
Friday, May 15, 2020

Catching My Breath.

Mid May.

And the grass along the banks of the New River has grown taller than Zoey Jo herself.

Abundant rain and cooler temperatures have prevailed over the past month – but yesterday afternoon there was a break in the clouds and we headed out for another leg stretch.

I’ve had a lot on my mind.

I just needed to clear my head.  This post is a long one, so please bear with me and read to the end.

I needed to hear the crunch of feet (mine!) first on gravel roads, then turning to softer dirt roads as we wound our way up toward McMillan’s place.

I had worked all morning on Part 8 of our Unity Quilt Along.  The clock is ticking, things need to be ready – we are almost at the weekend.

I realized while sewing, sewing, sewing – the one thing that I keep telling everyone else – that “This is not a race!” needed to apply to me as well.

So what if the quilt wasn’t quilted and bound before the release of Part 8?  Wasn’t this supposed to be FUN??

Wasn’t that the main reason? FUN?? 

We stopped to listen to the water do what water does.

Click to Play:

I am distraught with the behavior of so many people through this whole thing.

When what could have brought us together – has set us more firmly apart on opposite sides to the point where I am having conspiracy theory articles and more shoved down my throat by those who have said the whole Corona Virus thing and lock down is all a hoax.  That we have been played as lemmings.  That if I continue to speak up about the need for masks to keep our germs to ourselves and to protect others my business is going to suffer.

The conspiracy video Plandemic has been debunked many times over.

This disease is killing thousands daily.  You can’t make that up.

I am not totally left wing, but I am seriously NEVER far right either. I am an Independent who feels that there is a lot to be said for the middle ground listening to both sides, going over the facts, and time and time and time again I have aligned my beliefs with what science has taught us.

Why do I even feel the need to bring this up here?  Because THIS IS MY BLOG.

And it’s become personal.

Along with those Constitutional rights I have had shoved down my throat thanks to not only emailed articles, but TWO rounds of snail mail packets that have shown up in my mail box unwanted – I happen to have FREEDOM OF SPEECH.

And because I believe in Freedom of Speech and need this to stop, I’m bringing it to light.

For your reading pleasure:

An email has been sent to the sender as a cease & desist.  Any further packets of mail will be returned to sender unopened. All emails are already being forwarded to spam so they don’t touch my inbox (And have been since the emailing of conspiracy articles first started.)

Lady, (Yes, it’s only one culprit and friends of ours in the same town know her. I also used to live there, you know?)  find someone else to harass because I am done.  

I am entitled to my personally held beliefs and opinions just as you are.  Don't you see that your kind of "persuading" to jump to the other side NEVER WORKS?!

No one was forcing you to read my blog so kindly stop reading me and move on.  Have a nice day.

And in reply I wish to share what I could not put in words myself:

Written by Joshua Ross on May 9th:

Ok, so, here’s some venting and some explaining and if you don’t like it, I honestly don’t care. Move on and good day to you.

This has easily been the longest 2 months of my career, and, for that matter, my life. COVID-19 has changed everything. The way we live, the way our kids learn, the way we work. It has trashed the economy, exploded unemployment, and harmed businesses, many of them, sadly, beyond repair. But here’s the deal: it’s real and it’s here and it’s still spreading.

As a healthcare worker, I’m exhausted. Physically, mentally, and emotionally. As a manager in the the healthcare industry, it’s been one of the longest, most stressful things I’ve tackled.

First off, the truthers and the conspiracy people and the protesters, you’re not helping. The people bitching CONSTANTLY about the governor’s or whatever level of government’s handling of things, it’s not constructive.

Do you want to know why medical people, real medical people, not some crackpot quacks and kooks with a YouTube account or Facebook page, are taking this seriously? Because it’s serious. And we’re serious people when it comes to people’s health and their lives.

Yes, it mostly kills at-risk populations (the elderly and those with underlying medical conditions) but it also kills perfectly healthy people with no prior diagnoses and we don’t know why. 

I’m so tired of people acting like there’s information that’s being cooked up or withheld. You know why there’s lots of gaps in the information? Because we’re still learning about this virus every day. It’s new. It’s never been seen. How it acts, how it spreads, why it does the things it does is all new and we’re learning on the fly. Stop mistaking genuine lack of information for misinformation or withheld information.

The numbers: this one sticks in my craw like no other. “I heard they didn’t die from COVID-19, they died from a heart attack but they were positive so they called it COVID-19 to boost the numbers and scare people.” Stop. It. You know how many people died specifically from AIDS? Zero. 

AIDS patients die from pneumonia or some other illness normal, healthy people fight off because the AIDS virus destroyed their immune system and they couldn’t fight off the infection. But at the heart of it, they died because of AIDS. 

The coronavirus attacks the respiratory system. The respiratory system is, in case you didn’t know, pretty important to sustaining life. It also has a huge impact on how other organ systems, like the heart, work. Guess what, when your lungs don’t work because they’ve basically filled with brick mortar because the virus is attacking them, that puts a bit of a strain on your ticker and very well can cause it to fail. 

So unless you have a basic understanding of or want to understand how interconnected organ systems are and how the body fundamentally functions: stop.

I think I can speak for a lot of medical professionals when I say, we don’t mean to be arrogant, we don’t mean to be jerks, but damn it, this bullshit is frustrating and yes, we’re going to clap back to ignorance. Ignorance is not something to be flaunted and there is a difference between ignorance and stupidity. 

Ignorance is being uninformed. Stop being willfully ignorant and even reveling in it because it doesn’t fit your preconceived narrative or opinion. Even worse, stop pretending you’re not ignorant because you watched some damn YouTube video or read some op-ed piece. That’s someone’s opinion, normally based on nothing. NOTHING. No research. That’s not information. That’s not factual. That’s not based in science. It’s click-bait with the sole intention of riling you up and getting you to let your guard down. 

And instead of being pissed at the virus that’s causing all this, it’s to direct your anger at the government or doctors or anywhere else their agenda wants it directed.

Medical people are fired up for a couple reasons. 1 month ago, we were all heroes and putting our lives on the line because this was dangerous stuff. Well, I think I can speak for most of us when I say we aren’t heroic, we’re just doing our job. But guess what, we’re still doing the same damn thing we were doing a month ago and this crap still hasn’t gone away but now we’re “just trying to scare people” because “it’s really no big deal.” 

We aren’t looking for a pat on the back or even a thank you, we just want you to do what we all need to do to stop this thing and avoid the spread. Listen, if you think that my big fat ass enjoys sweating like a whore in church in an isolation gown, walking around like Mr Magoo because my glasses are fogged up because of my mask, and wearing goggles that dig into the backs of my ears because I’m “just a sheep,” you are mistaken. 

It’s because I don’t want this virus and I don’t want to take it home to my family and I don’t want to infect my co-workers and other patients. 

We’re fired up because we’ve seen and even performed intubations. We don’t intubate for funsies. 

Outside of the surgical setting, an intubation is basically throwing a Hail Mary to save someone’s life. And when the mortality rate once that plastic tube slides between your vocal cords with COVID-19 is 85-89%, yeah, that’s terrifying. This virus is dangerous.

Lastly, stop being spoiled children about public health advisories. Stop bitching about wearing a mask when you’re in public places. Stop pretending that that is somehow infringing on your rights. Get over yourself. 

I wish all businesses would grow a pair and refuse service to people who refuse to wear a mask “out of principle.” Police aren’t inclined to enforce it and that’s fine but, spoiler alert, private businesses have and reserve the right to refuse service to anyone. 

Don’t tell me it’s ok for a bakery to refuse service to a gay couple for a wedding cake on religious grounds but not ok for a convenience store to refuse service because they don’t want the outbreak monkey strolling through their place coughing all over other patrons and their staff. 

Stay outside the 6ft bubble, wear a damn mask, and wash your hands. It’s that easy. 

Stop pretending they’re asking for a kidney. It’s as much to protect yourself as it is everyone else. 

People wonder why we have things like stay-at-home orders and closing of non-essential businesses. It’s because of you, jackass, you’re the problem. It’s your lack of ability to exercise common sense and your refusal to follow simple, insanely simple advice that forces the government to exercise it for you. And even then, you still thumb your nose at it in all your ignorant glory. Sorry that you feel like they’re infringing on your right to be an irresponsible child.

Look, all I’m saying is I get that it’s frustrating and I get that it’s irritating, and inconvenient and all the other bad things that it is, but please, continue to take this seriously, continue to do the little things that make a big difference. Stop denying facts, science, and the advice from people who have spent a lifetime doing what they do in the medical and research fields to ultimately make everyone’s lives healthier, safer, and better.

I’m done with my soap box now.
#washyourhands #wearamask

Walking further up the hill we encountered:

Which reminded me of everything I have dealt with through the mail.

I have walked around it and left it to go on its own merry way believing what it wants.  Its world view may be different than mine, but that’s okay.  I’m not shoving my view down its throat.

It was gone when we walked back down the mountain road toward the car where we encountered several guys working away on the Round House.


Big trees are down!

They were waiting on heavy equipment to move stuff around.  I love seeing the progress every time we come walking here.

One of the old guys has lived here forever – and I asked him when did the Round House flood last.  1940.  Let’s hope that those kinds of floods don’t happen again for quite a few more decades.

No sewing happened last night.  My brain just isn’t in the right place.  No hand stitching of binding – but what’s the rush?

And today – I refuse to let any unwanted packets of mail steal my joy.

I will continue to be me.

Nothing starts a day off right like breakfast cooked on the porch!

With this in my belly – I can do anything!

Let’s make this Part 7 week even better with a 25% off sale!

I really DO love May! And to celebrate the beauty of May (with a do-over day today) I am putting all digital patterns in the Quiltville Store at 25٪ off using coupon code DIGITAL25.

This coupon code is good for the entire month, but code must be used at time of purchase for the sale price to be in effect. Don't forget to use the code!
No refunds if you forget, okay?

You'll find everything in the digital pattern section of the Quiltville Store.

Where you will also find the Addicted to Scraps book still at the low low price of $15.99 while lock-down lasts. (June 10th here in Virginia.)

And it comes with a free Wanderlust table runner PDF pattern, so maybe instead of purchasing that one at 25% off in the digital pattern sale, you’d like it for FREE with the purchase of Addicted to Scraps?  No coupon required for the book purchase.

My thanks to those who have shown their support of my small online business during this lock down time – it really helps.

Quiltville Quote of the Day -

Words may say one thing, but tone of voice says more than words ever could.

And while screaming for your rights, please allow everyone around you the same privilege to believe as they see fit, including their own freedom to speak their mind on their own blog/platform.  

If you disagree –  that’s okay – just walk away.

Have a lovely Friday everyone – and thanks for allowing me to speak my mind.


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Unknown said...

Thank you Bonnie for speaking out. I've made nearly 200 masks. I'm picking up kits today to make another 160 for healthcare workers.

rquilt said...

Right On, Bonnie. And, I love hearing all about your dog. My life has been full of pets and enriched by each one (like quilts!).

beth said...

You just showed me a very ugly side to this virus, crazy stalkers. Please know that for me, you have been a very big blessing. I enjoy the friends here, quilting patterns and help with them, but most of all I enjoy you and your family including Zoe. It was extra helpful thru this virus. Thank you and bless you.

Anne Hayward said...

So sorry you are having to deal with all this nonsense, it’s hard to believe that some people can be so ignorant of what is actually going on in the world. None of us would choose to be stuck in lockdown, but we do this to keep safe, I choose to wear a mask when shopping to keep myself and family as safe as I can as even her in the UK it’s bad.
Thank you for the Unity quilt and I am enjoying it immensely, and the previous mystery ou have done.
Your blueberry pancakes look absolutely delicious 😋
Thank you for all you do
Keep safe
Love and quilty hugs
Anne xxx

quiltitaly said...

Bonnie, I had to walk away and have a good cry before returning to send you a hug. This is what's great about America: everyone is entitled to an opinion; but it doesn't mean we can be hateful to others. Thanks for all you do - please keep it up. And Louise in Idaho (the black marker didn't quite obliterate everything), this is for you: that Twain quote you sent? Right back at you!!!

JeanGB said...

I'm #193 Blog post. You won't get any sewing done today if you get a chance to read all these. And these are the people who support and love what you do (and Zoey). No one is forcing me or anyone else to follow you or purchase your products. That is what the unsubscribe button is for. I'm not pushing it.

Beth B said...


Mary O said...

I really appreciate your blog and your very correct views and intelligence. Thank you!

Unknown said...

Wow - wow - wow
This made me cry...
To see such hate and so undeserved...
I just cannot fathom it...
Thank you for staying strong, Bonnie, and turning the other cheek ♡
Love wins...

barbara woods said...

on your side , ready to go but love my life here and want to stay a while

garrethsgran said...

Good for you Bonnie! We love you and appreciate all you do and share with us. Unfortunately for all of us, there are people like the ID writer who cause all of us problems. I agree we have to ignore those types and continue to protect our loved ones, friends and other fellow human beings.
Sew on my friend, we are all with you!

Anne said...

There is nothing new I can add to the positive support you are receiving from your followers, except, "Amen".

ceblakeney said...

Wow. I don't even know how to unpack the mess in either of these "letters". Except to make an observation. She quotes Mark Twain at the end of the first letter thusly: "It is easier to be fooled, than to convince people they have been fooled."

Mark Twain has never been recorded as saying or writing this. So you just have to wonder who is being fooled.


Dianne B said...

You do much good with your blog. The number of replies tell it. You also have let those of us staying at home have a voice, to let out our flustrations, to join together as a group from far and wide to let you and others know we are united in this fight to save lives and live to see the end of the virus. Now take a big clean healthy breath and breath out all negative thoughts. Enjoy life.

HRH-DMK said...

Yikes! I sure hope you Lysol-ed any items returned by people who don't even believe that this pandemic is real ... they are sure to be "silent spreaders"! I have copied that letter you posted from a brilliant Joshua Ross, and plan to send it to anyone who tries to tell me the spectre of Covid19 isn't real. Thank you Bonnie. It sadly is VERY real. Your blog is a welcome distraction from all this self-isolation, which we are doing for EACH OTHER. I wish these deny-ers would see the light.
~Diana K.

waggingtailsquilts said...

Stupid is as stupid does. Forest Gump
Wear the damn mask!

Odysset Girl said...

Keep on blogging, Bonnie. Your voice is a sane one in the face of the "Truthers". We all have the right to our opinions and we can listen and form our own opinions. Hopefully, the craziness will pass and the new normal will be here soon. I look forward to your blog and especially the saying for the day.

shoshu said...

thank you Bonnie for how well that was said. as for me, i'm trying to milk this time for all it's worth. wherever this pandemic came from, the whole, entire world is effected and i want to let it in and learn what i can from this time and not lose the opportunity for real upward change because i just don't want to deal with it. not to mention the extreme value of life, mine and everyone around me that i want to do my part to protect!

Food and Fiber Floozie said...

First and formost...I am very glad that you have decided to take care of yourself!!! Many people never learn that if they don't take care of themselves...eventually they can't take care of others because you just run dry. You are so right...Unity Quilt supposed to be fun....for YOU as well as others. Secondly, you are not alone in shaking your head over some things that other people are doing/saying. You have every right not to have those thoughts/actions foisted on you. Having read your blog for a long time, and having met you once (at Roxbury Holiness Camp last year when you were the SOUL of graciousness), I am so sorry you have been attacked in that way. PLEASE know/hope that that represents a very small minority, and that the rest of the people reading your blog love it....AND YOU!!!!!

Susan4cats said...

I am so sorry that this person decided to go after you. You are such a good person & certainly don't need this sort of thing. I'm glad you are standing up for yourself. We are all entitled to our own opinions but not entitled to shove those opinions down other's throats. As a person at high risk I have nothing but gratitude to those who wear masks, wash their hands, keep their distance & help the ill. Keep up the good work. We are all better for it.

Quiltgal said...

Wow, good for you.

JudyV54quilts said...

Bonnie, I too have been making masks and giving them to any who want them. I have done 200+ to Children's Hospital to be used for family visitors. I feel the same as you and I have come to not try to change anyone's mind instead support those who want to do what is right. I have also come to realize we are not coming out of this anytime soon so now I am making masks for the 2nd time for many folks, they do wear out. Just know there are many of us out here doing as you are doing and we shall enjoy our time with family and friends, from a distance. Keep the faith.

Lindafromnm said...

Oh, Bonnie, I've wanted to write a comment so many times on your blog but I never did. Now is the time. Thank you, thank you for taking the stand you did and sharing it with us. Also to all the wonderful, beautiful, smart people who have commented and supported you. I always read your blog last because it makes me feel good the rest of the day. I'm just so sorry you have to put up with these comments but you have such a large group who love you for taking these people on. Thank you for being you!!!

52KID said...

I definitely with you Bonnie. I don't care what "those people" say, I'm staying at home, and doing social distancing when I do go out. We now have an app that will notify you if you've been near somebody who has tested positive - we have dumb people that are worried about their privacy, even if there was a privacy issue with it (which there isn't), I want to know if I've been near somebody so that I can take action. I'm also quite happy if they don't relax the restrictions yet, I'd certainly rather be sure than sorry. I must admit that as a retired person, it hasn't really affected me financially, nor my family, so I'm very lucky. Keep up your great work, and hope that all those non-believers stick together and all go down with it at once. I know that's mean, but what can I say. I love your Zoey posts, long may she put that butt in the air to make everyone smile.

Els Duyts said...

hey Bonnie, you are so right. This is your blog and you can say and do whatever you want and those that don't agree are free to unsubscribe. There are still a lot of ignorant people out there. Don't spend your energy on them. Enjoying your blog and all your adventures. I'm in healthcare too (PT) and I will wear a mask as long as it takes.You can be contagious without even knowing it (it happened to my sister. She was a "carrier" and didn't show one symptom, but she found out when she was tested when she brought her husband to the ER and he was positive, so they tested her too. Luckily my brother-in-law recovered without having to stay in the hospital, cause he didn't need to be ventilated) If it even saves one person from possible infection, it'll be worth it.

Lucy said...

Thank you for your daily newsletter, you have done a lot to help get many of us through this trying time. The Unity Quilt Along has been wonderful giving me something to look forward to every Monday. Seeing Zoey and her antics has brighten my day. We have two dogs and watching them is a pleasure too. Bonnie keep up with what you have been doing for all of us.

Lisa C. said...

Bonnie- you are a bright highlight in my day. Love the way you share the simple pleasures of your life and are kind enough to share it with us. You are kind, generous, talented and don't have a mean bone in your body. Keep doing you and although everyone is entitled to their opinion, the letters sent to you were both unnecessary and a mean spirited pissin' contest. As my Dad used to say "there are more asses than horses in this world". There was your proof.

Char said...

Thank you Bonnie. I love your blog and pictures. Zoey reminds me of my pups and the kitties are fun to see too. I have 4 cats at each house and they all have different personalities. Two dogs with one a pup about Zoey's age and you are right they are just what we need in our lives. Looking forward to the future. Your blog gives me something to look forward to each day. God Bless.

Jan in OIB said...

(from Food and Fiber Floozie, who couldn't post from her computer...)
First and formost...I am very glad that you have decided to take care of yourself!!! Many people never learn that if they don't take care of themselves...eventually they can't take care of others because you just run dry. You are so right...Unity Quilt is supposed to be fun....for YOU as well as others. Secondly, you are not alone in shaking your head over some things that other people are doing/saying. You have every right not to have those thoughts/actions foisted on you. Having read your blog for a long time, and having met you once (at Roxbury Holiness Camp last year when you were the SOUL of graciousness), I am so sorry you have been attacked in that way. PLEASE know/hope that that represents a very small minority, and that the rest of the people reading your blog love it....AND YOU!!!!!

Lori said...

Thank you for speaking out. The hostility towards those who sew or wear masks is so disturbing.

Alice Cooksey said...

So sorry for the hateful mail. We are full on to coping with the virus in this household even though the threat is pretty low where we live in Texas.
I have made masks as fast as I can from March and I'm still at it. I didn't even join your Unity Quilt along although I am in love with the quilt. The need has been so urgent that I have given it all my time and energy. I never heard a dissenting word until last month when it came from an extended family member. She compared her fight for her rights (to attend church on Sunday morning) with her father's battles in WWII. I really don't get the comparison. We continued to have church through a virtual online service and no one felt as though their rights had been violated. I just don't get it. Stay strong and stay positive. Let your light shine.........love from alice (always in stitches in Texas)

Shelina (formerly known as Shasta) said...

I have several people in my circle that think the way this lady thinks, and the only explanation I can come up with is that the search engines must be giving them enough stuff that makes them think that their opinion is actually the mainstream. They tell me that they have researched their sources, but then they say the mainstream media is lying. It is interesting when we watch the same thing and come away with completely different messages. {{socially distant hugs}} Bonnie. Because of people like that, we are going to be dealing with this virus for years.

QueenB said...

Thank you Bonnie for your blog, I have only just read this post and its monday here in Australia. Please don't let the ugly get to you. I love reading about your quilting journey & Zoey Jo and all the things you write about. It gives me a window
to another life & life style in the country and I love it.
Stay well Simone from Melbourne Australia

Chris B said...

Love and virtual hugs to you Bonnie.
It's a shame some people cannot follow the best advice going to be kind to everyone.

Chris B said...

Love and virtual hugs to your Bonnie.
Such a shame some people seem to be unable to follow the best advice, to be kind. It costs nothing and hurts no one.

love you said...

Those negative first two letters depressed even me. Please know that you are loved by far more people than those other two negative Nellies.

sandy said...

I was diagnose 2019 and find out I’m HIV positive.I was scared because
there is no cure for HIV but today some people still don’t
believe that there is cure for HIV, it can only be cured through
Africans root and herbs,and our doctor’s here in USA few of them
know’s about the African herbal medicine can cure Hiv but they chooses
to hide it from us just to make a sales of ARV DRUGS. I did a research
online finding way to get rid of my disease,I saw a comment about a
herbal doctor on internet Name Dr Alabi who has cured several disease
with his powerful herbal medicine, I contacted him on whats-app, chat
with him explain my self to him.He said he can cure hiv perfectly well
, he gave me his request which i send to him. within 5 days he sent me
the herbal medicine through ups courier delivering service And told me
how to take the medicine for 2 weeks to get cured,I did for 2 weeks,
within this 2 weeks i notice a very big change in my health and i new
some thing great has happened then i went to confirm my result it was
absolutely Negative.The doctor who new i was hiv positive was asking
me how come i am negative, what did it took to get cure and were did i
get this medicine from and how did i get rid of it I told him every
thing about the herbal medicine that cure me. imagine doctor telling
me not to let anyone know about it,I wasn’t shock though i knew they
know about the herbal cure but choose to hide it in other to make sales
on ARV DRUGS,if you are HIV positive please contact my savior
dr.alabiherbalhome@gmail <dr.alabiherbalhome@gmail.com WEBSITE
or WHATSAPP him through this number +2348115204568

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