
Thursday, May 14, 2020

A Big Out & About Day.

Rain had stopped – for the moment at least!

I took the “long way” on my drive home from Boone, NC yesterday.

I wanted to see how things were shaping up – I didn’t want to miss spring in these beautiful corners – the hills and the hollows.  Farms and fields.

This was a day I had been putting off for a good couple of months and it needed to happen.

My car inspection was due as well as my registration. My oil change and tire rotation is more than 2 months overdue. I’d been driving around with the maintenence light on – I had cancelled my appointment the week that lockdown started.

The two front tires needed to be replaced.

I know that we’ve been granted an extension on the car registration and tags thing – but since I was getting everything else done it just seemd like a no brainer to just do it all so I don’t have to make a second appointment, or deal with crowds later.

I dropped off the van and took a walk down the shopping plaza and ordered a gluten free pizza at the little corner joint - yes I was wearing my mask - and found this lovely huge rock upon which to sit and enjoy a bit of sunshine while still social distancing and waiting for my car to be done.

Table rock!  LOL!

This is the first time I've been in a real errand running phase other than groceries in months. It truly felt weird to be out and about this way.

I really am grateful for those deemed essential and grateful the rain dispersed so that I could enjoy sunshine on the rock instead of the close proximity of others in an automotive place waiting room.

In North Carolina, which is opening up – there are signs on doors to please wear a mask when entering.  I would say maybe 2 out of 3 people WERE wearing masks. 

All in all, it took a couple of hours and I was back on the road.  I didn’t go into anyplace else other than the pizza joint.  They are still running a pretty busy little take out and delivery business, but it is nowhere near what business usually is.  Everyone is doing what they can to just hang on.

And that’s how it feels for me to – like we are hanging on.

I had a weird dream about Quiltville Inn last night – I can’t even tell you what it was really because it wasn’t clear to me when I really woke up.  But somehow we were double booked and I didn’t have enough beds and couldn’t find where the clean sheets were.  LOL.

Some day we will get things open again, and oh how HAPPY that day will be!

Taking the slow road home through Todd, NC.

The world is still beautiful outside.  if you have been cooped up for too long – get in the car.  Take a drive.  Breathe deep when you hit the country roads with the windows down.

It was the long slow drive I needed.

The grocery store still didn’t have any toilet paper.  But there were paper towels, so there is some hope.

Everything else seemed to be in supply and I bought some shrimp and salmon for the hubster’s Blackstone grill.

Oh, you guys – this is SO amazing.  He has even joined a Blackstone Grill group on Facebook and is finding all kinds of things he wants to cook.  You better darn well bet that I will let him cook anything he wants!  More quilting time for me! LOL!

I came home to THIS!

Oh, Zoey Jo!!

We didn’t know whether to laugh or cry, and tried to determine if we had found all of the pieces she had chewed off (and hopefully not swallowed!)

She knew she was in trouble.  She had taken herself to her crate even before we had found the remote!

From digging in the dirt in the morning -

To chewing remotes in the afternoon.

Oh, the life of a puppy!

I attempted some binding stitching last night -

But I was falling asleep by 8pm??  I have just been SO worn out lately.  I think part of it is allergies and my eyes feel sticky and heavy and just want to close.  The other part?  just emotional stress.  I sleep long and hard at night – and I get exercise on days that are not rainy and cold.  Hopefully there will be more of that when things warm up.

Other than that I’m quilting – just like I always dreamed I would do had I the time – and yes, it’s all been “behind the scenes” trying to get this Unity Quilt Along to where it needs to be each week before the next post goes live.  That has been a bit of a scramble – but we are getting there.

I think I need another 2 months of this after the Unity Quilt Along is done – just to recuperate! LOL!

And it’s going to take me a while to get the binding on –at this rate! But what’s the hurry?

So here we are at Thursday – what is on your to do list today??

Quiltville Quote of the Day -

Everyone is fighting emotional battles right now.

Make sure the ones you take on are worth your effort!

Some will just be fuel to the fire that you don't need.

Let them go.

And don’t forget to breathe!


Sharyn Mallow Woerz said...

I remember TV's when you had to get up to cross the room in order to change the channel. Of which there were 5 :) Sharyn in Kalama

cityquilter grace said...

LOL.....think of the remote as a teething ring...remember those days? i would tie an ice cube into a small sock for painful gums instead of the remote....LOL

Rosemary B❤️ said...

allergies indeed. My eye lids are stuck together (well almost) every morning. Lucky you, Bonnie, for having a cook for a hubb.
Zoey Jo is hilarious but I know this concern. I have to remember now anytime Princess goes in for her teeth cleaning, to remove all of her toys from her room. Last year, this tiny kitten ate all of her toys, I could not find any mouse parts anywhere, but three days later.... she pooped it all out. live and learn with the babies

Kathy Stencel said...

Bonnie I really enjoyed your blog this morning, well I always enjoy it but it was nice to just hear your normal life is just like most everyone. It also made me not feel so crazy because I feel so weird out in the world these days. I pray that we won’t always have to feel so fearful. Thank you for sharing and all you do.

Donna said...

My husband loves his Blackstone. On the weekends he does most of the cooking! Real win for me. He says there are thousands of videos on Youtube.

Shiloh Nanny said...

That last picture Zoey is saying "mama, do you still love me after I was a bad girl today?" I know that look.

Bonnie K. Hunter said...

Thank you Kathy - I guess I also worry that I won't find anything interesting or worth reading to blog about! Life still just feels "heavy".

Linda Swanekamp said...

Yesterday, we too a drive to Rochester, 60 miles away, to deliver a sewing machine I fixed back in March. It was good to take the drive and get away. I am glad the machine is back home. You are right about the heaviness. This has gone on too long and we need a better plan so people don't lose everything.

Sharon in Seattle said...

Thanks so much, Bonnie, your blog is always interesting to me! Perfect mix of real life, humor, puppy, quilting, wisdom and good will toward all. Sorry about the remote, though! 😉 I suppose you can buy a new one online.... 😊 Hang in there.

Laura said...

I swear Emma and Zoey Jo are soul sisters! Emma has been good about not chewing things up except her toys, blankets and an occasional dirty dishcloth from the laundry, but she will also put herself into timeout in her crate when she does something bad LOL. The second you look at her and say her name in that tone, off she goes LOL.

KatieB said...

I laughed when you said Zoey Jo took herself to her crate. We had an Aussie (the love of my dog life) who would response positively or negatively when we arrived home and asked her if she’d been a good girl. If she had, she’d wag her tail and wiggle. If she hadn’t, she’d duck her head and turn away - and we’d go looking!

Michael said...

There's no telling from dog to dog which ones will or won't love a particular toy, but our dogs get a lot of use out of their Nylabones (and other similar toys in different brands). Ours love the "wishbone"-shaped ones, because they're so easy to hold.

Judie said...

Our last dog loved chew bones. My husband complained about the chew bones in the yard when he went to mow and told me to quit getting them for her. After we had to replace some of the wood skirting on the house from her teething on it he informed me to get her chew bones and not to run out. Our present dog brings us a chew bone when she wants attention....."you rub my head and I will give you a present". It is strange to me that it takes us years to train our children but it only takes a dog a week or two to train us!

Sherrill said...

Oh my GOSH!! I canNOT believe you guys still can't find TP! That is ridiculous. I never ran out but just the fact that it was nowhere to be found was crazy. I finally joined Sam's Club as they always seemed to have it in stock and I was eligible for the early senior shopping hours. HA Their packages are BIG, too. I'm set now. That naughty pup eating the remote of all things! Goofball.

Beth said...

Oh, Zoey! We have had a remote chewer or two and that has always worried me so much because of the batteries. I have never been able to train them, so they finally trained me; even after they grew out of that anxious habit, I still pile all the remotes (a ridiculous four remote controls) in the same high spot when we leave the house. I laughed when you said she put herself into her crate. Her conscience is kicking in! In our house we have one dog who acts as everyone's conscience. When I come home and see that Silas is waiting by the back door, looking very solemn, I know that someone--not Silas who is a very good boy--has been up to no good while I've been out. That is my cue to brace myself before I proceed because usually what awaits me is a huge mess and often involves something I love or something expensive. How Silas can tell, I don't know, but he seems to know what will upset me the most and he wants no part of it.

Patricia said...

Love the car trip pictures. Zoey apparently does not like what you watch on the TV.

Jenny said...

I think we went thru 3 remotes with our now 2 yr old Aussie. Thankfully, she has outgrown that habit!!!

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