
Friday, March 13, 2020

Zoey Jo, Coming Home!

I made a new friend yesterday.

One I hope will be with me for a long, long time.

I had, on a whim about a week or so ago when I was feeling that as good as things were, there was something still missing – clicked over to the Humane Society at Wilkes website just to see who was up for adoption.

Over the past several months that Sadie has been gone, I have flip flopped.  “I don’t want another dog.  It’s too much work.  They can’t replace Sadie.  I have too much travel coming up.”  You know how the arguments go between what the heart wants, and that danged voice of reason.

About a week ago I came upon the following photo:

There was something in that face -

Something that just tugged at my heart.

It’s in the ears, and in the eyes.

And I called.

Was this dog they had named “Bella” still available?  Yes.  Can you give me any info on her?

All they knew is that she was found as a stray.  She is approximately a year old.  They said shepherd mix. Very friendly.  Gets along with other dogs.  Is not aggressive to cats or children.

And I was in the car to drive an hour to go see her – was I CRAZY!?

Knowing that Empty Spools at Asilomar has been canceled, and that I am now not flying anywhere until the end of May – what better way to enjoy social distancing than with a 1 year old still-very-much-a-puppy dog?

It didn’t take long.  The moment I parked I could hear the cacophony of dog barking.  It was a mad house as I was lead up the row of kennels to pen 5 where she sat.

All around her was mayhem.

She was not barking.  She was not timid either.  She greeted the shelter worker with kisses and tail wagging.  She was put on a leash and we lead her out between the row of kennels for some “Getting to know you” time.

And I fell in love.  Puppy kisses – oh still so very much puppy left!

She walked on the leash with me all around the parking lot.  There was some puppy jumping and a bit of overly-excited – but she didn’t piddle from excitement.

In 30 minutes she was mine!

I opened the van door and in she went as if she had done it 100 times!

I was trying to get a selfie – she was too excited to be going home to sit still!

And she passed test number 2 (the first one being the barking thing.) She didn’t get car sick the entire ride back up to Virginia, over winding mountain roads.  Good girl!

Test number 3 -

She passed the Emmy Lou test!

No aggression.  Just curiosity.

Emmy Lou, however is not impressed and will have nothing to do with this invader!  She will get over it.  In time, I am sure.

Oh, you are a pretty girl!

And through many sources, I feel she has a whole lot of Australian Kelpie in her -

Test number 4 – PASSED!  There have been ZERO house breaking accidents.  She will take care of her business while walking around the yard on a leash.

Test number 5 – passed.  She slept through the night (Well, until about 6 am when I quickly threw on my clothes to get her outside for morning business – which was fine!)

I think I’m going to like this place with all these cozy quilts!

Oh, this is Emmy Lou’s bed?

I think I like it for ME!

One tuckered out pup -

Getting used to new beds while this thing called “SEWING?!” was going on -

The website listed her as BELLA.  She doesn’t look like a Bella to me.  She doesn’t answer to Bella.  I asked the shelter guy if she came in with that name, or if it was given to her.  They named her that, and she’d only had it about a week.  Name change it is.

It will take some time – but we are calling her Zoey.  And because all proper southern girls are called by two names, she shall be called Zoey Jo. Click to Play:

This morning I’m all about “Scratch my belly!”

Oh, those ears and eyebrows!

We are going to spend the next several weeks getting to know one another, and exploring all of the out of door things as the weather turns nicer.

Kelpies need roam to run.  They are active working dogs.  Which means she will be pushing ME out the door to get our walks in.  That Grayson Highlands State Park pass is going to come in handy – no excuses.

I’m anxious to see if she likes water.  Many Kelpies do.  I wonder if she will be a toy-playing, fetch-liking dog?

Hard to tell right now as she is passed out on her bed right next to me.

And then there is the whole adventure of introducing Zoey Jo to the QPO cats, Dresden and Lola. 

To celebrate Zoey’s Homecoming:

And the fact that I am home for a while – I have placed my Addicted to Scraps Book at deep deep discounts in the Quiltville Store

At only $15.99!  And it comes with a free PDF download for my Wanderlust Table Runner.  A $10.00 value.

This impromptu sale is only good through March 31st.  Don’t delay!

Today, if Zoey Jo is as good as she has proven so far – I will get the remainder of that Shoo Fly Shoo quilt top off the floor!  Then I’ll only have the cross-seaming of the rows to do.  Borders are still in the thought process.

I’d love to have it in the long arm by the end of the weekend.

What’s up for your Friday?

Quiltville Quote of the Day -

This is what my very small inner voice told me yesterday. "Go see the shelter dog."

I am very used to talking back to that small inner voice. And my reply was "it's an hour away. I don't have time. We are supposed to be social distancing

My very small inner voice began to speak louder! "GO SEE THE DOG!" And I listened.

Make time for more of what makes you happy!

I am so glad I did!

Happy Friday, folks!


MarshIsleFiberArts said...

What a sweetie! I understand about the no more pets thought. After our last cat died - we said no more pets! Fast foward five years and now we have 7 alpacas, 2 donkeys, 2 goats, and 12 chickens! Living the dream in Ashe County NC.

flower power momma said...

The happy pup faces speak volumes! Seems a great match for all parties involved.

Mysonsmom95 said...

Such a pretty girl. Congrats and yeah, a fellow hiker to join you on the trails.

Always In Stitches said...

I am in tears. She looks so happy. I think she must be the luckiest dog ever. So happy for all of you.

memckee2 said...

What a joyful way to chase away the blues of having to change long-term plans! I am so happy for you and your family as you welcome this new member with the cutest ears ever!

MyraH said...

What a lucky girl - she certainly looks at home. We, too, felt we didn't want another dog, but are now going to be raising a guide dog puppy for a year.

SandyPA said...

Congratulations on adding Zoey Jo to your family! She looks so happy to be yours! Sandy at sewhigh.blogspot.com

karen said...

Oh that laughing dog face! Zoey Jo looks like a reincarnation of our Blair. And if so, you have a really good dog. Blair wanted to be mama to every creature and human in her realm. Congrats on your new family member!

Deb said...

Congratulations Hunter family! We had found our house too quiet also and the inner voice was really loud, lol. We now have Molly. So happy for you all!

~~Tx~~ Wildflower said...

Bonnie, so glad you listened to your inner self. Zoey Jo reminds me of my BeBop (vet named in 1950s) that was same color and had those expressive eyebrows. She was much smaller & long. She was a dachshund mix. Zoey Jo is so contented to be with you. Look forward to seeing Zoey Jo’s acclimation with y’all...

Kerry Grace said...

Happy Dance for your new family member, and for you to have filled a vacancy. Love her name, she's going to love it with your family, I just know it.
My husband keeps saying that same thing,"this is our last dog, we're getting too old, dogs are too much for old folks." We have a cat too, and he thinks cats would be OK, but after our lovely Dixie goes to the Bridge, no more dogs. I think he'll be surprised how much he'll miss a dog, and I'm keeping the conversation noncommittal, so maybe a small dog would work out. Several years in the future, I hope.

Amy said...

She is one lucky dog.

Quilting Addict said...

I am so chuffed you have a new pal and that you chose to give a lovely home to a rescue pup, definitely seems to appreciate your quilts ๐Ÿ˜

Unknown said...

I am so happy for both of you ❤️❤️❤️

Nancy Vance said...

Hi Bonnie! Love your new doggie!! We have 3 Australian Kelpies. They are wonderful dogs: loyal, well-behaved, smart, obedient. Our Leah looks just like your Zoe. I'm not surprised she's already wrapped you around her paw...Kelpies do that! I know you'll wonder how you ever got along without her.

bgail said...

Congratulations Bonnie and Zoey Jo! So happy for you and your new sweetie! Waiting to hear if I will be working next week. I hear my sewing machine calling ๐Ÿ˜Š

Andee Neff said...

Some things are meant to be! Zoey Jo is a perfect fit and Kathy and I look forward to her many adventutes with you!

crafterafloat said...

She's beautiful, her markings are very similar to the adorable German shepherd I had for many years.
Have fun with her.

Carol R. said...

What a sweet dog! She looks like she'll fit in to your household just perfectly.... and I'll bet that Sadie is looking down from puppy heaven and smiling.

Becky said...

I’m thrilled for you both! You needed each other! Happy trails! ๐Ÿ’•๐Ÿถ

Jacqueline said...

I hope you and your family have many wonderful years with Zoey

mangozz said...

Great news that you adopted another shelter dog! No one can replace Sadie but this adoption will be beneficial to both of you in so many ways. Zoey looks like such a sweet little dog and I am sure that you will give her the best home possible. Congrats!

Joyce Frazier said...

Zoey Jo is gorgeous and will be a great companion! Welcome Zoey Jo!

Deb said...

We had one just like her. I got her at 8 months, from the pound. She was a great dog. LOVED kids. The Shepard in her was a herder and protector. She acted all mean, but was a sweet baby. But that was ok, since she guarded the house and car and made people think twice. She was all bluff. They find us for a reason. I am on the hunt for a cat. Haven’t had the chance to look yet, but soon. And when it’s right, we (and they) know....

annie123 said...

She's beautiful. Sadie approves. The cats will adjust. I adopted a shepard mix stray. She is 12 now and truly is God's dog and the joy of my life. Thank you for choosing a shelter dog.

Cats said...

congratulations all around! I'm sure we'll be seeing lots of photos and reading a lot of fun stories about the new family member! Quiltville has a new member! and so do all of us! Cats in Carlsbad CA

Sandra Taylor said...

We also hesitated to get more dogs after we lost our two little angels but when we did, our house once again had joy! I look forward to hearing about Zoey Jo.

sue s said...

Darling dog! I love those ears!

hared said...

So happy for you all and for Zoey! Happy days await...

Unknown said...

I'm so happy for you and Zoey Jo!

Gail Topper said...

I love her! She's gorgeous. Hello Zoey. I wonder if she will try to herd your neighbor's cows!! She sure does look like the pics of Kelpies and they are working/herding dogs. Oh boy. Can't wait for more Adventures With Zoey!!!♥

JustPam said...

It will be interesting to see if she tries to herd the cows. Congratulations!

Pat said...


Lesley Duncan said...

She is gorgeous. I wondered if you would get another dog but it is so hard to be without one if you have always had one.

Leah said...

So very happy for the Hunters and Zoey Jo! She's adorable!!

Adventures await, for sure - Kelpies are super smart. Looking forward to hearing all about her as she settles in.

Alice said...

Congratulations on your new pup.

darlynn said...

Bonnie, I am so happy for you!!...and Dave (ha)
Zoey is one lucky dog. I am confident she will bring you years of joy.

Dirt Road Quilter said...

Now this makes my heart HAPPY! Looks like a perfect match. Congratulations to both of you...she's a lucky girl!

Nancy W said...

So happy for you! Congratulations! I'm looking forward to reading your posts with Zoey Jo in the future.

Katrine D said...

Oh my Bonnie, this is wonderful news in such an upsetting time. Zoey Jo is beautiful and she looks so happy to be home. I imagine Emmy Lou will establish her rightful place of Queen and all will be well. After all she has deigned to allow dogs into her space before. I am so very happy for you all and Zoey Jo will help you remember loving times with Sadie Jane.

SHALEEN said...

So happy that you have found Zoey Jo. They make such a wonderful difference in our lives.

helbelle said...

Oh my goodness, she is adorable!

Elizabettybeth said...

So glad you decided to open your heart and home to a rescue. Zoey looks just like my Rockie especially those ears. Rockie is also a rescue. They thought he was a min pin (as in miniature Doberman pincher). Although min pins are suppose to weigh only 14 pounds this guy is twice that. Very intelligent. May you have years of “life with Zoey.

dorothy said...

Oh those EYES!!! Miss ZoeyJo was meant to be yours!!! All the love and kisses she will bring! So happy for you and your hubby!

Kim Bates said...


Rhonda Albrecht said...

It was time. And you found the perfect successor, as you still have the puppy enthusiasm, without the chores of training (walking on leash, housebreaking, socialization)! That's half the battle of deciding to get another member of the household! And her personality is coming out already. She's going to fit right in, I think... part of the official greeting team for visitors to Quiltville Inn! What a perfect companion!

jhsteed said...

She's a beauty! I think all houses need a dog to make it a complete home. What love she shows you already.

Bernice said...

This makes me so happy - for you and all the Hunter family! Look forward to lots of Zoey stories in the future!

M Murphy said...

She looks so sweet! Congratulations on the newest member of the family.

Elaine/Muddling Through said...

I am very partial to black and tan dogs. We have three in varying sizes. Zoey looks a lot like our Ariel, who belonged to our daughter Ruthie who now lives in heaven. So glad you listened to the voice. She is gorgeous. Believing you will have many loving years with her.

Shiloh Nanny said...

Aaww. She's adorable and one lucky pup. I look forward to future posts about Zoey.

Susan said...

Yay!! Can't wait to hear all about Miss Zoey Jo. So glad you have time home - enjoy it to the fullest!

Lauri said...

I'm so happy for you and especially for Zoey Jo!

claudia said...

Zoey is precious! And ever so lucky to have found the perfect family! Thank you Bonnie for giving that sweet girl the loving home she deserves!

Charlotte K said...

Congratulations! Looking forward to meeting her in a few months.

ASMcBurnie said...

Congratulations on the new addition to your family. She looks like an absolute sweetie.

Jen said...

Life is better with a dog. It's just that simple.

Elaine M said...

What a great dog to bring home. She is a keeper.

K.L. said...

Bonnie, I'm soooo pleased to see you got another dog! She is a very blessed girl, and will love being in your family.

Kathy said...

Very happy for you!

Kathleen said...

Has it occurred to you that the message came from Sadie ? Maybe so :)

Dee said...

So glad you adopted from the shelter. Those are the best kind and are always very grateful.

otherussin said...

Your ZoeyJo is beautiful! I understand the one look and their yours. I'm considering getting a little dog as I don't have room for a big one. Enjoy your new baby while you have her.

JeanInMaine said...

She looks like a lovely dog, I know she'll enjoy your walks. Nice to see that she wasn't aggressive with the cat. They can be great friends once the cat adjusts to her.

Sandi1100 said...

Congrats on the new addition to your family. As hard as it is to lose a pet, it's very lonely without them.

trudys_person said...

Congratulations on Zoey Jo! We lost our cat two months ago and adopted two adult sisters last week. We're enjoying getting to know them ... I think pets are so important to emotional and physical health ...

Cindy A. said...

What a cutie! Congratulations.

Connie said...

No dog can ever replace another but they will fill the hole in your heart. I've missed hearing about Sadie but didn't want to tell you and make you sad. And now we'll hear all the new adventures of Zoey Jo! The cats will come around - just need to put Zoey in her place. Before you know it they'll be cozying up together.

Beth in TN said...

What a cute pup! If you're really curious about her lineage, you can do the doggie DNA test. Our granddog had some unexpected "parts" in her makeup, but they explained a lot about her disposition.

Unknown said...

Even though I read you EVERY day YESTERDAY (travel cancellation) and TODAY have got to be the BEST news!!!! We are dealing with avoiding groups and gatherings and church with sadness but determination for reasons you so eloquently stated.... in addition we are loosing our neighborhood 'grand dog' who has blessed us this winter with his love and kisses BUT who now
is moving to another place and will leave a whole in our hearts.... so happy you made the right decisions for the right reasons and that your reward is this adorable puppy ....BLESS YOU hugs prue

Tanya Quilts in CO said...

I am so happy for you both! She looks like the perfect companion on so many levels. Congratulations!

Pat said...

It's what makes you happy, congratulations

Unknown said...

0she looks like our old Zac( r.i.p) a New Zealand huntaway used as a farm dog, they have a lovely nature

tealeafquilts said...

Isn't it amazing how a house fills up with love when a Dog comes home? We love our pets!

Kay said...

So happy for the Hunter family. Zoey has such a sweet face, and those ears are adorable. Y'all will have so many adventures together.

Wendy said...

She looks like my childhood best friend, John Henry. He was really good at hide and seek!

Deb L (Australia) said...

Hi Bonnie, I think you scored a great dog there. It's amazing what you can get from a photo on the internet. That's how I found my wonder dog. I have a kelpie cross and he is besotted with the ball. Love a game of catch especially in the air on the full. Zoey shines a happy personality. A great addition to the family while still keeping Sadie's memory alive.

Susan said...

Congratulations! She's beautiful!!! So glad you found each other ❤๐Ÿ™‚

Helen T. said...

My heart swells with such happiness for you and Zoey Jo. She is a beauty!

Laine said...

Our family had a dog JUST like Miss Zoey, named Pucky. He was so loyal, and friendly to the very end. Also found as a stray when he was young. We had no idea where he came from - he honestly just showed up on the porch one day. Have fun falling in love! :)

scrappy101 said...

So happy you do not need to travel and for your addition to the family. Looking forward to hearing the adventures of Zoey Jo.

Carolyn Edwards said...

I am so thrilled for Zoey Jo and the
whole Hunter family including the fur babies. I can’t wait to see all her adventures

Donna Endresen said...

Welcome to Zoey Jo!
My Thursday I did homework for my Saturday Quilting class (making a Riviera bag). I had to fuse interfacings to the lining of the bag, make and attach row pockets to one side, fuse top zipper flaps, zipper pull tabs, etc. Today I baked for the class tomorrow.

Social distancing will take effect kinda after tomorrow. Living in Rural AK we do not have a problem. Plus, our only positive case so far has been a foreign national transitioning through the Air Cargo terminal at Anchorage, and he self isolated himself, contacted authorities (state and local hospital, where he was tested). He is now in self quarantine and not seriously ill. We know it won't last, but hopefully we will be fine for a couple more weeks any way!

Enjoy your time getting to know Zoey Jo, and having the down time not teaching (Better to be safe than sorry). Happy almost spring, for you guys.

Kasilof, AK
Where we still have lots of snow!

Kerry said...

Wonderful! What a pretty girl, maybe as a stray she was just wandering around trying to find you! Happy days for you all.

Els Duyts said...

congrats with your new baby. She looks adorable. It looks like she already feels right at home. Looking forward to follow your and her next adventures

Ellen T. said...

Who rescued who? Both of you are lucky.

Lynette W said...

So happy for both of you.... you rescued her and what she will give you has only just started. ๐Ÿ’•๐Ÿ’•congratulations!! ๐Ÿถ๐Ÿถ

Donna P. said...

Congratulations on your newly found family member! Very happy for you!

Barbara D said...

awwww... what a sweetie who called to you. Furbabies sure can help remind us about just what's most important to do right now: enjoy the now

Mary said...

Best time to listen to that inner voice. Fun to see the reaction to the Cats in your house and QPO. Enjoy your Zoey Jo walks.

Cristina Soares said...

Congratulations on your new friend. My family adopted Zig a month ago and we've been very happy ever since. I already had dogs years ago and, when they died, I said I would never have them again. But they are necessary friends and my family renewed themselves emotionally and spiritually with Zig! I wish you many divine blessings!

Rosemary B❤️ said...

Zoey Jo looks very content. I am so happy you went to her and brought her home.

Katherine said...

Looks a lot like Ace, my niece's dog. Great traveler, loyal to a fault. He's lived in England, NC, Oklahoma and now Phoenix. I can picture Zoey in the passenger seat next to you. Enjoy your new friend.

Amy said...

I can see a black and camel Zoey Jo quilt:)
Congratulations to you all. What a happy addition.

Kathy said...

Zoey is one lucky dog! Congratulations!

Jill McConville said...

Awwww. Zoey Jo is adorable! I just said goodbye to my puppy last weekend. She was 16 years and 2 months old. My heart is still broken. But someday...maybe...there will be room for a Zoey Jo. Give her a big belly rub from me. I am sure she will bring you lots of love and Joy!

Dixie said...

We’re signing up for heartbreak,
We know one day we’ll rue it.
But oh the way our life lights up
The years a dog runs through it.
“Envoi,” by Linda Pastan, from a book titled “A Dog Runs Through It.”

Ginny A said...

OMGosh! What a sweet , happy face! I know she will be so happy with your family! I'm just so tickled for you all! Enjoy!

Cathy said...

Wow! That could be our dog gunner. Adopted 7 years ago and have never looked back. Our is shepherd and rottie. Wonderfully smart and stubborn. They look like litter mates. Listen to that voice.

Diana G. said...

Same!!! <3

Kathy said...

How about "ZeeJay" for short? "Come for a walk, ZJ!"

Beth B said...

Such a sweetie! It makes me miss my baby so much. He passed a year ago but he had lived a good long life at 17.5 years old. This is the longest I have been without a dog in the last 55 years.

Peggy Butts said...

Me too! You can tell how happy she is to be "home".

45th Parallel Quilter said...

She is adorable and it is NO ACCIDENT that you found each other. Sadie Jane is at Rainbow Bridge and seeing your heart needs healing … so she sent Zoey Jo to you. I truly, truly, truly believe our pets put replacement ones to love in our paths after they have to leave us. She is adorable and while I will always miss seeing Sadie Jane on your posts I'm looking forward to new adventures with Zoey Jo. Much happiness to you all!! Linda

k9dancer said...

She sure looks like a Kelpie to me. A very good friend had a Kelpie named Gloria, who looked very much like Zoey Jo. Gloria never met a toy she didn't like, & Gloria was in charge of all dog games. She was the BFF of my dog, Charity, a DobieSomething. Both girls have passed now, but theirs was a friendship that was eternal. You are in for some good times!

Unknown said...

I'm so happy for her and you. She's adorable and looks right at home. Now aren't you glad you listened to that little voice :)

Stevie said...

I'm so happy for you and Zoey Jo. She looks like a very intelligent pup.

Anne Hayward said...

ZoeyJo is so cute I’m sure she will be a wonderful addition to the Hunter household
Love and quilty hugs
Anne xxx

Cheryl's Teapots2Quilting said...

Welcome Zoey Jo! See, there was a GREAT reason that you didn't go on the trip. Zoey and you needed each other. You are safe from germs, and Zoey has a new home. Things work out.

Shirley said...

Love this. ❤️๐Ÿงก๐Ÿ’š๐Ÿ’œ๐Ÿ’™๐Ÿ’›

sue bennett said...

What a sweetie. I had a Zoey. Great name.

Carol Nye said...

I am so glad to hear that you have a new puppy, in your life! I was thinking, just yesterday, when the "kids" came trotting down the stairs, "The pitter-patter of tiny feet is so wonderful!!
Congratulations! Take some much needed time to smell the flowers and bond with Zoey!

Quiltgal said...

So thrilled you have another furry friend in your life. They a spot in your heart like nothing else can. I am sure Sadie would be happy that you made another little girl a happy pet.

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