
Saturday, April 18, 2020

Zoey Teaches Social Distancing -

Yesterday afternoon in the sunshine -

Looking off into the distance at ridges and ranges beyond.

After yesterday’s deer chasing adventure we sat Zoey down and gave her a good talking to – not that she will listen.  In dog years we know she is entering that teenager stage, and the eye roll and body language told us that we were ruining her fun and that we didn’t know ANYTHING where herding was concerned.

She didn’t seem to think that deer chasing was not up with social distancing standards.  And after all, if we wanted to enforce the distancing thing, shouldn’t the deer be OUT of the yard, not in it?

When asked what kinds of things ARE good to do during social distancing, she gave us her newest version of Zoey-Yoga-Downward-Dog:


And if you are really good at it – you can do it this way:

And just so I could get it right – we’ve got it on video.

Click to play (And laugh!)

Part 2:

While in time out for deer chasing -

Watching the birds outside the window while maintaining social distance!

(The way she sits is a crack up!)

After the work day was done – the weather was still pleasant enough to go take a long walk up a country dirt road – still talking about that social distancing thing.

She wanted to go tell the cows they needed to be at least 6 feet apart!

Red bud tree at the old McMillan place.

More tulip block kitting up has been going on!

And yes, I had cleaned the studio just last week so someone tell me HOW – just HOW things can just explode into this in just a matter of days?

Flurry of creativity!

This made me happy this morning!

I’m cutting into fat quarters as my strip stash of neutrals is looming low.  That means I’m cutting some of each size 1 1/2’’, 2’’ and 2 1/2’’ to replenish.  I don’t need too many 3 1/2’’ strips right now, but the others are dangerously low -

For those who have asked about the Tulip block and where to find the pattern – please click the Addicted to Scraps tab at the top of the blog and scroll down to spring 2019 to find the issue.  You can still get a digital copy I believe.

I’ve got the next round for our Unity Quilt Along part 4 complete and ready for Monday’s reveal!  Today I’ll be working on the graphics, start the post writing, tomorrow finish that up and have the PDF ready to go live Monday morning. 

I feel like it’s a major win when I can stay just this much ahead of the game.

I also wanted you to know that there is now a Binge Worthy tab at the top of the blog where you can view what others have submitted to watch (movies/series/shows) or listen to (audio books.)  The forms are also there so you can add your favorites.  And as this is now a tab on the blog, you’ll never need to go searching for it.  It will stay there, and can always be added to as new suggestions come up.

The only thing I ask is to avoid duplicates – please read down the list to see if your show/book is listed before adding it again.  This will help with the redundancy and the length of the spreadsheets.  Thank you!

It’s a rainy Saturday on the mountain.  There is some mail to go out this morning – the USPS closes at 11am on Saturday so I’ll get that done, get the graphics done, and get back here to hopefully continue the scrap taming while cutting tulip blocks.

What’s up for your Saturday ahead?

Quiltville Quote of the Day -

Welcome to Saturday, folks! This is your reminder to not pull the battles of the past week into your weekend!

The days may be feeling like they are running together, but do your best to treat your weekend like a weekend and do something fun!

The battles can wait for Monday.


Dalina said...

My energy was zapped yesterday. I had a leisure day, but decided last night that I needed to quilt. So I finished quilting my Elvira, now to sew on binding and it is done. Hopefully I can do that today and work some more on Unity, blocks are all ready to sew up. Then I want to finish my UFO I have had for 20 years, I am embroidering sayings on the blocks. I have 3 left to go, then sashing's , cornerstones and quilting. I want it done by the end of the quarantine which just got extended to May 15 where I live. Have a great day Bonnie!!

Kay said...

Thank you for sharing Zoey with us. Her antics are fun for her and the rest of us. I delivered a baker's dozen of masks to our favorite bake shop this morning. We picked up some of their delicious sourdough plus a few other goodies. This weekend I plan todo fun sewing and maybe some scrap cutting while listening to a book. Appreciate you setting up tabs for movies and books. Have a great Saturday

Leah said...

Zoey is just an absolute riot. What a character! Love the puppy updates.

Sharon in Seattle said...

Bonnie, that pup is the cutest ever!!! I love seeing her!

Phyllis said...

Thanks for sharing Zoey's pictures and her antics. So fun to watch and a giggle.
Almost finished with part 3 on the mystery. Gardening also to keep the mind occupied. Thanks for sharing your life and talents Bonnie.

Wendy said...

Thanks, Bonnie for all that you do. Not a binge worthy show - but a special treat Andrew Lloyd Webber is putting one of his Broadway shows on Youtube - each Friday/Saturday - only for a 48 hour period. Youtube "The Shows Must Go On" - this week is Phantom of the Opera - so good.

Laura said...

Emma gets put in time out for chasing the deer too LOL

Loraine said...

I'm working on Garden Party. 54 blocks done. I've finished Emerald City ready to go to quilter.

Gail Topper said...

Zoey's antics made me laugh right out loud! Thanks for that. Can't have too many fun moments these days.

ShirlR said...

I just love your tulip blocks; they are so colorful. I bought the digital issue of Quiltmaker magazine today so I can make some too. I will be looking forward to seeing what you do with them and hope you will have a pattern for us to buy. And, thank you so much for the pictures and videos of Zoey on your blog, oh my, it was such fun watching her antics! She is just precious!!

Unknown said...

I love your Zoey !

QuiltGram said...

Zoey in the chair is hilarious.

Patricia said...

Zoey is so cute. So glad to see, I am not the only one that can make a neat sewing place into a mess.

Anne Hayward said...

ZoeyJo is just adorable love her videos and her sitting in the chair an absolute hoot. Thank you for sharing her exploits and adventures with us
Love and quilty hugs
Anne xxx

Jetmaio from Florida said...

I was wondering when you would have her off the leash and I see now you do. Good for both of you.

Shirley said...

Enjoying Zoey so much......

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