those 2 letters. I worked as an RN during H1N1. Thank you for sharing Joshua's letter. It says so much of what I have been thinking. And the mask thing - I made them and practically gave them away so that everyone who did not have one, would. Period. No judgement on what you did or didn't do with it. My family is from the Smoky Mountain foothills. My parents just sold their house and are moving back. I hope to move back next year. Freedom, independence and fresh air, and yes, some really opinionated people. Now if they could just figure out how to keep their #$%# mouth shut. Carry on! Hugs! I am still on part 2. Take a deep breath. Rock on the porch, if the sun comes out. Can't wait to visit your Inn in the future.

Marcia said...

Thank you for your comments and the words of a medical person. Live and let live is a good way to think and live.
Any again, wear a mask and war your hands.

The Calico Quilter said...

Thank you for being so honest about this and I'm sorry the loonies out there are making your life miserable. I want to cry when I see all this Covid and mask protest foolishness. Don't they care about anyone else in the world? When they compare it to the flu I want to scream "But we have a vaccine for that and people die of it anyway, doesn't that tell you something?" My husband and I have not been out of our house for 2 months because if we contracted this virus with our health issues it would kill us - that's just plain talk. Is it fun being in a self-imposed lockdown? It's absolutely awful, if I want to be honest, but we're trying to preserve our lives. We have to be able to trust that anyone who brings our groceries or packages isn't going to inadvertently bring the virus too. I scrupulously clean anything I bring into the house, but we need the people on the outside to be responsible. And if masks are so ineffective, why do people on chemo or with compromised immune systems wear them in public - not to get sick! Oh, when did people quit being logical and start this magical thinking that the world is the way they WANT it to be? Sorry this is so long, but you can see it hits a raw place in me. I want my life back to normal too but I'm reasonable to realize that won't be for a long time.

Anna said...

Stand your ground Bonnie! I have been making masks for my Doctor and our hospital (requested by both). I myself wear one when I am out and about. I do not want this virus not do I want to give it to my family, especially my 88 year old Mother or to my co-workers. Love & Hugs to you!

Cindie said...

I did not read the two letters because I don't want to read the ugliness. I'm so sorry you are dealing with this. I will never understand people and why they feel it's ok now days to be so mean/horrible/vocal.

Be assured there are others out there who have your back and send big hugs.

Molly said...

I support you 100% Bonnie! I love your blog, your quilting genius and level-headed outlook on life.

Quilter Kathy said...

This dynamic is playing itself out in families and communities around the world. It's so painful, but in times of trouble you really see who people are. Thank you for being so solid and encouraging, and giving us a fun and positive project to focus on... because that's who you are! I hope you can just keep being you and not let the paranoia, fear and mental health issues of others harm you and your loving spirit. Waving at you from across the border with my mask firmly in place :)

sue keida said...

Bonnie, love this post. I am convinced that people in our country are spoiled, uncaring, and a bit stupid. But not all of us:)Oh- and people love conspiracy theories.When I want a juicy story I read fiction lol Thanks for your post.

Ruth said...

To me, letter #1 reads like an attack from a foreign government. I've read other similar letters, and the lack of proper grammar and reliance on words such as "shill" "propaganda" and "globalist" screams "Enemy attacking through internet webs"!!
This is YOUR blog, and we enjoy the combination of real life, quilting, animal antics, and remodeling you share with us. Thank you very much!!

Sharon Stroud said...

Amen, Bonnie! How I've been feeling. Masks protect everyone, even the deniers. Protect yourself and others, WEAR A MASK! This is no joke.

Debbie B said...

Wow, you have been through the gauntlet. Sorry some people don't know that this is YOUR space and ugliness is not allowed. I love your blog and it amazes me that some feel they can come in to your space and tear it down and in turn, you. Thanks for standing up for yourself and keep on spreading your joy that we all enjoy! Hugs!!!

Da Momma said...

So thankful for all you do, all you share and all you are! Haters gonna hate, hate, hate.. sad. Love love the ROUND HOUSE RENO!! Can't wait to see it finished!

Shiloh Nanny said...

Way to go Bonnie.. Stand guard at the door of your mind!!!

Loris said...

I'm so sorry you've had to deal with such unwanted mail, Bonnie. Joshua certainly wrote well. Amen to all of it!
I love seeing the beautiful walks that you are able to take with Zoey. Let the beauty of creation soothe your soul. God loves you!

RB Shumaker said...

I knew from the first time I chatted with you on the phone that you were "my kind" of person. I could never put my finger on why I felt this way. Now, I know we think almost identically on a wide array of topics. I loved this blog, keep being you and letting others be themselves. Please, emotionally divorce the letter writer from Idaho. Save those letters just in case you run out of toilet paper...
Yep, I grew up with an outdoor john, hope you get my reasoning here. Continue enjoying life in your beautiful area! Hope to see you in July.

stretchmarks said...

Keep Calm and Quilt on!!! Marilyn Marks

Kathy Johnson said...

I didn't read all the comments so if this was already stated sorry. Just remember, you can't cure stupid

gardenwitch said...

Dear Bonnie--I agree with you! I get so discouraged in the politics of this. Why couldn't be like polio when Salk gave his vaccine to the world for free! I want you to know that I can't make through a day without your blog. Zoey always gives me a giggle and you give me hope. God bless you.

Carline said...

No matter how thin a pancake, there are always two sides but to browbeat someone with a different opinion is just plain wrong. Your blog is wonderful and It just fills my soul, especially when I haven't talked to anyone "in person" wor weeks. If I don't like something I am reading, I have the perogative to stop reading. It is your blog and a lot of people adore you and what you do. Keep up the good work. Make it a good day!

April Sayers said...

Well, this is my opinion for whatever it is worth, she is one of those bullies who thinks her interpretation of everything is the only right opinion. She does not have an MD after her name or she would have tried to shove that down your throat with the other blather she spewed.
You provide a great distraction for all of us each day with your blog. You provide us all a service with your free mysteries and the teaching and encouragement we get while doing them.
I am sure this pandemic has put a burden on you. You have moved, bought and renovated, several buildings in hopes of finding a way to continue your dream. The cancellations of your tours have halted the income you would have earned. You are trying to recoup some of that loss through excellent sales on your products. Why would she resent that? Because her small mind is jealous, because she cannot find a silver lining in her small world and you can find beauty in your new world and the pup you saved.
She and others like her are sad. Please do not let her drag you down.
So far I have not taken advantage of your sale because I need to stop finishing quilt tops long enough to see which mystery quilts are not in a book so I can order the patterns. I only started doing your mysteries In 2015.
Take heart, there are so many people looking forward to your posts every day. We know miserable crackpots like the letter writer when we hear or see them.
Hope to see you Halloween for the Quiltville retreat!!!!

pja said...

Thank you for your kind and generous sharing of your life with us. I appreciate and admire all you do in support of others, especially those of us who have threads hanging from odd places on our clothing all the time! Keep being scrappy!

pja said...

Bonnie, thanks for your constant kindness and generosity. Those of us who have threads hanging from various parts of our bodies at all times love and appreciate all that you say and do. Keep being scrappy - we love it!

CindyB said...

A lot of people have given me their point of view. I listen and tell them I hear what they are saying but they haven't changed what I think. Only time will tell and I don't have that much time to waste being upset over something I can't control.

Tanya Quilts in CO said...

I am so sorry you are being harassed by complete idiots! Our daughter returned from college ill with the virus. Seven weeks later, my husband is on his 8th day of suffering from this horrible virus--he is very ill, but absolutely terrified to go to the hospital. He has no pre-existing conditions and was fit and healthy. We have stayed home, worn masks, etc. because we figured we were asymptomatic. It worries me that so long after exposure he became ill. There is so much unknown about this virus, but one thing is certain it makes healthy people very ill and should be taken seriously! Hand in there--it is all we can do!

hallquilter said...

You are so loved!!!and one of the most caring and giving people out there in this crazy world of ours. As hard as it is to deal with these "NUTs" be grateful every moment that you are not one of them. What a special treasure you are and we are all so lucky to have you. Please stay with us and bring us your thoughts and day to day joys. It brings happiness to so many.

Jo near Boone, NC said...

Bonnie, I and many others agree with and support your views and actions. Stay safe and strong.

Kathy Stencel said...

Thank you Bonnie, once again you have touched me. My brain is really struggling with the differences in people’s thoughts. I have been having to distance myself from my sister because of how she puts me down for wanting to be safe. All I ask from her is to respect my thoughts on this virus. Her thoughts are very different and she would rather take her chances than just say safe. We still talk often but it is different and has put a small wedge between us. 💔 but I know time is a great healer. And we all will handle this virus in the way we are most comfortable.

Kathy Joyce Fullmer said...

Oh, Bonnie, I'm so sorry that you're receiving that kind of mail. I could only bear to quickly scan through it. It's just all too familiar.

Thank you for all of your hard work, day in and day out on behalf of the quilting community!

Please continue to do what you need to do for you!

Ruth's girl said...

Bonnie, I am sorry that you have been targeted. In this time when we all have so much to cope with it is so sad that some have to make it worse. What has happened to common sense? I wonder if all the protests against masks, and staying in is partially caused by fear of this little understood virus, and somehow by protesting that protective measures aren't needed is diminishing the power and the reality of the virus. Your blog is awesome, and I SO look forward to it each day. Be blessed! The video of the stream is so relaxing.

Anne said...

THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU for saying what needs to be said so clearly. I, too, have been reduced to screaming in fear and frustration at the news report of peoples' stupidity. I wish someone would explain how they expect a protest for their rights to convince the virus to suddenly stop attacking our bodies. Apparently, their mothers forgot to teach them that "Life is not fair!" Our intelligence has allowed us to become the dominant species on this planet but there have always been threats beyond our control and our existence has never been guaranteed. We're just as at risk of extinction as any species in the past but in this situation we have a choice. And if we refuse to accept and adapt to a new reality, our failure would be our own fault. Wow! Didn't realize how much I needed to vent too. Thanks for listening.

Karen M said...

Amen Sister.

kathy6024 said...

I'm so sorry people can be so mean on what should be a fun quilting blog. I unfriended someone who moved to Idaho because of political stuff. What is it about that state? Anyway, know that the majority of us wear masks, believe in taking those extra precautions and LOVE your blog. Breathe, relax, and know that you are loved.

Nuts and Bolts Quilting Company said...

I'm eating bacon, fried eggs, blueberry pancakes and sewing 272 half sqaure triangles today...all because of you, Bonnie Hunter!!! Thank you very much! I love your blog!

GGrandma Jan said...

Oh My Word, Bonnie. You do not deserve all this "naysayer" garbage. You are such an inspiration to us quilters and brighten our lives each and every day. I may have been quilting for over (60) years but I have learned so very much from you. You are the Master at short-cuts, tips and techniques. Your blog is the very first thing I read every AM as it is so inspirational. Please---Please do Not let these people take your Joy away. I agree with everything you stated in your blog today. Many thanks for sharing your life with us. Adore all of Zoey Jo antics. You really hit the jack-pot with finding her. She is so adorable.

EricaB said...

Amen, Sista! You need to be content in your life and take care of you and your loved ones first, and this includes all the furbabies. Enjoy your wonderful weekend

Dianna said...

Thank you, Bonnie!

Nora said...

I am aligned with you. That letter from Joshua Ross was right on target. God help us all.

Kristin said...

Oh Tanya!! I'm so sorry!! I've been absent from all my blogs for a while and didn't know this. I hope your family makes a complete recovery. A relative of mine contracted the virus right before things shut down (she was at a convention in the DC area and many people were infected). She is now donating plasma to be used to treat people with the virus. Again-- my apologies to you and your family. xoxo

Kristin said...

Bonnie-- it's shocking to me that people think they need to treat you this way. The woman mailing things to you clearly has problems. You've done smart things by filtering her email and returning her packages to sender. Please know that she is not representative of most people, she's just extra loud!! Keep your chin up, because there will be better times.

Susan said...

I am coming out of lurkdom to say thank you for standing up to the bully and for putting into words and sharing John Rosh's article. Unfortunately, those who need to read/her it won't. I agree with your statement that what could have brought us together has set us further apart.

Kay said...

I'm glad you shared with us - get it out and let it go. I have friends who are far left, middle grounders, and conservative. We have maintained our friendships through the years by allowing each other their own beliefs because there is much we do agree on, care about, and enjoy together. I find it interesting when I share a post on FB that could apply in many different directions that all of my friends like or comment on it, not realizing they are agreeing with others who believe differently. I have had to suspend or even unfriend a few folks when they get too adamant, disrespectful, or just won't stop with the BS. I hope your sharing has eased your stress. I know your beautiful walks and that waterfall will. Take Good Care, from a fellow independent middle of the roader.

Alice Troxel said...

You do so much for your readers, I am appalled at the letters you’ve received. Please know that you are appreciated and loved for all you do. Thank you.

janey said...

Interesting - the lady with the attitude attributed the quote about fooling people to Mark Twain. However, it has never been proven that he said that or wrote it. Considering how prolific he was in his writings, it would have been recorded somewhere. Guess she has been fooled.

The Calico Quilter said...

Sorry, but one other thing: I looked up the town listed on those letters - it has a population of about 5000. Idaho's population density is about 20 people per square mile. It's probably easier to have opinions like that if there are so few people to affect. But I'm in a city - there are more of us here - my neighbor's house is 25 ft from mine. We have to be a lot less "every man for himself" here, if we want to keep things going. What happened to civic responsibility?

Sharon in Seattle said...

Thank you, Bonnie.

Loretta McGinn said...


The awful thigns you are subejected to because you are kind enough to give us a place to enjoy quilters. The rebuttal that you published from the health care worker says it all - well and succinctly. I would add to thine own self be true and if you don't like my "thine" don't read it. As the saying goes, love it or leave it.

Now go enjoy your delicious looking blueberry pancakes, you kind husband and that cute canine destroyer.

Thank you for all you do.

Loretta McGinn

Anna said...

In this age of social media, people think it is their duty to tell everyone how to behave and what to believe. All it shows is the ignorance of the writer. Keep on doing what you do best, Bonnie. That is bringing joy to thousands of people.
You are right. The quilt a long is supposed to be fun, so if you don’t have part 8 ready on Monday, so what. I don’t believe there will be any quilt police showing up at your door.
Stay healthy and safe.

Ms Amy said...

Love your soapbox rant! I feel the same. Haven't left home since Mar. 20. Stranded overseas in our home here. Very strict rules to be followed here. Don't mind at all since it's to save our lives by suppressing the virus. Jackasses you referred to in the US would go ballistic if these rules were imposed on them. I'm ashamed of how some of my fellow Americans act...from the top down. Am old enough to remember the polio and measles outbreaks when I was a child and having to stay home during those. Good grief people...get your shit and go home...and stay. We spend our lives and tons of our money making nice homes for ourselves and our families. Seems like to me we'd enjoy spending time in them? Am using my time "enjoying" my life and being thankful I'm healthy. Plan to stay that way. Imagine making masks from your stash...like yours Bonnie. Don't have elastic so am using my Clover binding tool to make yards of binding for mask ties.Boring...but it's what I can do to contribute. We must, by law, wear them when we're not at home. Please stay safe and healthy...I live to read your blog everyday...LOVE IT!

Stephanie said...

So SORRY that you have to put up with crap like that! You are a very reasonable good hearted quilter/person. I know it is hard, but ignore them! I LOVE reading your posts and blogs!

gibson1936 said...

Thank you. This gives me hope that there are people who care enough about others to do what is good for themselves and others. You made my day again

Carla Fiedler said...

Bonnie, so sorry you have been targeted by someone who doesn't understand the serious nature of this virus. Keep doing what you are doing through your blog and business. You bring cheer to many of us who are at home, regardless of the social shutdown, and we appreciate your generosity and sharing of your knowledge and talents.

Bonita said...

you can't fix stupid... or whackadoodles. And, that lady is obviously a facebook-meme-youtube-video believing whackadoodle.

Joanne said...

I just don't get how people can be like that but I've seen enough of it in my 70 years that I'm not surprised. Disappointed, yes. Surprised, no. Once again, I'm so sorry you were the one who had to take the abuse. There are many things I could say to the letter writer but then I would lower myself to her level. Please try hard not to let it get to you and to know that you have so many people supporting you and your right to post your own beliefs on your own blog. I,for one, am most appreciative of you and all that you do and I know there are thousands of others who feel the same.

Just Ducky said...

Bonnie, Don't let the bastards get you down! Keep on quilting and enjoying life. You know the truth even when others deny it. I pray that angry lady does not have to confront the virus she doesn't believe in.

Colleen in Texas said...

Thank you Bonnie, I am glad you shared this with all of us. You can’t cure stupid and unfortunately there are many of those people out there.
I am a nurse and sewed over 100 face masks using your great pattern. My daughter donated her old t shirts to use for the ties. All of my family are proudly wearing masks!
Stay safe and healthy you guys and Bonnie don’t ever stop spreading the truth!

cjmont said...

you go girl! I agree with everything you said and am so sick of the righters and their fishwife proclomations and idiotic conspiricy theories. i would love to read the entire article you included and say thank you to the person who wrote it.

Bmary said...

Thanks Bonnie!! I want to give you a
virtual hug! Thanks for doing what you do.

Michelle S. said...

WOW! Just WOW! I can't believe some people. I think this is the most responses I have seen on your blog ever. That just shows you how much we love you. Bonnie I look forward everyday to reading your blog, it's fantastic and so enjoyable. The way you teach makes me believe I can sew any quilt I want as long as you are the teacher ;-). We adopted a 5 month old yellow lab last Nov and whenever you post ZoeyJo's antics I'm right there with you. Love your hikes and walks and the beautiful scenery you share with us. I'd love to share our views with you, we live SW of Salem Ore on a slight hill with views of the coastal range and the Cascades both. Nothing beats mountain views. I hope this weekend you can get out and enjoy nature and let all this Covid stress just roll off and get trampled at your feet. I am a recently, mask wearing, retired RN and agree with you completely.

Gail Topper said...

This really says it all. Will write this on my calendar as another Quiltville quote of the day/month/year. If only we could bottle grace♥

Bella said...

This may sound like a repeat, but I honestly mean every word. Thank you for sharing your creativity, humor, thoughts, honesty, pictures, and daily adventures in your blog. Keeping up with it daily makes me feel like we are old friends. Thank you for sharing Mr. Ross' statement/article. It expresses many of my thoughts, but does so with authority and experience. My wish for you is to be able to continue to put yourself and your family first without hassle from other people invading your peace of mind.

April Smith said...

You are amazing, I am so sorry this has happened to you. Please know we appreciate you <3.

Gail Topper said...

Blathering on about things in this way probably makes powerless folks feel strong. Don't you wonder how such people would have acted during the WW II London Blitz? Would they say there were no bombs falling...all a hoax...so it was OK to go out? We aren't really at war with Germany it's just fake news.
Well known people are targets for these people and you are lovingly well known by most of us and very appreciated. ♥

Janice Edwards said...

Amen 🙏🏻 agree with all above! Bonnie I am sorry for what has happened to you and it seems you get it in spades. Most sane people get this same outpouring of stupidity from family and friends. This has caused rifts in my family and friends. I block them from my Facebook pages and well...we shall see if I want to associate with them down the road. I am cutting all negativity out of my life. I have to cut quilt pieces! 😘

Elizabeth Whitehead said...

Thank you so much for todays blog - it echoes what I have been feeling for a couple of days now. Stay strong, those idiots will go away someday

julieQ said...

Thank you, Bonnie. I am gladly making masks and giving them out, because they are better than nothing, and I want to protect the older people in my neighborhood. I am an ICU/CCU nurse of 33 years, and I can tell you, I have seen more death this past 2 months than in 33 years. I am no sheep, Lady from Idaho...I am just a nurse who works tirelessly to help people. Bonnie, you, as another lady who works tirelessly for the benefit of others, you don't ever deserve this junk, and this lady is obviously an extremely uneducated person. Some people just have to love the conspiracy theories! I run into them all the time...until they come up to die on a vent, by themselves, at the hospital I work at. NO visitors...a nurse, no family, to see you through your last breaths. Wash up...shower with hot water after getting out...wear your masks. Distance yourselves socially, especially from stupid people from Idaho who harass Bonnie because they have no life!

Chris said...

Amen! Well said. Thanks!

Anonymous said...

So sorry that you've had to endure this kind of treatment. I believe in the scientists and the medical community, and will continue staying home except for trips to the grocery, wearing a mask, and praying to be able to physically go back to church to worship. Keep believing in yourself, and thank you for all you do for us.

Sheri said...

Thank you for being you! I’m sorry you have been subjected to such people. I have had to block several friends. Emotionally I just can’t handle their lack of allowing everyone to have their own opinion. Thanks for the Unity quilt. I’m behind because I was sewing masks and surgical caps. You know, if you don’t have week 8 done it won’t hurt any of us to learn patience. Slow down and listen. We love you just because you are you.

Carolyn V said...

So glad for your blog today. This is the week that I had to put out there that I’m angry. And for all the reasons you elaborated. In our town we had an event the has played out similar to what you discussed. While we are all entitled, it does get to me once in a while. My so,ution was a trip to the trout stream today, and reminder to “mostly” let it go.

Rcoleman said...

Love your quote of the day. I’m so sorry there are people in this world who feel a need to bully others when they have a different opinion. Stay strong. Stay safe. Be who you were meant to be.

Janice said...

As I read this I have 20 yards of fabric in the washer for making masks.

Judie said...

AMEN!! And, thank you for doing what is right. No one can make anyone do something that they don't want to do but everyone should have consideration and "love their neighbor as they love themselves". There are a lot of people to busy trying to be the "big man" on the block" that they don't care about anyone much less themselves. Thank you for being there for all of us and we are there for you!

Carolyn Barnett said...

Bonnie, read your blog and all the comments and I agree with these lovely women that have tried to encourage your heart from such hurt. They are special ladies are they not? I would like to add just a few of my insights... Have you ever thought of the many lives you have saved by making masks and encouraging others by your blog and instructions on how to make these masks? Or have you ever thought about the service and salvation you give for troubled hearts in this stressful time and how you turn our thoughts, our hands, and our creative spirits towards making lovely quilts that we give away to others? My goodness girl if you never did one more blessed thing, your life would have been meaningful and I believe God in heaven would be well pleased. Speaking of God, when things get rough and I lose my sense of purpose or how I should "tackle" life I go to God's word. May I share just a few verses from Proverbs? Prov 18:2 " A fool has no delight in understanding, but in expressing his own heart", Prov 17: 27-28 " He who has knowledge spares his words, and a man of understanding is of a CALM SPIRIT, Even a fool is counted wise when he holds his peace; when he shuts his lips, he is considered perceptive",Prov 19: 22a " What is desired in a man is kindness" (you are filled with kindness Bonnie), Prov 23:9 " Do not speak in the hearing of a fool, for he will despise the wisdom of your words" , Prov 21:16 "A man who wanders from the way of understanding will rest in the assembly of the dead" ( Scary but then I am not the author just the reader). Remember this Bonnie, these people stepped out of line. They chose to judge another human being in condemnation. Too bad as it is never seen as good. Choose instead to fill your heart with love and happiness you and others want to share with you. Be blessed wonderful girl

Sue Green said...

Unbelievable! It is scary that there are people like this. She needs to read the Mark Twain quote again! Hang in there. We are with you. I faithfully read your post every day.

KeanieQuilter said...

Love to you. I feel exactly like you and would have written the same. Think of the huge number of people who love you. Visually flush the few ickies down the drain. Keep spreading your joy. 💜

Jeannine S said...


AnnieBikes said...

Just two words from me. THANK YOU. You are a rockstar! Thanks for sharing your blog and thanks to Joshua for telling it like it is. No thanks to those sending you propaganda. And thanks for doing all that you do for us. Ignore the "non-believers". I have two sons who are also nurses, one in a Covid ICU. He could tell the truth of what is happening. Both my son's wives are nurses. Scary times. Scary times. Hugs to you. Have a wonderful weekend.

sewingnancy said...

You can't fix stupid, but it's so annoying when they parade their stupidity in front of everyone and then demand you believe them. So sorry you were singled out for that written tirade. You don't deserve it, I don't deserve it, no one does. The best we can do is what you have done, cut them out of your life. And of course, hope they haven't reproduced.

Sue said...

Ugh. And I was also so hopeful that this was going to bring us together. That something good might come out of it. I'm happy that you took your walk, sent the emails and mail back, and lightened your load. You are an inspiration for me to take a walk. Thanks.

Lisa T said...

People are so funny. Think of the energy that person spent on trying to feel superior. Such is life. A grandpa bought the house next door to me for his grand daughter and her husband. They are sweet. I introduced myself to the grandpa as the movers unloaded the truck. Never did tell me his name. First thing he said was those fruit trees belong to me. Really? I planted them, pruned them, fertilized them and they are on my property. He said the realtor told him they came with his house. Guess he needs to talk to the realtor. I told him that they were mine, informed him of the property line and said that I would continue to fertilize, prune and care for the trees and he and his family were welcome to all the fruit they could eat. He just turned his back and walked away. The husband laughed and rolled his eyes. People are just wrapped up in themselves. They have no idea how to interact with others. I think they may not have a soul. At least they have no empathy. But that is them. They can only get your goat if you tell them where you tied him up! Hang in there. I'm a little 'black helicopter' myself but that's my opinion. I might share my opinion but would never deliberately try to hurt someone. At least her second letter was a bit nicer. Maybe she felt bad about the first one. Let's hope so. Totally funny that you know people who know her. Small world. One day at a time, girl!!! One day at a time!! xoxox

Caro said...

Bonnie just stick to your guns and know you're doing the right thing for you, your family, and those close to you.

Karen said...

I am so sadden that the media has divided us. I have done a lot research on this subject since March 13th. I am a former public heath nurse. There are medications out now there now that have successfully treated this virus. Please if you have symptoms go to you family doctor and ask for these medications. Do what you can to boost your own immune systems.

LJ said...

Thank you; I will have a great Friday. You enjoy your day, too, Bonnie. When I go out, my mask is essential - just like my clothes.

Roxi said...

I don't think I am the only one who noticed the letter writer was from "Fruitland". A fitting irony. It is amazing how many people dismiss our epidemiologists as kooks, but believe the nut jobs who put out those ridiculous You Tube videos.

jf's grl said...

Miss Bonnie - I am sorry that you get so much stupidity from some people. Why do these types always think that they have the right to an opinion but anyone who does not feel as they do is not extended the same courtesy? Keep going Miss Bonnie and may God bless you and strengthen you daily.

Quilter Jeanne Marie said...

Thank you! ❤❤❤

brenda said...

First off the breakfast looks delicious. Secondly I am sorry that anyone would attack you for expressing your opinion which isnt that controversial.Not sure why someone feels the need to do that but that is on them not you. Hope you are all well in your family.

Sue Pruitt said...

Most of us love and support your rights! Good for you! ❤️🇺🇸💙

LorieK said...

Bonnie, Its unfortunate that some just get stuck in there beliefs. But its ok. We all have our own opinions. But sometimes its hard to see the real news with all the fake stuff and exaggerated comments out there. I take much of what I see and hear with a grain of salt. Keep a smile on you face and we to will get to the otherside of all this.

denisew said...

I would rather wear a mask on my face than have a sheet over it in the morgue.

wr said...

Bonnie, thank you so much for sharing this, as awful as it is. I am glad you took the time to stand up for yourself and your beliefs, as hatred is spewing forth. The one thing that I would add to what you said is - this is happening around the WORLD, not just here. We can't agree on how to clean the air, but we can agree on how to release a deadly virus, come on! Blessings to you for all you do, through thick and thin. We support you!

Elle said...

So embarrassing to have someone from my beloved Idaho being such an ass. I'm sorry. I wish she were a lone ranger but she's not-we've got many.

I'm so happy you had a beautiful walk with Zoey Jo to restore your soul.

Cheers to a wonderful weekend :-)

JeanInMaine said...

Tell them to do a Google search or any other kind, Bing, Yahoo (or whatever search engine they trust) for the New York death total and they can see how much of a hoax it is. We've been lucky so far here in Maine but there are still people who are not responsible enough to wear masks and keep their distance. That endangers them, their families and everyone they come in contact with. I feel bad every time I see a parent take their child into a store without a mask on just to prove a point.
You're tempting me to buy a small one of those griddles. Everything looks soooo good.

Our Homeplace said...

I'm so sorry you've had to experience this, Bonnie. I appreciate all you have done for our Unity QAL. I have learned so much and am still learning. Thanks for offering your time and talents to us.

simplestitchesbysp said...

Hang in there Bonnie. With all this cray stuff floating around some people have nothing better to do than try to convince others that they are right and you are wrong. Trouble is we are all adults and should know by now that common sense is the best we can do. Yes be cautious, very use precautions, yes be aware but use your head. This will pass and life will go on, perhaps not the normal that we used to know. You do so much for others and what a shame that some think they can take advantage of that.

Ginger said...

For me, I’ll trust the scientists, wear my mask and stay away from people who don’t. And I’ll keep reading your blogs, enjoying your walks with Zoey and cutting good fabric apart to sew it back up again! Keep it up!

Lenore said...

👏👏👏👏 well written. I’m also a health professional in Australia. I am 100% sure all my colleagues absolutely agree with everything the HCW said. Xx

Diane said...

Whoa, had no idea this was going on behind the scenes. I'm so sorry someone felt it necessary to do this to you.

Karen said...

Wow! sorry you had to deal with that,and good for you for putting the letters out there.I loved the article,well said! love your blog,and its been a reall lifeline during this,your down to earth common sense is calming, Have a good weekend! (and the breakfat looked AMAZING!) is there anything better than eating breakfast outside?)

Deanna W said...

Sorry you have to put up with these kinds of people. I read your blog for the pure enjoyment and reading about someone who has similar likes and beliefs as I do. To be attacked for expressing your thoughts on your own blog...unbelievable! Delicious looking breaky for sure and don't let anyone steal your JOY!!!

Judy said...

that article was FANTASTIC and I agree 100%. My wish would be for all these protesters be made to watch a video of one hour in the live of a hospitalized covid patient. A friend of my is a nurse in the covid unit and she said the patients lungs feel like shared glass every time they take a breath. How can these people say this is a hoax is beyond me. We have a governor who is trying to keep our state safe as we are one of the hardest hit and people are complaining they are unable to hire a company to cut their grass or get the car washed.

Jaye said...

I try to remember what good has come out of this. My neighborhood is quieter (I live in a densely populated urban area), I haven't had to buy gas in 2 months (HA!!), my commute is shorter, I see families walking around the neighborhood. I hear kids laughing outside my window. There are a lot of hard things, too, but we all know what they are.

Thank you for all you do! I love your designs and patterns and books and mysteries, teaching skills: everything. Keep up the good work. If you lose business, tell me and I will promote your shop or blog on my blog (I do often anyway), but if you make a specific request I will do it right away. I am from California and pretty liberal, but more middle of the road.

It makes me crazy that because people yell, they think they are right. Be well

Terri in BC said...

An old boss of mine once shared a story about "strawsuckers' - you know, those people who stick a straw in you and suck every bit of life and hope out of you, and leave your dried-up body behind, to go and suck the life out of everybody they come in contact with. Now I have a picture in my brain whenever I come across one of these people, and see all those dried-up bodies behind them, and do everything I can to cut them out of my life. Who needs a strawsucker when you have the rest of us who love you to bits, and respect that this your blog and you have the constitutional right to say anything you want! Take heart and know that for every one of her, there are a 1000 of us saying "you go, girl!"

Unknown said...

Dear Bonnie, here is a virtual hug all the way from South Australia. Your blog is a joy I wake up to each day. I've followed you for years, made some of your quilts, loved seeing your Quiltville Inn project come to fruition and above all, admired your generosity of spirit to share the joys, plans, daily ups and downs of your life with us all. Your blog is heartwarming and life-affirming in every way.
This pandemic has been the biggest challenge of most of our lives. Here in South Australia, my community listened to the science and our health officials, agreed to collectively obey our lockdown orders, stay home and stay safe. Our state borders are still shut but after 2 months we are free of the virus. No active cases and no new cases. It has been a tremendous achievement at a great economic cost but as a community we have got through this so far. We are all aghast at the daily news coverage from elsewhere where communities aren't working together and feel the pain and despair of health workers like Joshua Ross. It must be so disheartening to see ignorance and willful dismissal of the science affect you all everyday. I can only wish you all well and you in particular Bonnie. May reason, grace and common humanity prevail.

earthmotherwithin said...

Just want to send some love to my favourite, generous and intelligent quilting mentor Bonnie. You are a wonderfully kind person. Please stay true to you and -and this is from Australia where I live -stay home, keep social distance, this is not over yet

Mary D said...

Please stay yourself. As a retired RN it breaks my heart to see medical personal going into harms way with out the proper equipment to keep themselves safe. Its like sending someone on a mission to Mars with a suit purchased at the Costumer. My parents lived through the Great Depression and were asked to be storm the beaches in WWII. We are asked to wear a mask, wash our hands and not to get too close to people. I just want to cry. Thank you for doing the Unity project. I am just too heart sick to start. Just making masks.

Unknown said...

Bonnie, so sorry you have to deal with this. Deletion is probably the best option. It is unfortunate that there are so many people who truly do not understand what is happening in this pandemic and will follow pundits who have no scientific expertise and inferior reasoning skills.

Susan said...

Thanks for sharing what you couldn't put into words. Blunt and to the point and that's what was needed! Have a beautiful day Bonnie ❤

Elaine Nemeth said...

You are such a terrific lady. People are so jealous of you and your following. Keep sending your joy. I miss not getting to finish my Frolic Jamestown landing from Shipshuana . So wanting to start unity but
since my stash is 4 638 miles from me I just keep downloading the parts and drool seeing photos. You are a wonderful lady. Keep with the positive people and keep on keeping on with your terrific blog and came.

Ellen said...

Wow, I'm keep my A$$ at home! It's OK because hubby and I have been on quarantine since before the official regulations were in place; I don't mess around with science. Quilters are so fortunate to have a stash of fabric, a purpose for sewing masks & quilts, and free time to do our favorite thing. A million thanks to you Bonnie for trying to keep us and yourself safe. We really have no choice but to act like adults and do what we know is right -- stay home! Let the kooks go somewhere else to rile up their like-minded folks, leave us alone.

Candy M said...

Thank you. Just that. Thank you. ❤️

Barbara D said...

Thanks for posting the HCW's letter. Words well said. There is no place for politicization of basic health protocols. Folks used to die from Cholera because someone else was excercising free will by defecating near water sources. Air is all around us. Wear a mask so you do not share germs. Protect yourself, protect your friends, protect a stranger, because that stranger also has family and friends in need of protection. We are a human family, and family takes care of family. Bonnie, your innate kindness comes thru with all you share. Toss those ugly messages unopened, as they are not worth the electrons used to send. It is so sad the most serious health care threat in nearly 100 years has become a politicised tool for narrow minds and a love of ignorance and wishful thinking

Jennifer said...

Bonnie, love you and your blog. I used to live in Thomasville and when I found out you live In Whalburg I just loved that fact. Dont let those people hurt you for one minute. You inspire creativity, love hope and lughter in sew many. You will always be my neighbor.

Leefive said...

Wow, it's amazing how cruel some people can be. Sorry you were the target for her ranting. Stay strong, stay safe and carry on. You have a village of suuport. We appreciate you.

Shirley said...

Saw a great post today on Facebook
. It said “ if you think a mask is uncomfortable, wait til you try a ventilator “.
That says it all.

bluebellquilter said...

Hear, hear Myrtle. I often think that these letter writers are not just ignorant, they are scared sh*tless and so they have to bury their heads in the sand, not to mention their a mental health problem

Unknown said...

Bonnie, you do a random act of kindness to unite quilters to make their own unity quilt during these really difficult times, trying to stay out of harm's way of the covid-19 virus, and you get attacked. This person who lives in Fruitland, Idaho, should get out of her head and see the lives destroyed by this virus and its side effects, and stop reading or believing the propaganda and conspiracy theories on the internet and maybe spend a little time volunteering in the medical field helping our heroes, the health care workers to get a dose of "reality".

Kerry said...

I could so give you a hug right now - in the UK that is a really super social distancing virtual hug!
We believe that we have had it - I caught it from my son who said it was a nuisance cough in December and when he visited after Christmas he still had the tail end, although it was only a week for him. I went down with it on the 30th December and I was really bad. I couldn't sleep in bed, I sat up on the sofa for nearly 2 weeks. I was floored, drained, chills on and off but on the good days I went to sort the chickens and ducks, although husband did that for me on the bad days. As one sortie outside resulted in 3 days exhaustion. Still coughing - so hard I couldn't catch my breath. I looked it up and it said coughing virus can last from a week to 11 days, antibiotics do not cure it so best to ride it out. So ride it out I did. It was 2 weeks before I could lay down in bed again. My husband joined me with the virus in my 3rd week but shook it off like my son had, when I finally had a little respite. Neither of us went out - we are lucky to be extremely rural and have a stockpile of groceries that we either bought in or grew ourselves while preparing for snow - it just rained non-stop instead! It was almost the end of January before I felt I had beaten it. I drank water - no taste, food was bland, I lost weight (super, but I don't advise the virus), no sense of smell - we joked about beans because of . . . well, you know. All that BEFORE the WHO announced the coronavirus. I truly believe I have had it as all the signs pointed to it. I mentioned it to the pharmacist as I collected my asthma inhalers. She felt she'd had it too, but earlier in 2019. So perhaps it was the first wave of the original without the mutation, and possibly why so few deaths in China - they possibly had the first one and are therefore immune - there weren't any records of deaths at that stage. Reading that a Frenchman had been in hospital for pneumonia in December - they tested his samples from that time and found Corona - it just makes me feel glad to be alive and that while it was difficult to breathe - I felt like my upper chest was being squashed, although it mainly stayed in the upper bronchial tract - I realise how awful it must be like now for those poor people. I can't wait to see if the antibody test shows up anything. Because if it wasn't the virus then I'm blooming scared of getting something worse - I know I won't survive the full blown thing!

Tina K said...

Finished 52 masks, and they are already gone. Cut another 20 masks, and every time I head out to a doctor or radiation appointment, everyone wants one that I've made. Modified a pattern found on the internet, and can make at least four an hour. Makes me feel like I am doing my part. God Bless.

Unknown said...

Bonnie, as it says somewhere in these replies, you are full of grace. I would have been tempted to not give her the refund. Does she ask the grocery store manager what his beliefs are before she shops there? Too crazy. You just continue being you. We love to hear about your family, your house, your retreat and of course all the kitties and Zoey Jo. I think Zoey Jo came to you at just the right time to give us all giggles and someone more to love. Polly Blank

Kelli said...

So sorry to hear you're dealing with this nonsense! Sad to say my not quite 80 year old father sounds very similar to her. Though I've made masks for myself and family, he refuses to use one. Thankfully, he's chosen to stay isolated and not go out. I just wish truly, that folks would not just spout craziness, but truly look at facts. Simple example, I live in Ohio in a fairly rural area. For the last couple of months we counted ourselves lucky to not have any cases of Covid 19 reported. Then just like that, two confirmed cases in a week... and sadly from that week to this, there are now over 50 confirmed cases of this disease in less than a week, with I believe 20 already dead. For those wondering how this happened, one person went to visit their family member in a care home, no masks b/c they didn't feel sick.

I am a big believer and supporter of truth, and more open-mindedness amongst all. Everyone is entitled to their beliefs, but if you're going to go read someone's blog -- be prepared to not like what you read, and very simply move on if you must.

Blessings upon you and yours Bonnie! Kindly forego the 6 foot distancing for a good snuggle with Miss Zoey Jo, and forget everything else for a bit!

WiltedQuilter said...

Well done, Bonnie.

Unknown said...

Sending you love and strength from the UK, we are behind you too. Keep your spirits up, the job you do spreading calm, wisdom and inspiration is so important.

ALICIA said...

Buenos días Bonnie. Siento el acoso del que está siendo objeto. No todo el mundo está dispuesto a aceptar que esto es real y de momento no hay nada para poderlo evitar. Solamente con mantenernos fuera de contacto para evitarlo mientras encuentren una vacuna que nos pueda mantener. Aquí también hay quien dice que esto es una mentira, pero sabes: Cuando alguien próximo a tí entra contagiado, entonces cambian de opinión.
Seguiré manteniendo distancias y evitando que el virus me atrape.
Gracias por tenernos informados, disfruto cada día con el blog, y me divierte ver todo lo que Zoe va realizando, desde carreras hasta aprender a acolchar jajajaja
Los almuerzos en la terraza me parecen geniales, aquí tengo que conformarme con la cocina, pero tengo la compañía de mi Patch, que aunque ve poco todavia se desenvuelve bien cuando lo bajo a correr al rio.
Un abrazo virtual y te deseo lo mejor

mpv61 said...

Virtual hugs, Bonnie! I'm in Massachusetts. Our governor is following the data and the science, and being careful about opening up, but wow, these are scary times. Please continue to stay safe!

Sandy said...

I'm with you! As a former military nurse and now a flight attendant(we met in Rome NY) this must be taken seriously. Thr airline I fly for has issued all flight crew members and PASSENGERS to wear masks or they won't be flying!!! This is to protect everyone. I will bes happy to listen to your views anyday! Please remember we're here to support you. Spending time with family and especially Zoey Jo is the best gift. Social distancing is for all of us. We love what you do and please disregard the ones that don't. I'm so sorry you've had this person cause you so much stress.

tealeafquilts said...

I'm absolutely appalled that someone would send letters like that to you. This person is sick. I'm one that thinks this whole thing needs to be over but as humans, we all have a right to our own opinion. A friends husband spent 6 weeks in the hospital near death. He was intubated twice. Put in a medically induced coma and thankfully is home recuperating with his family. Its going to be a long haul still for them. Take care and know that there are a lot more people that love you and all you do!

Venetia Erickson said...

Wow this is been quite a trying time for us all and you, dear Bonnie, in particular. I will be happy to send that lady (term I use loosely) back the shipping charges that she won't get back just so she has no further business with you. By the way, I'm furloughed from two jobs and don't have money to throw around, but it would be worth it. My Grammy always said to look for the silver lining behind every cloud. Maybe she's Ill. Or she's been hacked. Or just a Negative Nelly or Sally Sourpants.This commentis number 147. And that's a lot of love being sent your way. Keep the chin up and keep the faith that things will get better. Your Unity is not just a quilt pattern. It symbolizes what we all must be. United in the fight of good vs evil. May the fabric be with us all! One world fighting for freedom from illness, ignorance, and meanness.

Brenda G said...

Why do small minded people tend to have the loudest voices? Perhaps it’s that they feel inferior and ignored so have a need to draw attention to themselves? Please try to ignore this woefully ignorant person, Bonnie. All of us who are uplifted by your excellent blog are truly horrified and angry that you should receive such vitriolic comments. I live in the UK and read your blog every morning. You are a kind, caring and positive lady who provides amazing hints, tips and patterns for quiltaholics plus amusing anecdotes about the antics of your furry friends. I also enjoy seeing the landscape around you - very different than where I live. Please try to ignore the nastiness and know that everyone else really appreciates you, irrespective of what their views may be regarding Covid-19. Thanks and hugs. Brenda

Deb said...

You have many more friends than you do enemies. You are admired and respected by many, me included. You've inspired me several times over: to start sewing again (this is interesting...) and I even bought hubby a Blackstone grill for his birthday! I, too, am just left of center in my undeclared political views. I am sad for this country as I think we are headed toward revolution. Thanks for all you do. I'm local, and would love to meet you in person some day.

Katherine said...

Preach it sister. People who live in rural America, especially, can have a vastly skewed opinion of this virus from hell because those around them are not affected. This IS real. Good hygiene and distance AND masks ARE helping. And when the vaccine is ready, I'll be in line.

Katherine said...

As a retired MD, I read my FB feed and have had to unfriend quite a few of my "friends" who have suddenly acquired armchair medical degrees of some kind! It is honestly quite embarrassing to read them expound on their expertise on COVID science and how our government has propagated a hoax on us - they know and understand nothing. They are repeating what someone else has said. Sad.

Unknown said...

Your blog post was spot on. It seems that we can't accept facts that disagree with what we want to be true and so we attack. So sad. Everyone is entitled to his/her opinion, but science can't be changed to suit another's whims. We middle-of-the-roaders support you 100%!! You rock!!!

Lesley Duncan said...

Love and support to you Bonnie. When I look at what is happening in America I am thankful I live in Scotland and our First Minister is being ultra cautious.
Keep doing what is right for you and ignore everyone else.

Lynette W said...

Bonnie..... it’s taken me a few minutes here because all that is going through my my mind is OMG. I can never wrap my head around people like that touting their opinions but never “allowing” others to have their own opinions. I agree and support you - move along, there’s nothing for you here! I also am a nurse, I wear a mask when I go anywhere. I’ve heard all the arguments, been lectured on CO2, and I walk away. All bologna! Follow the science! I support you, will continue to support you! You bring a brightness to my day reading your blog, not to forget your BEAUTIFUL creations! Your breakfast pictures..... oh my goodness how wonderful those were..... the crisp morning air.... the smell of bacon and pancakes and eggs cooking...... 😋😋😋. Yum! Bonnie, for every “Karen” out there, there are a dozen of us who love and support you! Have a wonderful quilty day! 🌻💝

MG said...

Well said...VERY WELL SAID...God bless & take care...you go girl!!!!!!!

Anya said...

OMG! Do not be afraid to continue to speak up. Thank you for doing so, and I encourage others to do so as well. You are definitely not alone.

bev constantine said...

I'm with you. I'm shocked and sickened by the way some people are handling this. More power to you.

Mary Ann said...

I can't believe there are people out there that would do this. What has happened to our humanity. Thankfully, there are good people who are doing the right thing. Just look at the number of people who have died in New York and then tell me this is a hoax. Thank you Bonnie for stating the facts. You can believe or not, that is your choice but be nice and keep your nasty comments to yourself.

Quilting Is For Me! said...

I just started reading your blog when the Winter Mystery Quilt came out. Over that time I have enjoyed reading what you blog. A few times I thought of writing to you and telling you that I really feel that you are so encouraging to those of us that read you on a regular basis. Thank you so very much.

Unknown said...

Well said! My thoughts exactly!

Qltcrystal said...

Thank you for sharing. The haters will still hate, but know that you’re loved. Take care of you!

bee bus said...

thank you. for your support of her.

Rhonda said...

Awe Bonnie, you represent such a wonderful part of our society. Quilters, all walks of life with a common desire of creating something of value, beauty and endless hours to usually give the creation away. Thank you for what you do for us. Sharing your extraordinary life with your blog is no different. The costs involved with a blog besides the financial side can be so taxing. You share your heart with us as well as your life. And those of us that follow you are blessed for knowing you and learning from you. Gratitude for you and your work does not go unnoticed. Neither does the sunshine you bring with it. I just finished making 50 masks! They went directly to hospital staff who requested them. We all keep on keeping on.

Shirl S said...

Thank you also including the picture of the letter writer*, I will be sure to avoid people of that ilk.:-)

*the snake picture

Kerry Grace said...

Good on you for publishing those letters and I hope you can let this sort of nonsense continue to slide off you like water off a duck's back. It's everywhere, I saw something the other day on someone's car--"Your health is not more important than my liberty." No one's taking anyone's liberty, People are free to do as they please mostly. But there are consequences to everyone's actions. I don't wish sickness of any kind on anyone, but not taking sensible precautions might result in becoming very ill. I'm 67 yr. old, I don't want this virus in my life. I wear a mask, and goggles and gloves, we take great precautions with our mail and our groceries--every task, every trip to get the car serviced or the pets cared for, takes on a new level of complexity. We limit our visits with our son's family--not seeing our 2 yr. old granddaughter like we used to, that's punishment for us. But it's self inflicted, because our son is "essential" and interacts with others at his job. The baby goes to daycare so our DIL can do her job as an online teacher and instructional coach getting ready to open a new middle school.
I don't know when this will change, maybe when there's a vaccine. I hope it does improve, the # of cases is only going up in our area as the gov. tries to open up the economy, and the lt. gov explains how "no one wants to die, but I would be willing to die to get the economy open." The implication is that we should all be willing to lay down our lives for full restaurants and theaters and parks.
No, not this grandma, I will sacrifice what I have to, to remain healthy. And if later this summer, I'm among the few still sporting a mask, so be it.
Hang in there Bonnie, I enjoy reading your blog every day. You and Zoey Jo's adventures are a nice distraction.

neena said...

Great post ! Thanks. Also thank you for sharing your talent with all of us. I love your pictures and the beautiful country side. You can't fix stupid but that doesn't make it any easier to deal with it. Have a wonderful weekend and stay safe.

pam said...

Wanted to add after reading them again. I had to laugh at the gall of her to send your stuff back for a refund after reprimanding you for what you post on your blog, THEN the next letter started out as hoping you had a great mother's day. Good grief.

Ginny A said...

So sad to know that you have been subjected to this. Keep shining, Bonnie, and sharing your special brand of hope! Bless you!

Tanya Quilts in CO said...

Thanks Kristin! I can't post on my blog because of some privacy issues with my husband and his estranged mother. He is starting to improve a little--fingers crossed it will continue!

Nancy said...

Thank you Bonnie! Your message today is one that I needed. I needed to hear that someone feels the way I do. Quilting and mask making for my family have been my escape from all the negativity in our world right now. I love your blog and have learned so much from you. Just wanted to say thanks.

Juli said...

I, too, have become quite discouraged with the meanness of the co-called Truthers. I am a Chemical Engineer by degree and am constantly amazed by the lack of basic science knowledge I see. My husband and I travel the world. We often talk of retiring outside the US because of meanness and hatred we are seeing in the name of "rights". Viruses don't respect "rights". I am saddened by the selfishness of those who refuse to wear masks to protect others. I am also scared by the self-righteousness of the Truthers who really believe they know some "truth" the rest of us don't. It's delusional.

Thank you, Bonnie, for this post and all the others that have come before.

BTW, I have made and given away over 300 masks. Over 100 went to the nursing home where my father was before he passed. They were thrilled to get them! Another 100 went to missionaries in Zimbabwe and Cuba who requested them. I give masks to anyone and everyone who asks. I am thrilled that I am able to use my skills for the good of others.

Unknown said...

Thank you Bonnie for speaking out. I've made nearly 200 masks. I'm picking up kits today to make another 160 for healthcare workers.

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