
Friday, April 10, 2020

Home Quarantine–Day 548 (Or what feels like it!)

New Day, Same Routine -

Are you feeling like it?

The one thing I can say about this is the sense of humor that so many have – shared through social media has really helped!

If it weren’t for laughter to lighten our moods – I don’t know how we would survive even the next month ahead of us!

Check this out:

We’re On A Roll by Java House Quilts!

Leave it to quilters to sum up the strange and funny times we are experiencing in our lives.  

You can find the pattern Here and it is available as a digital download as well so you can start making your own commemorative TP (Or lack of TP) quilt. LOL! 

It’s nice to see a bit of something else besides mask making, more mask making, even MORE mask making – and Zoey.  Along with “piecing behind the scenes”  for our Unity Quilt Along, Part 3 to come out on Monday, that has been my life.

Yesterday I had long conversations with my Mom, my Dad, and a video chat with my son Jason in Portland - and even at one time a 4 way video chat through Facebook Messenger with both of my sons and my husband who joined in on the call from his office area upstairs.  That was so great.

I’ve even watched through most of my shows that I wanted to binge.  Who would think that there could be such a thing as “over binged?!”

So – I wanted to do something fun that we could keep us with something new to watch -  (yes I will tab it at the top of the blog for easy reference for everyone.) is to use a google form to compile what we would recommend to others!

I have included areas for Title, a place for answering what kind of show it is (crime, romance, funny, etc) and then a radial button space for clicking which streaming service you are watching it on – and OTHER if it is a none of the above (like an old DVD you have).

I have one favor to ask – please read through things to see if someone has already listed that show – so that we don’t make the list longer than necessary.

If this proves good – I was thinking of doing the same thing with a form for recommended audio books – all things we can listen to while stitching away.  Sounds good?

okay – ENTER!  View Responses HERE.

I finished season 3 of Broadchurch last night. What should my next watch be?  

I really love dramas with great character involvements. Series that are long running (many years to dig into) and stuff that definitely does NOT have subtitles – because I can’t sew and read at the same time.

These three masks are going to my brother & sister in law in Idaho.

Scott messaged me about needing some while he is out in the field. He runs Wilkinson Pest Control service in the Boise, Idaho area and is deemed essential.  he has respirator type equipment while spraying chemicals, but should he need to talk to a client at their door, he wanted to protect them from anything that he could be carrying unaware should they need to sign something, or talk to him about anything – even from 6 feet away. 

I made him two in industrial gray (He didn’t go for the Peeps Easter fabric ones! LOL!)

And this one with Zodiac characters is going to his wife Alicia.

I also put a couple in the mail for my mom and step-dad.

Farmer’s Market Fabrics for Jean, Gordon and their daughters!

Jean is the friend down the road and when I asked if they were in need, she said YES!  She loves the Farmer’s Market in Independence so I though these Farmer’s Market fabris would be fun for them.  After all, we are all a bit fruity – life is a bowl of cherries, and if it hands you lemons, make lemonade!

It doesn’t sound like an awful lot – it’s taking me longer to make these as I have been using the mask making as a Leader & Ender thing while working on Unity behind the scenes.

And I really REALLY wish I had my stash of novelty fabrics up here because we could crank out some fun ones.

My washing machine is definitely feeling the love as I have not previously been much of a fabric washer, and these fabrics need to be pre washed to remove any chemicals or finishes from them before placing them against someone’s face.

And YES – the shrinkage needs to occur too to bring those threads in the weave of the fabric more tightly together.  Hot water.  Hot dry.  And then iron.

If you missed it – I posted my mask making hints in a video in Yesterday’s Post.

And if you are on the fence over whether to make or not to make – don’t let it bother you.  It doesn’t have to take any time away from your regular sewing if you just make enough for your immediate family as Leaders & Enders.  I can get about 4 done in an evening doing it this way.


When giving masks – save and print this graphic.

Just because WE know, doesn’t mean the people you are giving them to know. I will be enclosing this little graphic printed on paper in the baggie with each mask.

Would you look at what’s going on here!

They have accepted each other in a “I think I can deal with you, but keep your distance” kind of way – but Zoey gets very protective of her water bowl when Emmy Lou wants to drink from it.  It’s hysterical!  But tails keep wagging.

We ended up ordering a “slow eating” puzzle bowl for her because she has a tendency to wolf down her food, swallowing too much air – and then 20 minutes later she throws it up.  I am trying to piece together her previous life.

This is her new normal.  there is no need to wolf down food, swallowing too much air only to toss it up before she can digest it.  So the slow feeding bowl should help, and we also ordered some “sensitive tummy” food for her.

Loving her Peep babies!

I am NOT loving the snow that was on my roof and on the cars this morning!

And so begins another day.  I’ll be warming up the van to head over to the QPO, take care of the cats, get the mail out, grab a few items I need, and then back here to the cabin to make more progress on our Unity Quilt Along Part 3, and dive into more masks as Leaders & Enders.

I have a pork roast thawing for dinner.  What’s your favorite way to cook one?  Instant pot? Crock Pot?  In the oven?  I need some ideas.

Quiltville Quote of the Day -

Don't forget to appreciate all you have because you are too focused on what you want right now.

A little bit of gratitude in the morning will carry you through the day.

Scrappy Mountain Majesties Quilt from the Free Patterns Tab at the top of the blog.  Could this be your next project?

Have a wonderful Good Friday, everyone.


Ames in VA said...

Instant pot is my favorite way to cook the pork roast now. Brown it in the pot, add your herbs, one cup of chicken broth or bouillon, set on high pressure for 40 to 45 minutes. Delicious and tender. Several recipes online can suggest timing for different weights. Thanks for your daily posts!

Catherine said...

My favorite way to prepare roast is in the oven, 325, with baby carrots, minced onions and halved potatoes, for about 2 1/2 hours. Yum Yum!! My roast is thawing out as I write! Catherine in SW Indiana

Carline said...

My all time favorite way to cook a pork roast is in the crock pot. I put the roast in and pile a jar/can of sauerkraut on top, letting the juice run down over it. That's it. When it is done you really don't taste the kraut in the roast but it makes it so tenter. Yummy.

All said...

I prefer the Crock-pot. I put the baby carrots on the bottom, then roast and onion soup mix. Add salt and pepper, onions and baby potatoes. Add water to cover the roast. Set on low before leaving for work and then it is done when you get home.

Rhoda W said...

You can also buy a stand to but the dog food bowl in... it helps with proper swallowing thus less vomiting.

Anonymous said...

Favorite way is in the crock pot. I did a beef roast last night - Mississippi Roast style. It was way too yummy as the scale told me this morning.
Bonnie - an idea with the form when it goes to the spreadsheet. Click on each column, go to Format at the top, scroll to Text Wrapping - click and another will pop out and select Wrap. This will allow what is being put in the form to wrap around in the column instead of overflowing which is the default. Learned way too much about Google forms and documents doing remote teaching these past few weeks. Have a great Friday!

cindythequilter said...

I am loving reading your posts especially during this time of quarantine. Your quilt along is wonderful. This may be the first time I have written on here but you are a wonderful, generous, uplifting person through all the posts that I have read over the past few weeks. I have spent some time reading through your past posts as well. Please know that you are important to so many people and are inspiring as well. Thank you for all that you do!

C P Evans said...

Filipino Pork Marinade
3 lbs. Boston Butt Pork Roast (or boneless Loin, used whole)
(Cut into 1/2 " pieces)
1 onion, Chopped fairly fine
1 C Vinegar
3/4 C Soy Sauce
1 Clove Garlic, chopped
1 C 7-Up
½ C Brown sugar
2 T Red Wine
1 t Tabasco

Mix ingredients and soak meat overnight. Cook on grill until done.

Rocky Mountain Cattle Dog Rescue said...

Try making a snuffle mat for Joey. ( google it) Will also help with the aggressive eating.

Cats said...

pORK rOAST: cast iron dutch oven, covered at 300 a couple hours... first seared, about 1/2 cup water added as it cook dry...makes wonderful gravy with drippings... old fahiond mom's way!!!

M Murphy said...

I love the idea about sharing our shows and books. I too am looking for ideas on what to watch. You're so clever, Bonnie! Stay well everyone.

Elle said...

I'm a slow roaster in the oven unless we decide to throw it on the smoker. Sear it first on the stove so those juices stay in the meat.

Pre-heat the oven to 350 F.
Liberally sprinkle salt and pepper all over the roast.
In a small bowl, mix together the olive oil, garlic, rosemary, and sage.
Using a small brush, or your hands, spread the mixture all over the pork butt.
Make slits in the meat, about 1/2-inch wide and deep. Insert the garlic slices into the slits.
Set the meat on a rack in a roasting pan.
Cook until an instant-read thermometer inserted into the thickest part of the roast reads 155°F, about 25 minutes per pound.

Kelley P. said...

Might want to add "Do Not Microwave" to the Yellow list (some versions of the mask may melt - elastic, pipe cleaners, apparently people like to sterilize them this way! Someone did it with one of mine and let me know, that's how I got the tip!

Pork Roast - crock pot with salt, pepper and minced Garlic! Or Dutch oven with cabbage, onions and apple slices - YUM! Enjoy! (Hi Zoey!)

Wendy said...

Pork loin in a Dutch oven: brown in a bit of oil. Sprinkle with black pepper, cover and put in oven 40-45 minutes. Makes enough of its own moisture that it doesn’t burn at 350 degrees.

JudyP said...

I love to throw a frozen pork roast in the slow cooker first thing in the morning and let it cook all day. Shred in the afternoon and add some barbecue sauce. It's a great meal in the evening when you've had a busy day or company in from out of town!

Venetia Erickson said...

Binge watch all seasons of Fixer Upper. Love the Unity Quilt,but too many fires in the iron to start it! Mississippi Pot Roast in the Instapot . Great with chicken and if small roasts do one pork one beef together. Pinterest has the recipe. Or Pulled pork is super easy and no fuss. Two quartered onion as bed of dutch oven ,pork roast, cover the top with 1/2c brown sugar, 1-2 chipotle peppers. One if wimpy. And last but not least, 2 cans of Dr.Pepper, Coke or Root beer. Cover and cook 325-8hrs in oven. Shred with 2 forks.pile on onion buns and add a scoop of Cole slaw for crunch.

Holly Burch said...

I have used Paula Deen's Herb Crusted Pork Tenderloin recipe which is really for pork loin, not tenderloin, for years. The end result has always been excellent and everyone really enjoys this preparation.

The Joyful Quilter said...

LOL!! I can SEW totally relate to your title of this post, Bonnie!!

Sherrill said...

My mom always made pork roast with sauerkraut and caraway seeds and a side of mashed potatoes. So that's the way I made it (LOVE sauerkraut) though not anymore since it's just me. I usually grab something out (thru the drive thru or curb side pickup these days!!).

The Calico Quilter said...

One benefit of all this quiet solitary time, I'm finally getting Frolic finished this morning. I stalled at the borders but am 3/4 of the way done. And I've made my peace with the green I used - didn't love it at first but it's OK. Great idea to have a "must watch" list. And I'd love to know who else is a "Vera" fan - it's sooooo good. I'm watching episodes of Poirot - again!

Sandra Taylor said...

The puzzle dish works well for our puppy but you would be amazed how fast they figure out the tricks to speed things up. If it doesnot work, another idea is to spread food out on a baking sheet. This limits how much goes in at once. Unfortunately a lot of rescues have food insecurities.

Unknown said...

Vera is a great British show, Midsomer murders is another quirky series.

QuiltinLibraryLady said...

Aren't you just so glad you have Zoey around during these days of staying home?

I'm thawing a pork loin roast for Easter dinner. Will be having it with roasted potatoes, asparagus frozen last Spring and Sour Cream Blueberry pie with ice cream. Yum! The only thing missing will be the family :(

We're supposed to have 3-6" of snow over Sat. night and Sunday. Not very Easter like.

LindaH said...

Zoey might enjoy a Wobble Kong. Put the dry kibble in it and she will have to knock it around to get the kibble to fall out. It will keep her busy for a few minutes. Very pretty girl!

KB said...

My daughter had to put the dogs food in a muffin tin to slow down the fast eating.

Carla said...

I generally cook my roast in the pampered chef roaster unless I convince my husband to put it on the smokie.
Our weather has been a little crazy. up to 80 then almost 90 then down in the 50's and 60's. Mother Nature tend to be bi-polar in Texas. Be safe

Battle Axe said...

Thanks for the tute on making the mask with the t-shirt ties. Am using up my 15+ yards of jungle prints; tiger, leopard, giraffe, cheetah. Didn't want to scare little kids, or adults!

tealeafquilts said...

I love watching Zoey bond to you. A dog loves with its full heart, mind and body, unconditionally! A cat can take it or leave it. We dog lovers always have to find a replacement for the one we loved so fiercely. WE have a doxie and a boxer/pit mix and the doxie is my most ever loved dog. They are both 8 or 9 so hopefully a few years left. Thank you for all you do. This event is making us realize how precious life and relationships are.

Food and Fiber Floozie said...

While you are waiting for the food bowl, if you have an old plastic ice cube tray you can try that. put a small number of kibbles in each ice cube spot....that may help to slow her down.

Jo said...

Tried our first loaf of Crock Pot bread yesterday. It worked! Mix, knead for 5 minutes, and put in the pot - it came out light and beautiful. Put under the broiler to brown it for a few minutes and we are enjoying home-made bread! House smelled wonderful and I was free to sew.

Rosemary B❤️ said...

I love this forced isolation. Well, I do have hubby with me and the two kitties AND I have to forage one or two days a week, always come home and throw my clothes in the wash and take a shower (I just go early and rumpled, wearing a mask) I DO go to my daddy 4 miles away at Ashby Ponds Erickson community to drop off shopping goods he desires (milk oj bananas etc)
So, I do have minimal stress these days. I like that. My house is cleaner, everything is just more calm,
Hubbs and I watch a lot of tv right after dinner until bed time. I am in the adjacent room with a big opening so I can see the tv clearly. Most times I pay attention.

claudia said...

Pork Roast...my favorite way is to rub the roast all over with sage. Put it in a roasting pan, salt, pepper, garlic sprinkled all over, pop it in the oven (I don't preheat the oven) and roast at 350 degrees for however long it takes for the size of roast you have. mmmmm, I can smell that baby cooking right now!
I roasted a 14 pound turkey yesterday. My main diet is basically chicken and turkey, with some tuna and shrimp as a different dinner from time to time. I hadn't done a turkey in a while, so it was time. And...the smells from that roasting turkey took me back to a happier time, before this whole mess started!

Cheryl said...

Bonnie -thank you for the mask making video - after trying different versions of masks -yours looks like the winner! Love hearing about Zoey. Hang in there with the staying at home - we'll make it thru this!

Shasha said...

Pics and stories of your new puppy are just so adorable. I think my son has his Twin (personality wise). So sweet and so wanted. Thanks for sharing his story. Warms the heart!

Unknown said...

Not sure how I would go about getting the recipe for Crock Pot Bread, but if there is a way to send me directions or ingredients, I would truly appreciate it!

Ptquilter said...

Loved seeing this Scrappy Mountain Majesties quilt. I am in the process of making one from the shirts of my son-in-law's dad who passed away in November 2018. I'm making it for his mother. It's been slow go in between other projects but it's coming along. Thanks for sharing.

Shirley said...

Sounds good......

Anita said...

My son started scattering the food around the house so the puppy had to go find it. Solved the "inhaling" problem and was fun for both of them. I have been watching Blacklist -- crime drama with some creativity in the plots. Love David Baldacci audio books. I use my free library app.

Unknown said...

I'm loving watching Zoey adjust to her new home and fellow residents. The way she loves her "babies" is so touching. What a great girl she is !

GeorginA said...

HOW I GOT MY EX HUSBAND BACK WITH THE HELP OF A THE REAL ONLINE LOVE SPELL CASTER CONTACT HIM TODAY ON HIS Email. templeofanswer@hotmail.co.uk or whatsapp him +234815542548-1

Barbara D said...

love to see pics of your furbabies. Progress is being made. Pork roast...hmm, my fav is oven roast with a rub of Dijon mustard with pepper and rosemary. I also like to do pork shoulder in crockpot with some of Trader Joe's green dragon sauce - I'm allergic to onions, and TJ's sauce is much like a good salsa verde, sans onion and a with a smoother texture

Alice Cooksey said...

Zoey Jo is so sweet! I have a little Yorkie so I don't relate to the aggressive eating. My Maggie is the most finicky dog I have ever had. I am making masks non stop. I've sent them out to a lot of family and friends. I will be concentrating on Meals on Wheels now.

Donna Endresen said...

Thanks everyone for the roasting ideas. I usually cook my roasts in the oven at 325 or start at 350, then turn down to 325. I am so old fashioned of a cook, that I have never done one in a crock pot or the instant pot, but I will have to try it soon.

Binge watching, I have never done that either. I don't watch TV or listen to audio books while sewing. I like to concentrate on what I am doing. Maybe I am an ole stick in the mud. Being home gives me solitude and doesn't bother me. But, I used to work in a building by myself, away from my HQ's by 60+ miles. If I got tired of working one dept. I just switched to another, as there was more than plenty of work for one person. The same as now. I have more than enough to do with several sewing/quilting projects going, starting seeds for the garden (this is my shoulder month with sewing, and probably won't get to do it much longer.

Happy Easter everyone! Thank You Bonnie for all you do, and your mask instructions are the best!

Kasilof, AK
No more sun for the next week, just more snow and rain mix!

grammajudyb said...

Can you tell us where you found the how-to wear a mask graphic? I can’t seem to print it directly from your blog.
I have done a search, but to no avail.

Bonnie K. Hunter said...

I have linked to it under the mask tutorial image under the free patterns tab at the top of the blog. You need to save it to your computer, and print it from there.

Unknown said...

I just fixed a pork roast last week. I put in a cast iron dutch oven in a slow oven - 275 degrees. Generously cover with garlic powder and pepper. Sprinkle some brown sugar on top and drizzle Worcestershire sauce. Cook covered about 6 hours. It is ready to shred and make pork barbque sandwiches or on a plate. Add a little barbque sauce, catsup, and/or hot sauce.

Studio 3D said...

We like a dish my hubby invented. He calls it 'Chili Pig'.

In the crock pot add a can of chili. Place the pork roast on top. Now put another can of chili on top of the roast. (Chopped onions are optional).

We use the hot chili which tenderizes the meat while the meat takes the heat out of the chili. Shred with a fork and stir the chili into the shredded meat.

We like to eat on buns like a pulled pork sandwich or just in a bowl with shredded cheddar and sour cream on top.

grammajudyb said...

Thank you! Loved the video BTW.....the best of several of the myriads of tutorials!
Thanks again, for being you!

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